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09-02-21 CESM Meeting
d;; MINUTES rf ilk y} Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting iPs Thursday, September 2, 2021 - 2:00 PM k s › Commission Chamber Present: Suzanne Green, Special Magistrate Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement (CE) Officer Kimberly Flower, Records Clerk 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Magistrate Green led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2.CALL TO ORDER Magistrate Green called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the regular meeting of the July 8, 2021 Special Magistrate meeting. The minutes were approved as submitted. 4. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH Magistrate Green administered the Oath to the attendees - staff and respondents. The Case files were taken as a packet into evidence. 5.OLD BUSINESS A. Case #: 21-087 Name: Thomas Patrick Bourdon * (Homesteaded Property) Address: 342 19th Street Testified: CE Izirrary, Karl Sanders representing Mr. Bourdon. Respondent: The Respondent,Thomas Patrick Bourdon,was present;Attorney Sanders representing, Mr. Bourdon, was present. Action: The Respondent provided a "mitigation" report regarding the status of the trees and will rectify the mitigation. The issue will be placed on the November 4, 2021 agenda for determination of compliance if not rectified. The $50.00 per day fine is reserved until the November 4, 2021 CESM hearing. Code Enforcement Special Magistrate September 2,2021 B. Case #: 20-109 Name: Tom Wall* Address: 885 Amberjack Lane Testified:CE Irizarry Respondent: The Respondent, Tom Wall, was not present. Action: The Respondent is now in compliance and no further action is required. C. Case#:20-161 Name: David Reed Address: 812 Ocean Blvd. Testified: CE Izarriry, David Reed Mr. Reed referenced email correspondence from the City of Atlantic Beach dated September 2, 2021 and entered into evidence which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Composite Exhibit 1. Respondent: The respondent, David Reed, was present. Action: That the Respondent has until September 10, 1021 to submit his plans and come into compliance for the City to review the current stamped plans and other applications required. Failure of the Respondent to submit his proper plans by that date shall result in a fine of$50.00per day until compliance is complete. Once summited,the City of Atlantic Beach shall review the plans and make their comments within two weeks of submission on or before September 24, 2021. Composite Exhibit 1 6. REDUCTION OF FINE REQUEST A. Case #: 14-00000994 Name: JPMorgan Chase Bank NA Address: 1365 Violet Street Testified: DCM Kevin Hogencamp, CE Irizarry, Attorney Greg Ahern Respondent: The Respondent JPMorgan Chase Bank representative, Attorney Greg Ahren, was present. Action: That the Respondents shall pay a total of 50,000.00 to satisfy the liens within sixty(60)days from the date of this Order.No further interest shall accrue on the liens if paid within the sixty(60) days. Code Enforcement Special Magistrate September 2,2021 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion,Magistrate Green declared the meeting adjourned at 3:33 p.m. Attest: Kimberly r er, Records Clerk Suz Green, Special Magistrate 21 Date Approved Code Enforcement Special Magistrate September 2,2021 Composite Exhibit 1 ikrL' j 09-02-21 CESM Minutes r I . f From: David Reed e Subject: Fwd:RES21-0158812 OCEAN BLVD Date: September 1.2021 at 10:52 AM To: MN Vr1G. l -C David Reed 904-874-6607 Begin forwarded message: From.'titiidlesperyar.font"dgin >coab>AS> Date:September 1 2021 at 7.52 12 AM EDT To:c:kiniestOconservelic.coar.,davidreedec0s©gmail corn Cc:"Irizarry Angela"wlri?airy@coab use Subject:RFS21.0159 912 OCEAN BLVD We need to get your company updated in our system. Please send a copy of your contractor's license, local business tax , workers compensation and general liability insurance. See attached review comments. Toni Gindlesperger Building Permit Technician City of Atlantic Beach 904-247-5800 OUILDING-DEPT@COAB.US Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Want 10 receive City o1 Atiariec Bea di news by ema47 Just say so in an email to inrr@icoab us.Follow the City of Atlantic Beath on Facebook https//www facebook cam/CityOfAtianticBeact. Florida has a very broad Public Records Law Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regard,ng State or Local lMisirioas are lxibhc records available to the public and media upon request Your email communications.including your email address, may therefore he subject to public disclosure. 