1089 Atlantic Boulevard (Clay Bennett) 01.21.2004
January 21, 2004
Clay Bennett
Clay Bennett Surfboards, Inc.
1205 19th Street, North
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250
Re: Approval of business location
Dear Mr. Bennett:
This letter serves to confirm that the Atlantic Beach City Commissio n, at its regular
business meeting on January 12, 2004, approved your business at its current location
within Unit # 29 of the Ashland Center at 1089 Atlantic Boulevard. The City considers
your business to be a lawful nonconforming or “grandfathered” use for this specific
location. Please be aware that this approval applies only to your business at this location,
and is not transferable to any other location, person or business.
Also, as discussed during the meeting, any Florida Building Code or other ex isting code
violations must be corrected before your Occupational License may be issued. Please
retain this letter for your records, and feel free to contact me at 247 -5817 with any
Sonya Doerr, AICP
Community Development Director
cc: Don Ford, CBO, Building Official
Maureen King, City Clerk