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03-03-22 CESM Agenda City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting Thursday, March 3, 2022 - 2:00 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road Page(s) 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2.A. Approve minutes of the January 6th, 2022 regular meeting of the Special Magistrate meeting. 01-06-22 CESM Draft Minutes 3 - 4 3. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH 4. RECORD EVIDENCE 5. OLD BUSINESS 5.A. CASE#: 20-154 NAME: Manuzon Rolando Figueroa * ADDRESS: 1340 Violet St Case Details 20-154 CE 1340 Violet St. Case #20-154 5 - 71 5.B. CASE#: 21-052 NAME: Collins Tanikia * ADDRESS: 1251 Tulip St Case Details 21-052 CE 1251 Tulip St Case #21-052 73 - 101 5.C. CASE#: 21-061 NAME: Fritz E REeinhardt Living Trust ADDRESS: 1328 7th St N Case Details 21-061 CE 710 Bonita Case #21-061 103 - 135 6. NEW BUSINESS 6.A. CASE#: 21-154 NAME: Marco Michael * ADDRESS: 174 15th St Case Details 21-154 CE 174 15th St. Case #21-154 137 - 152 Page 1 of 152 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate - 03 Mar 2022 7. ADJOURNMENT * Homesteaded Properties This meeting will be live-streamed and videotaped. To access live or recorded videos, click on the Meeting Videos tab on the city's home page at In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meet ing should contact the City Clerk’s Office by 5:00 PM, the Friday prior to the meeting. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26 of the Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk's Office not less than three (3) days prior to the date of this meeting at (904) 247-5800 or 800 Seminole Road. Page 2 of 152 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate January 6, 2022 Page 1 of 2 MINUTES Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting Thursday, January 6, 2022 - 2:00 PM Commission Chamber Present:Suzanne Green, Special Magistrate 1. CALL TO ORDER Magistrate Green called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Minutes of the regular meeting of the November 4, 2021 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate meeting were approved. 3. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH Magistrate Green administered the Oath to the attendees, staff and respondents. 4. RECORD EVIDENCE The slideshow presentation and the case files packet (Agenda Packet) were entered into the record as evidence. Items 6.A and 6.B were moved before Item 5.A. Slideshow Presentation 6. NEW BUSINESS A.CASE#:21-160 NAME: ADDRESS: Chamberlin Jacob * 780 Bonita Road Testified: CE Officer Irizarry, Jacob Chamberlin. Respondent: Jacob Chamberlin was present. Action: THAT the Respondent has corrected the violation and no fine shall be assessed at this time. B.CASE#:21-161 NAME:Knieriemen Daniel J Jr. * ADDRESS:860 Bonita Road Agenda Item #2.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 3 of 152 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate January 6, 2022 Page 2 of 2 Testified: CE Officer Irizarry. Respondent: Dainiel Knieriemen was not present. Action: THAT the Respondent has corrected the violation and no fine shall be assessed at this time. 5. OLD BUSINESS A.CASE#:21-087 NAME:Bourdon Thomas Patrick * ADDRESS:342 19th Street Testified: Attorney Flowers and Durden, representing the City of Atlantic Beach. Attorney Sanders representing Thomas Patrick Bourdon. Respondent: Thomas Patrick Bourdon was present. Action: Magistrate indicated that she would need more time to lookover the evidence and issue her decision by order at a later time. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Magistrate Green declared the meeting adjourned at 3:21 p.m. Attest: Suzanne Green, Special Magistrate Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk Date Approved _________________ Agenda Item #2.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 4 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐154 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 1of 5 Description: Accessory building x2 and fence, no permit Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 12/15/2020 Closed:  Last Action: 11/4/2022 Fllw Up: 10/20/2021 Site Address: 1340 VIOLET ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 171060 0010 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES OTHER Angela Irizarry 12/11/2020 12/11/2020 Written complaint was sent to Kevin Hogancamp with a photo of an accessory building taken from a neighboring upstairs window. There is no permit on file for the building.  STOP WORK ORDER POST Angela Irizarry 12/15/2020 12/15/2020 Structure can be seen over the fence from the street. Posted stop work order for the structures and new fencing.  TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 12/15/2020 12/15/2020 Received call from respondent.  Explained that the needed to submit plans for the accessory buildings on the side and rear of the house as well as the fence. MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 1/5/2021 1/5/2021 Checked files for permit application. No application has been submitted. NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 1/5/2021 1/5/2021 MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 1/11/2021 1/11/2021 Owner came into the office and picked up application paperwork.  Explained to owner that he needed to submit for the fence and accessory buildings and went over what paperwork he needs to submit.  Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022 Page 5 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐154 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 2of 5 CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 1/12/2021 1/12/2021 Per green card, Certified NOV letter was delivered on 1/8 PERMIT APPLIED FOR Angela Irizarry 1/14/2021 1/14/2021 Per Building department records, permit application for a shed was submitted. MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 1/20/2021 1/20/2021 Met with owner onsite along with Dan Arlington to conduct site visit and discuss permit possibilities.  Building is a wide as rear property and encroaches on rear and side setbacks.  Almost the entire back yard has been covered in concrete that the owner installed himself including around the large tree in the back yard.    Dan and I explained that the shed could not be approved as built or submitted and that the concrete exceeded impervious allowed by code.  Owner stated that he would need two weeks to remove the concrete and shed.  TELEPHONE MESSAGE Angela Irizarry 1/22/2021 1/22/2021 Per Dan Arlington, the owner called him back and said he and his wife had discussed the building and realized that two weeks was not enough time to get the violation corrected. Dan stated that he told them to reach back out in two weeks and we would evaluate progress. TELEPHONE MESSAGE Angela Irizarry 2/4/2021 2/4/2021 Called Rolando and left message to set up a time to review progress on correcting the violation.  NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 4/13/2021 4/13/2021 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 5/18/2021 5/18/2021 Post office still not showing that they have picked up the letter.   NOV POST Angela Irizarry 5/18/2021 5/18/2021 Posting notice of violation at the property and at City Hall Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022 Page 6 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐154 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 3of 5 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 5/19/2021 5/19/2021 Received call from respondent. He stated that he does not have the money to remove the structure. Advised him to respond to us in writing.  NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 6/3/2021 6/3/2021 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 6/21/2021 6/21/2021 Posted NOH on front door, city hall and mailed a copy regular usps mail.  CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/21/2021 7/21/2021 Still in Transit per CODE ENFORCEMENT AGENDA Kim Flower 7/6/2021 7/7/2021 CEB MEETING Angela Irizarry 7/8/2021 7/8/2021 Case went before the SM. Respondent was present.  Ordered to remove structure and concrete within 60 days. CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER Kim Flower 7/20/2021 8/5/2021 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Kim Flower 7/23/2021 8/5/2021 EMAIL SENT Angela Irizarry 9/17/2021 9/17/2021 Sent email to Mr. Manuzon to check on status of demo. NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 10/4/2021 10/4/2021 For November 4 2021 Hearing EMAIL RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 10/8/2021 10/8/2021 Received email from Mr. Manuzon. It contained photos of the property. It appears from the photos that some of the concrete has been removed but not all of the unpermitted concrete and the structure still remains.  NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 10/25/2021 10/25/2021 Posted Property for the Nov. 4 2021 hearing. Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022 Page 7 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐154 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 4of 5 CODE ENFORCEMENT AGENDA Kim Flower 10/30/2021 12/10/2021 MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 11/4/2021 11/4/2021 Visited property.  Some of the concrete and part of the structure had been removed. Advised homeowner he had the option of applying for a variance and permit  NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 2/4/2022 2/4/2022 Noticed for March 3 hearing.  CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 2/9/2022 2/9/2022 Per notice of hearing was delivered.  CEB ORDER Angela Irizarry 11/4/2022 11/4/2022 Respondent given 30 days from date of order to remove the structure or obtain a permit.  CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA JR 1340 VIOLET ST  ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Fences No Permit Angela Irizarry 12/15/2020 New 6ft wood fence Sec. 24‐157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a)  Permit required.  Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.  Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences.  The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24‐17.  Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022 Page 8 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 20‐154 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 5of 5 Impervious Surface Angela Irizarry 4/13/2021 (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RG zoning district shall be: (1)Maximum impervious surface: Forty‐five (45) percent. SWO Florida Bldg Code Angela Irizarry 12/15/2020 Accessory building in back yard FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.  Zoning District Angela Irizarry 4/13/2021 Chapter 24.  Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24‐151. ‐ Accessory uses and structures. l. Storage and tool sheds, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet and twelve (12) feet in height. Only one (1) detached storage or tool shed shall be allowed on any single residential lot, and such structures shall be a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the rear and side lot lines. Zoning District Angela Irizarry 4/13/2021 Chapter 24.  Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24‐151. ‐ Accessory uses and structures. d. Unless otherwise specified within this section, accessory uses and structures shall not be located within required front yards and shall not be closer than five (5) feet from any lot line. Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022 Page 9 of 152 Page 10 of 152 Irizarry,Angela From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 1:38 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin Subject: RE:Violet St structure FYI...I can see this from the street so I am opening a case. From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 3:23 PM To: Irizarry,Angela<> Subject: Re:Violet St structure Sorry. 1340. May not see it from the road, which I know presents a challenge. They may have electricity running to the structure. Somebody may be living in it. Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Fla. w. (904)477-5325 c. (904) 247-5804 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law, correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. From: Irizarry,Angela<> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 2:50:24 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin<> Subject: Re:Violet St structure What address is this?And I'll see if I can see it from the street. Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement City of Atlantic Beach On Dec 11,2020,at 2:22 PM, Hogencamp,Kevin<>wrote: The person who shared this info doesn't think this backyard structure was permitted by COAB—and would know. Please let me know what you find out. <Image jpeg> Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Fla. w. (904)477-5325 c. (904)247-5804 1 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 11 of 152 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law,correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. 2 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 12 of 152 1•: 4. _ I _ t ,r ext •.1. t i'•i nf,"KI C 1 /•: 1 r, .. \ ,:``JNNF a1 l - 1,. n.,; / N .a fi 1 r \l. WAIF , )'' 'G 771 tti i' 1 r'J : ry ...a\i / :.1 \ rrlo- l/1. ` k. ..aa ::hSS\. eRv `. yJ.• I.1oI.N > v yys 1 Y \ 1 - 1 Zc10w` i f fl _ YeC x t t af}y 1 7 . r 5..1 ( \ ',., ,h`\ C Lx'`.` 1 rid. iIF.'. a f y . j+, A _ },,./ L;, ' U` I'. 7 1 p 111. . M 1 lI h IF r `w 1• 1 f,- d tlib ,` pts \ r !r'r` r ^ G. {) 1 '\._: LR!>(' .,` r7 byy \ j'•: rjI IN No r. 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No,ki No fJ1#40 , r ' I r' n No e7 M do T,r,.w Je, IN No IF T to e • l vito I` rINI,t r fN 'S ri.r,q OFF ,d r r IN Y n ` f •{ sv INFIr Nor Not r,•'r It" rd • r '{ TV, dyi'•yYa 1l hT 1S 5w1 ( If, 1IF F, F- 1 •Qi ' 4 r „/ SO1 It., l_i kifl', 11i . 1 •'( iIF l ..- i f 1. 1` d Fro Y l/ N Il OF ol At sr IFNINoN N IF or V00092 I F n k J 1 . , - YiY f y It IL No s r' IF dry, 7— IS\°\ ; / p. No No 7 -AWN 4 Not too411 1 ' .p Ya `z 1 - No 1A No, No 4No No Nor IF to 2 lotFoc IF 1r It 'i l • P y yI( R NI e\Y j go, pt, W 1d O 10 " Nof R Fit 40 Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022Page 13 of 152 STOP WORK No SCI .,., Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 14 of 152 moo. 10,010000, N Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022Page 15 of 152 I riza rry,Angela From: I rizarry,Angela Sent: Monday,January 11, 2021 11:01 AM To: Hogencamp,Kevin;Johnston,Jennifer; Giles, Christian;Gindlesperger,Toni Subject: RE:Violet St structure From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Monday,January 11, 2021 10:06 AM To:Johnston,Jennifer<>;Giles, Christian<>; Gindlesperger,Toni<> Cc: Irizarry,Angela<>; Subject: RE:Violet St structure Jennifer,Christian,Toni and Angela— J.R. (cc'd)just called me. If I understand correctly, he's seeking clarification on two issues. If he opts to demolish the structure, does he need a permit for that?—Yes. Its an actual building, so he would need a demolition permit. If he opts to leave the unpermitted structure intact with hopes that the structure will be allowed if he goes through the permitting process after-the-fact,what does he need to do? Does he get that ball rolling by applying for a permit first? If so,what happens next? -As discussed with him in the lobby while he was here, he would need to fill out the application forms he was given and submit those with a survey showing the footprint of all the improvements that have been added and construction plans for the structures. Thanks, Kevin Kevin Hogencamp I Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach I w. (904) 247-5804 c. (904) 362-0043 e. I visit Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook. Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request.Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:43 PM 1 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 16 of 152 To:Johnston,Jennifer<> Cc: Irizarry,Angela<>; ''<rolando> Subject: RE:Violet St structure Hi again. I messed up J.R.'s email address—I hope I have it now. Meanwhile, his phone number is 904-629-2263. Thanks, Kevin From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:36 PM To:Johnston,Jennifer<> Cc: lrizarry,Angela <>; ''<orlando> Subject: FW:Violet St structure Hi Jennifer, I'm connecting you with J.R. Manuzon,who was contacted by Code Enforcement today for having an unpermitted shed in the backyard of 1340 Violet St. I just spoke with Mr. Manuzon,who says he came to City Hall before building the shed, and was under the impression from his conversation with us that no permitted was needed, unless it looks good. Mr. Manuzon is very apologetic and says he wants to do what he needs to do to resolve this. Please assist him, OK? All—let me know if I can assist in any way. Thanks, Kevin Kevin Hogencamp I Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach I w. (904) 247-5804 c. (904) 362- 0043 e. visit Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook. Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request.Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. From: Irizarry,Angela Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:04 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin<> Subject: RE:Violet St structure 2 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 17 of 152 Mr. Manuzon is going to be calling you. He's worried he offended someone and says he wants to apologize to whoever contacted us about his shed. From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 3:23 PM To: Irizarry,Angela<> Subject: Re:Violet St structure Sorry. 1340. May not see it from the road, which I know presents a challenge. They may have electricity running to the structure. Somebody may be living in it. Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Fla. w. (904) 477-5325 c. (904) 247-5804 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law, correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. From: Irizarry,Angela<> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 2:50:24 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin<> Subject: Re:Violet St structure What address is this?And I'll see if I can see it from the street. Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement City of Atlantic Beach On Dec 11,2020, at 2:22 PM, Hogencamp,Kevin<>wrote: The person who shared this info doesn't think this backyard structure was permitted by COAB—and would know. Please let me know what you find out. <Image.jpeg> Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Fla. w. (904)477-5325 c. (904)247-5804 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law,correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 18 of 152 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 19 of 152 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 20 of 152 j yLyrJ J CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 07 ,-; 1s. 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 is, PHONE (904)247-5800 J,31' CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7016 0910 0001 6799 3908 1/5/2021 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA JR 1340 VIOLET ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171060 0010 Case Number: 20-154 Location of Violation: 1340 VIOLET ST, 18-34 17-2S-29E .075, SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH, LOT 2(EX N 42.71 FT),N 25 FT LOT 3 BLK 232 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 1340 VIOLET ST was conducted on 12/15/2020 & 1/5/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A stop work order was posted on your property on 12/15/2020. As of today, no applications have been received for the fence or accessory buildings. Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 21 of 152 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by submitting a permit application for all unpermitted improvements on the property to include the fence and accessory structures within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247-5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, e qcJD2cNzsz r` -( hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accu te. S' erely, Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 22 of 152 1 I ': COMPL THIS S CTION Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Si nature Print your name and address on the reverse X El Agent so that we can return the card to you. i." • Addr se Attach this card to:the back of the mailpiece, .•r B• ceive`dp ( ftetC.Pate o eliver or on the front i ce permits. 0 v I 1. GE.-- Article Addres ed • D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 es I ' r V\ If YES,enter de addr below: No sH v1 C.IJI 1 aLk.1-1-- gO - \ --\ 1 1 V F-n 11111111 ' I I 11111111111 I III I I 3. Service Type "C riority Mail ExpITr^e ss® Adult Signature egistere Mai Adult Signature Res every Regi tail Restrict 9590 9402 3831 8032 5661 68 0 Certified Mail® D ivr Certified Mail Restricted Delivery A urn Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2- Artir•.le Numher(Transfer from service lahell Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Si onfirmationt' Mail ignature Confirmation 7016 0910 0001 6799 3908 Mail Restricted i Restricted Delivery 300) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022Page 23 of 152 G / t V. a 4t a o a o 0 1 r' t i I Now p 1 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 24 of 152 IM I J 4 J . 1 ti 1 i 6 1 r 1 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 25 of 152 1 • 1.tIN4Y1ivnz* . .. ij1. t llgpe0.. k'y1.• ,:1 a_ AU xfl AV LIZ i 4 oft T "•r ... IV Vt&N JAW r 1 UWR=IQP- n Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022Page 26 of 152 Tti x r.: ti¢ 411. h •` e htGS ' e VJj 9. 1I . I n ? 7 I IIIw Qu Ilil{ p `{ III • { . moi` 1. pp 1 rl - WML, 4 t 4 Y yr) Y p j c Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 27 of 152 for CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 r CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT 7016 0910 0001 6799 4332 4/13/2021 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA JR SENT VIA RETURN RECEIPT 1340 VIOLET ST AND REGULAR USPS MAIL ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171060 0010 Case Number:20-154 Location of Violation: 1340 VIOLET ST, 18- 34 17-2S-29E.075, SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH,LOT 2(EX N 42.71 FT),N 25 FT LOT 3 BLK 232 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1340 VIOLET ST was conducted on 12/15/2020 & 1/20/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: 1. NATURE OF VIOLATION:A stop work order was posted on your property on 12/15/2020 for installation of a fence without a permit. As of today,no application has been received for the 6 ft wood fence that was installed at your home. APPLICABLE CODE-Sec.24-157.Fences,walls and similar structures.(a)Permit required.Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences.The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter,and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17.Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. ACTION TO CORRECT: Obtain a valid fence permit within 10 days of receipt of this letter. 2. NATURE OF VIOLATION:An accessory structure was constructed in the back yard of the home without a valid building permit. A stop work order was issued on 12/25/2020.Your partial permit application submitted on 1/14/2021 was denied. APPLICABLE CODE-FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct,enlarge,alter,repair,remove,demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect,install,enlarge,alter,repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings,electrical,gas,mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done,shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 28 of 152 ACTION TO CORRECT:Remove the unpermitted structure within 30 days of receipt of this letter. 3. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The application submitted for the unpermitted structure calls the building a shed. The maximum size of a shed authorized by code is 150 square feet. According to the drawing submitted in your application,the dimension of the structure in the back yard is 37 feet x 12ft. This exceeds the 150 square feet permitted by code. APPLICABLE CODE-Chapter 24.Land Development Regulations. Sec.24-151.-Accessory uses and structures. 1. Storage and tool sheds,not to exceed one hundred fifty(150)square feet and twelve(12)feet in height.Only one(1)detached storage or tool shed shall be allowed on any single residential lot,and such structures shall be a minimum distance of five(5)feet from the rear and side lot lines. ACTION TO CORRECT: Remove the unpermitted structure within 30 days of receipt of this letter. 4. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The unpermitted structure in the back yard is located closer than 5 feet to the side and rear property lines. APPLICABLE CODE-Chapter 24.Land Development Regulations. Sec.24-151.-Accessory uses and structures.d.Unless otherwise specified within this section,accessory uses and structures shall not be located within required front yards and shall not be closer than five(5)feet from any lot line. ACTION TO CORRECT: Remove the unpermitted structure within 30 days of receipt of this letter. 5. NATURE OF VIOLATION:The area between the back of the house and the unpermitted structure has been covered in concrete.This has increased your impervious surface coverage to over 45%of the lot. APPLICABLE CODE-Chapter 24 Land Development Regulations Sec.24-107 Residential,two-family district(RG)(f)Building restrictions.Building restrictions within the RG zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Forty-five(45)percent. ACTION TO CORRECT:Remove all concrete that has been added to the back yard that was not included in the original permitted plans within 30 days of receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date will result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I,7112.1?Der hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. ely, Bela Iri i4 CODE ENFORCEMENT Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 29 of 152 r1-lilIINI fI117/:II St >+~ r City of Atlantic Beach 11 I VI(I II 11 I I i L 320 f R JT ^`NEOOST r 4l 800 Seminole RoadIII III II 4 L 04/13/2021 rt Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE 2V96 770160910000167994332 f ZIP 32233 041M11299654 LN----___________, MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA JR t I /i 1340 VIOLET ST NIXIE 322 DE 1 0006/29/21 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 RETURN TO SENDER UNCLAIMED Ir If1 A17, F' T C1 C Y1 L+IIN b 17 eal Estate Number: 171060 0010 Case Number 322.'+ .i.s•v II I I II II Ilii I I I II II II I III I I III I J •• 132,-E33 -54-61 1'11"1111"'111111" '11'1'1 'i111? 'l+'1l;1 I'''1116 f—Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022Page 30 of 152 Irizarry,Angela From: I rizarry,Angela Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 9:40 AM To: Rolando Jr. Manuzon' Subject: RE:Violet St structure Mr. Manuzon, I am going to refer your case to the Special Magistrate. I am limited in how long of an extension I can give, but the Magistrate can hear your case and if she finds reason, can extended it out. The hearing is on July 8 at 2:00 at City Hall. I'll be sending you a notice for the meeting by mail as well. Did you start breaking up the concrete yet? The concrete around your tree in the back yard will, if it has not yet, kill the tree. That could be deemed a separate violation so please let me know when you have broken up that concrete so that the tree can get water. From: Rolando Jr. Manuzon [] Sent:Wednesday, May 19, 2021 11:58 AM To: Hogencamp,Kevin<>;Johnston,Jennifer<>;Giles,Christian>; Gindlesperger,Toni<> Cc: Irizarry,Angela<> Subject: Re:Violet St structure Good afternoon to all, I understand and respect the rules and regulations in response to our violations; however, I do not have enough funds to make any corrections and changes as of currently. This pandemic has affected my job as a server which also affected my family's financial stability. May I request an extended due date to correct my violations? I hope you understand my situation. Thank You, Rolando Manuzon Jr. Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:05 AM, Hogencamp,Kevin <> wrote: Jennifer, Christian, Toni and Angela— J.R. (cc'd)just called me. If I understand correctly, he's seeking clarification on two issues. If he opts to demolish the structure, does he need a permit for that? 1 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 31 of 152 If he opts to leave the unpermitted structure intact with hopes that the structure will be allowed if he goes through the permitting process after-the-fact, what does he need to do? Does he get that ball rolling by applying for a permit first? If so, what happens next? Thanks, Kevin Kevin Hogencamp I Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach I w. (904) 247-5804 c. (904) 362-0043 e. khogencamp(c I visit Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to info( Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook. Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:43 PM To: Johnston, Jennifer<iiohnston(c> Cc: Irizarry,Angela <alrizarry(c>; '' rolando manuzon(a)> Subject: RE: Violet St structure Hi again. I messed up J.R.'s email address— I hope I have it now. Meanwhile, his phone number is 904-629-2263. 2 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 32 of 152 Thanks, Kevin From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:36 PM To: Johnston, Jennifer<jjohnston(a> Cc: Irizarry,Angela <>; '' orlando> Subject: FW: Violet St structure Hi Jennifer, I'm connecting you with J.R. Manuzon, who was contacted by Code Enforcement today for having an unpermitted shed in the backyard of 1340 Violet St. I just spoke with Mr. Manuzon, who says he came to City Hall before building the shed, and was under the impression from his conversation with us that no permitted was needed, unless it looks good. Mr. Manuzon is very apologetic and says he wants to do what he needs to do to resolve this. Please assist him, OK? All — let me know if I can assist in any way. Thanks, Kevin Kevin Hogencamp I Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach I w. (904) 247-5804 c. (904) 362-0043 e. khogencamp(a I visit 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 33 of 152 Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to info(a Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook. Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. From: Irizarry,Angela Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:04 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin <kHogencamp ac> Subject: RE: Violet St structure Mr. Manuzon is going to be calling you. He's worried he offended someone and says he wants to apologize to whoever contacted us about his shed. From: Hogencamp,Kevin Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 3:23 PM To: Irizarry,Angela <alrizarrv(a> Subject: Re: Violet St structure Sorry. 1340. May not see it from the road, which I know presents a challenge. They may have electricity running to the structure. Somebody may be living in it. Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach, Fla. Khogencamp(a, w. (904)477-5325 4 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 34 of 152 c. (904) 247-5804 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law, correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. From: Irizarry,Angela <alrizarry a(> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 2:50:24 PM To: Hogencamp,Kevin <> Subject: Re: Violet St structure What address is this?And I'll see if I can see it from the street. Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement City of Atlantic Beach On Dec 11,2020,at 2:22 PM, Hogencamp,Kevin<>wrote: The person who shared this info doesn't think this backyard structure was permitted by COAB—and would know. Please let me know what you find out. <Image.jpeg> Kevin Hogencamp Deputy City Manager City of Atlantic Beach,Fla. w. (904)477-5325 c. (904) 247-5804 Please be advised that due to Florida's very broad public records law, correspondence to and from public officials is considered a public record and must be disclosed upon request. Want to receive City of Atlantic Beach news by email?Just say so in an email to Follow the City of Atlantic Beach on Facebook Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications, including your email address, may therefore be subject to public disclosure. 5 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 35 of 152 S rL`J , CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA J v NOTICE OF HEARING 6/3/2021 Case Number: 20-154 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1340 VIOLET STREET 7017 0660 0000 3856 5200 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1340 VIOLET STREET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 8,2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road,to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1340 VIOLET STREET, 18-34 17-2S-29E .075 SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2(EX N 42.71 FT),N 25 FT LOT 3 BLK 232. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: An accessory structure was constructed in the back yard of the home without a valid building permit. A stop work order was issued on 12/25/2020. Your partial permit application submitted on 1/14/2021 was denied. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A stop work order was posted on your property on 12/15/2020 for installation of a fence without a permit. As of today, no application has been received for the 6 ft wood fence that was installed at your home. Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 36 of 152 3. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. 1. Storage and tool sheds, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet and twelve (12) feet in height. Only one (1) detached storage or tool shed shall be allowed on any single residential lot, and such structures shall be a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the rear and side lot lines. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The application submitted for the unpermitted structure calls the building a shed. The maximum size of a shed authorized by code is 150 square feet. According to the drawing submitted in your application, the dimension of the structure in the back yard is 37 feet x 12ft. This exceeds the 150 square feet permitted by code. 4. Chapter 24 Land Development Regulations Sec. 24-107 Residential, two-family district (RG) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RG zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Forty-five (45) percent. NATURE OF VIOLATION:The area between the back of the house and the unpermitted structure has been covered in concrete. This has increased your impervious surface coverage to over 45% of the lot. 5. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. d. Unless otherwise specified within this section, accessory uses and structures shall not be located within required front yards and shall not be closer than five (5) feet from any lot line. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The unpermitted structure in the back yard is located closer than 5 feet to the side and rear property lines. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: on December 15, 2020 a stop work order was posted on the property for construction of an accessory structure and fence without a permit. An after the fact permit application was submitted on January 14,2021 and denied. To date,there is no valid permit on file for the accessory structure or fence. On January 25, 2021 a site visit was conducted on your property to discuss the unapproved structures. At that time it was discovered that the back yard of the home was covered in concrete. To date,no follow up inspection has been requested to verify that the concrete has been removed. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 37 of 152 presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, (-"- -)nq.i2o, -- ' ' hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and'accurate. l • VIP IP Angela Iriz. Code Enforcement Officer, '•• i• 'Atlantic each ATTEST: 3141 ( b19)C17- Kim Flower, Records Clerk U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT 1:3 Domestic Mail Only Ri For delivery information,visit our website at®. 11 Ln Certified Mail Fee fTl Extra Services&Fees(check bar,add fee es appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ CI 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark D 0 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage a Total Postage and Fees O ara°n LI 2,w) tZo garrlo £ u fX t. 20-1 sN p tr et and Apt. o., o Pb,eox ryo. r- 4CI VI ote`C 31YPP-T Cit tate,ZIP+4b L A kelt C l PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530 02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 38 of 152 i Irl ai 1111 /11%/:1l J 1, .1Y,t y ''` sti : I) ILLE FL 320NEOPOST F.,RsT c asS r.^,,n_City of Atlantic Beach i I i i NEOi OST 5 .i 6 I 800 Seminole Road i; I %n 1 PM 4 L 06/03/20215 Q1111, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE ZDUU6.96— w, 7017 0660 0000 3856 5200 P i, : ZIP 32233 RECEIVED 11:- 041M11299654 JUL 2 2 2021 Z,,, I MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA Certir--"`" r/ r) 1340 VIOLET STREET 7017 NIXIE 322 DE 1 0007 .'21/ 21 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 E r ,ig; TOE N _. P Prop UNCL AIMED N 'AZLE TO 70-F YI A17.^v JNC s 173:3-'4Sen?-e3 -4.5 trp- R i SSS 'fi iY. . j •iii, tti:f i i i i ifi i ii 433227.7.÷a--. ..1437:— ii"iil'fii"1' 'i'i' 'i"ii'i' 'i'ii'ii"'iif"il"i{"Jf' 'ti Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022Page 39 of 152 1L'j / CODE ENFORCEMENT S r J S} CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 4-7-L 01110- 6/21/2021 Case Number: 20-154 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 1340 VIOLET STREET ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1340 VIOLET STREET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 8,2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road,to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1340 VIOLET STREET, 18-34 17-2S-29E .075 SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2(EX N 42.71 FT),N 25 FT LOT 3 BLK 232. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: An accessory structure was constructed in the back yard of the home without a valid building permit. A stop work order was issued on 12/25/2020. Your partial permit application submitted on 1/14/2021 was denied. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A stop work order was posted on your property on 12/15/2020 for installation of a fence without a permit. As of today, no application has been received for the 6 ft wood fence that was installed at your home. Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 40 of 152 3. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. 1. Storage and tool sheds, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet and twelve (12) feet in height. Only one (1) detached storage or tool shed shall be allowed on any single residential lot, and such structures shall be a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the rear and side lot lines. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The application submitted for the unpermitted structure calls the building a shed. The maximum size of a shed authorized by code is 150 square feet. According to the drawing submitted in your application,the dimension of the structure in the back yard is 37 feet x 12ft. This exceeds the 150 square feet permitted by code. 4. Chapter 24 Land Development Regulations Sec. 24-107 Residential, two-family district (RG) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RG zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Forty-five (45)percent. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The area between the back of the house and the unpermitted structure has been covered in concrete. This has increased your impervious surface coverage to over 45% of the lot. 5. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. d. Unless otherwise specified within this section, accessory uses and structures shall not be located within required front yards and shall not be closer than five (5) feet from any lot line. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The unpermitted structure in the back yard is located closer than 5 feet to the side and rear property lines. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: on December 15, 2020 a stop work order was posted on the property for construction of an accessory structure and fence without a permit. An after the fact permit application was submitted on January 14,2021 and denied. To date,there is no valid permit on file for the accessory structure or fence. On January 25, 2021 a site visit was conducted on your property to discuss the unapproved structures. At that time it was discovered that the back yard of the home was covered in concrete. To date, no follow up inspection has been requested to verify that the concrete has been removed. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 41 of 152 I, V c c`e{ hereby swear and affirm that the above statement i i e and-ic Angela Iriz.. Code Enfo:Fent Officer, Ci of At`: ti -Agri ATTEST: KIAA'1/4-). 6014)-ef— Kim Flower, Records Clerk Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 42 of 152 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 43 of 152 I 91- 9 UOIMS 1I aloiud ` 9 ialdeg0 ut saaueuiPiO3o 3po0 goeag oilueliy3o 1440 agl3o and se apo, gulpling up! wL4 a R pue apo:) aaueualutejN Kuadoid Ieuoilemalul a p paldope goeag ociuellb 3o / 4I0 aqL ' Z£ Z ) I1g LO' I 13 SZ ISI ` iA ILOZ17I1 X3) Z . LO" I H0` d39 OLLNVIL` d H 03S SLO' 36Z - SZ - LI b£ - 8I 413T81S L3' IOIA Ob£ I se unnotq tu3dojd 3q1 uo suollelolA pa$ alle ftimollo3 a p uo p maq aq puu lamsuu of ` peog alounuaS 008 ` laqureg0 uoissRutuoO ` IIe1I CI 0 gaeag acluelld Te and OO Z Ie IZOZ ` 8 Inp uo alullsrft IeioadS luauiaoioju3 apo0 ag13o Ouueaq oilgnd wDu oq1 le madde of pa iapso pue paggou Xgaiag ale noA luapuodsaW leaQ j it n 0 3 ` H0V39:) Lfi` dUV 332ILS L370IA 0t7£ I : ssalppd 2Cpadoij I"" ALIO HOFS 3S OLLIhNUV INV ALHIdOHcl k0 ( JUSOd r- I - OZ magrun, ase0 ZZ£ ZH HDV99 3LLSVU ' L332ILS 1310I. A 06£ I HOI3_' IDI3 OaNV ION NOT- INM 9N" V3H 30 331ION Vaj2d ' I3 61EDV3$ JLLNjv" LV 30 A- LIJ lNl3w3:) HOjN3 3QOJ I Z() Zr f 9 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 44 of 152 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ORDER City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Petitioner First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested: 7017 1000 0000 7000 3020 vs. Property Address:1340 Violet Street Manuzon Rolando Figueroa Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 1340 Violet Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Respondent. CASE NUMBER: 20-154 REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 171060 0010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 18-34 17-2S-29E ,075, SEC H, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL ORDER ON CASE NO. 20-154 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 8, 2021, and the Special Magistrate having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, issues findings of fact, conclusions of law, and orders as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Respondent owns the property located at 1340 Violet Street, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. Notice of the hearing was provided by posting at the property and at City Hall. The Respondent was present. 3. The Respondent was issued a notice of violation of Sec. 24-157, Sec. 24-17 and FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 required for installing fences or accessory buildings. The City of Atlantic Beach stated that the entire backyard had been laid with concrete so drainage is of significant concern (impervious to water) and that the structure encroaches into the stormwater area. 4. The Respondent explained that he did construct the fence, cement and an accessory building on his property and did not obtain a permit for those items. He stated that the construction was to provide safety for his children to play in the yard. The Respondent submitted photos (Exhibit#1) showing gunshot holes in his siding. 5. Originally a stop work order was posted on the property and the Respondent stated he would demolish the structure, but no action had been taken from February to May 2021. The Respondent stated he was low on funds. 6. The City of Atlantic Beach requested 30 days to remove the structures or $250.00 per day fine be imposed. Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 45 of 152 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 7. The Respondent was provided proper notice of the violation and hearing. The City of Atlantic Beach recommended 30 days to remove the violations and a $250.00 per day fine be imposed. The Respondent admitted he constructed the fence, cement and accessory building for the safety of his children, but would remove the structures. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent shall have 60 (sixty) days to remove the structure to come into compliance and if not removed, a fine of$100.00 per day be imposed. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 21ST DAY OF JULY, 2021. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ATTEST: 0/11/ZXA--q.ciAl KimberlyM. 'lower, Records Clerk Suzarhe W. Green, Special Magistrate Executed this 21st day of July 2021. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes § 162.11 requires that any appeal of this order must be filed in the circuit court for Duval County within 30 days of this order's execution. U.S. Postal Service- CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Onlyru mFor delivery information,visit our website at®. ip Certified Mail Fee O $ Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ O Postage Total Postage and Fees N Sentra Sreer} t I aCti-- ---1t-U-ro4_ )L P- 2 Yt City,State,ZIP+4a PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 46 of 152 USPS Tracking FAQs ® Track Another Package + See Less Tracking Number: 70171000000070003020 Your item was delivered at 2:42 pm on July 26, 2021 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. Delivered July 26, 2021 at 2:42 pm ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Get Updates Text & Email Updates Tracking History Product Information Can’t find what you’re looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. Remove Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 47 of 152 iLAN---..7.2:, CODE ENFORCEMENT r s CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA r NOTICE OF HEARING 10/4/2021 Case Number: 20-154 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1340 VIOLET STREET 7013 1710 0002 1691 9073 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1340 VIOLET STREET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 4, 2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1340 VIOLET STREET, 18-34 17-2S-29E .075 SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2(EX N 42.71 FT), N 25 FT LOT 3 BLK 232. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: An accessory structure was constructed in the back yard of the home without a valid building permit. A stop work order was issued on 12/25/2020. Your partial permit application submitted on 1/14/2021 was denied. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A stop work order was posted on your property on 12/15/2020 for installation of a fence without a permit. As of today, no application has been received for the 6 ft wood fence that was installed at your home. Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 48 of 152 3. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. 1. Storage and tool sheds, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet and twelve (12) feet in height. Only one (1) detached storage or tool shed shall be allowed on any single residential lot, and such structures shall be a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the rear and side lot lines. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The application submitted for the unpermitted structure calls the building a shed. The maximum size of a shed authorized by code is 150 square feet. According to the drawing submitted in your application, the dimension of the structure in the back yard is 37 feet x 12ft. This exceeds the 150 square feet permitted by code. 4. Chapter 24 Land Development Regulations Sec. 24-107 Residential, two-family district (RG) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RG zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Forty-five(45) percent. NATURE OF VIOLATION:The area between the back of the house and the unpermitted structure has been covered in concrete. This has increased your impervious surface coverage to over 45% of the lot. 5. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. d. Unless otherwise specified within this section, accessory uses and structures shall not be located within required front yards and shall not be closer than five (5) feet from any lot line. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The unpermitted structure in the back yard is located closer than 5 feet to the side and rear property lines. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: on December 15, 2020 a stop work order was posted on the property for construction of an accessory structure and fence without a permit. An after the fact permit application was submitted on January 14,2021 and denied.To date,there is no valid permit on file for the accessory structure or fence. On January 25, 2021 a site visit was conducted on your property to discuss the unapproved structures. At that time it was discovered that the back yard of the home was covered in concrete. To date,no follow up inspection has been requested to verify that the concrete has been removed. This case was heard before the Special Magistrate on July 8, 2021 and an order was issued on July 21, 2021 allotting 60 days to remove the structure. To date, we have received no notification that the unpermitted work has been removed. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 49 of 152 You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, AQ._hereby swear and affirm that the above statement i e ccurate. 1 , 41 4 Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: qKL /Vk )5/UCA Kim Flower, Records Clerk U.S. Postal ServiceTM m CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT p- (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comm U- a Postage $ rq Certified Feeru 0 Postmark Return Receipt Fee Here Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee IJ (Endorsement Required) r-R r-R Total Postage&Fees Seocl-inLA2m 0 cunclQ__7` eraez_ I:3 Street,Apt.No.;C E, O_ I S fIti orrPOPO Box No.. G 1 City,State,ZIP+4 PS Form 3800.August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 50 of 152 i .lit Y+': City of Atlantic Beach NEOPOST r,U, CLASS MA' rs 800 Seminole Road 10/04/2021 0AtlanticBeach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE$007.33-7Jrel v 7013 1710 0002 1691 9073 ZIP 32233 ir' 041M11299654 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA Certified I\ 1340 VIOLET STREET 7013 7,7-;-5 -1 -, Me. w ran" w / - !mow I ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Y Prod R G T u R 1Y (v E iY U R y UNCLAIMED 1 UNABLE TO FORWARD 1 W::::?' 