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1127 Atlantic Blvd ROOF21-0049 silicone roof coating permit
OWNER:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: DEWITT B TILDEN MEMORIAL POST #316 INC AMERICAN LEGION ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233-2516 COMPANY:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: DUBO ROOFING CO P O BOX 10252 FLEMING ISLAND FL 32006 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: REAL ESTATE NUMBER:ZONING:BUILDING USE GROUP:SUBDIVISION: 170711 0000 ATLANTIC BEACH SEC H JOB ADDRESS:PERMIT TYPE:DESCRIPTION: VALUE OF WORK: 1127 ATLANTIC BLVD ROOF NON SHINGLE SILICONE ROOF COATING $20858.00 FEES LIST OF CONDITIONS Roll off container company must be on City approved list . Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. 1 BUILDING ROOF IN-PROGRESS INSPECTION REQUIRED INFORMATIONAL Notes: a. The roof sheathing for all new construction must remain uncovered until the Roof Sheathing Inspection is approved. b. All roofing projects require an In-Progress Inspection. c. Sheathing installation and replacement guidelines per APA. d. Underlayment must conform to FBC-R Table 905.1.1 e. Shingles must conform to ASTM D3161 G or H, or ASTM D7158 F NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. MUST CALL INSPECTION PHONE LINE (904) 247-5814 BY 4 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE CURRENT 6TH EDITION (2017) OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, NEC, IPMC, AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES . ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPLY, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. 1 of 2Issued Date: 9/20/2021 PERMIT NUMBER ROOF21-0049 ISSUED: 9/20/2021 EXPIRES: 3/19/2022 ROOF NON SHINGLE PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT BLDG 2ND PLAN REVIEW FEE 455-0000-322-1006 0 $50.00 BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $155.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $77.50 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $4.24 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $2.83 TOTAL: $289.57 2 of 2Issued Date: 9/20/2021 PERMIT NUMBER ROOF21-0049 ISSUED: 9/20/2021 EXPIRES: 3/19/2022 ROOF NON SHINGLE PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Final Plumbing Final Electrical Final HVAC CC Final Final Building* Swimming Pool Steel Swimming Pool Safety Electrical Grounding & Bonding Swimming Pool Final (Bldg) Swimming Pool Final (PW) Formed Columns/ Beams* Masonry Cell Fill Structural Steel* OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: Power Pole Silt Fence Piers/ Stem Walls Underground Plumbing Underground Electric Foundation/ Footing Slab** Retaining Wall Footing Driveway Sewer (Building Dept) Sewer Tap (Utilities Dept) Rough Electric* Rough Plumbing/ Top Out* Rough Mechanical* House Wrap Wall Sheathing Roof Sheathing Tie-down Framing Connections Rough Framing Roofing In Progress Window/Door In-Progress Insulation Ceiling Insulation Wall Exterior Lath Stucco Scratch Coat Exterior Siding In-Progress Brick Flashing & Ties Early Power Gas Rough Gas Final* * When all rough electric, plumbing, mechanical are complete but before any work is covered up. * When all gas piping is complete and wallboard is installed but before gas is attached to any appliance. All outlets must be capped and pipe pressurized at a minimum of 15 lbs. * For new living space: When all construction work including electrical, plumbing, mechanical, exterior finish, grading, required paving and landscaping is complete and the building is ready for occupancy, but before being occupied Additional inspections may apply to your project if your project contains these elements: INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMITS To verify compliance with building codes, inspections of the work authorized are required at various points of the construction. The following inspections are typically required for residential projects: Date: Initial: Date: Initial: _____________________________________________________ Permit Type ____________________________________________________ Permit No. __________________________________________________________ Job Address ____________________________________________________ Contractor POST THIS CARD WITH PERMITS AND PERMIT DOCUMENTATION IN FRONT OF BUILDING Construction Hours per City Code: 7am—7pm Weekdays; 9am—7pm Weekends Building Department Public Works/Utilities Fire Department Phone: 904-247-5826 Phone: 904-247-5834 Phone: 904-630-4789 Fax: 904-247-5845 Fax: 904-247-5843 Fax: 904-630-4203 * When forms and reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, sleeves and inserts, and all electrical, plumbing and mechanical work is in place, but before concrete is poured. * When all structural steel members are in place and all connections are complete, but before such work is covered or concealed. ** FORM BOARD ELEVATION CERTIFICATE MUST BE ON-SITE FOR SLAB INSPECTION Permit Number: ROOF21-0049 Site Address: 1127 ATLANTIC BLVD City, State Zip Code: ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Applied: 7/22/2021 Approved: Issued: Parent Permit: Parent Project: Applicant: <NONE> Owner: DEWITT B TILDEN MEMORIAL POST Contractor: <NONE> Description: SILICONE ROOF COATING Finaled: Status: RECEIVED Details: LIST OF REVIEWS SENT DATE RETURNED DATE DUE DATE TYPE CONTACT STATUS REMARKS Review Group: AUTO 7/22/2021 7/22/2021 SUBMITTAL COMPLETENESS Permit Tech APPROVED Notes: 2 ATTACHMENTS from duboroofing@dubo.net 7/22/2021 8/3/2021 8/5/2021 BUILDING Building DENIED Notes: Correction Comments: 1. All non-shingled roofing permits shall go through plan review in Atlantic Beach, FL. 2. Please submit the Florida Product Approval Number for the product to be applied to the existing roof system, or the Notice of Acceptance and the Evaluation Report for the product to be installed/applicated. 3. Resubmittals may generate other review comments. 4. The link to the revision/correction form is : http://coab.us/DocumentCenter/View/10495/Revision-Request-Correction-to-Comments-Route-Sheet- v20181017?bidId= 5. The email address to send resubmittals is : Building-dept@coab.us Printed: Wednesday, 04 August, 2021 1 of 1 Permit Reviews City of Atlantic Beach Revision Request/ Co rrectio n to Co m m ents * * A L L l N F O R M A T lO N H lG H L lG H T E D l N City of Atlantic Beach Building Departm ent FGG Se m ino le Rd, At la ntic Beach, FL JKKJJ Phone: (OGP) KPR-TFKU Email: Building-Dept@ coab.us G R A Y lS R EQ U lR E D . PERM lT #: RO O FK]-OOPg n Revision to lssued Permit O R Project A dd ress n corrections to comments Date :OF/OP/KGK] ]]KRAt]an]icB]vdi]]antic Bei hiF]ondaJK Contractor/Contact Name: DUBO Roofing Co^D/ Otis A^DuncanDJr^ D D D^ D D DD D Co. / Otis A. Duncan, Jr C o n t a ct P h o n e (OGP)JOU-]FFO . .. (. Email: duboroofing@dubo^net d d d d d dd d dddd: dd Description of Proposed Revision / Corrections p ressure wash existing roof and PreP p p p . p p p p: p . ppp: roof and N o A - ]F-oOKT-oR Approva' date ]]s /]F expiration date ]KN UN J (see aNached) NN NNN N N N N NNN:NN:NN.N N N' :<<N. ]K/KU/KJ (see attached) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l DUBO Roofing Co^D/ Otis A^DuncanDJr^ affirm the revision/correction to comments is inclusive of the proposed changes (printed nam e ) . W ill proposed revision/ corrections add additional square footage to original subm ittal? n No n Yes (additional s.f to be added ) L jHOU na lon n ;i : . ill pro po sed revisio n/ co rrect io ns add add itio na l increase in building value to o rigina l subm ittal? No n *Yes (additional increase in building value: $ ) (c tormustsign iflntreaseinvaluatlon) O Approved (O ffice Use O nly) G Denied G Not Applicable to Department Pe rm it Fee D ue $ R e v i s i o n / P l a n R e v i e w C o m m e n t s - ------------------- De pa rt m e nt Rev iew Req u ired Bu ild ing Pla n n ing & Zo ning T r e e A d m i n ist r a t o r Rev iew ed By P u b lic W o r k s P u b lic U t i lit ie s Pu blic Safety F i r e S e r v ic e s D a t e Up do ted ]G/ l R/ ]F Build ing Pe rm it A pplicat io n City of A t la nt ic Bea ch Bu ild ing Depa rt m e nt 899 Sem ino le Ro ad, At lantic Beach, FL ?