08-23-21 Attachment -PowerPoint by Amanda 275 Sailfish DriveRequest for a Future Land Use Map (FLUM)
amendment to change the designation of 275
Sailfish Dr. from Residential Low Density (RL) &
Residential Medium Density (RM) to Residential
High Density (RH)
COMP21-0001 & Ord. No.
275 Sailfish Dr.
•The Future Land Use Map (FLUM) is part of the city’s
Comprehensive Plan and aims to provide for appropriate land
development within the city.
•The FLUM designates residential densities (dwelling units per acre)
throughout the city
•i.e. low density allows 6 dwelling units per acre of land
•Med. density allows up to 14 units per acre of land
•High density allows up to 20 units per acre of land
The FLUM is not the same as the zoning map
Required for every municipality in Florida
Existing FLUM
Site Context and Details
Atlantic Blvd
Site Context and Details
•Currently has two future land use
•Majority of the property is
designated low density (RL) and a
small portion is designated
medium density (RM)
•1.89 acres in size
•~1.74 acres in RL
•~.15 acres in RM
•The current FLUM designation
allows about 12 total residential
units on this property
Site Context and Details
•Apartment complex with 32 units
•Built in 1975, prior to the city’s first FLUM and Comp Plan
•Legally existing non-conforming use (exceeds density)
Site Context and Details
•Allowed to continue as is (“grandfathered in”)
•However, code prohibits expansion or relocation of non-conforming
uses. So they can remodel/renovate but cannot expand.
Proposed Amendment
Proposal is to amend the FLUM to
designate this property Residential
High Density (RH). This would allow
up to 37 total units on the site (32
The applicant recently purchased
the property and has plans to
Applicant would like to bring the
property into conformance with
the FLUM to allow potential
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan (in staff report)
Objective A.1.5 Sound Development Patterns
Objective A.1.10 Surrounding Land Uses
Objective A.1.11 Appropriate Land Use Patterns
Currently has 32 apartment units
Built prior to FLUM designations
Change to High Density would allow 5 additional units
Required Action
CDB RECOMMEND approval of FLUM held a public hearing and
Vote on Ord. No. 90-21-246 which will change the future land
use designation from residential low and medium density to
residential high (requires two public hearings).