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07-07-22 CESM Agenda City of Atlantic Beach Agenda Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting Thursday, July 7, 2022 - 2:00 p.m. Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road Page(s) 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2.A. Approve minutes of the May 5, 2022 regular meeting of the Special Magistrate meeting. 05-05-22 -Code Enforcement Special Magistrate - DRAFT Minutes 3 - 4 3. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH 4. OLD BUSINESS 4.A. CASE#: 18-293 * NAME: Ryant Vriga ADDRESS: 532 Atlantic Beach Ct Case Details 18-293 CE 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT CASE 18-293 5 - 81 4.B. CASE#: 21-052 NAME: Brenda Page ADDRESS: 1251 Tulip St Case Details 21-052 CE 1251 Tulip St Case #21-052 83 - 120 5. NEW BUSINESS 5.A. CASE#: 21-188 NAME: Alex Ertel ADDRESS: 1985 Mayport Rd Case Details 21-188 CE 1985 Mayport Road Case #21-188 121 - 139 5.B. CASE#: 22-008 NAME: Thomas Glavin ADDRESS: 346 Sargo Rd Case Details 22-008 CE 346 Sargo Rd Case #22-008 141 - 154 6. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 154 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate - 07 Jul 2022 * Homesteaded Properties This meeting will be live-streamed and videotaped. To access live or recorded videos, click on the Meeting Videos tab on the city's home page at Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chamber. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office by 5:00 PM, the Friday prior to the meeting. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim r ecord of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26 of the Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk's Office not less than three (3) days prior to the date of this meeting at (904) 247-5800 or 800 Seminole Road. Page 2 of 154 Present: Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer Suzanne Green, Special Magistrate Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) Vanessa Angers, Records Clerk (RC) 1. CALL TO ORDER Magistrate Green called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A.Minutes of the March 3, 2022 regular meeting of the Special Magistrate were approved. 3. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH Magistrate Green administered the Oath to the attendees, staff and respondents. 4. OLD BUSINESS A.CASE#: 21-087 NAME: Bourdon Thomas Patrick * ADDRESS: 342 19th St Testified: CE Officer Irizarry Respondent: Bourdon Thomas Patrick was not present. Action: The Motion to Stay the Enforcement of the January 6, 2022, Order is granted as agreed to by the Parties. Counsel for the Respondent (who filed the Motion) shall submit to the Court an Order granting his motion consistent with the ruling of this Court. B.CASE#: 20-154 NAME: Manuzon Rolando Figueroa * ADDRESS: 1340 Violet St Testified: CE Officer Irizarry Code Enforcement Special Magistrate May 5, 2022 Page 1 of 2 MINUTES Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting Thursday, May 5, 2022 - 2:00 PM Commission Chamber Agenda Item #2.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 3 of 154 Respondent: Manuzon Rolando Figueroa was not present. Action: That the Respondent remains in violation of Sec. 24-157 and Sec. 24-17. The Respondent shall be fined the amount of One hundred dollars ($100.00) per day commenc ing May 5, 2022 until compliance is attained. C.CASE#: 21-061 NAME: Fritz E Reinhardt Living Trust ADDRESS: 1328 7th St Testified: CE Officer Irizarry Respondent: Fritz E. Reinhardt was not present. Action: That the Respondent has corrected the violations and no further action is necessary. 5. NEW BUSINESS A.CASE#: 18-293 NAME: Vriga Ryant * ADDRESS: 532 Atlantic Beach Ct Testified: CE Officer Irizarry Respondent: Vriga Ryant was not present. Action: That the Respondent shall be granted a continuance until the next scheduled hearing date. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Magistrate Green declared the meeting adjourned at 2:14 p.m. Attest: Suzanne Green, Special Magistrate Vanessa Angers, Records Clerk Code Enforcement Special Magistrate May 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #2.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 4 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 18‐293 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 1of 5 Description: No fence around pool. Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: RESIDENTIAL Opened: 9/17/2018 Closed: 12/3/2020 Last Action: 11/20/2020 Fllw Up:  Site Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 169505 1405 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES NOV CERT Mike Jones 9/17/2018 9/17/2018 TELEPHONE MESSAGE Mike Jones 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 Rcvd message from Mr. Ryant. Stated he spoke with his atty and his atty advised that a child pool barrier was sufficient.    Mr. Ryant was sent the code section stipulating that a fence was required. TELEPHONE CALL Mike Jones 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 MJ spoke to owner who stated he is calling his lawyer about the requirement to have a fence around a swimming pool ... safety issue forwarded to CEB NOTICE OF VIOLATION POST Toni Gindlesperger 9/26/2018 MISC LETTER/CORRESPONDENCE Dan Arlington 9/27/2018 9/27/2018 Letter sent to Owner revoking permit. NOTICE OF HEARING Deborah White 9/27/2018 9/27/2018 CMRR RETURNED FROM PO Deborah White 10/11/2018 10/11/2018 NOV dated 9/17 returned "Attempted Not Known" Unable to forward Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022 Page 5 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 18‐293 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 2of 5 CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 10/30/2018 10/30/2018 Per  NOH dated 9/27/18 Delivered. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 11/18/2018 11/20/2018 NOTICE OF HEARING Lori Diaz 11/29/2018 11/29/2018 MISC NOTES/ACTION Angela Irizarry 11/29/2018 11/29/2018 11/28/18 CEB ORDER POSTED ON PROPERTY CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 11/29/2018 11/29/2018 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 SPOKE WITH MR. RYANT.  POOL SAFETY FENCE HAS BEEN INSTALLED. PER BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE SAFETY FENCE MEETS CODE FOR POOL SAFETY AND SATISFIES THE VIOLATION.  FENCE MUST BE UP WHEN THE POOL IS NOT BEING USED.  ADVISED MR. RYANT THAT USE OF THE BARRIER WOULD BE MONITORED. VISITED SITE AND VERIFIED SAFETY BARRIER WAS INSTALLED AS STATED BY MR. RYANT. SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 12/10/2018 11/29/2018 CERT MAIL RECEIPT RECEIVED Angela Irizarry 12/24/2018 12/26/2018 RCVD SIGNED GREEN CARD FOR NOH. CODE BOARD MEETING AGENDA Lori Diaz 12/28/2018 12/28/2018 CODE BOARD ORDER Lori Diaz 1/23/2019 1/18/2019 Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022 Page 6 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 18‐293 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 3of 5 SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Lori Diaz 1/23/2019 1/23/2019 OTHER Angela Irizarry 9/22/2020 9/22/2020 Bill Natter, VP of the Atlantic Beach Country Club contacted Dan Arlington, COAB about houses in ABCC that have pools and are not using their safety fences. The pools are on the golf course and are being left open and accessible.   OTHER Angela Irizarry 9/25/2020 9/25/2020 Completed a site visit with Mr. Natter, VP of the ABCC HOA.  The houses with the unsecured pools are not visible from the street. Mr. Natter took me out on a golf cart to show me the houses.  One of those houses was 532 Atlantic Beach Court. This property was previous cited for an unsecured pool.  The violation was previous viewable from the neighboring property while it was under construction. The pool abuts the golf course.  NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 9/28/2020 9/28/2020 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 10/26/2020 10/26/2020 Per  ‐ Letter still in Transit NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 10/26/2020 10/26/2020 CEB MEETING Angela Irizarry 11/5/2020 11/5/2020 Special Magistrate hearing scheduled for 11/5/2020 postponed. NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 11/10/2020 11/20/2020 NOH for 12/5/2020 magistrate meeting  CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 11/23/2020 11/23/2020 Per Certified letter was delivered on 11/12/2020 CEB MEETING Angela Irizarry 12/3/2020 12/3/2020 Mr. Ryant appeared at hearing and showed the Magistrate a live video showing the fence was in place.  Mr. Ryant was found in compliance.  Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022 Page 7 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 18‐293 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 4of 5 TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 4/11/2022 4/11/2022 Neighbor across the street called to say pool barrier was down again.  NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 4/11/2022 4/11/2022 Posted NOH for May meeting on the front door of the home.  CEB ORDER Angela Irizarry 5/5/2022 5/5/2022 Deferred to July 7, 2022 NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 6/13/2022 6/13/2022 Noticed for July 7, 2022 meeting CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/15/2022 6/15/2022 Per ‐ NOH was delivered on 6/15 @ 11:19am  CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER VRIGA RYANT 532 Atlantic Beach Court  ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233‐5810 (904)710‐7153 VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKSNOTES Enclosures Angela Irizarry 9/27/2018 REAR YARD IPMC Sec. 303.1  Private swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas containing water more than twenty four inches in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier at least forty eight (48) inches in height above the finished ground lever measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self‐ closing the pool.  Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self‐closing and self latching.  Where the self‐latching device is a minimum of 54 inches above the bottom of the gate the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate.  Self‐closing and self‐latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of 6 in inches from the gatepost.  No existing pool enclosure shall be removed, replaced or changed in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier.  Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022 Page 8 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 18‐293 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 5of 5 FBC Revocation of Permit Deborah White 9/27/2018 FBC Section 111.4 Revocation.  The Building Official is authorized to, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy or completion issued under the provisions of this code wherever the certificate was issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or where it is determined that the building or structure or portion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code. Fence (Required Pools) Mike Jones 9/17/2018 Sec. 24‐164 Swimming Pools (c) Fences:  All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two (2) feet shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or equivalent barrier at least four (4) feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations.  Florida Building Code Deborah White 9/24/2018 Sec. 6‐16.  Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city.  Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022 Page 9 of 154 Page 10 of 154 Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 1 of 2 VRIGA RYANT Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Page Tile# 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT 17024-00538 9408 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Atlantic Beach FL 32233 MCLAUGHLIN BRENNA S 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT Property Detail Value Summary RE# 169505-1405 2017 Certified 2018 In Progress Tax District USD3 Value Method CAMA CAMA 1 PropertyUse 0100 Single Family Total Building Value $0.00 875,583.00 r#of Buildings._ 1 Extra Feature Value $0.00 26,125.00 Legal Dela For full legal description see Land Value(Market) $248,640.00 $288,960.00 Land&Legal section below Land Value(Aark.1 $0.00 0.00 Subdivision 06884 ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 02 Just(Market)Value $248,640.00 $1,190,668.00 Total Area 113719 Assessed Value $248,640.00 $1,190,668.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Portability Amt $0.00/$0.00 $0.00/$0.00 to Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.'In Progress'property values, Exemptions $0.00 See below exemptions and other supporting information on this page are part of the working tax roll and are subject to change.Certified values listed in the Value Summary are those Taxable Value $248,640.00 See below certified in October,but may include any official changes made after certification Learn how the Property Appraiser's Office values Drooerty. Taxable Values and Exemptions—In Progress+ If there are no exemptions applicable to a taxing authority,the Taxable Value is the same as the Assessed Value listed above in the Value Summary box. County/Municipal Taxable Value S)RWMD/FIND Taxable Value School Taxable Value Assessed Value 1,190,668.00 AcsPssed Value 1,190,668.00 Assessed Value 1,190,668.00 Homestead(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead(HX) 25,000.00 Homestead Banding 196. 031(1)(b)(HB) Homestead Banding 196.031(1)(b)(HB) Taxable Value 1,165,668.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 Taxable Value 1,140,668.00 Taxable Value 1,140,668.00 Sales History ' Book/Page I Sale Date 1 Sale Price I Deed Instrument Type Code Oualified/Unoualified Vacant/Improved 1 17024-00538 112/23/2014 $425,000.00 I SW-Special Warranty I Qualified Vacant 00067-00132 111/21/2014 ; $100.00 I PB-Plat Book Unqualified Vacant Extra Features ' LN Feature Code I Feature Description Bldg. I Length 'Width !Total Units I Value 11 1 FPGR7 Fireplace Gas 1 10 0 1.00 I $5,512.00 2 POLR3 Pool i 1 1 0 0 11.00 I $20,613.00 Land&Legal Land Legal I Land Land Land LN I Legal DescriptionLNIc_gilg I Use Description Zoning I Front!Depth Category,Units !Tyne ,I Value I 1 1 67-132 08-2S-29E.315 1 RES GOLF LD 3-7 UNITSi I Front 1 0150 ASPA 1 70.00 j 120.00 I Common 70.00 288, 960.00 ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY PER AC Footage 2 CLUB UNIT 2 13 1 LOT 22 Buildings . Building 1 Building 1 Site Address I Element I Code I Detail532ATLANTICBEACHCTUnit Atlantic Beach FL 32233 I Exterior Wall 18 !8 Horizontal Lap I Exterior Wall 117 1 17 C.B.Stucco l , °, LiBuilding Type 0108-SFR CLASS 2 IRoof Struct 3 3 Gable or Hip r e f L p Year Built 2017 I Roofing Cover 3 i 3 Asph/Comp Sting i r11,i" :,,,, Building Value 875,583.00 I Interior Wall 15 j 5 Drywall L z,.r L lI I Int Flooring 11 1 11 Cer Clay Tile Effective I Int Flooring1 14 CarpetTvceiAreaIAreaAreaIHeatingFuel 44 ! 4 Electric https://paopropertysearch.coj.netBasic/Detail.aspx?RE=1695051405 9/27/2018 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 11 of 154 J-\17j CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J . 800 SEMINOLE ROAD i., r ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 r J';},r' CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70170660000038567174 9/17/2018 VRIGA RYANT 532 Atlantic Beach Court ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 Real Estate Number: 169505 1405 Case Number: 18-293 Location of Violation: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION(S) Sec. 24-164 Swimming Pools (c) Fences: All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two (2) feet shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or equivalent barrier at least four (4) feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by upon receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, in ju 9._. .)._<._ Mike Jones Building Inspector 247-5844 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 12 of 154 I. . •os a ervice CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only 1 For delivery information,visit our website at . 4-- xi Certified Mail Fee 71 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropnate) Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Postage Total Postage and Fees Sent To 1.