10-18-21 - Attachment - Applicant's Exhibit BSBL VA MAP/NA UNIT Ale 1 . / A subdivision of a par/ of Sec/ion /a, Township-2-Sou/h, Ran e-Z9-.Easf, /i/ fhe TownofA//anfic .Reach, Buys/ Counfy, F/orida, / dna' mor'epparticularly scribed as,fo/%ows: Comment/ng, of/he Nor/heas/ corner of 20/a, Block ti, Af/anfic Beach, / Subdivision.4"as recorded/irP/a/ Rook .,f Page C9, Curren/ Pub/k Records of Dutra/ Counfy Fform's/or a Po/nfoff5e/um/n9• / /hence 59 'w 3'9ea/any /he Nor/h hh e of /he South one-ha/f of sa/d Block /9 a Bis/ante of aoo feet /o /he Nor/hwesf corner / / r 1 ofLo/32ofsaid .Block/9/ /hence 56^/a' a/any /he/yes//ine of me/dlo/32 adis/ance of/sofeef/o/he North /the of //4h / / 5/reef; fhence 583.. evil a/ony 'said North /Me of ///h 5freef a d/s/ance oiegoo fee/ fo /he .eas/ floe 0/ Coun/ Road / L.- J N ec7 as recorded /n Deed Book 79o, Paye 298; /hence Ne•/s'wad/sfance ofr/5afee/%o ar0o/n/of curve, /hence lir / a• a Nor/peas/ern/y d/i'ecf/on a/ony /he arc of a curve /a /he riyh/, said curve having a radius of slz, lsf ee/, an arc / Bis/ance of 97fee/ fa apom/ of fanyencyi /hence N17.21'/0E a dis/once of 711.9s/eel /0 apo/n/ of curve] /i / 183•12'E /hence a/ony /he arc of a curve /o /he /elf, said curve having, a radius of /299. o/fee/, d s an arc tance of 9/0.15 / feel fa //ie Soe,/h /Me of /5'9 5/reef• /hence N83'92 E along /he Sou/h /Me of /5/h S/reef a disfance of //2.97fee/ / $ t, .f0 IL. et to hie Eas/ //ine o Eas/ Coas/ Drive; /hence 58'/9 E e/ony sak' fast' /toe of Easf Coas/Drive adis/ance of 380 / qA••/ fee/ /o/he North /Me of /2,0 S/reef! /hence'Na.r9z e• a/ony said Nor/h /Me of / '4 Sfreef a disfance of /o /a (3 i 5' 41 feel,',./hence 5c'/aE a/on /he East //ne Easf Coes/ Drive a d/sfance of /90 feel. /hence sea<1e'tr //pa, y\S �1 '' a disfance of 3ofee/ fa /h Po/n, of Beyinnnny. Exce,o//ng, from /he above descr/»/ on any Porion of / �e�,a ai °f \ •/ 7 "1 fag/ Coasl,O,- ye which may have been dedicafedbyprevious p/afs of record. /65�,�,q?, L \y44 E yo- ///V!°4 iv`e°a'�'a Idypoln9'tq/ o. / f''a1°6 '' /6 N/ No aq�: 0 0 ' 08A. P - /,5TN 5T. Q, 7=-1 zrz / 1 1' 7 / 109 / v i 7 d P°°� 4 7 p 0 7 G. /7 P / 0 / g 34' ' 3a. ' 3e / / / al t /q /O0 / t • 1`A\5. �°ti,.,p. %e%e,S , h / G am 1 1. 5 I I .1/4,,BO'9•o • n P A N� '• ris V req N 10 0 v 4ti3 r� 3 0 /20' 0 i2a' `0 Olt ;,I N83•9/'E • NB3°92'41 V LitZ d111 / L.00 _25'4'5L. A 8,088 1 /20' 90' h,1‘.j,:.14; NB3.92'4' W' .700' W h e k u'A to bw 1....“, @ k W ,YB3'92 e- 71 9' E 50' .32 713./0' 8B3.42't4! 1141 99.75' /23• 28 /97' NeJ'92'E 27 Mo h 3i °.q 35 ,,,N ' o °!30 3a' 381 u` 2 `t. ' Zi..., : N e s '3 z /48.09' y \ • Ul4,^ Y, / 1/63°!2'e Pi 2 39 ;33;���va 29 q;0ii eS�25\ NB/°Eo'//"ENe7'29'S:::..' 7";:::..:31:41* a•2Z•o UfZ' / 35�E1N'g g�E2,E 90• 90•15 SP�it1A 135'9.8.4•__¢, Curve ¢3fj32 /.60'7 �.5i.b�yoj 37'v.p3;;:"•E' .. -3'. \sBZ::'-"---"--.R3;":.4 0, re0NBa^^ 598'2.'E34.4'3 ' -E7'H ,e°B/B.5/�. L.g'CerYe OB/aRrNps412 T�/9B•30'ofd=/B'53:�_-• �4E3 //7 5 R=95l.9Z'NB9.O>'3>'E9B>E sB 13E T :jig* 2 T T=/sB.sa' v+ p93'49 N..,1;1;:,.7410.39'4'344Nei°25'/9'4' 1/7>•IB > 3• %• \ Nn o" hWO — ve 7 Q: G p,0 S 0; hh 'it MN / "m a : 2g, 3 2 ,%' .