01-22-22 Town Hall Adopted MinutesMINUTES Town Hall Meeting r Saturday, January 22, 2022 - 10:00 AM 3 Commission Chamber ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 Absent: Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Amanda Askew, Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Steve Swann, City Engineer Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and explained the meeting format. There was consensus to start with those from the public who wished to speak on topics that were not on the agenda. 2 PUBLIC COMMENT - OPEN TOPICS Korey Marcello spoke about his concerns with trucks coming into the neighborhood and the Town Center area during inconvenient hours of the night and the noise being disruptive. DCM Kevin Hogencamp reported efforts being made to address the concerns and noted that no code has been violated. DCM Hogencamp and CM Corbin answered questions from the Commission. Constance McDaniel expressed the same concerns as Mr. Marcello. Mayor Glasser inquired whether this type of nuisance activity would be addressed in a LDR Update. CM Corbin believed it would be done through an update to the noise ordinance. Mayor Glasser mentioned the opportunity to bring up the topic during the priorities meeting. Commissioner Norris inquired about the next steps and CM Corbin explained the need for staff to first meet with businesses to talk about challenges and to come up with a compromise. Mayor Town Hall January 22, 2022 Glasser suggested getting the police department's input on this issue to help determine parameters for the next steps. Commissioner Norris agreed with the suggestions and asked Mr. Marcello and Ms. McDaniel whether any internal measures have been taken to try to help rectify the level of noise being heard in the house. Marcello explained that his recent efforts of having additional insulation installed and purchasing noise -cancelling devices did not rectify the noise problem. Commissioner Bole requested data on the number of complaints. Mayor Glasser suggested having the topic on the next agenda for discussion. Discussion ensued and Mr. Wheatley answered questions about the specific noises being disruptive. Jim Wheatley expressed concerns about the quality of recent street repaving and the location chosen for repaving. He mentioned a few areas needing repairs and asked about the criteria and approval process for choosing which streets will be repaved and why they are not being done to specifications. CM Corbin and Mayor Glasser explained the process handled by the Public Works Director and addressed Mr. Wheatley's concerns about the quality and frequency of resurfacing projects. Jim Wheatley also expressed concerns about how impervious surface requirements are being processed. Mayor Glasser and CM Corbin explained the process. CM Corbin offered to provide and go over any calculations with Mr. Wheatley. Commissioner Norris added comments about the process and suggested that Mr. Wheatley email the addresses of concern to staff. Commissioner Waters encouraged Mr. Wheatley to attend a Community Development Board meeting to witness the process of variances and the Board's careful consideration of both sides. Commissioner Bole spoke about the permit process being difficult and believes it could be improved. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION AND PUBLIC COMMENT Micromobility Devices Regulations (Commercial Rentals) CM Corbin gave a brief overview of the topic. Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD) Amanda Askew presented slides (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Records as Attachment A). There was discussion and questions answered about the proposed ordinance, geofencing, enforcement, and the moratorium. CM Corbin reported that he asked CA Brenna Durden to be prepared to comment on whether users can be warned and the businesses be fined. During further discussion, it Town Hall January 22, 2022 was requested to have CA Durden weigh in on whether geofencing and confiscation can be part of the ordinance. Eric Sherline, Business Owner of Southern Breeze Cart Rental LLC, shared his experience with scooter rentals and made suggestions to geofence, brick and mortar - rent and return, and confiscate and fine when it's outside of allowable areas. He spoke about not allowing scooters on sidewalks or in the Town Center business district and limiting the age of renters and passengers. Mr. Sherline answered questions from the Commission. Commissioner Norris reiterated the need for the city attorney's opinion on geofencing and how enforcement works for businesses not in our city limits. Mayor Glasser confirmed with PCDD Askew that she was given the information she needed. Attachment A - Micromobility Devices Proposed Ordinance Micromobility Device Regulations (All Users) There was a 5 -minute break from 11:05 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. (Mayor Glasser and DCC Hogancamp departed from the meeting during the break.) Mayor Pro Tem Norris resumed the meeting as acting Mayor and turned the floor over to CM Corbin. CM Corbin explained this topic's relationship with 1A, which had been discussed. Eric Sherline explained his email which was included in the agenda packet and answered questions about the various E -Bike Classifications. CM Corbin explained the City's current regulations and the need for updates to our Code. Karl Hankin explained that Classes 1 and 2 are no problem, but other Classes are a concern. CM Corbin explained St. Pete Beach's ordinance and his idea to use it as a template for a starting point. He asked for direction from the Commission. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Bole suggested banning the use of Classes 3 and 4 on the beach. Commissioner Waters spoke in support of allowing Classes 1 and 2 on the beach. Mayor Pro Tem Norris expressed ADA concerns with limiting access and spoke in favor of banning the higher classes from the beach and sidewalks. The Commission also agreed with the minimum age requirement of 16. There was consensus to move forward with preparing an ordinance. Town Hall January 22, 2022 CM Corbin reported his intention to draft an ordinance and collaborate with Mr. Sherline and Mr. Hankin. Priority Setting Workshop CM Corbin spoke about the upcoming Priority Setting Workshop. He gave a brief overview of the materials included in the agenda packet and advised that Mayor Glasser wants to add Recreation as a priority. Commissioners Bole and Waters agreed to wait until the workshop to discuss priorities. Commissioner Norris spoke about budgeting for projects. City Engineer Steve Swann presented and explained the various Capital Improvement Projects as detailed in the agenda packet and answered questions. Commissioner Waters requested a list of the Top 10 or 15 things that are most important. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Norris adjourned the meeting at 11:46 a.m. Attest: 6� C - Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor 5/23/2ozz Date Approved by Commission Town Hall January 22, 2022 Dr: 0 Attachment A Background 1-22-22 Minutes Jan. 25th 2021 Commission approved 1 -year moratorium for shared motorized scooters, electric personal assistive mobility devices and Micromobility devices. Concern about commercial providers operating, renting or leasing in and on streets, sidewalks, row's, parks & beaches LJ Obstructions /obstacles ❑Operated in unsafe manner ❑ Failing to observe traffic regulations LJ Dangerous maneuvers LJ Devices abandoned DOwners of devises are often more experienced riders than re me rs Attachment A 1-22-22 Minutes ORDINANCE -O.75 -?2-26 .A,- ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA. XXIEN-DING C ILAPTER 21 TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEHICLES TO ADD NEW .ARTIC'LE NII, PROHIBITION OF COMMERCIAL RENTAL. OR LEASE AND USE OF RENTED OR LEASED, ELECTRIC PERSONAL ASSISTIVE MOBILITY DEVICES, NUCROMOBILITY DEVICES AND 'MOTORIZED SCOOTERS; PROVIDENG FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFEC'TIN7E DATE. Attachment A Definitions 1-22-22 Minutes "Electric Personal assistive mobility device" is defined as anNr self-balailci�12. mvo- nontaildeni- wheeled device. deli ailed to transport only one person, with an electric Propulsion system with average power of 7750 watts ( 1 horsepower). the ni umn speed of iirhich. on a paved level surface when powered solely by such apropulsion system ii-lfile bei�icr ridden bv cin operator ii-lio �veif�s 1 �4 potmds. is less thin '4 wiles per lour. Definitions Attachment A 1-22-22 Minutes " M1C1omob111ty device" 1s (Jetllied as any motorized transportation device Made available for pfivate tie by reservation tbrough an online application. website. or softare for point- to- point trips and which i� liot capable of travelu12 at a speed {p'eater thaii 20 wiles per hour tell level ground T Silence Moto 2 :Aa OFffi�iRM �tAnli►1:• 55% 62 (�0 fu Y Download and find Dooinload the app and locate nearby e-Scocter Unlock and Go Scan :he 4K rwe and unlock the e -scooter Park and Lock ,U3 Take tete We, paf,(, safety and the e -Suter Attachment A Definitions 1-22-22 Minutes ('Motorized scooter" is detiii�d as any motorized transportation de-ice that is powered by a. Motor with or without a seat or saddle for the use of the rider. which is desimied to travel on not more than three NA, -heels. and which is not capable of propelling the device at a speed heater than 0 miles per hotu on level growid. The teen does not include an " electric bicycle" as defined in Section 316. C.03'. Florida Statutes. Attachment A 1-22-22 Minutes The con-miercial rental or lease and the use of rented or leased electrical personal assistive devices. nicroniohthty devices and motorized scooters. as said teinis are defined fii thiN Article. within the City is prohibited. ,Ire 14W Attachment A Enforcement 1-22-22 Minutes Each violation would constitute a separate civil infraction by a sworn police officer Fust -violation: $ Second violation: S Third and all subsequent violations: S