@@?? Pho ne : (C9D) @DF-H8@I Em ail: Buildine-Dept @ coab.us Updoted P9/ C/ P8 . t A U lN F O R M A T lO N H lG H L lG H T E D l N G R A Y lS R EQ U l R E D . Job Address: PP@F A la ntic B P d . P la ntic B e a c h . F L ?@@?? Permit Number: Legal Oescript io n Atk ntic Beach Sec n a b cks PD.l H,PI.PF.P8 EX PT RNV recd OlR CHCOD8P R E# PF 9 F P P-OOOO Valuation of Work (Replacement Cost) S @9.8H8.OO Heated/ Cooled Sf F89O Non- Heatedi Cooled FC@? .Classof Work: ONew OAddition 9Alteration epair OMove 9Demo 9Pool 9Window/Door .Use of existing/ proposed structure(s) Co m m e rcia l O Resid e ntia l .lf an existing st ruct ure, is a fire sprinkler system installedF O Y e s O N o ROOF21-0049 l N O T lC E O F C O M M E N C E M E N T P e rm it N o . State of: T a x Fo l i o N o . C o unty of D uv a l The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain raal property, and in accordance with C hapE r FGH, Flo rida Statutes , the follow ing informatio n is provided in this Notice of C om m encem ent G L E G A L OE SC R lPT lO N O F PR O P E R TY being im proved: R E # GTOFGG-OOOO GPH Q-HP-RS-REE R^OET Atlantic Beach Sec H Blocks GQiGXiGYiGFiGP (EX PT G RECD O/R EXEQE PG Address of property being improved GGRF ATLA NTiC B LVD, A TLA NTlC B EA C H. FLO R lDA HRRHH R. CENERAL DESCRlPTlON OF lMPROVEMENT rZQ . r odf Prr $ ure cd a sh RKis] roof d p r tp S p rO-L> r Sll i Co n c r oY/ Coa t , OVev e n f Fr c n-J H O W N E R lN F O R M A T lO N O R L E S S E E lN F O R M A T lO N lF T H E L E S S E E C O N T R A C T E D F O R T H E lM P R O V E M E N T NAME: D t ;cG ;// w Lc/Kz ADDREss: / ' diRz J;VF gl l/ E A a i ' . f Hi O w ne r's inte rest in property F E E S lM P LE F ee S i m p l e T i t l e h o l d e r ( if ot h e r t h a n ow n e r) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ A d d re s s _ _ Q GO NT RA CTO R 'S NA M E . DUB O R o ofi na Co . Address P.O. Box GTRXR. Flem ina ls land, FL HRTTY P h o n e S OQ H E Y -GP P E E m a il d u b o r o o fi n d u b o n e t X S U R E r T (if applica ble , a copy of the payment bond is attached) N a m e Address P h o n e N o - - - - - - - - - - - - -_A m o u n t of B o n d $ F Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Sed ion F GH GH(G)(a )F , F lorida S tatutes N a m e - - A d d r e s s P ho ne N o - - - - - - - _ F a x No - P ln ad ditio n to him se lf o r he rse lf, O Sectio n FGH l H(G)(b), F lorida Statute! Doc # RTRGGPFYGT T R B K GEPRY Page GPTS, N um ber Pages G R e c o rd e d OF i R G i R T R G T E GY A M J O D Y P H l L L l P S C L E R K C l R C U lT C O U R T D U V A L C O U N T Y R E C O R D lN G $ GT T T N a m e A d d re s s P h o n e N o ce a s provided i n S E x pira tio n da te of N o tice of C o m rr different date is specified) - - - - reco rding unless a WARNlNG TO OWNER ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OW NER AFTER THE EXPlRATlON OF THE NOTlCE OF GOMMENCEMENT ARE CONSlDERED lMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER FGH, PART l, SECTlON FGH GH, FLORlDA SATUTES, AND CAN RESULT lN YOUR PAYlNG M lCE FOR lMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROERW A NOTlCE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SlTE BEFORE THE FlRST lNSPECTlON lF YOU lNTEND TO OBTAlN FlNANClNG, CONSULT WlTH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENClNG WORK OR RECORDlNG YO UR NOT lC E O F CO MME NC E MENF ' l - (H nTN E R NER DATE Authorized O cer/Director/Partner/Manager , ,RT'ca C_ lntheCountyOf OOJSl ppeared, ttm Ci,tP , ZRZ n s that all statements and ded arafions herein are true and accurate d / \ loi da , County of ROOF21-0049 NOA No.: 18-0925.07 Expiration Date: 12/26/23 Approval Date: 11/08/18 Page 1 of 4 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786)315-2590 F (786) 31525-99 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/economy Insulating Coatings Corporation 956 Highway 41 South Inverness, FL 34450 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: ASTEC 2000 Liquid Applied Roof System over Recover Deck. LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews NOA # 13-1010.05 and consists of pages 1 through 4. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. NOA No.: 18-0925.07 Expiration Date: 12/26/23 Approval Date: 11/08/18 Page 2 of 4 ROOFING SYSTEM APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Liquid Applied Membrane Deck Type: Recover Material: Elastomeric Maximum Design Pressure: See Specific Deck Assembly TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: TABLE 1 Product Dimensions Test Specification Product Description Astec 2000 Finish Coat 1, 5, 55 gallons ASTM D 6083 A white acrylic based elastomeric industrial coating. Astec 2000 Base Coat 1, 5, 55 gallons Proprietary A base coat used to seal and saturate the existing substrate and to create a monolithic bonding surface. Astec Rinseable Primer 1, 5, 55 gallons Proprietary A primer used to clear and remove surface residue from the existing substrate. Astec B-16-71Metal Primer 1, 5, 55 gallons Proprietary A primer used to neutralize and halt rust corrosion from the existing metal substrate. Reinforcing Mesh Various Proprietary Polyester cloth reinforcement for use over seams. APPROVED INSULATIONS: TABLE 2 Product Name Product Description Manufacturer (With Current NOA) N/A N/A N/A APPROVED FASTENERS: TABLE 3 Fastener Number Product Description Dimension Manufacturer (With Current NOA) 1. N/A N/A N/A N/A EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date Factory Mutual Research Corp 4D0A9.AM FM 4470 07/06/98 PRI Asphalt Technologies, Inc. ICC-001-02-01 ASTM D6083 02/09/01 ICC-004-02-02 ASTM C1549 ASTM C1371 06/30/04 HRIR-002-02-01 ASTM D6083 ASTM D903 02/01/03 PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC ICC-011-02-01 TAS 114-D 11/05/13 Intertek Testing services NA Inc. 100978606MID-001 ASTM E108 12/18/12 NOA No.: 18-0925.07 Expiration Date: 12/26/23 Approval Date: 11/08/18 Page 3 of 4 APPROVED ASSEMBLIES: Membrane Type: Liquid Applied Membrane Deck Type 7: Recover, Non–Insulated Deck Description: Concrete/Lightweight Concrete/Wood/Steel/Gypsum/Cementitious Wood Fiber System Type F: Astec 2000 system applied directly to existing Metal, Granular SBS Modified Bitumen, EPDM, PVC and TPO roof systems. All General and System Limitations apply. Substrate Preparation: Substrate shall be clean, dry, smooth, and free of voids, spalled areas, laitance, honeycombs, and sharp protrusions. Refer to manufacturer specifications for additional surface preparation requirements. Base Coat: Apply the first coat of Astec 2000 Base Coat at a minimum rate of 1.0 gal./ 100ft² onto the deck. Must be back rolled when applied by Spray. First coat must be allowed to dry for 2 to 4 hour before proceeding. Inspect identify and backfill any pin holing that may be present in the first coat. Inspect surface area to confirm it is dry and free of all moisture, dirt, dust and debris. Apply the second coat of Astec 2000 Base Coat at a minimum rate of .75 gal./ 100ft² and embed one ply of Reinforcng Mesh laid into the wet base coat with 4” side laps making sure the mesh lays smooth, avoiding wrinkles and fishmouths. Inspect surface area to confirm it is dry and free of all moisture, dirt, dust and debris. Apply the third Coat of Astec 2000 Base Coat at a minimum rate of .75 gal./ 100ft² onto the Reinforcing Mesh. Inspect surface area to confirm it is dry and free of all moisture, dirt, dust and debris. Finish Coat: Spray the first coat of Astec 2000 Finish Coat at a minimum rate of .75 gal./ 100ft² onto the base coat. Spray the second coat of Astec 2000 Finish Coat at a minimum rate of .75 gal./ 100ft² onto the base coat. The second coat should be sprayed in a perpendicular orientation to how the first coat of the finish coat was sprayed The Astec 2000 Multi-Layer Coating System will result in a total minimum of 4 gallons per 100ft² resulting in no less than 30 mils dry film thickness. Maximum