6 : i-, lllIlillVlllll'IjllllllltIli,lllih,lilIl1IljII,ll$lllt,ll,lll.l I Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022Page 51 of 152 Irizarry,Angela From: Rolando Jr. Manuzon <> Sent: Friday, October 8, 2021 8:32 AM To: Irizarry,Angela Subject: Re: Violet St structure 1 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 52 of 152 1:' - . - RF,CEIVED Y JOCT082021 H• "-H,___________.1 -------------- 1 7.-----.......,..-- ':, __ _ _ 41 z:„,„,,„,7:,„,,..::-,,,,.-,,,.,,:.,..:::::,.:_,:r,_ 7,._:::._7=."L:,,,„..:..-- -:.::.:T__-i,,.;l:",.-.: t;„t;.;„ ,.i.s.„.„.._;.....:_,;-,-- -•;L' L,: r- r r 77:__,__:___,___________________________ tY y, 1.:.m ' T L tti -4';',1-•:—:-:', ..':. t s 7F ,J s 49..-., ^. t • x , '..- 1:„ 0•.. •" - s•tag 1.1,0--.: =.::,-fc„ t iF{ :,-,,1 ' U Q ..,.. -.4,..14,,,--y. 77,4,, /,,, ,,,a e ms r f,fes r , c 2. rf s 7 P pt 1 Y . 3 r i g . 3,-'''-':41tt R 4y. 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T; CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 9.21)` 10/25/2021 Case Number: 20-154 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA POSTED ON PROPERTY AND AT 1340 VIOLET STREET ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1340 VIOLET STREET ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 4, 2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1340 VIOLET STREET, 18-34 17-2S-29E .075 SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2(EX N 42.71 FT), N 25 FT LOT 3 BLK 232. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair,remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION:An accessory structure was constructed in the back yard of the home without a valid building permit. A stop work order was issued on 12/25/2020.Your partial permit application submitted on 1/14/2021 was denied. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 59 of 152 NATURE OF VIOLATION: A stop work order was posted on your property on 12/15/2020 for installation of a fence without a permit. As of today, no application has been received for the 6 ft wood fence that was installed at your home. 3. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. I. Storage and tool sheds, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet and twelve (12) feet in height. Only one (1) detached storage or tool shed shall be allowed on any single residential lot, and such structures shall be a minimum distance of five (5) feet from the rear and side lot lines. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The application submitted for the unpermitted structure calls the building a shed. The maximum size of a shed authorized by code is 150 square feet. According to the drawing submitted in your application, the dimension of the structure in the back yard is 37 feet x 12ft. This exceeds the 150 square feet permitted by code. 4. Chapter 24 Land Development Regulations Sec. 24-107 Residential,two-family district(RG) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RG zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Forty-five (45)percent. NATURE OF VIOLATION:The area between the back of the house and the unpermitted structure has been covered in concrete. This has increased your impervious surface coverage to over 45% of the lot. 5. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. d. Unless otherwise specified within this section, accessory uses and structures shall not be located within required front yards and shall not be closer than five (5) feet from any lot line. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The unpermitted structure in the back yard is located closer than 5 feet to the side and rear property lines. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: on December 15, 2020 a stop work order was posted on the property for construction of an accessory structure and fence without a permit. An after the fact permit application was submitted on January 14,2021 and denied. To date,there is no valid permit on file for the accessory structure or fence. On January 25,2021 a site visit was conducted on your property to discuss the unapproved structures. At that time it was discovered that the back yard of the home was covered in concrete. To date,no follow up inspection has been requested to verify that the concrete has been removed. This case was heard before the Special Magistrate on July 8, 2021 and an order was issued on July 21, 2021 allotting 60 days to remove the structure. To date, we have received no notification that the unpermitted work has been removed. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 60 of 152 presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, za(f hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is and aGt ate. 1O Angela Iri . it Code Enf. ment Offi , i tlantic Beach ATTEST: Kim Flower,Records Clerk Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 61 of 152 F'_ 4 V` t ' 1,4,,,,,,..,-,--,:7- r ir 1 1 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 62 of 152 awrt IS1101N.. r* 1' Y r.. Yt, l1RY F 1/ IY/ IY 1. YL+. w ix sol K' 6. OF NEARIriC 11414341 Intlao Ml 11(11 L t'' n* 4NpY) i1aA knM Al1ArlK pAi 11Mi1i"/ OA Ais*+., 5 1 W Vr} I. C' 111N' t' 1 fD. 1 l i . iii 10, Mit Il.}» h,,, AMo" A11, 4tiSM'. YY,* 7ti11.. i.,,,,,;:''''.'!,,,' ti i. AIWA' 1 o''.' i4. Mtlwr I yA w+ M+ri tt YrwtM ji. tLaMt; AO il... 1. lA1( 00,. Sr II Int% attwcMn.+• w.' riws++ ayaax Ct c« M011. 0 slat sl AM IW MFM... OA w,. Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 63 of 152 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ORDER City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Petitioner First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested: 7013 1710 0002 1691 9325 vs. Property Address: 1340 Violet Street Manuzon Rolando Figueroa Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 1340 Violet Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Respondent. CASE NUMBER: 20-154 REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 171060 0010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 18-34 17-2S-29E ,075, SEC H, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL ORDER ON CASE No. 20-154 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 4, 2021, and the Special Magistrate having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, issues findings of fact, conclusions of law, and orders as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Respondent owns the property located at 1340 Violet Street, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. Notice of the hearing was provided by posting at the property. 3. The Respondent was issued a notice of violation of Sec. 24-157, Sec. 24-17 and FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 required for installing fences or accessory buildings. The City of Atlantic Beach stated that the entire backyard had been laid with concrete, so drainage is of significant concern (impervious to water) and that the structure encroaches into the stormwater area. 4. A hearing was held at the July 2021 Code Enforcement meeting which required the Respondent to remove the violations within 60 (sixty) days to come into compliance. 5. The City of Atlantic Beach stated they had spoken with the Respondent on the day of the hearing and confirmed some of the concrete had been removed but the structure is still present. However, a permit may be possible at this time since some of the concrete had been removed. 6. The City of Atlantic Beach requested 30 days to complete the permitting process. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 7. The Respondent was provided proper notice of the violation and hearing. The City of Atlantic Beach recommended thirty (30) days to complete the permitting process. Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 64 of 152 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent shall have 30 (thirty) days from the date of this Order to remove the structure to come into compliance and obtain a permit. The matter shall be calendared for the January 2022 public hearing if necessary. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2021. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ATTEST: I Rower G2 0/1/Le- -- Kimberly W wer, Records Clerk S anne W. Green, Special Magistrate Executed this 24th day of November 2021. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes § 162.11 requires that any appeal of this order must be filed in the circuit court for Duval County within 30 days of this Order's execution. 2 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 65 of 152 ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Si atureI IN item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. N (A241, 0 Agent Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 AddressE so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(rPrinted Name) C. Date.f Deliver Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, C— D. or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 es 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,ente elivery address below: 0 No anuZ0n f?olav do -Fyue,,'oc, L' I 20 - 15H3. 15H Certifiedertified Mail® Priority Mail Express'" Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandis Insured Mail 0 Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 7013 171n 0002 1691 9325 PS Form 3811.July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022Page 66 of 152 6 J rk alb V .. its f . -' 'a V{` 'N 'i6• .!'.J n yr. xx . + >. • t(,i s w+} , f' - r 4 1. :,r.,: !fl'G:-J f m 1 ... .' . . 7th' . .a (,a f4 '1 Y ' S. Tl, fir'5. . t •. Y.-. +% 1' : . c q• t. : f w4f J!%iLtT 'i i} r#a..>i'.0 M ^..] • t ! \ ` r n rl ,ata. • s• F x r'- r.•"'; j ,...- ,,•' '14 .S •sfyi .sir Tom. f"r , w Olt, yY 41 T t! Z: D.', Yc {p j 'Y. . t ti ry a 4.1 a yy, a Qt• J" ,r Y`%. A.h - .. • .. r• 1 n I t(. o-, LAV• ' y.. J'!. ., a •. -Y />' y'fi at9i• _ l +. . AL a f ' t S T TI - it 1i L,:'aa,N 1 > it+_ ab/ A-z t • t iN?,r• i '•.° g i .:.' vl .-.ay tf' r i•" _ N n - r ' r as _ .1 !.w* ire e y IV pp y a? yYa'a. V, - a. .,y ., .. .t_a• . '(jam. \. n Y' ! It I. Io 1 Ai t',' ' _ C` - T - d tel, q^. `i _-. 1 . ' R V )/ r . - ( 101 1 Par I pj9 r J ia I a Agenda Item #5.A.03 Mar 2022Page 67 of 152 IN 1t M • ', r I : 1 ' !'%' • 1 • IIJ + ! 1'+ J`"* ' 3t fir( • (' W 4 . wo Al 1a In Y FlsR+'r_ 1 vt 1 ` I n Y y;i 0. ,.i F ° °1 .`i tea( • I r to terir ml NFpLl V ; r V r a 1 Y I . 1 j. . I Iy 440 i y • .4 10JSI e yy . ywy(. jy p( I'/1 + •Y ' 2 `l ice' rl if Ilk AtIk f i471 to h ; w [ i P .1 SIN, S J J • It p 5, w ik yp U 1, ' f 1, r*- aAttA n1.1>, `"'•` } - ', ,_ f rt..„n,,, , • r•n,•r r.., If JENNISttot rrVIM r l r AllitrNN tea' i a 44, 0000000 p _P.PM' 1 _ r.. ,..., . r. : 1 1. 1 r 1 y j 7 I • 11 4 / 2 21= b 1 0 r r NQ f, i t s i i \ l , n. Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 68 of 152 1tA1,1`CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING yr 2/4/2022 Case Number: 20-154 MANUZON ROLANDO FIGUEROA Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1340 VIOLET STREET 7013 1710 0002 1691 8878 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1340 VIOLET STREET ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on March 3, 2022 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1340 VIOLET STREET, 18-34 17-2S-29E .075 SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2(EX N 42.71 FT), N 25 FT LOT 3 BLK 232. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. NATURE OF VIOLATION: An accessory structure was constructed in the back yard of the home without a valid building permit. A stop work order was issued on 12/25/2020. Your partial permit application submitted on 1/14/2021 was denied. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A stop work order was posted on your property on 12/15/2020 for installation of a fence without a permit. As of today, no application has been received for the 6 ft wood fence that was installed at your home. Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 69 of 152 3. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. 1. Storage and tool sheds, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet and twelve (12) feet in height. Only one (1) detached storage or tool shed shall be allowed on any single residential lot, and such structures shall be a minimum distance of five(5) feet from the rear and side lot lines. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The application submitted for the unpermitted structure calls the building a shed. The maximum size of a shed authorized by code is 150 square feet. According to the drawing submitted in your application,the dimension of the structure in the back yard is 37 feet x 12ft. This exceeds the 150 square feet permitted by code. 4. Chapter 24 Land Development Regulations Sec. 24-107 Residential, two-family district (RG) (f) Building restrictions. Building restrictions within the RG zoning district shall be: (1) Maximum impervious surface: Forty-five (45)percent. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The area between the back of the house and the unpermitted structure has been covered in concrete. This has increased your impervious surface coverage to over 45% of the lot. 5. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-151. - Accessory uses and structures. d. Unless otherwise specified within this section, accessory uses and structures shall not be located within required front yards and shall not be closer than five (5) feet from any lot line. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The unpermitted structure in the back yard is located closer than 5 feet to the side and rear property lines. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: on December 15, 2020 a stop work order was posted on the property for construction of an accessory structure and fence without a permit. An after the fact permit application was submitted on January 14,2021 and denied. To date,there is no valid permit on file for the accessory structure or fence. The case was heard at Nov 4, 2021 hearing. At the hearing, it was reported that part of the unpermitted structure and a portion of the concrete had been removed. You were advised to resubmit a permit application with the remaining structure and concrete and were given 30 days from the date of the order to resubmit. The order was signed on November 24th, 2021. To date, we have not received a revised permit application. This City is asking for the imposition of fines. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 70 of 152 presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, Angelcc ..J=Prenviv hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is d a urate. ta Ange a Inz 11 4(--AP Code Enforcement Officer, Cit`—"y of Atl:each ATTEST: f,t4itil,e,./1__ A;("A„ Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk Page 3 of 3 Agenda Item #5.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 71 of 152 Page 72 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐052 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 1of 3 Description: Fence and Addition ‐ No Permit Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 2/16/2021 Closed:  Last Action: 11/19/2021 Fllw Up: 10/18/2021 Site Address: 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 171023 0020 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 2/12/2021 2/12/2021 Received complaint from neighbor saying owner was building onto the back of the house.  TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 2/16/2021 2/16/2021 Property is posted with several no trespassing signs.    Called Tennike Collins.  She said her mother lives in the house and she did not know what they were doing with the room being built on the back of the house. Advised her that they needed to stop working and I would be sending a notice and she would have 10 days to have a permit pulled for the room.  MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 2/24/2021 2/24/2021 Respondent came into the office and met with myself and Mike Jones about unpermitted addition. She stated that her tenant built it and she thought it had a permit.  Mike discussed what he would need in order to review and inspect it.    Gave them 30 days to get plans drawn.  NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 3/31/2021 3/31/2021 NOV REG Angela Irizarry 3/31/2021 3/31/2021 Agenda Item #5.B.03 Mar 2022 Page 73 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐052 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 2of 3 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 4/9/2021 4/9/2021 Certified letter still in transit. CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 5/10/2021 5/10/2021 Certified letter is lost in the mail.  Submitted claim with PO and am sending new letter.  NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 5/10/2021 5/10/2021 CMRR RETURNED FROM PO Angela Irizarry 6/15/2021 6/15/2021 Certified letter returned by PO NOV POST Angela Irizarry 8/10/2021 8/10/2021 NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 10/1/2021 10/4/2021 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 10/20/2021 10/25/2021 per, still in transit. Posting Property NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 10/25/2021 10/25/2021 CODE ENFORCEMENT AGENDA Kim Flower 10/28/2021 10/28/2021 CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER Kim Flower 11/16/2021 12/10/2021 Respondent given 30 days to obtain a permit. SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Kim Flower 11/19/2021 12/10/2021 NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 2/4/2022 2/4/2022 Noticed for March 3, 2022 hearing.  CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL Agenda Item #5.B.03 Mar 2022 Page 74 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐052 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 3of 3 OWNER COLLINS TANIKIA L 1251 TULIP ST  ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES FENCES NO PERMIT Angela Irizarry 2/16/2021 Sec. 24‐157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a)  Permit required.  Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.  Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences.  The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24‐17.  Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences.  SWO FLORIDA BLDG CODE Angela Irizarry 2/16/2021 REAR YARD FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.  Agenda Item #5.B.03 Mar 2022 Page 75 of 152 Page 76 of 152 izbaa'••: i 1 * 4 o. i f e W RCT Ir. ; L ',. Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 77 of 152 Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 78 of 152 Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 79 of 152 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 2/ 16/2021 COLLINS TANIKIA L 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171023 0020 Case Number: 21-052 Location of Violation: 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1251 TULIP ST was conducted on 2/16/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: NATURE OF VIOLATION: 1.A 6ft privacy fence has been installed on the property.There is no approved permit on file for this fence. 2.An addition is being constructed on the rear of the home. There are no approved permits on file for construction of an addition at this address. VIOLATION CODE: 1.Sec.24-157.Fences,walls and similar structures.(a)Permit required.Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences.The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter,and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17.Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. 2.FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge,alter,repair,remove,demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect, install,enlarge,alter,repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical,gas,mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done,shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 80 of 152 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by stopping all work and submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach for the fence and addition within ten(10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, cf\5ekt. . -0-7_ 3(ir't hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. rreerely, Vgela Iri'4:rry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 81 of 152 r, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 4.10) 800 SEMINOLE ROAD r ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 r artilP CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 7016 0910 0001 6799 4394 3/31/2021 COLLINS TANIKIA L SENT VIA CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 1251 TULIP ST AND REGULAR USPS MAIL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171023 0020 Case Number: 21-052 Location of Violation: 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1251 TULIP ST was conducted on 2/16/2021 & 3/30/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: NATURE OF VIOLATION: 1. A 6ft privacy fence has been installed on the property. There is no approved permit or permit application on file for this fence. 2. An addition is being constructed on the rear of the home. There are no approved permits or permit applications on file for construction of an addition at this address. VIOLATION CODE: 1. Sec. 24-157. Fences,walls and similar structures. (a)Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. 2. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge,alter, repair,remove, demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter,repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas,mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 82 of 152 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by stopping all work and submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach for the fence and addition within ten(10)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, ry hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. v Si rely, Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 83 of 152 USPS Tracking® FAQs > 1io )tata Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70160910000167994394 Remove X Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. In Transit to Next Facility April 13, 2021 0 C) Text & Email Updates n Tracking History April 13, 2021 In Transit to Next Facility Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. April 9, 2021, 6:46 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER April 3, 2021, 1:14 pm Forwarded ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 84 of 152 April 1, 2021, 8:46 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information See Less " Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs m CD 0_ CT SD 0 7' Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 85 of 152 r r' , vrCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ria ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 y PHONE (904)247-5800 CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 7017 0660 0000 3856 5439 5/10/2021 COLLINS TANIKIA L SENT VIA CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 1251 TULIP ST AND REGULAR USPS MAIL ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171023 0020 Case Number: 21-052 Location of Violation: 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1251 TULIP ST was conducted on 2/16/2021 & 3/30/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: NATURE OF VIOLATION: 1.A 6ft privacy fence has been installed on the property. There is no approved permit or permit application on file for this fence. 2.An addition is being constructed on the rear of the home. There are no approved permits or permit applications on file for construction of an addition at this address. VIOLATION CODE: 1. Sec. 24-157.Fences,walls and similar structures. (a)Permit required.Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences.The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter,and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17.Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. 2. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge,alter,repair,remove,demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect, install,enlarge,alter,repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical,gas,mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 86 of 152 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by stopping all work and submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach for the fence and addition within ten(10)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or airizarry@coabb..u)s if you have any questions or need additional information. I, a zorr-I hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate rely, W s 0 Angela Irizarry 410 CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 87 of 152 Q 14'141FIRST-CLASS MAIL T 4 ' City of Atlantic Beach NEOPOST t 800 Seminole Road111 11111 111 1111 05/10/2021 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE$006.962 1,„ 4 ia - 7017 0660 0000 3856 5439 pa* Z 1 P 32233 041M 11299654 C s\ COLLINS TANIKIA L 1251 TULIP ST R-T-S- 322334420-1N 06/08/27. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 RETURN TO SENDER UNABLE TO FORWARD 1 Real Estate Number: 171023 0020 Case_Nu UNABLE TO RETURN TO SENDERBENDER 322:=iri4.;1: iihill,iloii„iii,i:ii,i,n,rill,ii„ni„niiiiii„iii,iiii,i,iiiiiili Agenda Item #5.B.03 Mar 2022Page 88 of 152 S rL`j»Jn CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Sy 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 8/10/2021 COLLINS TANIKIA L POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171023 0020 Case Number: 21-052 Location of Violation: 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article H, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1251 TULIP ST was conducted on 2/16/202, 3/30/2021 & 8/10/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: NATURE OF VIOLATION: 1.A 6ft privacy fence has been installed on the property.There is no approved permit or permit application on file for this fence. 2.An addition is being constructed on the rear of the home. There are no approved permits or permit applications on file for construction of an addition at this address. VIOLATION CODE: 1. Sec. 24-157. Fences,walls and similar structures. (a)Permit required.Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter,and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17.Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. 2.FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge,alter,repair,remove,demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect, install,enlarge,alter,repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical,gas,mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done,shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 89 of 152 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by stopping all work and submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach for the fence and addition within ten (10) days of the posting of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date will result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, 1 2 ` hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. rely, 0.- Angela Iri CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 90 of 152 A ,;,/ yL!` 1c' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SS• 800 SEMINOLE ROAD r' gsi ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 21-052 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I,Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer,City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Violation, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1101) Date Posted: 1 20 2l Location: 1251 Tulip St,Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: l t 0 \ 2-02-1 Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 JA( IAngelaIr. ry, Code Enforce A e# 4116CountyofDuval J State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this 104 day of AMM IA f 20 2-I , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) O1/1/YLeL 1&14W--e Notary Public, State of Florida 1!g DONNA L.BARTLE MY COMMISSION#H 085656 i, EXPIRES:May 14,2025 zo;f` Ot,' Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 91 of 152 r5!.r\'`If CODE ENFORCEMENT J A CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA i1 ii. 0v NOTICE OF HEARING 10/4/2021 Case Number: 21-052 COLLINS TANIKIA Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1251 TULIP ST 7013 1710 0002 1691 9066 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 4, 2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach,Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: An unpermitted fence and an unpermitted addition has been added to this home. On February 16, 2021 a telephone conversation was held with the Respondent who stated that her mother lived in the home and she was unaware that they had started the unpermitted work. On February 24, 2021, the occupants of the home come into the office and met with myself and the plan reviewer, Mike Jones, to discuss what needed to be done in order to pull a permit for Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 92 of 152 the work on the home. They were given 30 days to have plans drawn up and submitted to the City. To date, no application has been received and no permit has been issued for the work. The City intends to ask for a fine of$250 per day for every day the unpermitted work remains on the property. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, e` C-1- -Z•2cuY hereby swear and affirm that the above statement acc A ate. Angela Iri 11. 2? jk ( Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: xi;oti_rLnurAr U.S. Postal Service,. Kim Flower, Records Clerk CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT a (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) p- For delivery Information visit our website at www.usps.come rR D Postage $ SLI Certified Fee Postmark ci Return Receipt Fee Here ci (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee O (Endorsement Required) r-R Total Postage&Fees $ ra rrill Sent 7- 1,00'.0Con s Tculi k lct., C C t72 l -0 . Street,Apt.No.; Nor PO Box No. City,State,ZIP+4 PS Form 3800.August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 93 of 152 ikTi.„4.. it 0 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, )FLORIDA y NOTICE OF REARINGiTA 4 , 10/2512021 Case Number: 21-052 r :. _ COLLINS TANIKJA POSTED ON PROPERTY ANDf • , 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC REACH,FL 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HAIL Property Address: 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH. FL Dear Respondent: t You are hereby notified and ordered to appeaat the next public hearingMagistrateonNovember4,2021 at 2:00 1 b of the Code Enforcement SpecialI, pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall Commission Chamber, 800SeminoleRoad, to answer and he heard on the following alleged violationsill41--,7%tt% 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BI.h 207 Atlanticc property known Florida. asTheCityofAtlanticBeachadoptedtheinternationalPropertyMaintenance CodeeBeach, Building Code as put of the City of Atlantic Beach and the FloridarodcofOrdinancesinC'ha tc Buildingilr-p r fi,Article iJ,Section fi-16.1 tens ti al 1 ro erh ,Maintenance o a/Cit Code of r aper Agenda Item #5.B.03 Mar 2022Page 94 of 152 c t r_ t' / ./ r t 4f t k r V fillf 4 8 j k titt t j r jil E sV i Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 95 of 152 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ORDER City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Petitioner First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested: 7013 1710 0002 1691 9349 vs. Property Address: 1251 Tulip Street Tanikia Collins Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 1251 Tulip Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Respondent. CASE NUMBER: 21-052 REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 171023-0020 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 18-34 38-2s-29E, SECTION H ATLANTIC BEACH,FL, LOT 2 BLK 207 ORDER ON CASE NO. 21-052 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 4, 2021, and the Special Magistrate having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, issues findings of fact, conclusions of law, and orders as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Respondent owns the property located at 1251 Tulip Street, Atlantic Beach, FL. The Respondent stated that her parents occupy the property. 2. Notice of the hearing was attempted by certified mail, however, was lost in the mail. The property was subsequently posted for violation of Sec. 24-157 and FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 requiring a permit for any new or replacement fence or wall. 3. The Respondent was contacted and advised that they needed to stop the addition of the room on the back of the property and submit their plans for a permit. On February 24, 2021, Respondent was given 30 days to have plans drawn up for submission. 4. A hearing was held at the November 4, 2021, Code Enforcement meeting. Respondent appeared and stated she thought her parents had applied for a permit. 5. The City of Atlantic Beach requested the Respondent have thirty (30) days to submit an application and this matter be deferred to the January 6, 2022, code enforcement hearing. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 6. The Respondent was provided proper notice of the violation and hearing. Plans and a permit application had not been submitted at the time of the hearing. Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 96 of 152 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent shall submit a permit application and plans within thirty (30) days of the date of this Order and the City of Atlantic Beach shall review the application and any further ruling shall be deferred until the January 6, 2022, public hearing, if needed. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2021. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE 4644- Kimberly -ower, Records Clerk uzanne . reen, Special Magistrate Executed this 24th day of November 2021. PLEASE NOTE:Florida Statutes § 162.11 requires that any appeal of this order must be filed in the circuit court for Duval County within 30 days of this Order's execution. 2 Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 97 of 152 61 City of Atlantic Beach i LLE FL. 3 EoposT FIRST-CLASS MAIL 800 Seminole Road I `` t_ 11!24!2021 0nn Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE V 07. 33- ZIP 32233CEIVED70131710000216919349 041M11299654 NOV 29 2021 vs. Property T 322 NFE 1 82010011/25 /21 anikiaCollins FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND COLLINS TANIKIA L1251TulipStreetPosox330912 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 7 AC K S O N V I LL E F L 32233-0912 RETURN TO SENDER v.=."Tri X61 Agenda Item #5.B.03 Mar 2022Page 98 of 152 11:k', SIIi i E FL 29,EOPOSTr FIRST-CLASS MAILCityofAtlanticBeach 800 Seminole Road y t .:. pm 11/24/2021 ow n Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE$000.53 RECEIVE D g„ap..4- ZIP 32233 041M11299654 NOV 2 9 2021 vs. PI Tanikia Collins3 2 2 N F E 1 82010011/25 /21 1 FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND 1251 Tulip Street COLLINS 1TANIKIA L. 2 1 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 PO OX 3 09 JACKSONVILLE FL 32233 -0912 I 1 _ Sy ^f RETURN TO SENDER} j } p3223 2 . 317 461 11111/1/ 1111 11 -4 tl i- i !i Ih1 1 t I!f i i II i 61 It l llilf f 9 1 Agenda Item #5.B.03 Mar 2022Page 99 of 152 sCODE ENFORCEMENT 41 4 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 1) r NOTICE OF HEARING 2/4/2022 Case Number: 21-052 COLLINS TANIKIA Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1251 TULIP ST 7013 1710 0002 1691 8885 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on March 3, 2022 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach,Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a,building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: An unpermitted fence and an unpermitted addition has been added to this home. the work on the home. They were given 30 days to have plans drawn up and submitted to the City. To date, no application has been received and no permit has been issued for the work.This case was heard at the November 4,2021 hearing and the Respondent was ordered Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 100 of 152 to submit a permit application within 30 days. As of today, no permit application has been received for the addition or the fence. The City intends to ask for a fine of$250 per day for every day the unpermitted work remains on the property. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, 1111\ QP r hereby swear and affirm that the above statement e and.Accurate. g-'' 40' Code Enforcement Officer, Si ty of Atl. is Beach ATTEST: 4,adc(44\- let.(c/A,- Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.B. 03 Mar 2022 Page 101 of 152 Page 102 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐061 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 1of 3 Description: Outside Storage Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 3/16/2021 Closed:  Last Action: 11/19/2021 Fllw Up: 9/24/2021 Site Address: 710 BONITA RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 171092 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES NOV REG Angela Irizarry 5/18/2021 5/18/2021 Sent letter to trust address and to property address. NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 8/12/2021 8/12/2021 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 8/16/2021 8/16/2021 Per letter was delivered to Agent.  MEETING WITH TENANT/OCCUPANT Angela Irizarry 9/7/2021 9/7/2021 Stopped by property and spoke with Mr. Reinhardt's son.  Property was not cleaned up.  Advised him that the yard had to be cleaned up.  NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 9/25/2021 9/9/2021 OTHER Angela Irizarry 10/8/2021 10/8/2021 Visited property.  Tenant was installing a sheet of glass in the right of way like a fence/barrier between he and the neighbor to the east.  Knocked on the door but did not get an answer.  I had public works remove the glass as it was an immediate safety hazard in the right of way.  CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 10/20/2021 MEETING WITH  Angela Irizarry 10/25/2021 10/25/2021 Spoke with property occupant and hand delivered hearing Agenda Item #5.C.03 Mar 2022 Page 103 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐061 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 2of 3 TENANT/OCCUPANT notice. Advised him that they yard had to be cleaned up and he should attend the hearing.  CODE ENFORCEMENT AGENDA Kim Flower 10/28/2021 10/28/2021 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 10/29/2021 10/29/2021 Received a phone call from the property owner, Mr. Reinhardt.  His son lives at the property at 710 Bonita. He acknowledged the property needed to be cleaned up and said he would go talk to his son this weekend.  We discussed the hearing on the 4th and I recommended that he attend. CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER Kim Flower 11/16/2021 12/10/2021 Respondent was given 45 days to clean up the yard SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Kim Flower 11/19/2021 12/10/2021 PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN Angela Irizarry 11/19/2021 11/19/2021 NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 2/4/2022 2/4/2022 Issued notice of hearing for 3/3/2022 hearing. Yard continues to be an issue.  CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER REINHARDT FRITZ R TRUST ET AL 1328 7TH ST N  JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250‐4704 Agenda Item #5.C.03 Mar 2022 Page 104 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐061 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 3of 3 VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKSNOTES OUTSIDE STORAGE RESIDENTIAL Angela Irizarry 3/16/2021 SIDE YARD Sec. 24‐154. Outdoor display, sale and storage of furniture, household items, merchandise and business activities outside of enclosed buildings. (g)  Within all residential zoning districts, and also including any property containing a residential use, household items, furniture and those items customarily intended  for indoor use shall not be displayed, maintained or permanently stored outdoors, or in any location on the lot where such items shall be stored or properly disposed of to avoid mold, rodent and insect infestations which may result in health risks and which also create unsightly appearance that negatively affect neighborhoods.  Such violations shall be corrected immediately upon written order from the city.  OUTSIDE STORAGE RESIDENTIAL (173) Angela Irizarry 3/16/2021 SIDE YARD Sec. 24‐173. Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. (b) Appropriate maintenance and upkeep.  All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from the street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner, which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1.  Lots are maintained free from litter, trash, debris, discarded belongings, automotive parts, old tires, construction materials, and broken and abandoned items. Agenda Item #5.C.03 Mar 2022 Page 105 of 152 Page 106 of 152 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 107 of 152 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 108 of 152 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH sty 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 P4 CM )? 5/18/2021 REINHARDT FRITZ R TRUST ET AL 1328 7TH ST N JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250-4704 Real Estate Number: 171092 0000 Case Number: 21-061 Location of Violation: 710 BONITA RD, 30-60 17-2S-29E .17 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 2 BLK 1 O/R 14308-82 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 710 BONITA RD was conducted on 5/18/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: 1. Sec. 24-154. Outdoor display, sale and storage of furniture, household items,merchandise and business activities outside of enclosed buildings. (g) Within all residential zoning districts,and also including any property containing a residential use,household items, furniture and those items customarily intended for indoor use shall not be displayed,maintained or permanently stored outdoors,or in any location on the lot where such items shall be stored or properly disposed of to avoid mold,rodent and insect infestations which may result in health risks and which also create unsightly appearance that negatively affect neighborhoods. Such violations shall be corrected immediately upon written order from the city. 2. Sec. 24-173.Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. (b)Appropriate maintenance and upkeep.All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from the street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner,which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1. Lots are maintained free from litter,trash, debris, discarded belongings, automotive parts,old tires,construction materials,and broken and abandoned items. NATURE OF VIOLATION: An accumulation of items are being stored outside of the home in violation of code. This includes pallets,piles of wood/lumber,metal,tarps. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing all accumated piles from the yard within ten(10) days of the receipt of this notice. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 109 of 152 Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, ` , l Q \CA k 7-aI hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. erely, Angela Irina 416 CODE ENFORCEMENT cc: Resident/Occupant 710 Bonita Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 110 of 152 i LAPP/74, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ss% 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 3 PHONE (904) 247-5800 1740.1-119 CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 7006 0100 0001 0787 5008 6/15/2021 REINHARDT FRITZ R TRUST ET AL 1328 7TH ST N JACKSONVILLE BEACH,FL 32250-4704 Real Estate Number: 171092 0000 Case Number: 21-061 Location of Violation: 710 BONITA RD,30-60 17-2S-29E .17 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 2 BLK 1 O/R 14308-82 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 710 BONITA RD was conducted on 5/18/2021 & 6/15/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: 1. Sec. 24-154. Outdoor display, sale and storage of furniture,household items,merchandise and business activities outside of enclosed buildings.(g) Within all residential zoning districts, and also including any property containing a residential use,household items, furniture and those items customarily intended for indoor use shall not be displayed,maintained or permanently stored outdoors, or in any location on the lot where such items shall be stored or properly disposed of to avoid mold, rodent and insect infestations which may result in health risks and which also create unsightly appearance that negatively affect neighborhoods. Such violations shall be corrected immediately upon written order from the city. 2. Sec. 24-173.Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. (b)Appropriate maintenance and upkeep. All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from the street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner,which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1. Lots are maintained free from litter,trash,debris, discarded belongings,automotive parts,old tires, construction materials,and broken and abandoned items. NATURE OF VIOLATION: An accumulation of items are being stored outside of the home in violation of code. This includes pallets,piles of wood/lumber,metal,tarps. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing all accumated piles from the yard within ten(10)days of the receipt of this notice. Page 1 012 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 111 of 152 Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. ely, Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT cc: Resident/Occupant 710 Bonita Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 112 of 152 i(/' L j fJf CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACHs i' 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 1, J sl ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 arti!) CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 7016 0910 0001 6799 4165 8/12/2021 FRITZ E REINHARDT LIVING TRUST 1328 7TH ST N JACKSONVILLE BEACH,FL 32250-4704 Real Estate Number: 171092 0000 Case Number: 21-061 Location of Violation: 710 BONITA RD, 30- 60 17-2S-29E .17 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 2 BLK 1 O/R 14308-82 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 710 BONITA RD was conducted on 5/18/2021, 6/15/2021 & 8/12/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: 1. Sec. 24-154. Outdoor display, sale and storage of furniture,household items,merchandise and business activities outside of enclosed buildings. (g)Within all residential zoning districts,and also including any property containing a residential use,household items, furniture and those items customarily intended for indoor use shall not be displayed,maintained or permanently stored outdoors, or in any location on the lot where such items shall be stored or properly disposed of to avoid mold,rodent and insect infestations which may result in health risks and which also create unsightly appearance that negatively affect neighborhoods. Such violations shall be corrected immediately upon written order from the city. 2. Sec. 24-173.Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. (b)Appropriate maintenance and upkeep. All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from the street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner,which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1. Lots are maintained free from litter,trash, debris,discarded belongings, automotive parts, old tires,construction materials,and broken and abandoned items. NATURE OF VIOLATION: An accumulation of items are being stored outside of the home in violation of code. This includes pallets,piles of wood/lumber,metal,tarps,rugs,power cords,fan, & plastic storage containers. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing all accumated piles from the yard within ten(10)days of the receipt of this notice. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 113 of 152 Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date will result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, Z0 fry , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. itrely, y49-11111 a Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT cc: Resident/Occupant 710 Bonita Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 114 of 152 7016 0910 0001 6799 4172 T o s I . o 3 E $ ;13z m .. nm co 03 3RK3 § 2 Z. D .'' 2S d m a D .W C n - Q1 m a . 3 T or g3 = gay w - - N P. $ $ aa o ; mai Z z liii ti' Q O rn in a;d m FD o N 2 m o m 3 pmmmn 3 C fl O 7 w Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 115 of 152 USPS Tracking' FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70160910000167994172 Remove X Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery in JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250 on August 16, 2021 at 3:10 pm. G Delivered to Agent for Final Delivery CD CD August 16, 2021 at 3:10 pm a_ JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250 co A- Get Updates u Text & Email Updates u Tracking History u Product Information u See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 116 of 152 Feedback co 0 Agenda Item #5.C.03 Mar 2022Page 117 of 152 1-1 r 2CODE ENFORCEMENT 1, 1'N CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA r NOTICE OF HEARING Nj-'Z01691' 9/9/2021 Case Number: 21-061 FRITZ E REINHARDT LIVING TRUST Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1328 7TH STN 7016 0910 0001 6799 4165 JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250 Property Address: 710 BONITA RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 4th at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road,to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 710 BONITA RD, 30-60 17-2S-29E .17 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 2 BLK 1 O/R 14308-82 Atlantic Beach, Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. Sec. 24-154. Outdoor display, sale and storage of furniture, household items, merchandise and business activities outside of enclosed buildings. (g) Within all residential zoning districts, and also including any property containing a residential use,household items,furniture and those items customarily intended for indoor use shall not be displayed, maintained or permanently stored outdoors, or in any location on the lot where such items shall be stored or properly disposed of to avoid mold, rodent and insect infestations which may result in health risks and which also create unsightly appearance that negatively affect neighborhoods. Such violations shall be corrected immediately upon written order from the city. 2. Sec. 24-173. Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. (b) Appropriate maintenance and upkeep. All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from the street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner, which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1. Lots are maintained free from litter, trash, debris, discarded belongings, automotive parts, old tires, construction materials, and broken and abandoned items. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: An accumulation of items are being stored outside of the home in violation of code. This includes pallets, windows, piles of wood/lumber, metal, tarps,rugs,power cords,crates,buckets,&plastic storage containers. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 118 of 152 Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, 4Pina e vt__T__12 k l((hereby swear and affirm that the above statement Qk ° ticcurate.• Igp6iY4 Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: 4.4),,) ----1(3...x.)...e.A/- Kim Flower, Records Clerk cc: Posted at 710 Bonita Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 U.S. Postal Service— Ln CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT p Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at'. a- a- Certified Mail Fee r- a $Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) ra 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ ci 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark j 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 0 Adult Signature Required $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ P Postage a- $ cm Total Postage and Fees n $se ro. 1 rig E eeroliard-F yivin Tras-f 0 S reet and Apt.No.,or Pb Box No. r- CE 1-061_. City,State,ZIP+44 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 119 of 152 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X Agent Print your name and address on the reverse Addresser so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Deliver) Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: No fig.fZ E. e.tnho..c!t Ltvl3-15 Trus+ 3. Service Type f I=1 Certified Mail® Priority Mail Express'" C I Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 Insured Mail 0 Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 7016 0910 0001 6799 4165 PS Form 3811.July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #5.C.03 Mar 2022Page 120 of 152 UNITED STATESRER LI LE FL 3 First-Class MailLE Postage&Fees Paid 13 SEP 2021 -PM 4 L USPS Permit No.G-10 Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP 4®in this box* CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SOO SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 U Agenda Item #5.C.03 Mar 2022Page 121 of 152 4. 1.) 7'.....• % t1,. filzi, t 1 i 4 e ..-.. 4.,, It 1' ! r ti 14 S' i\,;,' . 1 \ @.. 3 I 11. Q11 v:' "'' 4 r i i g. I Tr w 4- 1„;;; k„ 16.,... . y , 1' 74% - '‘,, . a'''' n'•,,'. 4' , , --, 41‘ 1 iii,‘ i..../ 6::\ 84, i7 w 1 T F F' t T1\ !-, 5 tet tt ;„ a'::\ ;\ ' tt} ,' ` AP; ... N.::.... '. Ltt• ..."*"'., , • A, - jr--# / / if. ' ...,:.:.:.:.:..:.....:.:.:,.., x 4' 1._ F/' 21; 5 . t i • T ' t , - 4 i r 1, Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 122 of 152 r _ r >-r. c7 IIgoi i f tp. 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L r If • s' 1 . i 14 •-• 14 I' 4 , * 4. , „. .. 4-:• 1' Ar '— ., I 4-. -;•• - - .. v 4. ,. e. 1! ic . °*' 1 /':' ' 4 1. 9'. - • , . . 14, fi•'.,.•., : 7„ . , y 4. 4 ( A i . : . , • . f IV, ` r--•• ' i" 1 v_ ej.•. . , ' '-. 1i ''.''... 1. A4pit,, t4t a . -, .., 4N...., t •„, r, — I. 1 , qt.• 7'/ '`.' ' t 1.-: • ' I•.' le- • •" I • 44 A .. 4 ,•, . .'' • % ' ,-Agenda Item #5.C.03 Mar 2022Page 125 of 152 y.. t, r- / f 1 of.lf "• St.;Agenda Item #5.C.03 Mar 2022Page 126 of 152 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ORDER City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Petitioner First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested: 7013 1710 0002 1691 9356 vs. Property Address: 710 Bonita Road Fritz E. Reinhardt Living Trust Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 1328 7th St. N Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250-4704 Respondent. CASE NUMBER: 21-061 REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 171092-0000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 30-60 17-2S-28E .17 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 2 BLK 1 O/R 14308, ATLANTIC BEACH,FL. ORDER ON CASE No. 21-061 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 4, 2021, and the Special Magistrate having heard testimony under oath,received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, issues findings of fact, conclusions of law, and orders as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Respondent owns the property located at 710 Bonita Road, Atlantic Beach, FL. The Respondent stated that her son occupies the property. 2. Notice of the hearing was mailed to the property address and the trust address. The notice cited violation of Sec.24-154 for outdoor display, sale and storage of furniture, household items, merchandise, and business activities outside of enclosed buildings. 3. The City of Atlantic Beach also spoke with the occupant and hand delivered the notice of the hearing. 4. During a property visit, the City of Atlantic Beach witnessed the tenant installing a sheet of glass in the right of way like a fence/barrier between he and the neighbor to the east. Public Works was called to remove the glass as it presented a safety hazard. 5. A hearing was held at the November 4, 2021, Code Enforcement meeting. Respondent property Owner) appeared and stated he would remove the debris and objects. His son in law also appeared and stated he would assist the Respondent. He requested forty-five 45) days to complete the clean-up. 6. The City of Atlantic Beach requested the Respondent have thirty (30) days to come into compliance and clean-up the violation. The City of Atlantic Beach also requested a Order of Abatement be entered if the property fails to be in compliance within the thirty 30) days. Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 127 of 152 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 7. The Respondent was provided proper notice of the violation and hearing. The Respondent and his son in law will perform the work to come into compliance. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent shall clean up the property within forty-five (45) days of the date of this Order and reviewed at the January 6, 2022, hearing, if necessary. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2021. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE KVI/i/i19,e/11)iritLe 1(2-)#C9A-_ Kimberly M. ower, Records Clerk Suzanne . Green, Special Magistrate Executed this 24th day of November 2021. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes § 162.11 requires that any appeal of this order must be filed in the circuit court for Duval County within 30 days of this Order's execution. 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 128 of 152 ENDER: COMPLETE THtS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY I Complete Items 1,2,and`"3, Iso complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Deliverj'is desired. X 0 Agent 5_:Print your name and addron the reverse 0 A.dresse so that we can return the'el to you. B. ive by ted tse) I ate of Deliver le Attach this card to the back 6f the mailpiece, v or on the front if space permits. J D. Is delivery address different from item 1? -s 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No 6-tiL E11 11 11Ctrd+ 3. Service Type Certified Mails 0 Priority Mail Express"' CE k — 0(c)( 0 Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandis Insured Mail 0 Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 7013 ' 1710 00.02 1691 9356 DS Form 3811.July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #5.C.03 Mar 2022Page 129 of 152 sWOA 7lepw t"s Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 130 of 152 A _ , r -'_' rte / _/ -, • W4,V /1. `. A.. ., r n ' .fir'- • /!: ''/ /' . '..,, i `" " vr06 rIto Z 1 // • " • i/ i l; r le IVI pu VO oPk lot yam FA I I It JO t lo 1111, 4416 two POO MRWAN 4AVifI ftmo 000, l a • lie AW t i.' --Atee' ` ie C f _ .F -Yat , .A 14 It y y orf- r{:2 ,c '! 14 Al VIr Tom• ' fi ,, r 4g `Y Agenda Item #5.C.03 Mar 2022Page 131 of 152 O!.rt-CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDAA ' NOTICE OF HEARING r E 2/4/2022 Case Number: 21-061 FRITZ E REINHARDT LIVING TRUST Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1328 7TH STN 7013 1710 0002 1691 8908 JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250 Property Address: 710 BONITA RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on March 3, 2022 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 710 BONITA RD, 30-60 17-2S-29E .17 ROYAL PALMS UNIT 1 LOT 2 BLK 1 O/R 14308-82 Atlantic Beach, Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. Sec. 24-154. Outdoor display, sale and storage of furniture, household items, merchandise and business activities outside of enclosed buildings. (g) Within all residential zoning districts, and also including any property containing a residential use,household items,furniture and those items customarily intended for indoor use shall not be displayed, maintained or permanently stored outdoors, or in any location on the lot where such items shall be stored or properly disposed of to avoid mold, rodent and insect infestations which may result in health risks and which also create unsightly appearance that negatively affect neighborhoods. Such violations shall be corrected immediately upon written order from the city. 2. Sec. 24-173. Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. (b) Appropriate maintenance and upkeep. All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from the street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner, which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1. Lots are maintained free from litter, trash, debris, discarded belongings, automotive parts, old tires, construction materials, and broken and abandoned items. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: An accumulation of items are still being stored outside of the home in violation of code. The debris is visible to the neighbors in the side and rear yards. This includes, windows,piles of wood/lumber, power cords, buckets, &plastic storage containers. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 132 of 152 presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, p Int 1-v f hereby swear and affirm that the above statement i . - annacc Ate. Angela Iri 4 dein& Code Enforcement Of , i •f Atl. . is Beach ATTEST: f-41'-'' ("" Vi Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 133 of 152 USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70131710000216918908 Remove X Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery in JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250 on February 9, 2022 at 12:58 pm. USPS Tracking Plus®Available u G/ Delivered to Agent for Final Delivery Q ED February 9, 2022 at 12:58 pm JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250 Get Updates u Text& Email Updates v Tracking History February 9,2022, 12:58 pm Delivered to Agent for Final Delivery JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250 Your item has been delivered to an agent for final delivery in JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FL 32250 on February 9, 2022 at 12:58 pm. February 8,2022,4:50 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 134 of 152 February 7,2022, 10:26 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER USPS Tracking Plus®u Product Information u See Less , Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. m CD Q CT v A 1/4- FAQs Agenda Item #5.C. 03 Mar 2022 Page 135 of 152 Page 136 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐154 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 1of 4 Description: PAVERS / DRIVEWAY / SW RETENTION Status: ACTIVE CASE Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 8/24/2021 Closed:  Last Action: 2/8/2022 Fllw Up: 2/8/2022 Site Address: 174 15TH ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 171866 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES STOP WORK ORDER POST Angela Irizarry 8/24/2021 8/24/2021 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 9/10/2021 9/10/2021 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 9/14/2021 9/14/2021 Per ‐ Letter delivered on 9/14/2021 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 9/16/2021 9/16/2021 Received call from Mike Marco. He said his contractor, Dustin Brown, is working with Scott Williams to get the application together.  OTHER Angela Irizarry 10/5/2021 10/5/2021 Spoke with Scott Williams.  He stated that he has been in touch with the contractor and knows that they are working on plans to submit. OTHER Angela Irizarry 2/2/2022 2/2/2022 Checked files. No permit has been issued for this yet.  Spoke with Scott Williams in Public works.  He stated that he had had not contact with anyone regarding this property in recent weeks.  NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 2/4/2022 2/4/2022 Sent Notice of hearing for 3/3/2022 meeting.  Agenda Item #6.A.03 Mar 2022 Page 137 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐154 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 2of 4 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 2/17/2022 2/17/2022 Spoke with Mr. Marco.  He thought his contractor has obtained permits and stated work was scheduled to begin soon to address the driveway and stormwater retention.  Advised Mr. Marco that his contractor had not obtained a permit yet.  CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER MARCO MICHAEL 174 15TH ST  ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES REINSPECTION AI 9/3/2021 REINSPECTION AI 1/25/2022 1/25/2022 VIOLATION CONTINUES Checked file and drove by the property.  Retention was not restored and we have not received a permit application. REINSPECTION AI 2/8/2022 VIOLATION CONTINUES VIOLATIONS Agenda Item #6.A.03 Mar 2022 Page 138 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐154 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 3of 4 VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKSNOTES SWO FLORIDA BLDG CODE Angela Irizarry 8/24/2021 FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.  Zoning District Angela Irizarry 9/10/2021 Chapter 24.  Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24‐68. ‐ Stormwater, drainage, storage and treatment requirements. (f)Enforcement. Subsequent to approval of a property owner's final grading, including onsite and/or floodplain storage and stormwater treatment and closeout of the applicable permit or issuance of certificates of occupancy, the improvements shall be maintained by the property owner. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section and the requirements to maintain onsite stormwater improvements over time, the city is authorized to conduct inspections of property, upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times, for the purpose of inspecting said property and/or onsite storage improvements for compliance with this section and with any applicable conditions of previously issued permits. Failure to maintain the improvements will require restoration upon notification by the director of public works, within a stipulated time frame. If restoration is not timely completed, the city shall have the right to complete the restoration, and the city's actual cost incurred, together with a charge of one hundred (100) percent of said costs to cover the city's administrative expenses, shall be charged to the then owner of the property. Zoning District Angela Irizarry 9/10/2021 Chapter 24.  Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24‐68. ‐ Stormwater, drainage, storage and treatment requirements.  (b) Onsite storage. Except as provided for herein, an applicant shall be required to provide onsite storage of stormwater in accordance with this section as follows:(1)All development and redevelopment projects which result in improvements that exceed fifty (50) percent of the market value of all improvements, if any, on the subject development parcel before the new development or Agenda Item #6.A.03 Mar 2022 Page 139 of 152 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐154 Printed: Monday, 28 February, 2022 4of 4 redevelopment project is started shall provide onsite storage of stormwater for all impervious surface on the development parcel. Zoning District Angela Irizarry 9/10/2021 Chapter 24.  Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24‐69. ‐ Development review and issuance of development permits. (c)Site development plan required. A site development plan, drawn at a clear and legible scale, shall be required for all development and redevelopment, other than interior renovations and fences, in accordance with the provisions listed in Sec. 24‐69, (c), (1) Zoning District Angela Irizarry 9/10/2021 Chapter 24.  Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24‐70. ‐ Land clearing and alteration of site grade or topography. No lands shall be cleared, grubbed, filled, excavated or topographically altered by any means, and no vegetation on any parcel or lot disturbed, prior to issuance of all required approvals and development permits authorizing such clearing or alteration. Except as required to meet coastal construction codes as set forth within a valid permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection; or as required to meet applicable flood zone or stormwater regulations pursuant to valid permits, the grade, elevation or topography of any parcel, development or redevelopment site shall not be altered. Agenda Item #6.A.03 Mar 2022 Page 140 of 152 Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 141 of 152 Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 142 of 152 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH i' 800 SEMINOLE ROAD J yr ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE(904)247-5800 r CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT Jj,, 7016 0910 0001 6799 4219 9/10/2021 MARCO MICHAEL 174 15TH ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171866 0000 Case Number: 21-154 Location of Violation: 174 15TH ST, 10-11 16-2S-29E MANDALAY LOT 14 BLK 60 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 174 15TH ST was conducted on 9/7/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: NATURE OF VIOLATION:On August 24, 2021 a Stop Work Order was issued for your property for alterations of the approved storm water retention in your yard and installation of pavers in the driveway without a permit.You indicated verbally that you were doing the work yourself and would look into a permit. The work on the property continued and no permit application was made to the City. Attached is a copy of the approved storm water site plan and your agreement to maintain that approved plan.The required storm water retention has been filled in and pavers were installed in the driveway. The addition of pavers increases impervious surface of the lot and the storm water retention requirements. VIOLATION CODE: 1. Chapter 24.Land Development Regulations. Sec.24-68.-Stormwater,drainage,storage and treatment requirements.(f)Enforcement. Subsequent to approval of a property owner's final grading, including onsite and/or floodplain storage and stormwater treatment and closeout of the applicable permit or issuance of certificates of occupancy,the improvements shall be maintained by the property owner.In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section and the requirements to maintain onsite stormwater improvements over time,the city is authorized to conduct inspections of property,upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times,for the purpose of inspecting said property and/or onsite storage improvements for compliance with this section and with any applicable conditions of previously issued permits.Failure to maintain the improvements will require restoration upon notification by the director of public works,within a stipulated time frame.If restoration is not timely completed,the city shall have the right to complete the restoration,and the city's actual cost incurred,together with a charge of one hundred(100)percent of said costs to cover the city's administrative expenses,shall be charged to the then owner of the Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 143 of 152 2. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-68. - Stormwater,drainage,storage and treatment requirements. (b)Onsite storage. Except as provided for herein, an applicant shall be required to provide onsite storage of stormwater in accordance with this section as follows:(1)All development and redevelopment projects which result in improvements that exceed fifty(50)percent of the market value of all improvements, if any, on the subject development parcel before the new development or redevelopment project is started shall provide onsite storage of stormwater for all impervious surface on the development parcel. 3. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-70. -Land clearing and alteration of site grade or topography.No lands shall be cleared, grubbed, filled, excavated or topographically altered by any means,and no vegetation on any parcel or lot disturbed, prior to issuance of all required approvals and development permits authorizing such clearing or alteration. Except as required to meet coastal construction codes as set forth within a valid permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection; or as required to meet applicable flood zone or stormwater regulations pursuant to valid permits,the grade, elevation or topography of any parcel,development or redevelopment site shall not be altered. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing the unpermitted pavers and restoring the storm water retention with within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, t, C hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate., I # (:).-. 1n5..._Angela Iriza CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 144 of 152 FOR USE WHEN OWNERS ARE INDIVIDUALS; IF MARRIED,BOTH PARTIES MUST SIGN] Doc#2021083309.OR BK 19658 Page 1726, AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Number Pages.3 City of Atlantic Beach Recorded 04/01/2021 11:02 AM, 800 Seminole Road JODY PHILLIPS CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 COUNTY RECORDING $27.00 DECLARATION OF STORMWATER RESTRICTIVE COVENANT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: yy// WHEREAS, the undersigned IVI i Gl t. I AV id hereinafter "Owner"), whose address is 7145-4, .$,'ree t ,is the fee simple owner(s)of that certain property situated and being in the City of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida, more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter Property");and WHEREAS,Owner desires to utilize said Property as a building site;and WHEREAS, a certain onsite stormwater storage facility must be constructed and maintained on the Property in accordance with the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. NOW,THEREFORE,Owner does hereby declare as follows: 1. That the Property will not be used in violation of any ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach now in effect or hereinafter enacted. 2. That the onsite stormwater storage facility, constructed in accordance with that certain approved site plan, dated Z./( , 201/, as shown on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof, and depicted on that certain post-construction survey dated 3/17 , 202/, as shown on Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof, documenting proper construction and required volume of storage(hereinafter the"onsite stormwater storage facility"),shall be maintained in good working order,condition and repair and clear of all debris,at the Owner's sole expense,at all times. 3. That Owner shall allow representatives of the City of Atlantic Beach, following reasonable notice to Owner, access and entry onto the Property for the purpose of inspecting the onsite stormwater storage facility as more particularly described in said Exhibits B and C,to determine compliance therewith and the applicable Code provisions of the City. 4. That this covenant is intended and shall constitute a restrictive covenant concerning the use, enjoyment and title to the Property and shall constitute a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the Owner and Owner's heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns and may only be released by a written and properly recorded document executed by the City of Atlantic Beach,or its successor,in accordance with the ordinance of said City then in effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has/have caused hand(s) and seal(s) to be affixed hereto on this 3).54 day of Marc/, ,2044 OWNER(S): Signature)Gli(i44r— (Witness) Print name)/1/1c(4AEL / "(.4A.Ca Print name)f17,2 Witness) SI 14 Print name) gr'I/rnrs \ba Signature) Witness) /-ll J Print name) Print name) f.Os, e. y Witness) pdik Print name) _1 CCS CAv.YrN. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY DUVAL 1 s m c , / The foregoing instrument was acknowledges eU 9, day of 144/ .`20 e'(, by Qe who is personally knowto me or has produce \\``'' .•"""•• X49 as ide tification. My Commission expires:deer— m.cY as z‘i 41.•.•OTARY BLIC,State of Florida 1161323 E ZT, 011899431 9. u 4.k.' Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 145 of 152 MAP SHOWING SURVEY OF LOT 14, BLOCK 60, MANDALAY, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, PAGE 11 IIOF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA. I 11: 0 40 SCALE: 1' . 20' 15th STREET 40' RICHT OF WAY PAVED PUBLIC ROAD 110101 NARK: SIT MAGNA'.N EDGES PAVEMENT ELEVATION.B117 N.AV.O.,91111 47.97'FIELD a 48.00' 48.02' FIELD PAYOlS SET NAC NAIL FELINE NAG NAIL 8 48.00__ 8 DOW,LB3672 COIL E1E ROLA DM U3 311411 y. gQ r PAVERS .. FOUND I72'WTW - L 70.5 P E LB 3848 SAME"1 1 SAND I DRIVEWAY"1' ,..1.., nIni71'...+ 10.1' 13:1 STEP V) I I n COVERED PAVERS CI I 184' 6.2' 2 I 2-STORY FRAME AND BRICK C-; LOT 15 RESIDENCE No. 174 9 o. A/C F1494En FLOOR.1229' c 4 LOT 13 884 4 O GARAGE FLOOR.I0.119' 0-, 04I I a0cn y'Z I 0i G"I o+ I10.1' u.7' r a1- 11.4' . 7.D'52'Z$Es' I U,tE I O ") COVERED DELVE O 1 I SIYALE g • . FOUNDO 1/2"IRON CAP 48.00' F01N0 1/2'W0N BEV UrFOUN0,-/Y PCN --- 48.19' FIELD PIPE,NO CAP 48•0V, PPE,NO LAP 48.06' FIELD I LOT 8 SURVEY NOTES: 1. THIS IS A BOUNDARY AND LIMITED TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 2. NO BUILDING RESTRICTION LINES AS PER PLAT. 3. NORTH ARROW PROTRACTED FROM PLAT. 4. SITE BENCH MARK SHONN HEREON WAS ESTABLISHED BY GPS OBSERVATION USING SPECTRA PRECISION EPOCH 50 L1/L2, RUNNING TRIMBLE YRS SOFTWARE. ELEVATION - 11.37 N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM. 5. BUILDING TIES SHOWN HEREON ARE TO THE CONCRETE FOUNDATION AND NOT THE EXTERIOR TRIM OF THE BUILDING. THIS SURVEY WAS MADE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREON LIES IN FLOOD MATHIEU BUILDERS. ZONE "X" (AREA OF MINIMAL FLOOD HAAZARD) AS DETERMINED FROM THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 12031C0409J EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 2, 2018 FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA. JASON D. BOATWRIGHT, P.S.M. NOT VALID WT440UT 144E SIGNATURE AND FLORIDA UC LASED SURVEYOR and MAPPER N0. 1.5 7292144EORIGINALSEALCCARORWLICENSED SURVEYOR AND NAPPER.' FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYING&MAPPING BUSINESS No. LB 3672 CHECKED BY: BOATWRIGHT LAND SURVEYORS, INC. DATE: MARCH 17, 2020DRAWNBY: ,IDB FILE: 2021-0195 1500 ROBERTS DRIVE, JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA 241-8550 SHEET I OF 1 REF: 2019-4947 Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 146 of 152 A w 4- 17.7. eilliriliiiiiiii.' -'. ft.... il,i-':.'', 7-17...1\ r L. I y il 1 N f u 3'J7 I T; f=_4A 1 Ni:- 1 4FT OVERFLOW 6" PVC PIPE PO o WEIR EL. 12.4 TYP.) f i YARD DRAINS 3iTOPEL. 12.5 GUTTER o c h geDOWNSPOUT In i W 6" PVC PIPE DRAINAGE NOTES: 1. THE COVERED PORCH AND STOOP SHALL BE DRAINAGE LEGEND SLOPED AT MIN. 1% AWAY FROM STRUCTURE. AT THE SIONS CONNECTION POINT OF THE PORCH AND STOOP•THE 4 41 PRE-FLOW ARROW ,00.Q 00.0 PROPOSED SPOT EL. TYPICAL ELEVATION DROP SHALL BE 4 INCHES. PROPOSED SHALLOW SWALE 2. GROUND ELEV. AT FOUNDATION SHALL BE MIN. 61NeQ^ POST-FLOW ARROW BELOW F. F. ELEV. z I' 00.0) EXIST. SPOT EL. X TO BE REMOVED 3. DOWNSPOUTS ARE TO BE CONNECTED TO UNDERGROUND 1 O DRAINAGE 6" SOCK DRAIN PIPE 1MTH POP-UP EMITTERS r--, TREE PROTECTION — — SOCK DRAIN PIPE WITH POP-UP PLACED AT PROPERTY LINE. OHM WO. POP EMITTERi S. Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 147 of 152 Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 148 of 152 Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 149 of 152 ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. X r resse 11 Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. R eived b'y(Pri ted Namof :iv r or on the front if space permits. 0 L/ / 07 I. Article Addressed to: D. •elivery address different.•m item 1? Y rY11 e va o` n o If YES,enter delivery address below: E- a_+sy 111111111 Milli 1 11 1 11 111 III I I I I III 3. 0 dulice TypelSignature 0 Priority Mail sSignature Restricted Delivery Regiress® stered Mail Restrict 9590 9402 3831 8032 5658 33 0 Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Ma l Restricted De(very 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise Artirin N,vnhnr 17-mnefor firm,mniiro/oholl 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation', 0 Signature Confirmation 7 016 0 910 0001 6799 4 219 a Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery S Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic tj.ieM eceipt Agenda Item #6.A.03 Mar 2022Page 150 of 152 LAN._ CODE ENFORCEMENT ej _40 A- A 1 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 2/4/2022 Case Number: 21-154 MARCO MICHAEL Certified Mail Return Receipt: 174 15TH ST 7013 1710 0002 1691 8892 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 174 15TH ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on March 3, 2022 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 174 15TH ST, 10-11 16-2S-29E MANDALAY LOT 14 BLK 60 Atlantic Beach, Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: 1. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-68. - Stormwater, drainage, storage and treatment requirements. (f)Enforcement. Subsequent to approval of a property owner's final grading, including onsite and/or floodplain storage and stormwater treatment and closeout of the applicable permit or issuance of certificates of occupancy, the improvements shall be maintained by the property owner. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section and the requirements to maintain onsite stormwater improvements over time, the city is authorized to conduct inspections of property, upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times, for the purpose of inspecting said property and/or onsite storage improvements for compliance with this section and with any applicable conditions of previously issued permits. Failure to maintain the improvements will require restoration upon notification by the director of public works, within a stipulated time frame. If restoration is not timely completed, the city shall have the right to complete the restoration, and the city's actual cost incurred,together with a charge of one hundred 100)percent of said costs to cover the city's administrative expenses, shall be charged to the then owner of the 2. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-68. - Stormwater, drainage, storage and treatment requirements. (b) Onsite storage. Except as provided for herein, an applicant shall be required to provide onsite storage of stormwater in accordance with this section as follows:(1)All development and redevelopment projects which result in improvements that exceed fifty (50) percent of the market value of all improvements, if any, on the subject development parcel before Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 151 of 152 the new development or redevelopment project is started shall provide onsite storage of stormwater for all impervious surface on the development parcel. 3. Chapter 24. Land Development Regulations. Sec. 24-70. - Land clearing and alteration of site grade or topography. No lands shall be cleared, grubbed, filled, excavated or topographically altered by any means, and no vegetation on any parcel or lot disturbed, prior to issuance of all required approvals and development permits authorizing such clearing or alteration. Except as required to meet coastal construction codes as set forth within a valid permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection; or as required to meet applicable flood zone or stormwater regulations pursuant to valid permits,the grade,elevation or topography of any parcel, development or redevelopment site shall not be altered. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On August 24, 2021 a Stop Work Order was issued for your property for alterations of the approved storm water retention in your yard and installation of pavers in the driveway without a permit. As of today, we have not received a permit application and the storm water retention of your lot has not been resorted to the permitted configuration. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, " \11 • ! if \-Z.c J'c hereby swear and affirm that the above statement od . N. 1116 draw Angela Irizarry Code Enforcement Officer, City : 'Atlas c Beac ATTEST: tiZsz Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #6.A. 03 Mar 2022 Page 152 of 152