11-22-21 Item 8A - Presentation - Complete Streets - AskewRESOLUTION NO. 21-61 / COMPLETE STREETS Complete streets is a transportation policy and design approach that requires streets to be planned, designed, operated and maintained to enable safe, convenient and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation. Co"mplete Streets? laH5 Space for PEOPLE Curb ramps, crosswalks, and curb extensions to make it easy for pedestrians to cross streets and access destinations *- 1 Space for J BIKES Designated connected routes and low -stress facilities that support people riding bikes, e -bikes and scooters Alt COIL Space forJ CARS Traffic calming measures and design cues to encourage slower speeds and driver awareness of vulnerable road users Space for MASS TRANSIT J Bus pullouts, shelters, transit -only lanes, and signal priority to create transit -friendly roadways Space for SHARED MOBILITY Designated curbside space for shared bike and scooter parking that separates users from traffic, and keeps sidewalks clear and safe Space for CREATURE COMFORT Street fumiture, parks, public art, lighting and public green spaces that promote gathering and social interaction WHY COMPLETE STREETS POLICY ((SP)? Makes COAB safer Priority of Commission and LEER roadmap top 10 recommendations Helps incorporate recommendations from the Connectivity Plan Provides a framework for staff to review projects WHY COMPLETE STREETS POLICY ((SP)? Makes COAB safer Priority of Commission and LEER roadmap top 10 recommendations Helps incorporate recommendations from the Connectivity Plan Provides a framework for staff to review projects CSP Whenever possible all transportation projects provide CS ➢Coordination with city depts. (Ping., PW, Police and Engineering) Wherever possible create a network of paths that connect with transit, residential area, commercial areas and schools. Coordinate with other agencies/jurisdictions CSP Implemented in all n'hoods especially high need areas CS reflect with context character of surrounding built environment Those streets not under review by staff for transportation projects— residents can apply for review for complete streets projects EXCEPTIONS TO CSP Not permitted by law or other gov. agency Absence of current or future need ➢Cost excessively disproportionate to current future need over the next 20 yrs. Ability to request an exception —must be approved by Commission CSP -PERFORMANCE MEASURES - DATA COLLECTION Mileage of new paths (multi -use, sidewalks, trails, etc.) ➢ # curb ramps ➢ # of new trees # signage (ped./bike) ➢ Traffic conflicts with ped./bike of children walking or biking to school �- VMT REPORTING Baseline for performance measures ) Summary of transportation projects (emphasis on high need areas) ># of new trees ➢# signage (ped./bike) Traffic conflicts with ped./bike of children walking or biking to school 5 VMT APPLICATION FOR PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLIST SATFEY M EA LJ REBS City of .At la ntic Beath 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 The 'allowing is a request form for pedestrian and bicyclist safes rneasures_ Each request must contain the completed inforrr atiol as indicated_ Each request must provide the name of the strut on which a stu dip' is requested and the bound ares of the street segrrieri.. BoJndary limits may change at the discretion of the City. Trani:: studies .A..11 be condJctecl ti ith-n the b ]u dares. indicated. Please 1.152 the street names for hourrda r'' I i'n its, not bIc ck ranges. Requested Street: Boundary Area FROM Boundary Area TO: E ti1]i'i 1 literiuraied :Sired miil:h Sered Bsuadarw of Stiffly Area Ilempvtatil Street: Smith Se_ EllAiridary Area: Awe_ Te: 511 Am C. MiniMLIM Criteria for Pedestrian and bicyclist safety measures Devi 1. Pedestrian and b i Iist safes measures devices ill be available only on residential streets carrying fewer than 1,200 vehicles per qday_ Pedestrian and Licyclist safety measures devices will be available only on streets that have a designated speed limit of 25 mph as determined in accordance I. i t I1 State Law, and no more than o --ie traffic lane in each direction. 3. pedestrian a r d bicyclisz. safety ni eas i res devices will not be installed on any street liNh a re :561 percentile speeds are less than 30 4. Pedestrian and birycli57. safety measures devices °ill not be installed ori any street d esig 1 a to d as a truck route it a transit route. 