Design Pressure: As Determined by onsite TAS 124 Uplift Test NOA No.: 18-0925.07 Expiration Date: 12/26/23 Approval Date: 11/08/18 Page 4 of 4 RECOVER DECK SYSTEM LIMITATIONS: 1. All System Limitations and General Limitations shall apply. See specific deck type Notice of Acceptance for deck type System Limitations. GENERAL LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance, refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2. Insulation may be installed in multiple layers. The first layer shall be attached in compliance with Product Control Approval guidelines. All other layers shall be adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 lbs./sq., or mechanically attached using the fastening pattern of the top layer. 3. All standard panel sizes are acceptable for mechanical attachment. When applied in approved asphalt and/or adhesives panel size shall be 4' x 4' maximum. 4. An overlay and/or recovery board insulation panel is required on all applications over closed cell foam insulations when the base sheet is fully mopped. If no recovery board is used the base sheet shall be applied using spot mopping with approved asphalt, 12" diameter circles, 24" o.c.; or strip mopped 8" ribbons in three rows, one at each sidelap and one down the center of the sheet allowing a continuous area of ventilation. Encircling of the strips is not acceptable. A 6" break shall be placed every 12' in each ribbon to allow cross ventilation. Asphalt application of either system shall be at a minimum rate of 12 lbs./sq. Note: Spot attached systems shall be limited to a maximum design pressure of -45 psf. 5. Fastener spacing for insulation attachment is based on a Minimum Characteristic Force (F') value of 275 lbf., as tested in compliance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105. If the fastener value, as field- tested, are below 275 lbf. insulation attachment shall not be acceptable. 6. Fastener spacing for mechanical attachment of anchor/base sheet or membrane attachment is based on a minimum fastener resistance value in conjunction with the maximum design value listed within a specific system. Should the fastener resistance be less than that required, as determined by the Building Official, a revised fastener spacing, prepared, signed and sealed by a Florida registered Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Registered Roof Consultant may be submitted. Said revised fastener spacing shall utilize the withdrawal resistance value taken from Testing Application Standards TAS 105 and calculations in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. 7. Perimeter and corner areas shall comply with the enhanced uplift pressure requirements of these areas. Fastener densities shall be increased for both insulation and base sheet as calculated in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. Calculations prepared, signed and sealed by a Florida registered Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Registered Roof Consultant (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation #9 will not be applicable.) 8. All attachment and sizing of perimeter nailers, metal profile, and/or flashing termination designs shall conform with Roofing Application Standard RAS 111 and applicable wind load requirements. 9. The maximum designed pressure limitation listed shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (i.e. field, perimeters, and corners). Neither rational analysis, nor extrapolation shall be permitted for enhanced fastening at enhanced pressure zones (i.e. perimeters, extended corners and corners). (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation #7 will not be applicable.) 10. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 9N-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE ASTEC ® Re-Ply™ Roof System for METAL ROOFS Application Specification # AC-MR-15© PART I - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This guideline specification includes the installation of the fluid applied ASTEC® Re-Ply™ System. The process effectively repairs defects in the aged roof and renews the weathered surface to extend the useful life of the roofing system. B. Work included is labor, materials, equipment and accessories and related services to complete the application in accordance with guidelines and details as approved by ASTEC® Re-Ply™. C. This guideline does not specifically outline application procedures for preparation and finishing of roof drains, vents, ductwork, flashings, parapet walls or sheet metal work. This scope of work shall be submitted by the con-tractor prior to the commencement of work and shall be performed utilizing published trade related practices. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A.Manufacturer Qualifications: ASTEC® Re-Ply™ will furnish upon request, certification the material meets the physical properties stated in this guideline. B.Contractor Qualifications: All work to be completed must be done by an ASTEC® Re-Ply™ preferred applicator. C.No deviation from this guideline will be accepted without prior written approval of ASTEC® Re-Ply™. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A.All projects requiring ASTEC® Re-Ply System Turn Key Warranties must be submitted prior to commencement of work. B.Consult SDS and Product Data Guideline for each product used before beginning work. SDS and product Specifications for each product are available at either www.icc-astec.com or from an ICC representative. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A.Deliver SDS for each product specified. Consult SDS and Product Data Guideline for each product used before beginning work. B. Containers are to be labeled with manufacturer’s name, product name, description and identification. C.Deliver material in original, unopened packages and containers. D. Store materials in a dry area above 40° and protect from water and direct sunlight. E. Any materials damaged in handling or storage must NOT be used. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS (CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS) A. All NEW mechanical equipment, vents, skylights, etc., should be in place before the roof restoration system is installed. B. Coatings should be protected from traffic and other abuse until completely cured and installation is complete. C. Application of coatings with spray equipment may require some masking and possible erection of wind screens to prevent over-spray and drift damage. Protect surfaces of unrelated areas from coatings and over- spray possibility. D. Application shall proceed on dry, clean surfaces only. In planning work consider environment and weather related conditions such as frost, mist, dew, condensation, humidity, and temperature. Temperature should be above 50°F. and rising, and stay above 40°F. long enough for initial cure to occur, moisture should not be imminent. E. A wet surface or a surface that is not thoroughly cured can be very slippery. All work environments should comply with current OSHA regulations. 1.06 WARRANTY A.ASTEC® Re-Ply™ Roofing Systems warrants that materials provided are free from defects in manufacturing and will replace any material found to be defective. B.All ASTEC® Re-Ply™ Turn Key Warranty Systems must be installed by an authorized and trained contractor. Contact ASTEC® Re-Ply™ Representative or Technical Department for details regarding new and renewable warranty program. PART 2 – PRODUCTS A.The components of the coating system are to be products of ASTEC® Re-Ply™ or products approved as compatible and/or approved equal. B. Physical Properties of Cured Roofing System: Testing of the coating system shall be done using guidelines under ASTM-D6083, “Standard Specification for Liquid Applied Acrylic Coating Used In Roofing”. 