<` c /Z9I _ 5 Street and Apt.No., r PO Box No. Gr J City,State,ZIP+4b Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 13 of 154 r1-li1/Idl-1 11il I j .4 !, , City of Atlantic Beach 1 1 jl j p F'R`T- ` A' neo ost 800 Seminole Road 09/17/2018 rr 1 US POSTAGE o70 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 7017 0660 0000 3856 7174 par0 ZIP 2233 40784 flij q q g VRIGA RYANT 532 Atlantic Beach Court Y „: y O1.1"..u 'V r ;` RL."jRt' TO SENDER ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 TT a TG 1, - r 0T 1< ^!, W. UN ARLC .TOO r O R W A D v 6 Real Estate Number: 169505 140577 Caselltfr BC: i3 g2 2j3 B5 4 6 j9- 9 x 5SSa ti 44-F 0 r ¢¢ yy 4 r 2-.); 5:i•CL1 Iliihliiiil`liillillilliitliiiiiiltiliiilil;iiiliiiil1 ilillii l I Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 14 of 154 w SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you.0 Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 4 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 'Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No OCT 1 1 2018 V - kt 1111111IIII III II(II I II I I I I III III I 111111 3. Service Type Adult Signature Priority Mail Express® Registered MaiIT"' Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted 9590 9402 3831 8032 5651 92 0 Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for 0 Collect on Delivery Merchandise 9 Article Number(Transfer from service label) Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature ConfirmationTM d Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 7 017 0660 0000 3856 717 4 id Mil Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 15 of 154 g CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH t1800 SEMINOLE ROAD J ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 4us119'1"1.. /i7 9/17/2018 VRIGA RYANT 532 Atlantic Beach Court ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 Real Estate Number: 169505 1405 Case Number: 18-293 Location of Violation: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances, to wit: VIOLATION(S) Sec. 24-164 Swimming Pools (c) Fences: All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two (2) feet shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or equivalent barrier at least four (4) feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected upon receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at( 904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Mike Jones Building Inspector 247-5844 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 16 of 154 White, Debbie it/ 5 From: Arlington, Daniel Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 4:10 PM To: White, Debbie;Jones, Mike Subject: No pool barrier Attachments: ABCC PUD Text.pdf The ABCC PUD/SPA text is attached. Section N, second paragraph references COAB Chapter 24,Article Ill, Division 7, which includes Section 24-164, Swimming Pools. Section 24- 164(C) requires all pools to be enclosed. Da IA Arlivtgtovt Dan Arlington, CBO Building Official City of Atlantic Beach, Florida darlington(a 904) 247-5813 1 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 17 of 154 U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at®. Certified Mail Fee 11 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 3 Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Postage 7 $ Total Postage and Fees SentT 1r 7 Street and Ap o.,or O ox No. bity,$tate,ZIP+4•Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 18 of 154 g .T -TM CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT o (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) n For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.coma O Postage $ Certified Fee Postmark 3• Return Receipt Fee Here Endorsement Required) 3 Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) koc. 9" Total Postage&Fees $ I Sent To 17 3• Street,Apt.No.; 6- or PO Box No. City,State,ZIP+4 Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 19 of 154 U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT 13 Domestic Mail Only 3 For delivery information,visit our website at°c Certified Mail Fee D Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) 7 7 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here 0 Adult Signature Required $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Postage 7 $ Total Postage and Fees A Sent To Sheet a t. o.,or Box t ity,State,ZIP+40 Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 20 of 154 I. • • - -TM CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT 3 (Domestic Mail Only;No insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at® r O Postage $ A Certified Fee Postmark Return Receipt Fee Here Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee Endorsement Required) Total Postage&Fees Ol& Sent To Street,Apt.No.; or PO Box No. City,State,ZIP+4ZA3 Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 21 of 154 corrected in the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice at(904) 247-5821. Please not the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event of an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: 0.4, ao,eie., Deborah White, Code Enforcement Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk cc: Scott Williams, Public Works Director Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 22 of 154 SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION I All plans for the building which are required 5. A statement that the described portion of the structure I to be signed and sealed by the architect or engineer of has been inspected for compliance with the require- 1 record contain a statement that,to the best of the archi- ments of this code for the occupancy and division of tect's or engineer's knowledge,the plans and speciflca- occupancy and the use for which the proposed occu- tions comply with the applicable minimum building pancy is classified. I codes and the applicable fire-safety standards as deter- 6. For buildings and structures in flood hazard areas, a 1 I mined by the local authority in accordance with this statement that documentation of the as-built lowest I section and Chapter 633,Florida Statutes. floor elevation has been provided and is retained in 1 110.8. 5 No enforcing agency may issue a building permit the records of the authority having jurisdiction for construction of any threshold building except to a 7. The name of the building official.I licensed general contractor, as defined in Section I I 489.105(3)(a), Florida Statutes, or to a licensed building 8. The edition of the code under which the permit was 1 I contractor, as defined in Section 489.105(3)(b), Florida issued. I Statutes,within the scope of her or his license.The named 9. The use and occupancy,in accordance with the provi- 1 contractor to whom the building permit is issued shall sions of Chapter 3. 1 have the responsibility for supervision,direction,manage- I ment and control of the construction activities on the proj- 10. The type of construction as defined in Chapter 6. 1 I ect for which the building permit was issued.11. The design occupant load. I I 110.8.6 The building department may allow a special 12. If an automatic sprinkler system is provided,whether I I inspector to conduct the minimum structural inspection of the sprinkler system is required. Ithresholdbuildingsrequiredbythiscode, Section 553.73, I Florida Statutes, without duplicative inspection by the 13. Any special stipulations and conditions of the build- 1 building department. The building official is responsible ing permit. I for ensuring that any person conducting inspections is [A] 111.3 Temporary occupancy. The building official is qualified as a building inspector under Part XII of Chapter authorized to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy 468, Florida Statutes, or certified as a special inspector before the completion of the entire work covered by the per- I under Chapter 471 or 481,Florida Statutes.Inspections of mit,provided that such portion or portions shall be occupied I threshold buildings required by Section 553.79(5),Florida safely. The building official shall set a time period during I Statutes, are in addition to the minimum inspections which the temporary certificate of occupancy is valid. required by this code. A] 111.4 Revocation.The building official is authorized to, in writing, suspend of revoke a certificate of occupancy or SECTION 111 completion issued under the provisions of this code wherever CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY the certificate is issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied,or where it is determined that the build- A] 111.1 Use and occupancy.A building or structure shall ing or structure or portion thereof is in violation of any ordi- not be used or occupied, and a change in the existing use or nance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code. occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion 111.5 Certificate of completion.A certificate of completion • thereof shall not be made, until the building official has is proof that a structure or system is complete and for certain issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. types of permits is released for use and may be connected to a Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed utility system. This certificate does not grant authority to as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or 1 of other ordinances of the jurisdiction.occupy a building, such as shell building, prior to the issu- Ianceofacertificateofoccupancy. Exception: Certificates of occupancy are not required for work exempt from permits in accordance with Section 105.2. SECTION 112 A] 111.2 Certificate issued. After the building official SERVICE UTILITIES inspects the building or structure and does not find violations [A]112.1 Connection of service utilities.A person shall not of the provisions of this code or other laws that are enforced make connections from a utility, source of energy, fuel or by the department of building safety, the building official power to any building or system that is regulated by this code shall issue a certificate of occupancy that contains the follow- for which a permit is required,until released by the building ing: official. 1. The building permit number. A]112.2 Temporary connection.The building official shall 2. The address of the structure: have the authority to authorize the temporary connection of the building or system to the utility, source of energy,fuel or I 3. The name and address of the owner or the owner's power. authorized agent. A] 112.3 Authority to disconnect service utilities. The 4. A description of that portion of the structure for which building official shall have the authority to authorize discon- the certificate is issued.nection of utility service to the building, structure or system 18 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE-BUILDING,6th EDITION(2017) Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 23 of 154 Exhibit`{D" ArdigNpmENT To Atlantic Beach Country Club Planned Unit Development PUD)/Special Planned Area (SPA) Written Narrative of PIan of Development Date:April-4044y 21,2013 Current Land Use Designation: LDR(City of Jacksonville);RL(City of Atlantic Beach) Current Zoning District:RR and PUD(City of Jacksonville);PUD(City of Atlantic Beach) Requested Zoning District: PUD (City of Jacksonville);SPA(City of Atlantic Beach) RE##: 169399-0000; 169399- 0010; 172000-0000; 172024-0000; 172027-0010; 172027-0030; 172029-0000; 172036-0000; 172157-0000 NOTE: The development described in this Written Narrative includes property within the City of Jacksonville ("COJ Property") and property within the City of Atlantic Beach ("COAB Property')(collectively, the Property'). This is intended to serve as a Written narrative both for a Planned Unit Development (PUB) on the COJ Property and for a Special Planned Area (SPA) on the COAB Property. The development described in this Written Narrative is a single family residential development, golf course, country club, recreational amenities, and associated roadways, access, stormwater, maintenance, and related facilities and infrastructure. All uses are part of a unified plan which will be consistent with the comprehensive plans for both the City of Jacksonville COI) and the City of Atlantic Beach (COAG) and will meet the intent of the land development regulations in both jurisdictions as well. As is permitted under the COJ regulations for PUD and under the COAB regulations for an SPA, this Written Narrative will allow for flexibility from the application of these regulations where it is necessary for a unified and internally consistent development. OVERVIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT Selva Marina Country Club, Inc, (the Applicant) was incorporated in 1956 as a for-profit corporation. The sole asset of the corporation is the Selva Marina Country Club ("Country Club"),which consists of a private eighteen-hole golf course,clubhouse, tennis courts,and other recreational amenities. Membership in the Country Club has declined significantly over recent years, and the Applicant desires to undertake an extensive redevelopment of the golf course, including the construction of new single family homes, a new clubhouse, and other associated facilities and infrastructure. EXHIBIT on File Page of Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 24 of 154 I. LAND USE.ZONING,AND USES: PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PROPERTIES. A. The COJ Property lies within the LDR land use category of the COJ Comprehensive Plan and is zoned RR and PUD. The COAB property lies within the RL land use category of the COAB Comprehensive Plan and is zoned PUD and RS-L. B. For all but the southwest corner of the Property,the Property is surrounded by single family,multifamily,public use, and vacant properties which lie within the COAB. These properties are within the RL,RM,RH,and P/SP land use categories of the COAB Comprehensive Plan and are within the RS-L,RS-2,RG-M, PUD,and CG zoning districts of the COAB Land Development Regulations. At the southwest corner of the Property,the Property adjoins commercial and residential properties which lie within the COJ. These properties are within the CGC,RPI,and MDR land use categories of the COJ Comprehensive Plan and are within the CCG-2,CCG-1, CRO,and RMD-A zoning districts of the City of Jacksonville Zoning Code, II. GENERAL PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT. A. The development described in this Written Narrative is a single family residential development,golf course,clubhouse,recreational amenities,and associated roadways,access, stormwater,maintenance,and related facilities and infrastructure. B. The Property is approximately 169.02 acres. The COJ Property is approximately 135.12 acres. The COAB Property is approximately 33.90 acres. C. Consistent with the variety of residential densities and lot sizes which surround the Property and which are typical of the COAB,the development will include a varied mix of lot sizes and single family residential types. The Conceptual Site Plan filed with this application shows a mix of lot sizes and types. The total number of residential units shall not exceed.1-8-02110 units. However,subject to the minimums and maximums shown on the Conceptual PUD Site Plan,the location and number of each of the varying lots sizes and types shown on the Conceptual Site Plan is conceptual only and may be subject to change,due to site engineering or other factors,without amendment or modification of the PUD/SPA. The single family residential uses will comprise approximately 34:4439.49 acres,including approximately 347361442 acres within COJ and approximately 0,085,0,0 acres within COAB. D. As shown on the Conceptual Site Plan,a golf course, related structures bathrooms,shelters/stops,bathrooms, food,drink,etc.),maintenance facilities,cart barn, parking,and similar uses will be located around and among the single family residential uses. The golf course and related uses will comprise approximately-14-773-9111,61 acres,including approximately 91.2521.67 acres within COJ and approximately 26.4-41.9 acres within COAB. E. Within the"Club Site"parcel as shown on the Conceptual Site Plan will be located a clubhouse and recreational amenities,which may include pool,cabana/clubhouse,pro shop(s),health/exercise facility,offices,tennis courts, other recreational court(s)and/or field(s), JAx114334 9,175aQ28 81 2- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 25 of 154 parking, storage, and similar facilities. The clubhouse and recreational amenities will comprise approximately 6.74 acres, including approximately 0.00 acres within COJ and approximately 6.74 acnes within COAB. F. The"Club Site"parcel as shown on the Conceptual Site Plan includes a parcel of 1.12 acres(RE# 172000-0000)which is located in COAB,currently zoned RS-L, and used for single family residential use. That parcel either will be incorporated into the clubhouse and recreational amenities use or will continue to be used for single family residential use consistent with the RS-L zoning district in the COAB Zoning Regulations. 0. As shown on the Conceptual Site Plan and as described further below, structures for vehicular access(secured gate and/or gatehouse)may be located at the entrance to the development at Dutton Island Road East. Structures for golf cart access(such as bridges or shelters)also may be located throughout the development. The development also will include roadways, stormwater facilities,and other related facilities and infrastructure. The roadways and other supporting facilities and infrastructure will comprise approximately 444A-5jL8.l acres, including approximately 944%43 acres within COJ and approximately 1.37L,4 acres within COAB. III. PERMITTED USES: DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA. This section of the Written Narrative addresses the following items: Permitted Uses and Structures, Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures,Minimum Lot Requirements width/density/area),Maximum Lot Coverage by all Buildings and Structures,Minimum and/or Maximum Yard Requirements,and Maximum Height of Structures. A. Single Family Residential. 1. Permitted uses and structures. a. Single family detached dwellings. b. Essential services,including water,sewer,gas,telephone,cable, radio and electric. c. Home occupations subject to the conditions in Section M.D. 5 below. d. Courtyard Lots described below which are adjacent to the golf course, permitted uses may include units for daily/overnight rental; provided,however, 1) That the maximum number of Courtyard Lot units which may be used for daily/overnight rental is four(4) units located within the same courtyard lot configuration. 2) All such units shall be owned by the same entity, which shall be the ownerioperator of a hospitality business,such JAx1373391911 MB__al 3- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 26 of 154 as hotel(s)or resort(s), and shall be managed by an entity with office(s)in Duval County.. 3) All such units shall be subject to the restrictive covenants described below. 2. Maximum total number of residential Wilts: •1-8.0,N0. 3. Lot requirements: As shown on the Conceptual Site Plan,lot requirements within the development will vary. The lot requirements are set forth below. 4. Membership in club: AU owners of residential lots within the development shall be members of the club, 5. Shute Fancily--80'(-89')Lots:Minimum lot requirement(width and area), Lot coverage by all buildings, Minimum yard requirements, and Maximum height ofstructure for each Single Family use. a. Minimum lot requirement(width and area). The minimum lot requirement(width and area)for single family uses is: 1) Width—Eighty(80)feet. 2) Area-8,000 square feet. b. Maximum impervious surface. Sixty-five(65)percent. c. Minimum yard requirements. The minimum yard requirements for all uses and structures(as measured from the wall of the structure)are: 1) Front—Twenty(20)feet from face of garage to back of right-of-way and fifteen(15)feet from building face or porch to back of right-of-way; except corner/double- frontage lots,for which the non-address front/side minimum yard shall be ten(10)feet from garage or building face to back of right-of-way. 2) Side—Five(5)feet,provided that the combined side yards shall not be less than ten(10)feet. 3) Rear—Ten(10) feet. d. Maximum height ofstructure. Thirty-five(35)feet. 6. Single Familv--70'(-79')Lots:Minimum lot requirement(width and area), Lot coverage by all buildings, Minimum yard requirements, and JAW-733;4917M 411 4- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 27 of 154 Maximum height of'structure for each Single Family use. a. Minimum lot requirement(width and area). The minimum lot requirement(width and area)for single family uses is: 1) Width—Seventy(70)feet, 2) Area-7,000 square feet. b. Maximum impervious surface. Sixty-five(65)percent. o. Minimum yard requirements. The minimum yard requirements for all uses and structures(as measured from the wall of the structure) are: 1) Front—Twenty(20)feet from face of garage to back of right-of-way and fifteen(15)feet from building face or porch to back of right-of-way; except corner/double- frontage lots,for which the non-address front/side minimum yard shall be ten(10)feet from garage or building face to back of right-of-way. 2) Side—Five(5)feet,provided that the combined side yards shall not be less than ten(10)feet. 3) Rear—Ten(10) feet, d. Maximum height of structure. Thirty-five(35)feet. 7. Situate Family--60'(-69')Lots: Minimum lot requirement(width and area), Lot coverage by all buildings, Minimum yard requirements, and Maximum height of structure for each Single Family use. a. Minimum lot requirement (width and area). The minimum lot requirement(width and area)for single family uses is: 1) Width—Sixty(60)feet. 2) Area-6,000 square feet. b. Maximum impervious surface. Sixty-five(65)percent. c. Minimum yard requirements. The minimum yard requirements for all uses and structures(as measured from the wall of the structure) are: 1) Front—Twenty(20)feet from face of garage to back of right-of-way and fifteen(15)feet from building face or porch to back of right-of-way; except corner/double- mm17339191732028_fa 5- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 28 of 154 frontage lots, for which the non-address front/side minimum yard shall be ten(10)feet from garage or building face to back of right-of-way. 2) Side—Five(5)feet,provided that the combined side yards shall not be less than ten(10)feet. 3) Rear—Ten(10)feet. d, Maximum height of structure, Thirty-five(35) feet. 8. Single Familv--55'(-59')Lots:Minimum lot requirement(width and area), Lot coverage by all buildings, Minimum yard requirements, and Maximum height of structure for each Single Family use. a. Minimum lot requirement(width and area). The minimum lot requirement(width and area) for single family uses is: 1) Width—Fifty(55)feet. 2) Area-5,500 square feet. b. Maximum impervious surface. Sixty-five(65)percent. c. Minimum yard requirements. The minimum yard requirements for all uses and structures(as measured from the wall of the structure) are: 1) Front—Twenty(20)feet from face of garage to back of right-of-way and fifteen(15) feet from building face or porch to back of right-of-way;except corner/double- frontage lots,for which the non-address front/side minimum yard shall be ten(10)feet from garage or building face to back of right-of-way. 2) Side—Five(5)feet,provided that the combined side yards shall not be less than ten(10)feet. 3) Rear—Ten(10)feet, d. Maximum height ofstructure. Thirty-five(35)feet. 9. Courfvard Single Fondly Lots:Minimum lot requirement(width and area), Lot coverage by all buildings, Minimum yard requirements, and Maximum height of structure for each Single Family use. a. Minimum lot requirement(width and area). The minimum lot requirement(width and area)for single family uses is: Jnxu 733914175A28_8l 6- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 29 of 154 1) Width—Fifty(50) feet. 2) Area-4,000 square feet. b. Maximum impervious surface. Sixty-five(65) percent. c. Minimum yard requirements. The minimum yard requirements for all uses and structures (as measured from the wall of the structure) are: 1) Front—Twenty(20)feet from centerline of private access driveway,ten(10)feet from public street right-of-way, and ten(10)feet from building face or porch to lot boundary. 