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07-08-21 CESM Meetingr., Iti, MINUTES Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting Thursday, July 8, 2021 - 2:00 PM 119',- Commission Chamber Present: Suzanne Green, Special Magistrate Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement(CE) Officer Kim Flower, Records Clerk 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Magistrate Green led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. CALL TO ORDER Magistrate Green called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the regular meeting of the May 6, 2021 Special Magistrate meeting. The minutes were approved as submitted. 4. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH Magistrate Green administered the Oath to the attendees- staff and respondents. 5. OLD BUSINESS A. Case#:20-109 Name: Tom Wall* (* Homesteaded Property) Address: 885 Amberjack Lane The slideshow presentation and the case files packet were entered into the record as evidence. Testified: CE Officer Irizarry. Respondent: Tom Wall was not present. Action:The Respondent shall remove or sell the metal shed structure. Compliance will be determined at the September 2, 2021 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting. Code Enforcement Special Magistrate July 8,2021 6.NEW BUSINESS A. Case#:21-087 Name: Thomas Patrick Bourdon* (*Homesteaded Property) Address: 342 19th Street Testified: CE Officer Irizarry, Attorney Zach Miller representative for Attorney Sanders representing the respondent Thomas Patrick Bourdon. Respondent: Thomas Patrick Bourdon was not present; Attorney Zach Miller, representing the Respondent was present. Action:The Respondent shall obtain a certified landscape architect report regarding the status of the trees and rectify the mitigation. The matter will be placed on the September 2, 2021 CESM agenda for determination of compliance. B. Case #: 21-066 Name: Madelyn N. Woods Address: 404 Whiting Lane Testified: CE Officer Irizarry. Respondent: The Respondent, Madelyn N. Woods, was not present. Action: The respondent is in compliance. C. Case#:20-154 Name: Manuzon Rolando Figueroa Address: 1340 Violet Street Testified:CE Officer Irizarry, Manuzon Rolando Figueroa. Respondent: The Respondent Manuzon Rolando Figueroa was present. He spoke regarding the gun violence his family experienced and explained his reasoning for building the non-compliant. He referenced photographs, which are attached and made part of this Official Record as Composite 1 and Composite 2. Action: The Respondent has 60 days to remove the structure to come into compliance and if not removed, a fine of$100.00 a day will be imposed. Composite#1 Composite#2 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate July 8,2021 D. Case#:20-106 Name: Seminole South LLC Address: 705 Atlantic Blvd. Testified: CE Officer Irizarry, Attorney Zach Miller representing the respondent. Respondent: Respondent, Jean Bakkes of Seminole South LLC, was present. Action: The respondent shall meet with the City of Atlantic Beach within 30 days. 7. REDUCTION OF FINE REQUEST A. Case#: 12-00000013 Name: Bobby Knight Address: 945 Plaza Testified: CE Officer Irizarry, Sara Hamblin, Yellow Bird Real Estate Company, a representative for the proposed purchaser. Respondent: The respondent, Bobby Knight,was not present. Action: The lien will be reduced to $10,000 upon compliance of all violations and submission of plans and permits provided to the City of Atlantic Beach before the release of lien. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion,Magistrate Green declared the meeting adjourned at 2:53 p.m. Attest: cf3446.Finvor Vitte Kim Flower, Records Clerk SuzanrGreen, Special Magistrate 2 tu?1 J j c20;-i DateApproved Code Enforcement Special Magistrate July 8,2021 i C akar G_ 7:,. 79 • i c.,.. 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