°, �N i _ i Z �z 2 -30' 90' 90'95' /35' /25' //5' /20' 263.4/'! N I SB,3�,a��?, i 1----504n //ne �t iYO� one ka/f ' /70' I I 1' BG,�c K 1/9 i 3/074 /4, A.�/dnfi 1 Beaci# I 1 22 ' 20 ' /8 1 la I /9 I I 1 1 1 t1,32 30 29 2a 51 1 I /2 1 /0 8 I a 1 1 2 9 m.h i AxLAN� /C $EACH i I I I 1 2 'cord c/ in i>/af Rcbk s, Paye 19 I 1 I I 1 y4r /NCLUDEiD /N Irw/S I PLA7T I 1 I I I I I i 1 1 1 NB3^9z E'It 1 J 1 1 1 _4___1___1—[_-1___1___4_—L___L___L__1---.1 RR•A,. 2a '3 /so. 183'4/'5 /9 M /70• Ba' Na3'92'E 20 /so' Nei. 92'6 2/ /50' N83.97'5 22 /5o N83.92'l 23 /5o' N9.9*fe 4 5o' J. k 00 ti 96 50' 4 Apptiwil-5 66h 1.000x. • 23 • 4 ADOPT/ON ANO OED/CAT/ON This is /o cer/ify /hat /he Af/anfic Beach Ho/diny Company, 8 Corpora//an under /he Laws of /he 5/a/e of Florida /s /he /awful owner of /he /ands described in /he Caption hereof and /ha/ it has caused /he same /o be surveyed end subdiv/ded and /ha//his p/a/made /I/accordance with said survey is herebyI adop/ed as /he /rue and correct pia/ of said /ands, sada// 5/reels, /Aces and dra/naye easemen/s shown on said p/a/ are hereby /rrevaceb/y and wr%hou/ reserva/ions dedica/ed /o fhe Town ofA//ant/c Beech, Florida andi/s successors. /0 wi/ness whereof /he said A//antic Beach Ho/ding Company, a corpora/ion, hes caused /hese presen/s la be signed by ifs Presides/ end his Secretary; respective/y, by and with the au/hori/y of /15 Board of 0/i -colors, /n /fs name, and ifs corpora/a sea/ affixed fh/s 305' day Oc/ober /95/. Signed and sea/ed 4/lan//f in /he presence of: - ,oma L . �L 6-74_ /Vi/nesses Beach Homy Company , 1Gi /ii/5 President �L?seerelary - 37A 7-4- OF FL02/0A COUNTY of O(/VAL /hereby cer/ify /hal on /his day persona//y appeared before mean officer duty authorized to adminis/er oaths and fake acknowledge/nen/5, 6eorye Bu// and Harcourt Bu//✓r., respee/ive/y Pres/den/ and"secrefery of/heA//anfic Beach 1/o/d/n9 Compare a corpora/ion under /he Laws of /he Slate of Florida, /o me known Toy be /he persons described in and who executed the foreyoiny dedication for /he uses and purposes there/4 expressed, and who severa//y acknowledged fhe excel/bon /hereof /a be /heli• jree act and deed as such officers, And .458,1 /hey aft/Yed'thereto Ike off/cia/ sea/ of said corpora/ion. ilifness my signature and off/cia/ sea/ al Allan/1/4 Seach, Counfy of Duval, 5!a/e ode Florida, /his day of oc/oOer /95/. No/ary Puh/ic 5/a/c of Fl/da a/ Large My Commission exp/re s . s /9sr Exam/ned and approved f/i/s1 day of &C " /95, by/he Town Council of /he Town of A//anfic Beach, Florida. A'resident J. V C/erk No. /hereby .cert/Py Ma/ /his p/a/ has been examined and /hal // comp/les in form with Chap/er No. /0275 Laws of F/orida. of /925, and /sided for record and recorded/ P/a/Book Z , Paye 44 of Duva/ County Pub/,e .Pecords, !his /. eBay 0/ 6 /9s/. Xn rte- 7a /ao // '—N s T R E E T 1 1 0 /00 200 300 5ca/e /n Feel by 837-661-A Clerk Depe/y Clerk /hereby cer/,•%y las/ /he above /71/ /s a /rue and correc/ represenfa/%on of /he /ands surveyed and su4d/vided and described above, /hal permenen/ reference monumen/s Gave been placed Seco/dizzy /o'the Laws of /he stale of Florida. Signed /his 2?d day of Ooleeer 195/. Po/n/ of Bey/nnh y r and Survey Florida k'eyis/ra/ion No. 52o