07-22-21 Budget Workshop adopted minutesF MINUTES Budget Workshop Meeting TThursday, July 22, 2021 - 6:00 PM k . 3 r Commission Chamber ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor- Seat 1 (arrived at 6:51 p.m.) Bruce Bole, Commissioner- Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner- Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner- Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tern/Commissioner- Seat 5 Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager(CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney(CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager(DCM) Troy Stephens, Public Utilities (PU) Director Melissa Burns, Finance Director(FD) Scott Williams, Public Works (PW) Director Steve Swann, City Engineer(CE) Cathy Varian, Human Resources Director(HRD) Kim Flower, Records Clerk(RC) CALL TO ORDER Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Pro Tern Norris called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Rick Carper commented on the new budget format, information provided and needed in the budget book for transparency, budget items relating to resurfacing, Seminole Road ditch bank restoration, and Christmas lighting. Mayor Pro-Tern Norris closed Public Comment. 2. FY2021-2022 BUDGET TOPICS CM Corbin presented and explained the City's new webpage and information relating to the budget process. A. Proposed FY21-22 Budget Financial Director Burns presented the FY 2022 Budget Overview (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ATTACHMENT A). Question ensued regarding the following topics: COLA 3%for the cost of living raise Reduction of Debt Budget Workshop July 22,2021 Professional training for all employees to assist with retention and productivity Police Department vehicle rotation schedule and pay retention increase to recruit Qualified officers PW Director Williams spoke regarding flooding prevention, including maintenance of pipes and streets. PW Director Williams reviewed the budget line items for Capital Projects and other Governmental Funds as detailed in the Agenda Packet for the following Divisions: Roads and Streets Park Maintenance Planned use for the requested equipment Questions ensued regarding the disposition of decommissioned vehicles and equipment and the need for a new Public Works Building. ATTACHMENT A - FY22 Budget Presentation- 07-22-21 Minutes B. Public Utilities CM Corbin highlighted the Public Utilities Capital Projects as follows: Recently completed Capital Projects(9) Capital Projects Ongoing & FY22 Carryover Proposed FY22 Capital Projects Mayor Glasser joined the meeting at 6:51 p.m.) PU Director Troy Stephens spoke regarding the Utilities Projects as detailed in the Agenda packet and the benefits to COAB. A conversation ensued regarding well flooding prevention and the steps to retrofit the wells to prevent flooding. There was also discussion about the future of the land where the Water Treatment Plant#4 is located once the well is decommissioned. Mayor Glasser mentioned she still gets complaints about the odor in the Selva Marina area and asked for staff to take an additional look at the process. C. Public Works PW Director Williams explained the additional