10-18-21 Attachment- ExParte Communications 1A - 1IEy Pay . 6mmvN• to �ernmrss (
DRIVE, OCT 18, 2021 A *rao5A i_ I
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Susanne Barker <susannefbarker@gmail.com>
Mon 10/18/2021 3:35 PM
To:Elected Officials <electedofficials@coab.us>; Corbin, Shane <scorbin@coab.us>; Askew, Amanda <aaskew@coab.us>; Kevin
Hogencamp <kevinhogencamp@gmail.com>;
cc:Steve Fouraker <fouraker@earthlink.net>; Jane Wytzka <jwytzka@comcast.net>; mary emerson-smith <emo1943@gmail.com>; Lisa
Herrold <lisaherrold@grnail.com>; Carole Schwartz <dorieblu@gmail.com>; Julie LaGoy <jnlagoy@me.com>;
1 attachment
City of Atlantic Beach Waiver Request.pdf;
Dear Mayor and Commissioners,
In reviewing the Staff Report as well as the information provided by the Trassone siblings' attorney, I don't believe there is
sufficient data to grant a waiver. In fact, granting a waiver would result in weakening our land development regulations and
would possibly open the flood gates to more requests. What makes the City of Atlantic Beach special is its commitment to the
small town, family community. That has been possible because of elected officials, such as yourselves, who put the concerns
of the current residents above any new development.
Although I can sympathize with the siblings' request and their roots in Atlantic Beach, I don't believe this is a true hardship for
them. There is a possible alternative. Because the lot is so large, maybe two houses could be built....one right in front of the
other..They would be able to share the same driveway. It would be more like a family compound but they would be able to
achieve their goal of two separate houses on the property.
As there are fewer lots available in our lovely city, there will be more requests for such waivers. In order to keep our piece of
paradise, it becomes even more important to stand by our current regulations.
Susanne Barker
1938 Beachside Ct
1220 Selva Marina Circle - Waiver Opposition Letter
Chris Wynne <cwynne@mtnstarcap.com>
Mon 10/18/2021 4:19 PM
To:Elected Officials <electedofficials@coab.us>; scrobin@coab.us <scrobin@coab.us>; Hogencamp,Kevin <kHogencamp@coab.us>;
Glasser, Ellen <eglasser@coab.us>;
@i 1 attachment
Opposition Letter - Wynne - 1220 Selva Marina Circle-2021-10-18.pdf;
To Whom It May Concern:
Please find attached an opposition letter to the waiver for the property split at 1220 Selva Marina Circle. Thank
you for your attention to this matter.
Chris Wynne
cwynne anmtnstarcaa.com
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City of Atlantic Beach
Planning/Community Development
800 Seminole Road
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Re: 1220 Selva Marina Circle, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
To Whom It May Concern:
iMy wife and I live at 1250 Selva Marina Circle, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233. We are writing
in opposition to the division of 1220 Selva Marina Circle, the property adjacent to us, into two (2)
lots. We purchased our home in February 2018, right before the birth of our second child. We chose
this particular home because of its location on the cul-de-sac and the unique lot sizes of the
surrounding homes. Today, our soon-to-be family of six spends our days playing out front of our
home in the street and grassy cul-de-sac space. We truly consider the cul-de-sac to be a special place
to raise our family.
We strongly oppose granting the waiver to divide 1220 Selva Marina Circle into two lots as this plan
is in conflict with the zoning regulations and the design of the street. We welcome improvements to
the Tassone's property within the bounds of the existing COAB Code. However, voluntarily
deciding to divide their property outside the zoning regulations and apply for a waiver does not
create a valid undue hardship that is contemplated in Section 24-66. We also feel that providing a
waiver in this circumstance will lead to an increase in requests for similar waivers to zoning
regulations for other properties in Atlantic Beach.