812 OCEAN BLVD...-21.pdf Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes From:David Fired cdavidreedt.:29..A0cintell,,c.t.At Subject:R. Landscape Plan Date: hay 23, 2021 at 2:12;36 PM EDT To: 'ir ...arty,Angela" <11/tarryc41.0-.., Cc: WiIIiamS, Scott" <awilliarnsgiecrab,u1 , Allan tosue.-4,u,acresrlAh9lfaillgetn> I will review and reconcile Firm memory, the very fast site sheet In the archtteclat set called this out We maintained the same landscape plan.Based on best knowledge,the cent plan has been missed. If it was not submitted,It wilt be Scott Indicated that previous pavers to turt Piaci(needed Hear driveway entrance needs to be scaled dowr.Emphatic(Welton ol pool can be agieed.Storage may neon"geotextileimilk orate method'as a detail David Reed 44114 S&)7 Qvisirmitra5SCKaairan On Jul 23, 1 34 Ptvl,hitter y,Angeta,:alrizarryg, I towlvee your voicemail about the poet and sari plans these WO the sheets that you sent ua You*Oen In your mail Mal the pavers wound the pool have girt deleted but the submitted planusdon't seen,to reflect this, ts Mare a note sauiewhii4es un the plans that we are missing" Message— From:David Reed(malt°cavidieedtxxxitaymnii ix)rol Sent.Friday.Apra 23,2021 1,37 PIM To to earry,A ngele wall'zany a coat)us-- Cf:.Allan losue.cscapes*hotrnall.Carre. Sistdoct.Landscape Plan Please review the landscrme plan The calculations rem tan he•tw 50%ISA and have not ettangsti. the pool anti the pavers cast and wallet pool tiave also been deleted and are•riot in contract for weir:truckle° cell to vetify plats are te0DIVfni David Reed 904474430r Want to rout,vu City or Atlantic Death neves by wear,Just an an if'till email to intoteittmatrAss,Follow the City cit Atlantic Beach en Facebook httpsOrivev.lecebook,corniCity0lAtiantroBanch Florida has a Very bread Ptitotc Records Law Meal v./Atari communications to or kern Stale end Lill Officials nod itgencirts regarding State or Local husk'tess are public mores available to lima pieta anti ntedse upon recluse!.TOW einerl communicahans,including your email address,may therefore be tubed to public disclosure BEACH A010.pcfb, IfIFAC*IA014.pdb. c13110-LS-1.pdt, 13110-LS-2.pdb• 13110•TR-1 pdb Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes E I T LOT 3 1 C S14 3 '; ,44.,V MON-OIM) P '1 r*Col r=CO atria - N8`'2"'CO-E "-715 33' PM.CAP(Ann o s 1-j p 1 7..,. .„.It _ _ ,i4111,11111 i. LirT1i o iRm j k sr-gU. —a y O i_ 1 D 14 : y`= _ 1 f 3 t St 1 t s a. ifi+4 lalling' S tgtti. il Si i Atli 4..r oma: i c 4N scams-;:..::: zii. p iie'o e S84'?71CO-W 178.76 s+tmei tmere.eon_m,) m YJ :.1,,M?s..... _. 11811001•1111 rt E itt ttaism 12 4.$ sCiaiiiiii00 Ci 014 Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes p{AZa PSOC $:RvfY t M.•P}vyppbYV.+ cOl K OMR* rJ t t`. !1 LC 1 a.....I.. L 'coo 1/7 Maei 1101. Vil I " t. t man Y i It J I x 1 I , ma a 4..s r.."..N.w At I 11 4111•11•11•011.•vs. II A SIONNIMOMM mos WY' Tr.z I hMIIIMINMIM•al 1... 1 ar. ..ur'dear At 0r.. r i asp.w sat w.a air..moo Et- W 21:. QQ 141itarSira *- LOT 3 ptv 4n L Ti „,F,-4,-,—ft.- AK.`ca. it o QCs a 1,017-0154 , a) O ttrill , . n .--,...: : , x Ill:11,11-,' 1 , f 17 4PZ i 1 4 t ii r...-: it il - i. 1 A y$11 yI a Y'. 1 t v.,-___..--- rIIIY4" ssite ite1 + f, 1{ 1 4 j{l1 k I iRMO 44\ i,/ it d L-214.- v Cda G lis 40_4 a._ 0.rano:.t•e1 — V wc,ai tear saes I r I..=Mo• 010 Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes I a:+p,231121 171-1'S3r.TY:is I M a s t.H !OUSE t.. aTunhC hle k Zi2T.3 ago .g s` . 9 t t.- • ttr/:spa,,,,,„P. w v nn.*Uri.", Es .2 i W g i i 4...a,.are w.•.i4RSy__/ 5tr. ,-'-- Lei j — LOT r ;c o a rote yr.r• 4 C wa xt tt r T us. - ex-- 0 1.10. s. I i r ai in: 1 7 Iot 1 n13i t: d. . _ ri. s 1 t t 1 ti—Ij 1 tilt 3 go 1 1t ! 