stabilization for the Seminole Road Ditch Bank. PW Director Williams explained the Lily Street project was completed successfully. FD Burns spoke regarding the American Rescue Plan Act guidelines and suggested use for funds distribution as follows: Public Health and Economic impacts Revenue loss Budget Workshop July 22,2021 Investment in infrastructure (Utilities and Broadband) Discussion ensued regarding the suggested use for ARPA funds. Commissioner Bole inquired if the unused funds can be rolled over. FD Burns explained it can be rolled over until 2024 and would need to request an extension to use the funds until 2026. CM Corbin explained the budget information presented in the meeting was a high-level view of the departments. He explained each Department submitted budget items/funds listed in the Agenda Packet and that information would be used to prepare a budget book for additional reference. 3. CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS/QUESTIONS Commissioner Norris asked if all the items presented in the Agenda Packet are being kept or if there would be any plan cuts to the budget items and projects. CM responded by explaining some of the items under the Public Works Department may be cut but the items listed would help the Department to run smoothly. He explained all the projects and items for Utilities need and should be completed because those projects do not affect the General Fund. Commissioner Norris asked if there is need for additional personnel in Public Utilities in order to complete all the projects listed. CM Corbin explained Public Utilities did not request additional staff, but Public Works did request an additional Park Ranger position. Mayor Glasser asked if a lot of the projects for Public Utilities were going to be contracted out and suggested assigning priorities to the planned projects. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 7:22 PM. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor I/2.2 / 2 D 2, 1 Date Approved: Budget Workshop July 22,2021 ATTACHMENT A 7-22-21 Minutes W-.=..fr' Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget S" y, ,., µ = Commission Workshop # 1 July 22, s, ATLANTIC BEACH(5 r_ 7,7. _ , i 722-2HMnuts FY2022 BUDGET OVERVIEW Millage remains at 3.2285 Personnel 3% wage increase Police Department requesting 2 new officers Public Works requesting 1 Park Ranger Overall revenues increased 18.72% due to grant funding in the Enterprise Funds Overall expenditures increase 10.87% r 9 ATLANTIC BEACH 7221Mnuts r FY22 Budget Overview FY21 Revenues Vs. FY22 Revenues Expenditure Function FY2021 FY2022 Change Taxes 9,802,318 9,528,898 2.79% Permits, Fees & Special 1,377,609 1,530,605 11.11% Assessments Intergovernmental 3,667,429 4,456,331 21.51% Revenue Charges for Services 14,902,618 15,307,407 2.72% Judgement Fines & 54,681 51,375 6.05% Forfeitures Misc. Revenues 388,744 466,829 20.09% Other Sources* 3,266,373 8,383,667 156.67% Total 33,459,772 39,725,112 18.72% Includes Inter-Fund Transfers and Appropriation of Fund Balance s, , A.TL T BEA1,JH/ ate' ZiPftill FY22 BudgetOverview FY21 Expenditures Vs. FY22 Expenditures Personnel Services 12,232,857 12,174,530 0.48% Operating Expenses 13,856,403 12,493,294 