10-11-21 - Speaker Form - Tiffany Baileyfie Atlantic litle.talch liVectitrig VV e will conduct meetings of IJ City Cornmkision with a level of civility &lid itespect that the democratic prose deserves. tithis allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the tr;itizens who we are her to serve. We ask that. everyone in the meeting practice tir-K-3 following principles of Respect for each other. 1';c"ir Reftrean from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. ..re others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Frac:lice active listening, Elr.pre s yourself assertively, not aggre.:ssively, not submissively. CoMaiboveite, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. ******************e: t***********1:******t ***11**********,':***11-**11,4***.lo.,..******,`:****Yr**,'r********.f:Th',**-..4. --;*':****,t,t,ttet*****1 tre: Date: SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Name.: Nesse Mote: Fiorids has e vein' broad Public Records Lam Most emit -ten and records( communications to or from State and LOCI OIIiI rind sgenci-s regarding atate or Local business are pubiic records avaiilabOe to the pubOio-: end media upon request. PROVONING YOUR CONTACT iikOFOROSIATOON BELOYd OS OPTIONAL: Address: ( Phone No.: E-n-iail: City: PLEASE CO-OECK ALL THAT APPLY: QOPTOONAL)i 0 Atlantic Beach Resident D Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE CORGOPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: kJ" 1 wish to address the Commission during Cofteeer oftheFor on: o Agenda item No and/or o Topic not orro th o 1 wish to address the Commission during the jbOc Hrim for Agenda Otem o 1 am in support of the above agenda item, o am opposed to the above agenda item, • do not wish to address the Commission, but / am in support of agenda item L.L t're, et,