We understand that the current zoning regulations exist to protect homeowners and the uniqueness
of Atlantic Beach, so we ask that you uphold the current zoning regulations and do not grant the
waiver for 1220 Selva Marina Circle.
October 13, 2021
City Of Atlantic Beach
Planning/Community Development
800 Seminole Road
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
scorbin @coab.us
Re: 1220 Selva Marina Cir., Atlantic Beach, Florida 32230
To Whom It May Concern:
I live at 1210 Selva Marina Circle, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32230. The Tassones,
who are the property owners of the property located at 1220 Selva Marina Circle, have
proposed to divide the property into two (2) lots, contrary to the zoning regulations. As you
must know, Selva Marina Circle is an unusual property set-up in Atlantic Beach. The size
of the lots, the existence of the median in the middle and the circular road are all unique to
the City, especially in combination. Any lot division under the current zoning regulations
would greatly affect the area and the neighbors as numerous people travel this circle on a
daily basis. The reason they do so is because of the uniqueness. The proposed property
division would move this area away from what makes it unique by squeezing more houses
into the same space. In fact, this is exactly what is being proposed.
More importantly, if this lot division is permitted, contrary to zoning regulations,
then other people will be applying for exceptions to the rule, thus leading to application
and division of properties throughout the City of Atlantic Beach. The property has been
owned by the same owners for many years without ever attempting to divide the property
previously. Though I am sure it will be pitched differently, this is an effort to take
advantage of the high real estate market values at the expense of our zoning regulations.
The desire to be granted an exception to the zoning regulations because of particular family
dynamics or numbers is not an exception that should be acknowledged as a basis for
creating exceptions to the zoning regulations. Every family has its own dynamics, and the
concern is other residents will seek exceptions based upon their family dynamics.
City Of Atlantic Beach
October 13, 2021
Page 2 of 2
I have reviewed the proposal from the property owners. There is a mention that
three (3) of the houses have been renovated. I do riot understand why this has any bearing
on the issue before the City of Atlantic Beach. The Tassones are welcome to improve their
house and lot within the existing zoning regulations. Further, any past changes to other
properties were performed under older zoning regulations. The Tassones could have done
this as well and failed to do so. The Tassones are now under new zoning regulations and
as mentioned previously, any exceptions to these zoning regulations will open the door to
exceptions from all other property owners.
I should also, mention that the proposal from the property owners attempts to
discuss prior events that occurred on Selva Marina Circle with respect to the prior division
of lots. This information appears to be misleading. As to my property and the property
immediately next to my property on the corner of 12th Street and Selva Marina Circle, they
were both created from the division of a larger lot. However, the original larger lot was
properly divided, and the two (2) new lots were created pursuant to the existing code. Put
another way, the then -existing codes permitted such division of the larger lot at the time.
Accordingly, to suggest that these lots were divided as exceptions to the then -existing
codes is not an accurate portrayal of the events. This means that only one lot on the circle
was divided against the existing codes at the time. I personally handled this matter. As to
that one lot, there had already been a number of exceptions granted on the then -existing
codes with respect to prior requests to divide other lots. This is the reason that the division
of the one lot on Selva Marina Circle as an exception to the then -existing codes was
granted. The codes have since been changed to prevent these exceptions from occurring.
Accordingly, there is no past history on Selva Marina Circle that supports this division or
anyone else in Atlantic Beach.
As a property owner, I have absolutely no problem with the Tassones bulldozing
their house and building one that follows the zoning regulations. They can cut down trees
within the rules. They can build a separate garage within the rules. They can build a house
as large as they want as long as it again, complies with the rules. The rest of us have had
to follow the rules and accordingly, the City of Atlantic Beach remains beautiful. I strongly
oppose any exception to the rules that would allow these property owners to divide their
property into two (2) lots when the proposal does not meet the zoning requirements.