2.01 ASTEC® RE-PLY™ 4000 SURFACE CONDITIONER (REQUIRED IN CHALKY SURFACE CONDITIONS) A.See Data Sheet 2.02 ASTEC® RE-PLY™ B-16-71 METAL PRIMER (REQUIRED IN CORROSION CONDITIONS) A. See Data Sheet 2.03 ASTEC® RE-PLY™ WPM 9 A. See Data Sheet 2.04 ASTEC® RE-PLY™ WPM 9 BRUSH & ROLL GRADE A. See Data Sheet 2.05 ASTEC® RE-PLY™ FIBERED WPM 10 A. See Data Sheet 2.06 ASTEC® RE-PLY™ 900 CERAMIC FINISH A. See Data Sheet 2.07 ASTEC® RE-PLY™ 2000 FINISH A. See Data Sheet 1.05 Job Conditions cont. 2.08 REINFORCING FABRIC A.See Data Sheet 2.09 BUTYL-BACKED TAPE A.See Data Sheet 2.10 RELATED MATERIALS A. Caulks, adhesives, thinners, primers, flashing materials and products of a similar nature shall be approved by the manufacturer of the ASTEC® Re-Ply™ System prior to use. All accepted materials should be applied in accor-dance with its manufacturer’s specification and recommendations. NOTE: See Product Data Guidelines for additional information and detailed instruction on each product. PART 3 - APPLICATION 3.01 SUBSTRATE INSPECTION A.An acceptable substrate shall be provided to receive the ASTEC® Re-Ply™ Metal Roof System. B. The roof surface must be clean, dry and over-all structurally sound. C.Inspect the metal roof surface for loose fasteners, seam separation, repair areas (including asphalt and silicone and acrylic caulking) and chalking. Inspect flashing details, seams, patches, expansion joints, terminations, and transitions. Determine which areas may not be watertight or structurally sound and in need of repair or replacement. D.If a structurally sound, stable, well secured, surface cannot be ensured the roof is not acceptable to receive the ASTEC® Re- Ply™ Metal Roof System. 3.02 SURFACE PREPARATION & CLEANING A.Fasteners, screws and fastening devices are first tightened or replaced so that all metal sections are firmly held and all joining sections closed. B.Pressure wash to achieve a clean, dry surface free of dirt, debris or other contaminants. Some surfaces may require additional passes of pressure washing to ensure adhesion of the ASTEC® Re-Ply™ Metal Roof System. C.Previously coated surfaces, including aluminum silver flake coatings, may require the application of ASTEC 4000 Surface Conditioner prior to the ASTEC® Re-Ply™ coating application. ASTEC® 4000 Surface Condi- tioner must be applied at a rate of 200-250 square feet per cut gallon and dry 1-2 hours prior to the application of other coatings. 3.03 COATING APPLICATIONS A.Prime all corroded surfaces. Scaling rust is first removed by scraping or by mechanical wire brush. Follow with a minimum two-coat application of ASTEC® B-16-71 Metal Primer applied to the roof surface at a minimum average cover-age rate of 300 square feet per gallon per coat in rusted areas resulting in a Dry Film Thickness (DFT) of 6mils. B.Waterproof all fasteners with ASTEC® WPM 9 B & R waterproofing membrane, forming a watertight seal completely around the fastener. C.Waterproof horizontal seams with 4” wide reinforcing fabric embedded into an 8” wide wet coat of ASTEC® WPM 9 B&R. Use 4” or wider reinforcing fabric with ASTEC® WPM 9 B&R on joints, protrusions, vents & flashings. In all cases apply reinforcing fabric with a brush or roller to avoid wrinkles or gaps between the material and the surface. The fabric may be cut and overlaid. 4” BBT (butyl backed tape) is an alternative to the first coat of ASTEC® WPM 9 B&R and re-inforcing fabric. In either case, all treated areas receive a second coat of ASTEC® WPM 9 B&R overlapping 2” each side at an average rate of 82 square feet per gallon per coat resulting in a DFT of 12 mils. BBT and reinforcing fabric must be coated on the same day with ASTEC® WPM 9 B&R. 3.03 Coating Applications cont. D.Waterproof vertical seams with 2” wide reinforcing fabric embedded in a 4” wide wet coat of ASTEC® WPM 9 B&R spread along the seams. Cover cloth with a second coat of ASTEC® WPM 9 B&R overlapping 1” on each side at an average rate of 82 square feet per gallon per coat resulting in a DFT of 12 mils. For standing vertical seams see notes below. *2” BBT (butyl backed tape) is an alternative to the first coat of ASTEC® WPM 9 B&R and reinforcing fabric. In either case, all treated areas receive a second coat of ASTEC® WPM9 B&R overlapping 2” each side at an average rate of 82 square feet per