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10-11-21 - Speaker Form - M. Marston-Coplan
VME R,A1Pi -co thr-; Atlantic Beach (;ity Commission IVieeting \Ne will conduct Meetings of the City C;ovfirnission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic prooc-,, deserves. This allows forlx....,tter 'public input and supports making hest decisions for the c;itieens who we are he to 8erve, We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect ft each other, ICKSPECIT Reffrai'm from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. [name others to state their views. SUpporl: each other, even if you don't agree. PrakAice active listening, Enpvess yourself assertively, not aggressive,ly, not 51thrylissivc-ly. Canabuirele, do not compete or collude Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated, ****irt**********7:*,***************?r*************%`:***********************;t*:',,.**********ert:******;',**************Y:**rtYr Date: / SPEAKER' REQUEST FORM Name: Naas,- FOorrida has a very broad Pub00c Records Lave. Most written and records cooinimuncaidoiros to or Pam State eind Loca0 OTfocNils and ©i©0 irt,g rein Sitate or Loca0 busines are pubhic r cords ava0eab0e t© the poZa0fic and medal upon request. PROVODONG YOUR CONTACT llNIFORMATPOliel BELOW 05 OPTOONAL: Address: City; Phone No.: LE-mail: PLEASE- CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (IOPT0ONAL) JJ Atlantic Beach Resident 0 Atlantic Beach Property Owner Q Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: wish to address the Commission during Cts of the F o Agenda km No. and/or Top© not address the Commission during the Pb00 o 0 am in support of the above agenda item. •", .'n for AgendaOfrm No, pposed to the above agenda itern. 0 do riot wish to address the Commission, but 0 en in support of agenda item