9.84% Capital Outlay 8,704,023 15,080,459 73.26% Debt Service 2,194,694 2,196,943 0.10% Grants & Aids 60,300 61,000 1.16% Other Uses 3,228,141 2,646,339 18.02% Total 40,276,418 45,175,141 10.87% The primary reason for the increase from 2021 can be attributed to water and sewer infrastructure improvements. Sri, J ATTACHMENT NATLAT I C BEACH s-) 22 21 Minutes N S: FBudget Overview Increase in Revenues & Expense by Fund Fund (Revenues)*- 1M. . . o 1 1.1.111111 General 10.15% General 4.80% Local Option Gas Tax 6.23% Local Option Gas Tax 33.35% Half Cent Sales Tax 41.64% Half Cent Sales Tax 31.51% Water Utility 392.52%Water Utility 492.93 Sewer Utility 235.89%Sewer Utility 12.63% Sanitation 25.56% Sanitation 16.54% Stormwater 64.48% Stormwater 6.42% Building Code 18.75%Building Code 2.32% Enforcement Enforcement Revenues include appropriation of fund balances 1 Ly Srior*,fATLANTIC BEACH 7222ATTACHMnutMENT s. stxFY2022 Budget Overview Culture and General Fund Revenues Recreation General Fund Expenditures Includes Park Misc., 235,525 Maintenance), 20, 0 1,656,175, 10% Judements, Other Sources, Fines and 2,049,290, yw`` Forefiets, 0 General 51,375,0% 13/ Human Serices,i4` ._Government, 116,161, 1% ;l;$;_ V t 4,572,175, Charges for Taxes, i c,er E # x 29% Services, 7,931,017, i,iV2,603,875, 50% 16% W Public Safety, 7,261,994, 46% Intergovernmental Permits,Fees Revenue, and Special 2,095,797,13% Assessements, 960,700,6% 4$':_',... 1 ,,,, ATJ4N TIC BEACH G e-iii FY2022 Budget Overview General Fund Expense by Object Capital Outlay, 1,136,202,7% Grants and Aids, 61,000, 1% r . 4 A OperatingNe Expenses, Personnel 5,467,425,34% Services, 9,261,952,58% ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENTA lLi. A., or 7-22-21 Minutes J: ' r FY22 Budget Overview General Fund Capital OutlayB Departmentv 8 Department Capital Outlay Amount Finance MICR Printer 6,000 Building Maintenance Re-Roof City Hall & Chambers 200,000 Building Maintenance 3 New A/C Units (Location TBD) 22,500 Public Safety-Police 4 — Replacement Vehicles 228,000 Public Safety-Police 2 Vehicles for 2 New Officers 114,000 Public Safety- Police Detective Vehicle 27,000 Public Safety-Lifeguards Grant Match for Building 75,000 Public Safety-Lifeguards ATV 20,000 Public Safety-Lifeguards Replace Radios 6,800 rif 1f y'} ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT 7-2221 Minutes A T r L.. Beach Access&Safety o.,__...r.— P+ , -/', Daae....ars meet aDRStitl9neat 1G ffT s.E v.R J ,.: we Ra.e srmmss-waa^i mwo..mam: yy 1 11 r Pedestrian Surety s C m Sidewalks-Skate Pd-QR'aa.Saba.&Trnon 3 •1 O MRPaths-Stam Dr.signncMTO*Rd.Outten andRIUM 1 aieM.d 0,oeswank Sends•SemMY nd and rasa 1 Porn hnpr R:s o4 4 yi 1S. Apar&Doe art Passaas chi.r4 Peds S. eorl Par Pt.,. E CO.. Dutton rOand Cara•Ramp i76tN67 1 Donner Pea•P•o-O.court,easketbali Carl Raignton C I limaff Pan votear Dolga Jordan Part-Parker a9 DlCourtRenoWon,-Wawar i . 'S S t S. Mrssea Park•nebund Cowls s&e.Path D SIOrxaR,easurban i apita6l .........