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10-11-21 Speaker Form - Shari Townsend
To thn City CommisFiion Meetirqj We will i':onduot meetings of the City Commission with a level of Givility and respect that the democratic proce: deserves, This allows i'or better public input and supports making the best decisions for the who we are her to serve. We ask that everyone in the 171(ie.iiirl() practice the following principles of Respect for each other, RFI,PECT Refrahni from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks, Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree_ PiracNce active listening. press yourself assellively, not aggressively, not subsiveIy. Caabovatc.-, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. ************7:;:,7,4.**,',-*****':*** *************1:*************** ***********t Id; ******** t-icir***.A*147":******.A• Date: ) SPEAKER REQUEST FOM Name: Maass Meta: Filoidda ha a very broad Putflo tord L. &1st wren and recorda( c mmuirrptcaidons to or from State. and LocaO Offfklaills and apjan&as regarcIng Mate T.:brf Local! Nuisinies are pubHc vecou'ds avtaiElabOa to the otribNc and madrla upon vaguest PR'OVADONG 'YOUR CONTACT ilMFOR.E.TAATOUI BELOW S OPTQONAL: Address: Phone No:: E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: PPIgONAL4 City: 0 Atlantic Beach Resident Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: o 1 wish to address the Commission during C o Agenda) Otem Moo and/or Top© Riot on the agenda he F o 1 wish to address the Commission during the Publific Hearin_ for Agenda kern No. o t em in support of the above agenda item, o em opposed to the above agenda itei do not wish to address the Commission, but 1 am in support of agenda item 11," eatri a." c" 4i• tnt .CC!.1,1,11