1 1' a ;.) li ECs i1IitI —: --o _ 1II 1: 1 4 1i L!p a . 1 1 r f v Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes i` I IL, 1 75) 40 ili 11! r : " 4 homy f.(-_it _"""--it VM i tltl,ATI'+OEI ha3yO ilacipeb i iIif!! iiirwr Zu Yj . 0111111111 r•Ahrfea NOM 0 MA ww..rswry w.w.r.w.r..,rww.. 41,111001 r T* w...... Illik ' i r' L-1 I HUU IVA'r., r.w w. w. ww........._.ww..•rww—.... om...w.r..... kyr v- 111 6' '"s"'"'"..w.,.""' raz-s--, ,.: ,. allarriPIP.•••“••••••••• ••••••vs•••••••••• n•w'l.L . 111 I )1 w.r•w.r..w w... INC W PRtl1ECTICiv EAgqKit^c Y: ma elm. tea-II G" :"13:P1aNSOX"'iuf AI4'Q7CxS.1l--- 1.' I r.r.. r., r tRIINILT #Tf.K.+:t., yr......,..r w. r*"...,.._.,.. IMMmmu T.— ia y..A - 7..-7r-7:::''ar...w TR8 7SiCLII .n...+.....nN+.wr tilitE WI- jT iTl 01.1.42..)7lr. QT4 , www..wMF.ofe/ti..swWaa+.wew.+w t, ti . w.w..ww......w.wwn•.1w i' u...mug, s rte= L-.,,'iTR L: i .r Iv.PhitAtoaTifLANtINO r,'',I..-Tf+lrkKma8T' pJt, ha 0MIR.. d.....a. La Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes From: David Reed & Subject: Fwd:Landscape Plan41Date: September 1,2021 at 1:37 PM To: Arlington,Daniel darlington ", building-depl® Cc: Angela I, Chester Kimes ckimes( Dart, We are resending This document. I have called your office today as there were requested documents from May that we learned shat were not received. We forwarded back to the requested person. They wore not received. I personally called the building cepartment They asked me to send to"u They were again not received. They put a review In on the spam folder to locate. I contacted the Executive Director at city managers office to advise. I asked the building dept to review but that was not In their control I am also sending the applicable architectural agars. 34I61Q 19IO3 LSVJ 1 e 1.7 A 4 i , t I itir t 1 't 4 e j e Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes From: David Reed davidreedecos 30 r° Subject: Fwd:Building Department has shared the folder'812 Ocean Blvd submittal folder'with you. Date: September 1,2021 at3:00 PM r To: Arlington,Daniel, Cc:, Chester Kirnes WI MLA tyt4Md 0atu mats C aw aheelIOW a,n%r AWNlv+s.1Aa ah...MM.d rapovet'Ywa.n yn•rrn.O raa rhwJ.ANV'e41t`*r,,t lhs r•`•A.r^resrvs at.n*as.N;a itf)I.4#4,1 s 4.1,•:s,in„rYd1 Pt+d UPI IM rr Building Department has shored the forJer 812 Ocean Blvd submittal folder with you. Nota Fran @Ladino. No added you to a h/det To axes'Itis bider,you mull ti pal activate year mount and set your personal pats wont dram!da is a loot lar sendingcoating,ane orgarrxinq your bushels hes alma.a tea be usec os o pass Hord-pratopeod area'or slladntr n'olnratlan v illi at,Is a01 oarinOrs,onr1 t'a an easy play to send filar plat aro to>turgd a em ed Tr u;daa+.0 IF,,alto b I ala Van to I 6'111)0011M Iollorkp U14Ilea yap Yob bweiM. l,0, .,r9-r:Taatt,r r,:ata t,„+tr t+9 w „4fi3ttar$;.t Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes From: David Reed Subject: Re:812 Ocean Date: September 2,2021 at 11:42 AM To: Hogencamp,Kevin Cc: Inzarry,Angela, Bautista.Ronald,, Arington.Daniel,Johnston,Jennifer Jiohnston@coallus, Flower,Kimberly M. We are willing.This requires a process to remove the privileged meg documents.I assume you are not assessing guilt based on my request to remove privileged information.If so,this flawed opinion needs a review. As it relates to the IT issue that was first reported to me yesterday by building department staff,I can only recommend that responsible people review yesterday problem as a starting point and assess how far back it has impacted me and/or other citizens.As for forensics,I only have my record docs to present once reviewed by counsel.This is part of a larger case as you are aware. David Reed 904-874-6807 On Sep 2,2021,at 10:30 AM.Hogencamp.Kem 4.1-togercarrip*rx:$ab us>wrote. I'm trying very hard to assist you, Mr. Reed. Until or unless willing/able to provide evidence otherwise, it is my conclusion from reviewing the public record that you did not email the architectural drawings to the City until yesterday. From: David Reed [rnailto:davidreedecos@gmait