- Coon b Provo..Penman,Cabana&am'Kat'nbk Tide+ ',anew*-P rt. g$ Di7.S'1 R. veterans Para Or.Set g i ir Waters Park-Parka,intprate-teres r j m - Itoweaseerd-aartan Overtook c k, S a Ltrarna)e linprosfTtents 4 4 DMA Pim-xMtd«daroll 1 '¢P sF i kr Wast Skit tlrlo PeqM4'o. -Seal.Ra .ntwn 1 CQ,S. seamed,.Rd north ',woe Rertalbtacon I V 1 S. Sam note Rd South-Dranaee System RKalttrJygn sr" t • 8/._ Tronsportatson lrtsproventerttsjSQ/ety w6aFIN t P ST 1 a a Vend valnlMisrstens-:enoe and R.al Palm: A : 5 st L Franca at-PP[orwtruction 1 -..- m it aecC-Donee Rebs.. t, St ; SEAM%i-&t PWiEYIT ssstt-St a iIEW$57 c 9 araasT- posrdrr6r cndAAar..a— - saTatat i w+oea++leo N A'reC4 M('Jt k (Q . JIM-ST lP 4 _ Y .. NaietTa.k tN 1•t ,. P' _ _.PSl13A CkU6t71i t 3 o6-4$ RAZ', £.-AMEAfit _ 8T JrT i o Zi '';',.." 4 7TM5' - 1 r'. T p c, i pppy i SMS*ret f4s M... \t O S 1 S tri 10 IlfaST.L C 1 iW8o o - C68Tp 8T.s V . i - SiPBNMn+W 4T, t w.rva>a.n+W Recent Public Works Capital Projects 41. 1N, ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 7-22-21 Minutes C. S)rt FY22 Budget Overview General Fund Capital OutlayBy Department Department Capital Outlay" Amount Roads & Streets Genie Z-45 Articulating Boom Lift 90,000 Roads & Streets 2 — Zero Turn Mowers 16,000 Roads & Streets Ride-On Blower Billy Goat 11,080 Tilt Trailer for Excavator & Skid Roads & Streets Steer 12,500 Roads & Streets 2021 Chevy Double Cab 4X4 28,000 Roads & Streets 2021 Chevy w/Dump Bed 72,000 Park Maintenance Skateboard Park Facelift 25,000 Park Maintenance Zero Turn Mower for Ball Fields 6,000 Park Maintenance Ride On Spreader for Ball Fields 4,500 L- H-': '-''';‘ ATLANTIC BEACH,... ATTACHMENT A 7-22-21 Minutes d 2,0--.7"1449.7> FY22 Budget Overview General Fund Capital Outlay By Department Department :..,. 1111111, Capital Outlay'11----..--. Amount --, Park Maintenance 500 Gallon Water Wagon 5,000 Park Maintenance Air Compressor 1,500 Park Maintenance 2 New Trucks to Replace #59 & #P3 56,000 Park Maintenance Polaris Ranger 1000 27,500 sL,. f, ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 7-22-21 Minutes 91, S, P.. t,: >r FY22 Budget Overview Capital ProJjects in Other Governmental Funds Fund Capital Project Amount Local Option Gas Tax Milling & Paving 325,000 Half Cent Sales Tax Fund Sidewalks Seminole Country Club 200,000 Half Cent Sales Tax Fund ROW Parking Pads w/Turf Block 50,000 Half Cent Sales Tax Fund Howell Park Turtle Bridge Replacement 30,000 Dutton Island Overlook Dock Half Cent Sales Tax Fund Repairs 20,000 Half Cent Sales Tax Fund Dutton Island Fishing Pier 80,000 New Decking & Handrail Sunset Half Cent Sales Tax Fund Pier 200,000 J'." - L \1rl:, ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 7-22-21 Minutes s) Wi FY22 Budget Overview Capital ProJjects in Other Governmental Funds I Fund ilit F Capital Project ' _Al :Amount Half Cent Sales Tax Fund Dutton Island Bridge Replacement 300,000 Half Cent Sales Tax Fund 5th St. Beach Walkover 140,000 Half Cent Sales Tax Fund 16th St. Beach Walkover 250,000 Half Cent Sales Tax Fund LED Lighting Donner Baseball Field 25,000 Capital Projects Fund Donner Rd. Improvements 1,748,008 ILA, ATLANTIC BEACH ATT7-22- 21ACHMENTMinutesA spre x JJ: 9T s y / t 5r 4 Ft 9 I wskiruc.i As, 4 CAC*C..4.411-I5a F s nuopw 7 i Recently Completed Projects s 1 WWIT Clarifier()nue Replacement r le 2.Sept¢-to-Sewer-Begonia St r. J 3.Courtyards t5 Influentme Replacement W I 14.Dutton Island Rd LS Suction Line ReplacementdaS.Sea Gardens LS Sun tine Replacement Aaa197iriL 6.Sena Manna LS Odor Control sirs*_ 7.Servo Manna LS Sump Pump 8.WWff Odor Control i mut at3g 9.Emergency outfall Repairs West of Maypon Rd 7 3 3 10 V ssrai s r StLWAR16T pla.(.r ar 3 4.0046r Si* Paw a a F. r EDGAR sr C rDEW Np 114 ST 1 3 4.idl41t trti 1 iii.g, 3 n £ r I'tRpat€- 4 8 1: .` est m, 6 tat tsi Ea n 61 tatiit aREf•aT. u.c+•i WYYii$f:..,,,„a-•»+- .__.i1. ....._.._._._ K citiONIN Recent Public Utilities Capital Projects 4-0-Al' A, 1'41044, ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 7-22-21 Minutes t.)illillyr-i f // 4"re' g.4....,:s1,00 t a se6P. 3 ' i i 1 1 41 koosruC. alAGET ' Rucceofet 3 S Ongoing&FY22 Carryover Projects 41 4Eil , 61WTPNo.1 Modernization 2.Puaett Creek Forcemain Replacement 3.Serve Manna LS Forcemeat Extension 11‘. 4 WV/TV Headwork's Expansion 6 1 As,....... c;-. 5.Combined Beacnes Chaise Repair aDT-14.S1 . 6 Maypon Rd•ALA Waterinain InterConnect 7 Mayport Rd•Manner's Waage Watennain tr- Interconnect ft lar“Sr x g B.Emergency Clutha Replacement WWTF to Maypon Rd 1 1 1 31 A • 9 Donner Rd LS Fixcernain Replacement i g 10.Donner Rd Warermatn Upgrade 1 11.Wastewater Reuse Capacity Expansion 12 Cava%)Service Line Replacement ti / At 13 Camelia Sr LS Generate, 1..A.1 SteWARI ST CUC"4 ST SIMS Si i V t SOO 8T t4 iuy.i._ gio_ .sitiral 1 • . wa ja CI *1-;,--,.- -wili.al 4%,40.;. -r4-Lauz4 ' ,,,,a* t- riwo- soe re - TWO -100ST. F- t. 11 - - ..-- 1 r; ,I i !, 4. %si**ST • ' aural-I'A 41 :.•___,. _ T....., 6 k_`i f,. 4, 4t..-, , 2„,„ 1.. . ys;SI. o 081801T SIRSALLOYSALZ fig_ IP6 , JIMA', e Public Utilities Capital Projectsv-, f* /- ''''), Ongoing & FY22 Carryover m_.......--,/ ATTACHMENT A C)'''''' t's1 7-22-21 MinutesATLANTICBEACH v_f 41,A L Ec_IALLS Av 4,4 14. .RIMOW-It0' • V': 1 S: ` .' 71----a z haT., 7 Potable Wale,FY22 171,4nme-r1 R Inject 5 L.P1 .1. i' l 1. Senate lane&Vass Repteremerts(vans-to! Vv7P No Z-Well 63-Cleaning&Carrne Rep..' 3. WTP No 3-Wen e3W-Cleaning&Carrng Repe.r 4 Completion 0'4-Log Yrs,InetImer 5. WTP No 1-Rep 1 Aerator MOO. Alf\-.. rs, ..., k 6. WTP No.2.Reprise I.Aerator Har.e t1/1014140-7. WTP No 2.Modenmetron 8 Vr7P No.1-Clean&Paint Ground Storage Tar1 6,7,8 ' - 9 Retrofit IL&Priority Weds Vtenerable to Twortr..2 10.WIT No.4-Decornmewon Plant g 41V-4, 11 1.21'PVC WM-Ocean Walk to Sherry Or Cuton 12 12'PVC WM-Sherry Dr Cutoff to Plane.Dr 13.127 PVC WM-Framer Dim Worwerwood Dr t 1 tTrat 8'14 r PVC WM-Wonderwood to Frnegan Clemente', st.orvar 11 1,', DOW,'. 15 Purchase Existong lEA 207 WM on Wanderwoorl Dr i Vs ; el, 16 Tie es/EA 207 WM to Dumbution Sport, LearawN/Qamajarrwarrtatanal.__- ‘ • CWastewaterFY22ProposedProtectsslteraitrhy t .4,t.sees. IS- aceicsurett /- 1.11 1 Replace Cay Serwre Lrnes-Venous Loa/toms EDereia&I..._ 1. .r2Retrofit14H1ghPrtorrtyLSVol/weans to Roochng i Blower Efinkfings-Moro.Venttation it rive RD 43E41110 • 4r, wow; •-• ,.0” 4,STASI- .H, pjF 4 . or,laiet PS nrawaarren, wi,A1-,—"" 4 'SA:4'a real, li !t-- t . _ t ..,0.4a1I ---'' v 1.0 St 1..._ a_ 4 f wa - Public Ji Utilities Proposed FY22 Capital Projects sf " ATLANTIC BEACH 7TACHM NT tes X214 Nd-:, 1:'r FY22 Budget Overview Capital in Public UtilityFunds I,Fund Capital Project,, Amount Water Utility Fund WTP#2 Blast & Paint Ground Storage 90,000 Water Utility Fund Rehab @ Aerators @ WTP#1 90,000 Water Utility Fund WTP#3 Well 3W Replace Casing 180,000 Water Utility Fund Roofs for 3 Buildings 35,000 WTP#2 Modernization Design & Water Utility Fund Engineering 175,000 Water Utility Fund WTP#2 Modernization — Construction 1,300,000 Retrofit High Priority Wells Vulnerable Water Utility Fund to Flooding 20,000 Water Utility Fund WTP#4 Decommission 100,000 r ": s, ATLANTIC BEACH A7 22-2HM nut s 15 i FY22 BudgetOverview Capital in Public UtilityFunds I Fund Capital Project , _A Amount Water Utility Fund Replace Truck 30,000 Construct 850 LF 12" Water Main — Water Utility Fund Oceanwalk to 10" WM on Sherry Dr. 128,000 Construct 1,850 LF of 12" Water Main- Water Utility Fund Sherry to Pioneer Dr. 278,000 Water Utility Fund Construct 1,300 LF of 12" Water Main from Pioneer to Wonderwood 195,000 Construct 700 LF of 8" Water Main Water Utility Fund from Wonderwood to Finnegan School 124,000 Purchase existing JEA 20" WM on Water Utility Fund Wonderwood 1,000,000 Tie into JEA 20" WM to existing @ Water Utility Fund Renault & Sherry Dr. 100,000 t ''ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT 7-22-21 Minutes 4:- l: FY22 Budget Overview CapitalJProjects in Public UtilityFunds IL,Fund, Capital Project % Amount Water Utility Fund Carry-Over Project from FY21 965,000 Water Utility Fund Service Line and Valve Replacement 100,000 Water Utility Fund Double Diaphragm Pump 45,000 Water Utility Fund Replace One Distribution Utility Truck 40,000 Water Utility Fund Replace P-29 Truck 30,000 Sewer Utility Fund Odor Control At Buccaneer Lift Station 100,000 Sewer Utility Fund Odor Control for Selva Marina 80,000 rf Al r ATLANTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 7-22-21 Minutes s 44 14°';';;;41:, FY22 Budget Overview Capital in Public UtilityFunds Fund: Capital Project . Amount Sewer Utility Fund Carry-Over Project from FY21 864,260 Sewer Utility Fund Replacement of Clay Service Lines 200,000 Retrofit 14 High Priority Lift Stations Sewer Utility Fund vulnerable to flooding 275,000 Sewer Utility Fund Carry-Over Treatment Projects from FY21 1,006,270 Sewer Utility Fund Carry-over equipment projects 36,000 d'+*. ATL4INTIC BEACH ATTACHMENT A 7-22-21 Minutes ti LAV 0; '~ FY22 Budget Overview JCapitalProjects in Other Enterprise Funds it_ -Fund Capital Project 1 - Amount Sanitation Fund Clam Truck 150,000 Building Code Enforcement Computer Equipment 9,000 Stormwater Easements 5,000 Stormwater Re-Establish Seminole Ditch Bank 7,000 Dutton Island Rd. Draining Stormwater Improvements 70,000 Stormwater Carryover Aquatic Gardens 2,365,938 r'-''.,,,,.ATLANTIC BEACH A22-2HM nut s 1 J fy V FI 1 F t FY22 Budget Overview American Rescue Plan Act City of Atlantic Beach is a Non-Entitlement Unit due to the population being below 50K Will receive funds directly from the State of Florida in two tranches one before the end of the current fiscal year, the other one year after the first one. Allowable Uses *Applicable uses underlined Public Health and Economic Impacts Premium Pay — Does not apply to City of Atlantic Beach Revenue Loss Investments in Infrastructure (Utilities and Broadband)