2) Side—Five(5) feet. 3) Rear—Ten(10)feet, d. Maximum height of structure. Thirty-five (35)feet. e. Thematic plan. Attached as Exhibit_is a thematic plan depicting a potential lot layout for the Courtyard Lots. Lot and access configuration may vary from the thematic plan. 10. Patios. Patios, including screened patios(without a structural roof), outdoor dining,terraces,courtyards,or similar exterior structures shall be permitted for each unit and may be located within side or rear yards but shall not be located within five(5)feet of any property boundary. 11. Mrrxinuun Heights. Maximum heights shall be subject to Article XIV, Section 59,of the Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach and the definition of"height"as provided in the COAB Zoning Regulations, 12. Impervious surface deJinitlolt. As used in this PUD/SPA Written Narrative,"impervious surface means: those surfaces that prevent the entry of water into the soil. Common impervious surfaces include,but are not limited to,rooftops,sidewalks,patio areas,driveways, parking lots, and other surfaces made of concrete,asphalt, brick,plastic,or any surfacing material with a base or lining of an impervious material. Wood decking elevated two(2) or more inches above the ground shall not be considered impervious provided that the ground surface beneath the decking is not impervious.Pervious areas beneath roof or balcony overhangs that are subject to inundation by stormwater and which allow the percolation of that stormwater shall not be considered impervious areas. Swimming pools shall not be considered as impervious surfaces because of their ability to retain additional rainwater, however, decking around a pool may be considered impervious depending upon materials used. Surfaces using pervious concrete or other similar open grid paving JAX14-7339191759921_81 7_ Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 30 of 154 systems shall be calculated as fifty(50)percent impervious surface, provided that no bather to natural percolation of water shall be installed beneath such material.Open grid pavers must be installed on a sand base, without liner,in order to be considered fifty(50)percent impervious. Solid surface pavers(e.g.,brick or brick appearing pavers as opposed to open grid pavers)do not qualify for any reduction in impervious area, regardless of type of base material used. 13. RSL--COAB Parcel of 1.12 acres(RE#I72000-0000}. As described above,as an alternative to the Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities use described below,a COAB parcel of 1.12 acres(RF# 172000-0000)may continue to be used for single family residential use consistent with the RS-L zoning district as described in the COAB Zoning Regulations. 11, Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities. 1. Permitted uses and structures. a. Clubhouse(maximum of 30,000 sq.ft.)and recreational amenities, which may include pool,cabana/clubhouse, spa,sauna,pro shop(s),health/exercise facility, offices,tennis courts and associated lighting and fencing,other recreational court(s)and/or field(s)and associated lighting and fencing,storage,and similar facilities. b. Outdoor social events,including parties, weddings,and holiday events,with associated uses including outdoor service of food and beverage,including alcoholic beverages, outdoor music,fireworks,and similar activities. c. Sale and service of food and beverage,including alcoholic beverages. d. Retail sales of recreation-related items at pro shop(s). e. Golf cart maintenance and/or storage. f. Essential services, including water,sewer,gas,telephone,cable, radio and electric. 2. MPnimum lot requirement. Four(4)acres. 3. Maximum impervious surface. Eighty-five percent(85%). 4. Minimum yard requirements. The minimum yard requirements for all uses and structures(as measured from the wall of the structure)are: 1) Front—Twenty(20) feet. 2) Side—Ten(10)feet,or five(5)feet with buffer as provided below. lnMa 3gF9t2s2a2S 111 8- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 31 of 154 3) Rear—Ten(10)feet,or five(5) feet with buffer as provided below. 5. Maximum height of'structure. Maximum heights shall be subject to Article XIV, Section 59,of the Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach and the definition of"height"as provided in the COAB Zoning Regulations. 6. Recreational use briers and lighting. The tennis courts,pool/cabana,and other outdoor recreational court(s)or field(s)shall be buffered with a minimum 5-foot wide landscaped buffer from the Property boundary. This buffer shall be planted and maintained with shrubs or trees that provide an opaque vegetative buffer. Buffers as required above may include fences or walls,provided that no solid fence or wall within any such buffer shall exceed eight feet in height. This height limit shall not apply to the types of fencing customarily used to enclose tennis courts. Lighting in any location shall be directed away from residential dwellings, and no tennis courts in any location shall be lighted later than 10:00p.m. C. Golf Course. 1. Permitted uses and structures. a. Golf course,practice facilities and associated lighting and fencing, related structures(bathrooms,food,drink,etc.), "starter"or"half way"houses or shelters/stops,maintenance facilities,and similar uses. b. Golf cart maintenance and/or storage. c. Sale and service of food and beverage,including alcoholic beverages,at"starter"or"half way"houses or shelters/stops or from service carts. d. Essential services,including water,sewer,re-use,gas, telephone, cable,radio and electric. 2. Minimum lot requirement(width and area). None. 3. Maximum lot coverage by all buildings. None. 4. Minimum yard requirements. None. 5. Maximum height of structure. None. D. Accessory Uses and Structures. UAX417339191,759 28 SI 9- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 32 of 154 Accessory uses and structures are permitted if those uses and structures are of the nature customarily incidental and clearly subordinate to a permitted principal use or structure and these uses and structures are located on the same lot (or contiguous lot in the same ownership) as the principal use. Whether attached or detached to a building or structure containing the principal use, the accessory structure shall be considered as a part of the principal building. Accessory uses shall not involve operations or structures not in keeping with character of the district where located and shall be subject to the following: 1. Accessory uses shall not be located in required front or side yards except as follows: a. Detached accessory structures such as carports,covered parking,or garages for vehicles or golf carts which are separated from the main structure may be located in a required side or rear yard but not less than five(5)feet from a lot line. If bonus rooms are located above such an accessory structure,then such structure also shall be not less than five(5)feet from a lot line. The total number of buildings on any lot zoned for single-family use shall not exceed three(3)including the principal use structure,detached carports/parking/garage,and any other detached building. b. Air conditioning compressors or other equipment designed to serve the main structure may be located in a required side or rear yard and may be located not less than three(3)feet to the property line. c. Swimming pools and associated screened enclosures(without a structural roof)may be located in a required rear or side yard but may not be located less than five(5)feet from the property line or top of the bank of a pond,whichever is applicable. 