P. Campbell Ford
Fwd: 1220 selva marina circle
Beata Nowakowska <bdormeshian@gmail.com>
Mon 10/18/2021 10:44 AM
To Elected Officials <electedofficials@coab.us>; Glasser, Ellen <eglasser@coab.us>; Hogencamp,Kevin <kHogencamp@coab.us>; Corbin,
Shane <scorbin@coab.us>;
This is an open letter expressing opposition to the request from the Tassones regarding zoning. We live at 1253 Selva Marina Circle. We
received a copy of the proposed zoning changes from the Tassones' attorney. I was very surprised by the request for the changes. After
reading the materials, I became very concerned about our cul de sac as the lot size should not be reduced contrary to code. We would
welcome any changes from the Tassones within code.
Thank you,
Beata Nowakowska and Andrew Dormeshian
1220 Selva Marina Circle
Sarah Dark <sarah.andrews87@gmail.com>
Thu 10/14/2021 12:43 PM
To:Elected Officials <electedofficials@coab.us>;
Mayor Glasser, Commissioners Bole, Commissioner Kelly, Commissioner Norris, and Commissioner Waters -
I was recently made aware of the waiver request to sub divide the lot at 1220 Selva Marina Circle. I urge you to deny this waiver request, as
this goes against our code stating that Residential, single family, Large lots have a minimum of 100'. These lots would be 62' and 61' wide if
subdivided. The division of the lots with likely result in more loss of trees and more impervious surfaces which will contribute to more
drainage issues. As a city that views itself moving toward a more sustainable future, going against our code for MORE development is not in
line with that mission.
Thank you for your time and service,
Sarah Dark
1781 Sea Oats Drive
Sarah A. Dark
Fwd: WAIV21-0003
Jonathan Talamo <jht@jhtmdpc.com>
Sun 10/17/2021 8:36 PM
-o:Glasser, Ellen <eglasser@coab.us>;
Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse typos and brevity.
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Askew, Amanda" <aaskew@coab.us>
Date: October 15, 2021 at 4:26:37 PM EDT
To: Jonathan Talamo <jht@jhtmdpc.com>
Subject: RE: AIV21-0003
Hello Jonathan,
I have received your email and will put it in the file but I highly suggest you email
Commission as well. There email addresses can be found on our website.
Froin: Jonathan Talamo [mailto:jht@jhtmdpc.coml
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2021 4:03 PM
To: Askew, Amanda
Subject: WAIV21-0003
Dear Ms. Askew:
I am writing to object to the recent request to sub -divide the lot at 1220 Selva Marina Circle, Atlantic
Beach 32233 as outlined in item # WAIV21-0003, for which there will be a public hearing by the City
Commission on October 18, 2021. The request was apparently filed per record on 8/21/21, but I only
became aware of it last week when I received the public notice in the mail. I will be out of town and
unable to attend in person so am sending my objection in writing.
I live on 12th St a few houses away from the lot in question. One of the things that attracted me and my
family to our property is the larger size of the lots found in our neighborhood as opposed to elsewhere in
much of Atlantic Beach. The larger lot size adds privacy and decreases crowding and thus noise, helping
to preserve the character of the neighborhood and likely property values as well. As noted in the Public
Notice, the proposed sub -divided lots would not meet the minimum 100 foot lot width required within the
RS -L zoning district, which is the district I understood myself to be buying into when I purchased my
Thank you for your consideration.
Jonathan H. Talamo
370 19th St
Atlantic Beach 32233
Atlantic Beach residents and other stakeholders, imagine what your community could be at its very best in the year 2040,
and let us know your thoughts by completing the City of Atlantic Beach 2040 VISION Citizen Questionnaire by Oct. 20, 2021.
Here is the questionnaire: https://bit.ly/3ifkC6m , Here is information about the City's visioning process and why it's
important: www.coab.us/vision. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email? Just say so in an email to
info@coab.us. Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofatlanticbeach. Florida has a very
broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state and local officials and agencies regarding state or
local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your
email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure.