10-11-21 - Speaker Form - M. HoffmannijJft To the Atlantic iaeach City GovvirniFision liVieeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proces desenies. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the r;itizens who we are her to serve, We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following prncpk3s of Respect for each other, RESPECT Refirairro from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks, Erucotuirage others to state their views. Gupport each other, even if you don't agree, Pvac2ice active listening. Enpress yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively, r.,-0ab rate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. Date: ********i:************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Nme: Neese Note: Houlda has a very broad PubHc c©d Law. Most Vit7 Alien and recorder cornmnicatkons to or from State elind LO© Oirikilails and agences vegan:am SM V LocaD bosoms are pubk records avaHaMe t© th pubh1c, and mrd Oa n reep.aest. PROVODONS YOUR CONTACT RIFORMATiJOH BELOVO OPTIONAL: Address: Phone No,: v \ 4 City: 24. 4).\ -4— E-rni: - e - PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: QOPTKONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident 0 Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: I wish to address the Commission during Counesy o he F on: o Aria terirp No. and/or o Tova© root on the nda d'. 0, o I wish to address the Commission during the Pubtc Herhn o R am in support of the above agenda item. for Agenda tem am opposed to the above agenda do not wish to address the Cornmiss-km, but 1 am in support of agenda item