coal Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 10:09 AM To: Hogencamp,Kevin <> Cc: Irizarry,Angela <›; Bautista, Ronald <>;; Arlington, Daniel <>; Johnston, Jennifer› Subject: Re: 812 Ocean We have a large filc on this as 1 explained to Angelica. I would have to sort and separate the privileged does prior. lite issue came up when sending contractor certifications to the building department on multiple occasions. The building department stated this was an IT problem. This was not known to me or the contractor. They were unable to report the issue. I asked them to forward me to Ex assist city manager to report issue and help correct problem. This affected several einails yesterday. Rerouted entails to building- were eventually received, Again, there is a reliance when an email says reply and send does" and you do such that they have them like most every City email system. David Reed 904-874-6607 Davidreviegogiifgmitil.cum On Sep 2. 2Q21. at 8:05 AM. I logerteanip.Kevin -1( wrote: Hi Mr. Reed, Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes Angela says that you maintain that you sent the attached documents to us following the Code Enforcement hearing in May. Although we retain all entails, my search of our email archiver did not turn up your email(s). Will you please forward me the email(s) you sent to us containing the attached documents prior to yesterday? Thanks, Kevin From: lrizarry,Angela Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 7:55 AM To: Hogencamp,Kevin <kHogencamp_@coab.u$} Subject: FW: 812 Ocean From: David Reed [mailto_davidreedecos@gmail.comj Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 2:38 PM To: Arlington, Daniel <> Cc: Chester Kirnes <ckimes@conservellc,com>; Irizarry,Angela> Subject: Re: 812 Ocean these documents have been submitted prior. I am resending these. As discussed,your department has issues with receiving documents. Today. ConServe's license package was submitted multiple times. We have the documented send. In a discussion with your department and no ability to address the IT issue. I asked for the City Manager's office. They provided me With Executive Assist and she noted the concerns. She will review and get back to mc. I am unsure if this is associated with the larger issues documented at the city cat an IT issue. As discussed, sheet A0I0 as revised presents 2020 building code and deletes the pool and decking for ease of ISR concerns, Click to Download clIck_to Downioaq Ir',K to Qowni ad i Click to Download Click to Download Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes Click to OWnlcad Click to Download Click to Download Glick to Download N Click to Download Click to Download Click to Download Click to Download Click to Download plici to Download Click to Download Click to Download Click to Download Click to Download Click to Download Click to Download Click to Download c t n,t .,. 11.1'1 A 11 A . ... r...: .t Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes act, 4. „ALL ai a 4.t4 r,vt, rpttutgunt, i.uiiitu darlingt x wrote: David, Since my last email to you, regarding only Submittal Completeness, we have received: 1. Florida Product Approval Sheets, signed by your Contractor. -Completed 2. The Notice of Commencement (NOC), recorded at Duval County Clerk of Court. -Completed 3. Updated truss engineering, signed/sealed by the Engineer of Record (EOR). —Completed To complete the Application Package, please submit the Architectural Drawings, including floor plans, roof plan, four exterior elevations, wall sections. fenestration penetration details, flashings, and sufficient detail to show that the building will conform to the Florida Building Code. Only the Coversheet of the Architectural Drawings has been received. The Architectural Drawings are the main component of the Application Package, all other plans and documents are compared to them, and no actual review of the plans can begin until we have received the Architectural Drawings. Please contact me, if you have any questions. Thank you, Dan Arlington Dan Arlington, CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach, Florida 904) 247-5813 From: David Reed] Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 4:14 PM To: Arlington, Daniel <> Cc: Chester Kimes <ckimes@conservellc.corn>; Irizarry.Angela alrizarry@coab,us> Subject: Re: 812 Ocean Please couhnn you received the documents. Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes The products approval codes were provided. These have been the same codes. There are no Surprises. The Notice of Commencement is normally issued by Owner when the Notice to Proceed has been issued. There is no NoC needed if there is no permit. Local building departments need it filed before inspection. In any event. this has been provided. You have the truss engineering documents and MEP. Engineer Frontheri certified the blue book ofstructural truss engineering to your attention (August 4. 2021 submittal). The structure has nut changed since the original design and it passes current code needs. David Reed 904-874-6607 On Jul 29, 202I, at 3:44 PM, Arlington, Daniel darlington{c eoab.tis% wrote: David, The plans were reviewed for completeness, not code compliance. This review started out as a submittal completeness review for Code Enforcement. But this is now a plans submittal for a building permit. We cannot review the plans until we have the complete package. When the application package is complete, it will be distributed to the four development departments for their reviews. Please submit all documents per our standard guidelines outlined at: http//,g: Dept If you have any problems with the on-line submittal, please contact us for help. This will ensure that we get all of your submittals in one place and know who they came from. (Please use a Revision Form for each submittal and number the emails, if more than one is needed) Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes Thank you, Dan .Arlington Dan Arlington, CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach, Florida 904) 247-5813 From: David Reed mailto:davidreedecos(gmail.conij Sent: Thursday, July 29. 2021 9:37 AM To: Arlington. Daniel <darlington(.> Cc: ckirnes© Irizarry,Angela aIrizarrycoab,us> Subject: Re: 312 Oceari The MEP engineer responded as follows: it seems that Dan didn't review the MEP drawings or energy calculations for code compliance yet, he just added general notes of what has changed in the codes from 2010 to 2020 Our energy calculations are per 2020 code and do meet building thermal envelope air leakage (this was part of the calculations last few pages) Also, the design general Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes notes on Moot sheet referred to 2020 codes Florida building code Mechanical and Florida building code residential) We need him first to finish his code compliance review for the MEP then let's see if he still has more comments because the comments he wrote below are only General Information about code changes" which we were already aware of." Dan, what is your response to the MEP issues if any after reviewing this? David Reed 904 874-6607 On Jul 28, 2021, at 2:40 PM, Arlington, Daniel <> wrote: David and Chester, Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes This email an up-date of your building permit application RES21-0158. On 4/28/21, I wrote: Angela, This Submittal was sent by a number of email attachments and was only reviewed for completeness; not yet reviewed for code-compliance. As of 4/28/21 : 7/28/21 — After sending the 4/28/21 email, the idea was raised that I did not find all of the documents that you sent. I have reviewed all of the documents, again, received by everyone involved, and have not found any additional documents, riot itemized below. Pleasp SPP my additinnal notes Landscape and tree site plans OK Received but not yet reviewed, Engineering OK Received but not yet reviewed. MEPs OK Received but not yet reviewed. Energy Sheets OK Received but not yet reviewed. The Energy Code and Mechanical Code have had several changes since the 2010 Code. Duct installation should comply with FBC-R, M1601 .4. Return air should comply with FBC-R, M1602. The building thermal envelope air leakage must be tested and comply with FBC-EC R402.4, including a blower-door