2, Accessory uses and structures in a residential district shall include noncommercial greenhouses and plant nurseries, servants' quarters and guesthouses,private garages and private boathouses or shelters, toolhouses and garden sheds,garden work centers,children's play areas and play equipment,private ball courts,private barbecue pits, outdoor fireplaces, ornamental pools, gazebos,and swimming pools,facilities for security guards and caretakers and similar uses or structures which are of a nature not likely to attract visitors in larger number than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood. Any structure under a common roof and meeting all required yards is a principal structure. The maximum height of an accessory structure shall not exceed twenty-five(25)feet. 3. Land clearing and processing of land clearing debris shall be accessory uses;provided, however, land clearing debris may be processed only in conformity with applicable fire codes and other chapters of the applicable code to the extent those chapters are applicable. rnx1+733949125.2028 rt1 0- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 33 of 154 4. Essential services(utility systems)shall be allowed as a permitted use subject to the following conditions: a. Central water systems,sewerage systems,re-use systems,utility lines, and easements shall be provided underground and in accordance with the appropriate sections of the code. 5. Home occupations shall be allowed subject to the following conditions: a, The use of the premises for the home occupation shall be incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes by its occupants and shall,under no circumstances,change the residential character thereof. b. There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises or other visible evidence of the conduct of the home occupation. c. There shall be no equipment or process used in the home occupation which creates excessive noise, vibration,glare, fumes odors or electrical interference detectable to normal senses off the lot. d. In the case of electrical interference,no equipment shall be used which creates visual or audible interference in the radio or television receiver off the premises or causes fluctuations in line voltage off the premises. C. Access. 1. Access will be provided as shown on the Conceptual Site Plan via Selva Marina Drive and Dutton Island Road East, 2. Golf cart access may be provided to adjoining properties pursuant to private access agreements, 3. The location and design of the access at Selva Marina Drive shall be subject to the review and approval of the COAB Planning and Zoning Department and Public Works Department. 4. The location and design of the access at Dutton Island Road East shall be subject to the review and approval of COAB. Within the existing right-of- way,Dutton Island Road East shall be improved to a minimum pavement width of twenty feet(20')to the specifications directed by COAB Planning and Zoning Department and Public Works Department. Pedestrian and vehicular access at Dutton Island Road East shall be secured inside the Property to limit access to residents of the development within the PUD/SPA,commercial traffic to and from the JM mals s9o28_sI I1- I Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 34 of 154 Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities uses and Golf Course uses,and construction traffic for development within the PUD/SPA. Structures for vehicular access [secured gate(s)and/or gatehouse,mail kiosk,community bulletin board,etc.]may be located at the access inside the Property. 5. All internal roads will be dedicated public streets,designed to COJ specifications,and dedicated to the COJ or COAB except(i)the portion of the internal roadway system connecting the system to Dutton Island Road East and(ii)internal driveways into Courtyard Lots as described above, which may be an approved private road with access easements for permanent access to the residential units. 6. The configuration and design of the internal road system,including roads, any traffic circles,and intersections,shall be subject to the review and approval of the COAB Planning and Zoning Department and Public Works Department. Features which will be permitted include: Miami- type curbing on landscape islands and other appropriate locations; sixteen foot(16')pavement width at appropriate locations for traffic calming; and brick pavers,stamped concrete,or stamped asphalt at appropriate locations. The internal roadway system shown on the Conceptual Site plan is schematic only and may be subject to realignment prior to development,due to site engineering or other factors,without amendment or modification of the PUD/SPA. F. Sienatic. 1. Community identification monument signs will be permitted within the Property at the access points to the PUD/SPA at Selva Marina Drive and at the terminus of Dutton Island Road East. These signs shall not exceed eight(8)feet in height and thirty-two(32)square feet in area(each side) excluding border and columns,may be two sided and externally illuminated, and may identify the club,golf course, and residential uses. Alternatively,these signs may be designed as entry towers, 1,2, 3 or 4 sided(or cylindrical),an a maximum of thirty-two(32)square feet per side excluding border,base or foundation,and tower cap,a maximum of twenty-four(24) feet in height. The entry towers would be architecturally consistent with the clubhouse and club facilities. 2. Existing signage for the club at the intersection of Selva Marina Drive and Seminole Drive may be redesigned and updated for the club,golf course, and residential uses,and continues to be maintained by the Country Club. The sign may be externally illuminated. 3. At the Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities and the Golf Course,wall signs are permitted and shall not exceed ten(10)percent of the square footage of the occupancy frontage or respective sides of the building facing the public rights-of-way. In addition to wall signs,awning signs are permitted JAM-173-3419175902.8_Sl 12- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 35 of 154 and shall not exceed ten(10)percent of the square footage of the occupancy frontage or respective sides of the building facing the public rights-of-way; provided, any square footage utilized for an awning sign shall be subtracted from the allowable square footage that can be utilized for wall signs. Under canopy signs also are permitted. One(1)under the canopy sign per occupancy is permitted not exceeding a maximum of twenty(20)square feet in area per side;provided,any square footage utilized for an under the canopy sign shall be subtracted from the allowable square footage that can be utilized for wall signs. 4, Directional signs indicating activities, buildings,common areas,and other features within the Clubhouse/Amenities and Golf Course uses will be permitted. The design of these signs should reflect the character of the use identity signs and may include the project logo and name. For predominantly vehicle directional signage,such signs shall be a maximum of four(4)square feet in area per sign face. For pedestrian directional signage, such as privately maintained"informational side walk kiosks", 1, 2,3 or 4 sided (or cylindrical),such signs shall be a maximum of twenty 20)square feet per side and a maximum of twelve (12)feet in height. All Vehicular Control Signs shall meet the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices;privately maintained street signage with with decorative post(s)and finials are permitted. 5. Real estate and construction and temporary signs are permitted. Signs of a maximum of thirty-two(32)square feet in area and eight(8)feet in height for model homes also shall be permitted. 6. Because all identity and directional signs are architectural features intended to be compatible with and complimentary of the buildings in the PUD,they may be located in structures or frames that are part of the architecture of the project. Accordingly,sign area for all such signs as well as wall,awning,and under the canopy signs,shall be computed on the basis of the smallest regular geometric shape encompassing the outermost individual letters,words,or numbers on the sign. 7. Banner signs may be permitted pursuant to Section 17-33 of the COAB Ordinance Code. 8. Signs required by environmental permitting to be posted in common areas such as stormwater facilities shall be permitted. G. Construction offices/model homes/real estate sales. 