09-27-21 ATTACHMENT- Amended Staff Report for 8DCITY OF ATLANTIC REACH CI'T'Y COMMISSION MEETING STAFF RE, PORT AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearings on adopting Resolution No. 21-52 for the Millage Rate and adopting Ordinance 20-21-161 establishing the Operating Budget for fiscal year 2021/2022. SUBMITTED BY. Melissa Burns, Director of Finance TODAY'S DATE: MEETING DATE September 14, 2021 September 27, 2021 BACKGROUND: In order to adopt a millage rate and operating budget, the City Commission must adhere to a strict process per state law. Attached is an outline for the public hearings to be held on September 27th in the Commission Chambers at 6:30pm. The format is the same as in previous years and is to be read into the record as presented in order to assure compliance with the TRIM laws (s.200.065, F.S.). Prior to these hearings, the City Manager presented a Proposed Operating Budget; held two workshops and discussions at regular Commission meetings to review and make adjustments to the budget with the City Commission's guidance. The Proposed Operating Budget is funded using the millage rate of 3.2285 mills. This is the same as the current rate. This is only public hearing required to adopt the millage by resolution and the second public hearing for the final adoption of the Operating Budget, Ordinance 20-21-161. BUDGET: None RECOMMENDATION: Hold two public hearings as described in the attached outline to approve both the final Millage Rate of 3.2285 mills and the Operating Budget Ordinance 20-21-161 with total expenditures of $54,640,926. ATTACHMENT(S): Outline for Public Hearings Resolution No. 21-52 Ordinance 20-21-161 (LINK: FY2022 Proposed Budget - Online Version REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: , FISCAL YEAR 2021/2022 First item to be considered: Adoption of the Millage Rate by Resolution 21-52 State the following: The Tentative Millage Rate is 3.2285 The Roll—Back Rate is 3.0836 The Tentative Millage Rate is 4.70% higher than the Roll -Back Rate. The purpose for adopting the millage rate of 3.2285 is to maintain a level of ad valorem tax revenue sufficient to maintain adequate funding for the existing level of services at the estimated cost and to continue to maintain the City's infrastructure. Open Public Hearing Close Public Hearing Motion to adopt a final Millage Rate for operating purposes of 3.2285 Discussion and Vote Second item to be considered: Ordinance 20-21-161 establishing the Operating Budget for fiscal year 2021/2022 of $54,640,926 Open a Public Hearing Close Public Hearing Motion to adopt Ordinance 20-21-161 establishing the Operating Budget for fiscal year 2021/2022 Discussion and Vote