test. Only pagel of Architectural plans cover page). No other pages found. Please submit the complete architectural plan set, updated to the 2020 Florida Building Code (FBC). No Florida Product Approval Sheets. Please submit Product Approval sheets, per F.S. 553.842 and FAC Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes 61G20-3. All of our forms can be found at this link: Applications-and-Forms No Truss Engineering. Please provide. All forms are blank.Forms appear to be filled in, but were not yet reviewed. I did notice that the NOC is not recorded and the energy sheets are not signed. This procedure, of submitting new plans, started out as a Code Enforcement activity and we did not follow our usual plans submittal guidelines. This procedure will eventually result in a building permit, so from here- on, please submit all documents per our standard guidelines outlined at: It you have any problems with the on- line submittal, please contact us for help. This will ensure that we get all of your submittals in one place and know who they came from. (Please use a Revision Form for each submittal and number the emails, if more than one is needed) On a future topic, the new permits will be subject to a preliminary inspection of the building arid site, per FBC-B 110.2. We conducted a lot of partial inspections on your project, as you requested at the time. After this much time those partial inspections cannot be relied on. Due to the partial inspections, the length of time where building materials have been exposed, and the vandalism over the years, we will want to begin the inspection process at all rough inspections. The electrical equipment on the exterior of the building especially concerns me. Please know that this update is not a plan review and my comments are only Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes II0t11 tl tC DUIIU1119- L1Ci.1ci1 tl l ICI It, I I lt; other departments may have comments on both submittal completeness and the actual plan review. And last, if you intend to use a private provider inspection service, please review F.B. 553.791 for your options, including advance notices, reports, and other details. Thanks, Dan Arlington Dan Arlington, CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach, Florida darlinetton(c coab,us 904) 247-5813 Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email ttlinlOwCUttb.t . Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on fi acchnt>ktlQtps://www.facebook.comiCit vOlAtlanticl3eaell. Florida has a very. broad Public Records Lay. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business arc public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to infogtoarr us Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook Ups l/www facnbook.cornlCity0fAilarnicBeach Florida has a very broad Public Records Law Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are pubic records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may thew lore be subject to public disclosure. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to info@goab,us. Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebuok glips://www.facebook.coni/City0fAtianticBe . Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or trout State arid Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public Composite Exhibit 1 09-02-21 CESM Minutes Iet:V{UJavdrrduIe w Ii'O f/Uuct., UJ +rtc'lrrct Ui)UII Wt411031. Ivor VII Ice communications, including your email address. may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email? Just say so in an entail to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Fucebook htips://www.facchook.comiCity0fAtlantieBeaeli. Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beech news by mail?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atantbc Road,on Facebook bttps'1/ h Florida has a very broad Public Records Law.Most written rxrmrnurrcahons to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local bosinins are public re rds available to the public and media upon request Your email rxrmnwnu at,ons,including your enrair address,may therefore be sut>tect to public: disclosure