gallon per coat resulting in a DFT of 12 mils. BBT and reinforcing fabric must be coated on the same day with ASTEC® WPM 9 B&R. An alternative use of ASTEC® Fibered WPM 10 is available. E.Using commercial airless spray equipment, spray apply 2 coats of ASTEC® 900 Ceramic Finish or ASTEC® 2000 Finish over the entire roof at an average coverage rate of 100 square feet per gallon per coat. Second coat should be sprayed in an opposite direction to ensure that both sides of the corrugation are uniformly covered, resulting in a final coverage of no less than 18 mils DFT (equal to a combined coverage rate of 50 square feet per gallon) PROTECTION AND CLEAN-UP PROTECTION A.The roof system and all components must be protected from all other trades at the job site. B.All damage to the system must be repaired to comply with ASTEC® Re-Ply™ ® guidelines prior to final inspection for warranty approval. The cost of all related repairs will be the sole responsibility of the trades and/or subcontractors responsible for the damages. CLEAN-UP A. Site clean up is the responsibility of the contractor. B. All debris, containers, materials, equipment, and protection materials must be removed from the premises and properly disposed of. All work and storage areas must be in an undamaged and acceptable condition upon completion of clean up. DETAIL WORK A. The purpose of this specification is to act as a guideline and is not intended to extensively describe preparation procedures, scope of work to drains, ductwork, skylights, flashings, parapets, copings, scuppers, etc. This work should be the result of consultation with contractors, manufacturer’s representatives and end-users prior to commencement of the project and shall be performed using standard and acceptable trade practices. NOTES 1.Heavy rust will require more ASTEC® B-16-71 Metal Primer. Consult your ICC Representative. 2.Standing seam roofs do not require application to vertical seams. Please consult with your ICC Representative for more information. 3.Skylights may require the application of ASTEC® 2541 Skylight sealer. See product specifications for ASTEC® 2541 Skylight Sealer. 4.ASTEC® 2000 Finish MUST BE APPLIED in the States of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana 5.Tinting of any ASTEC® products must be approved by ICC. Failure to do so may invalidate manufacturer backed warranties. 6.Renewable Warranty Process – follow guidelines for substrate inspection and surface preparation/cleaning found in section 3.01 & 3.02 that are applicable to the existing warranted system. Upon completion of the inspection and surface preparation follow guidelines found in “Coatings Application” Section 3.03 E. Consult your ICC Representative for additional information. All materials in this document are, unless otherwise stated, the property of Insulating Coatings Corp. Copyright and other intellectual property laws protect these materials. © Copyright 2018 Contact information: Insulating Coatings Corp. dba ASTEC Re-Ply Roof Systems Northern Office 27 Link Drive Suite D Binghamton, NY 13904 (800) 223-8494 (607) 723-1727 Southern Office 956 S. US Highway 41 Inverness, FL 34450 (800) 345-5306 (352) 726-2726 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY PAID PermitTRAK $289.57 ROOF21-0049 Address: 1127 ATLANTIC BLVD APN: 170711 0000 $289.57 BLDG SUBSEQUENT PLAN REVIEW FEES $50.00 BLDG 2ND PLAN REVIEW FEE 455-0000-322-1006 0 $50.00 BUILDING $155.00 BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $155.00 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW $77.50 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $77.50 STATE SURCHARGES $7.07 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $4.24 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $2.83 TOTAL FEES PAID BY RECEIPT: R17229 $289.57 Printed: Monday, September 20, 2021 4:29 PM Date Paid: Monday, September 20, 2021 Paid By: Otis A. Duncan, Jr Pay Method: CREDIT CARD 514825290 1 of 1 Cashier: JJ Cash Register Receipt City of Atlantic Beach Receipt Number R17229