5. Pedestrian and bicgcl i s safety measures devices will not be installed on any street as to tion i c h there is, in the judgement of the City s:affa inadequate vertical and horizontal a I -g i me rit and sight distances to allow for safe ins4llati a rr_ 6. Pedestrian and bicyclist safety measures devices will not be installed ori any street that is a primary access route for emergency vehicles and would cause., ir h e i G d gree nt of the C-ty staff. unacceptable delay in response time to enla-gencie . 7. Pedestrian and b icy 'cl i=st safety measures devices will ' i ly be installed if 5.5% of the owners cf residences on the proposed street where the pedestrian aid b i y cl i s : safety rn eas L res devices (o -ie vote per € n ersh i p} is proposed.. Residents cr u t be registered voters of A: a r t is Beach. Provide evidence of neig bc'rhic'c'd support for the partidipat"on of the prc' rar"r . The attached form can 0Ij sec for this request. Ev d a rpt of support must wit i n the study area as identified ir Section A_ Ad i tiol a I copies of this page may be submitted to secure the re q W"red n L r be r of signatures_ V'oe undersigned owner's and residents of hereby offer o u r support ' n r n u r neighborhoods' participation " the Dec estr"a r and b cyclist safety measures study_ Secure signature from residents at least representing at least 55% of property o' i e rs. along t lie effected Etr 1E et . (Only one s -g acture per property.) Resident signing tis form r L. st be reg"stered voters of Al: a i = is Beach co 3i es of this form may be made if additional pages are fleeced). City of Atlantic Beach Complete Streets Checklist for Staff Project Name: Dc es the project provide a main route to a significant destination? Street Type: Yes Average Daily Traffic Explanation and Date of Comment Truck Volumes (estimated percentage.:. Design Speed: Land Use: ESTABLISHING PRIIORITIES: A "Yesanswer to anv. of these questions identifies the project as one in °,1',.hich high priority and consideration should be provided for, including Compete Sheet Elements Environmental Context and Connectivity (ede. trig q bicycle_ and transit a ommx ation.$) Dc es the project provide a main route to a significant destination? Checklist Consideration Yes No Explanation and Date of Comment Fart{:: r e=ore e'or area, 3 r.rrel Shopping/Commercial Area ::wi iinu1-1hi fav l 7: C'the' Clops the projao: provide access across a naltral or war -made barrier? Checklist Consideration Yes No Explanation and Date of Comment Natural :o atrlro F:i cc'h t-of-1.Vaa Man-made feature Utilities Does the project Provido oc ntin u t\ or c:'r n oc t 'v itr. links for an existing trail or a. path n eti ork across the pits Checklist Consideration Yes No Explanation and Date of Comment Off-road trail facility F:i cc'h t-of-1.Vaa On -road trail faoi I t,,,. Utilities Other Environmental Checklist st Consideration Yes No Explanation and Nate of Comment Are there nearby routes that. provide a ofIrli ar level of convenience and oonneolivit ? Explanation and Date of Comment F:i cc'h t-of-1.Vaa Constraints .Are there c: n si rainis 1ci consider in reviewing this project for possible inclusion of Complete Streets eIe rrreni s? Constraint Type Yes No Explanation and Date of Comment F:i cc'h t-of-1.Vaa Utilities Environmental Fur Jina Maintenance EAE C on:'_lion Other COMPLETE STREETS ELEMENT REVIEW: For each of the sections below. indicate whether a Complete Streets Element is or is not included Provide an explanation of the element to be used or rationale why the element is not being included. Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety measures Does the roadway design consider elements to improve safer for pedestrians, bicyclists and m•ctoris:s? Checklist Consideration Included Not Included Explanation and Date of Comment Narrower driving lanes Crosswalks Lane reduction Mid -block crosswalks Reduced areas Buffers between roadway and sidewalks Other: Lighting Pedestrian Facilities (list pedestrian counts - if available) Reduce pedestrian cross.ng distance at intersections where high motor vehicle counts a[td high pedestrian counts are erected. Checklist Consideration Included Not Included Explanation and Date of Comment Pedes: ar' trducle Crosswalks Curb bump -outs Mid -block crosswalks Other_ Buffers between roadway and sidewalks Does it provide appropriate pedestrian accommodation in accordance ,with Atlantic Beach-) Checklist Consideration Included Included Explanation and Date of Comment Sidewalks Crosswalks Mid -block crosswalks Buffers between roadway and sidewalks Lighting Street furniture Other Budget Has the city. budgeted for this project? Checklist Cnnsidaration 'Yes No rr ent Explanation and Date of Comment Park of a larger prcpcsec construction pro iect Park of a rna i r t na ii oe budget Other Completed by: Date: