01-06-22 COAB Exh. 3 - CESM11111111 Permit: Site ,Address: RFC COAB Exh. 3 01-06-22 Minutes TREE REMOVAL CALCULATIONS City of Atlantic each Community Develop ent De artment 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Fax: (904) 247-5845 Email: Bullding-Dept®coab.us TREE20-0034 342 19'h Street Applicant: Thomas Bourdm Address: Phone: Enuth TREE REMOVAL CALCULATIONS REMOVEDLegacy (non-cluk) Legacy (ea) Oaks Palms Others Total Protected, Trees .Removed: 24 0 0 130 72 226 Mitigation Needed: 24 0 0 130 72 226 Trees Removed: 24" ilick,ory; 8", 9", '11", 2-14, 16" 'Trees; 8", 9-, 8-10", 3-11" Palms MITIGATION Credit for Trees. ,Presery Credit for Trees, Kkcat Credit for Trees Planted,: Total: Trees Presemed; Trees Relocated' Trees Play *Planted Legacy Tree..i,!1!# cycles, receive DOU LE credit when replacing uon-Legacy Trees. The Legacy Tree list includes Bald Cypress; Sou ern Eastern Red Ce rs; Winged and Florida Elms; Live and Sand Live Oaks, Hickory; Pecan; Pignut Hickory; Loblolly Bay„; ,Southem and Swethay Magnolias; Red an,d, Florida M. les; and Tupelo. ADDITIONAL MITIGATION REQUIRED (Mitigation Needed, - Total) Legacy (hm-oak) Legacy (oak) Oaks Palms Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None for credit (trees, 3"-5" diameter). None for credit,.. None for credit. Legacy inen-aak) 'Legacy (oak) Oaks Palms Others Total New Trees Planted: 0 0 0 0 0 226 or Payment Into 'Tree Etmd**:: $0,00 $0,00 $0.00 $0,00 $0,00 $33,448. or A Combination of the Above** Additional Notes; Mitigation is 1 inch preserved or plarttedfor every **At least 50% of mitigation must be onsite„ dies remov.x1. Tree Fund rate is $148„00 per inch., Status is in accordance with the City of ,Atlantie Beach code of ordit ,nc in th'ect at the time of application, submittal. APPROVED DEN :,1) .11 I I I III TPO ,A„DMINISTRATOR, DATE 1 of 3 Ui6.:20"""' (3(30,ABF h "3 COAB Exh. 3 01-06-22 Minutes TREE AND VEGETATION REGULATIONS: General Provisions Sec. 23-30, Mittimu.„ tree requirements. Sec. 23-31. General prohibitions. Sec. 23-32. Tree protection during development and construction. (a) Restrictions during construction. (1) Placement of materials, machinery„ or temporary soils. It shall be unlawful for any person(,$) to cause or allow the storage of construction materials, the use of heavy equipment or machinery„ or t temporary storage of soil deposits within, the tree protection zone °limy tree or group of trees to be retain* (2) Disposal qf waste materials. It shall be unlawful for any person(s) to cause or allow the disposal of waste aterials such as int1 oil, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar or any other itaterial hamilid to the life of a tree within the tree protection zone of any tree or groups of trees, or where planting beds are to be situated. (b) Burden of tree protection on property owner. The property owner(s) and their agent(s) shall ensure that any tree shown on the vegetation inventory for which a tree removal permit has not en obtained is to be protected. Theproperty owner shall gaanantee survival of retained trees and replacement trees for three (3) years from the date the city accepts the t' es es and landscaping as complete, unless a greater time period is required by a development order. If a retained or replacement tree dies during that time period„ the property owner shall, replace the tree M accordance with a remedial action as required by this chapter. (c) Protective barriers and signage required:, 'Protective barriersage s 11 be installed around every tree or oup of trees to be .preserved prior to commencement of constructio „ in compliance with the guidelines in the Tree Protection Guide for Builders and Developers, published by the F1orrii Division of Forestry and/�r any other reasonable requirements deemed appropriateby the administrator to imple ent this p (1) Temporary protective barriers shall placed at least six (6) feet from the base of any tree, and shall encompass at least fifty (50) percent of the area under e .'pline of any tr or trees to be preserved or retained for mitigation credit, unless otherwise approved by the, administrator, (2) Temporary protective barriers shall be at least three (3) feet high, and shall consist of either a wood knee with two-by-four posts placeda aximum of eight (8) feel apart with a two-by-four minimum top rail, or a mesh fence, or other similar barrier whicb will limit access to the protected area, unless otherwise approved by the administrator, (3) Wate iroof, rigid sign(s) Shall be affixed to each, individual barricade, such that there is one (1) sign every fifteen (15) feet along the length of the b,arricade. The signs shall contain the following words, and will be made available by the city at the time of permit issuance. (d) Adjacen I properties. The pr erty ,owner(s) or their agent(s) shall ensure protective barricading of all trees located, on adjacent p ertics, that have root or branch systems th,at encroach upon the subject. property, and that may potentially be impacted by develop ent activities, Sec. 23-33. Mitigatioi» to be assessed. Sec. 23-34. Maintenance and monitoring requirements. The applicant shall be responsible for maintaining the health of any replacement or relocation, trees for three (3) years from planting. (1) Determination of success. The applicant shall determine the condition of each tree, three (3) years after the nee was relocated or planted. This determination shall be submitted to the city for approval within thirty (30) days of being made. Should any tree die or be in a state of d,ecline within three (3) years of being planted or relocated, t iieant shall be required to replace the tree within sixty (60) days of that determination,. The, three-year monitori„ and approval period shall begin anew whenever a tree is replaced. If that replacement tree is found not to be viable, at the end of the, second monitoring period, the applica,nt, may pay the appropriateamount intothe tree fund in lieu of planting a third replacement tree, lithe applicant fails to replace the tree or to pay the appropriate amount into the tree fund within sixty (60) days, the applicant stud] be in violation of this chapter. Sec. 23-35. Elimination of 'undesirable species. Sec. 23-36. Elimination of contagious diseased and pest -infested trees., Sec. 23-37. Payment in lieu of replacement/relocation. 2 of 3 Tree #14 Tree 4154;. Tree #16 4'7 it 1 Tree 1119 if- COAB Exh. 3 01-06-22 Minutes free 1131 Tree #17 Tree #1.8 ,00 , 01111114 ,,,11,14,111,1,11,11?1,11?11?1,1?1?1,, Tree Tree #9 *" e11 --.Tree #6 Tree 43 l'r---"+*0 Tree #.4 .....--*Tree 45 3 of 3 Tree #1: 10" Palm Tree #2. 24" Hickory Tree 43: 11," tee Tree 44: 16" Tree Tree 45: 11"Im Tree 10" Palm Tree #71: 10" Palm Tree #87 Pallm Urea * . 9" Palm Tree, #10: 11" Palm Tree 1111: 9" Tree Tree #12,: 1Cr Palm Tree #13, I. 10* Pa 1m Tree #14: Ur Palm Tree #15: 10"'" Palm Tree 416: 8" Palm Tree 417: '14" Tree Tree #18: 8" Tree 'Tree #19; 14' Tree Tree #20: 109 Palm