1. On-site,temporary construction offices/model homes/sales offices/club membership marketing will be permitted until build-out. Real estate sales activities and club membership marketing are permitted within model homes. Associated parking for sales activities is permitted adjacent to JAVA- 3919175942L81 13- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 36 of 154 model homes. Upon the approval of construction plans for the infrastructure improvements for residential development within the PUD/SPA,the Applicant may seek and obtain building permits for the construction of up to twenty percent(20%)of the residential units prior to the recordation of the subdivision plat(s)for the residential lots. H, J,andscanine and Tree Protection. For the Single Family Residential and Golf Course uses,tree prtection during development will be governed by Section 656.1204 et seq. of the COJ Zoning Code. Landscaping will be governed by the design standards in Section 24-176 et seq. of the COAB Ordinance Code. In tree protection efforts and landscaping design,maintenance of existing trees or re-planting of trees on site shall be preferred to mitigation. For the Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities use, landscaping and tree protection will be provided in accordance with Section 24-176,et seq. (landscaping)and Part II, Chapter 23 (tree protection),COAB Ordinance Code. I. Parking. For the Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities and Golf Course uses,parking shall be provided in accordance with Sections 24-161 and 24-162, COAB Ordinance Code. J. Sidewalks/Pedestrian Circulation. For the Single Family Residential and Golf Course uses, sidewalks and pedestrian circulation will be provided in accordance with the COJ Comprehensive Plan and Code of Subdivision Regulations. In particular locations,sidewalks may accommodate golf carts. As provided in Section III.E.4 above,pedestrian access to Dutton Island Road East may be secured. For Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities uses, sidewalks and pedestrian circulation will be provided in accordance with Part II,Chapter I9,COAB Ordinance Code. K. Restrictive Covenants. Restrictive covenants will be recorded prior to the sale of Single Family Residential lots to provide for thematic consistency and for the review of individual building plans by an architectural review board. L. Owners'Association An owners' association will be established to maintain common areas. M. Golf Cart Usage and Circulation. JAX14-733414175492$ 81 14- i Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 37 of 154 Notwithstanding any COJ or COAB Ordinance Code provisions to the contrary, golf carts may be used on all internal roadways and sidewalks within the PUD/SPA. Unless otherwise lawfully permitted,no golf cart shall be used on Selva Marina Drive. N. Supnllementar v Regulations. For the Single Family Residential and Golf Course uses,to the extent not otherwise addressed herein,any matters addressed in Part 4,Subpart B Miscellaneous Regulations"of the COJ Zoning Code shall be governed by such provisions. For the Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities use, to the extent not otherwise addressed herein,any matters addressed in the Part II,Chapter 24,Article III, Division 7 "Supplementary Regulations"COAB Ordinance Code, shall be governed by such provisions.. O. site Develanm ent Data Total acreage 169.02 Acres Allowable uses,by acreage: f Single Family Residential Max. Acres d-80ZQ 34:44 units 39449 44363 J-- 44363 9.09 COAB- 12 0 Number and Type of Dwelling 80' min. Min. Max. Units by Each Type width 15 units iQ units 70' rnin. Min. M„ width 10 units 45 units 60' min. Min. Max. width 25 units 4070 units 55' min. Min. Max. width 25 units 60 units Courtyard Min. Max- 0 units 651 units IAx1t7139t412 Q2La). 15- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 38 of 154 Max 30 units Jnxlpa;Wif=!1s9U2 1 16- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 39 of 154 Clubhouse/Recreational Max. Acres Amenities 6,74 31,209 COJ-- Sq.ft. 0.00 COAB- 6.74 Golf Course Acres l7 111.61 COI- 944$2 12 COAl3- 24441 9.94 Total amount of active recreation 118-35 acres Total amount of passive open space 0.0 acres Amount of public and private right-of-way 10.4514 acres Maximum impervious surface Single Family Residential 65% Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities 85% IV, ADDITIONAL SECTIONS REQUIRED BY CITY OF JACKSONVILLE A. Pre-application conference, A pre-application conference was held regarding this application on Match 7, 2013. B. Justification for the PUD Rezoning. As described above,Selva Marina Country Club, Inc. was incorporated in 1956 as a for-profit corporation. The sole asset of the corporation is the Country Club, which consists of a private eighteen-hole golf course,clubhouse,tennis courts, and other recreational amenities. Membership in the Country Club has declined significantly over recent years,and the Applicant desires to undertake an extensive redevelopment of the golf course,including the construction of new single family homes,a new clubhouse,and other associated facilities and infrastructure. This redevelopment is essential to ensure the continued viability of the Country Club and,further,is consistent with the surrounding zoning and existing uses. 3AX11733919175902_81 17- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 40 of 154 C. rUD/Difference from Usual Application of the Zoning Code The PUD differs from the usual application of the Zoning Code in the following respects: it binds the Applicant and successors to this Written Narrative and the Conceptual Site Plan;it provides for a mix of uses which are thematically consistent and compatible with each other;it provides for a single regulatory system which crosses two local government jurisdictions; it requires specific and unique yard and patio requirements;it provides for a unique Courtyard Single Family Homes concept;as to the Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities use,it provides specific and unique buffer requirements; for the Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities and Golf Course uses,it also specifically lists numerous permitted uses commonly associated with these uses but not otherwise listed in the Code; it provides for unique and site-specific access requirements; it provides for unique and site-specific signage requirements;it contains unique and specific provisions regarding construction offices and model homes;it contains unique,cross- jurisdictional provisions regarding landscaping,parking,and sidewalks;and it contains unique provisions regarding restrictive covenants and golf cart usage. D. Permissible Uses by Exception. There are no permissible uses by exception. E. Continued Operation of Common Areas, Regarding the intent for the continued operation and maintenance of those areas and functions and facilities which are not to be provided,operated, or maintained by the City of Jacksonville or other public entity: it is the Applicant's intent for the Applicant or successor developer to operate and maintain these matters initially and, ultimately,for an owners'association to operate and maintain these matters in perpetuity. F. Approximate Dates of Phases Regarding phasing,construction of the horizontal improvements for the Single Family Residential and improvements for the Golf Course uses shall be initiated in approximately 2013-14 and be completed approximately in 2014-15. Construction of single family residential units will be initiated when the market dictates and will be completed as the market dictates. Construction of the Clubhouse/Recreational Amenities will be initiated when needed and feasible and will be completed within a reasonable time thereafter. G. Names of Development Team Developer: Atlantic Beach Partners, LLC Planners and Engineers: Taylor&While, Inc. Architects: None at this time. JAXS443394-91759Q.. 1 18- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 41 of 154 H. Land Use Table A Land Use Table is attached hereto as Exhibit"F." JAM-14349-i-917928 $I 19- Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 42 of 154 ir u9yORSJ91r wiwrj:Z +wrr a] Ien,Ceouon o,w.q..w L7n•NIiM C•••M '` tM'*i 2 IN MO' ® b iilli 7)4 1 Yf IQ 1 w U A I O t" lie t: Y h d. t t---..', of 1 1 1 ifpititisp, I r mFtt t II. i b4' a I 1 ' V.c r 9, 9 J fm 4 dt i Ql. mph114'. p ; r.` sr it-g"-is t !tte , r-'-- '.rN ----A. r - 0 cli, o 0-• .., Ai .., i. i 4 gyp A-71-2,' 1 .._- °d -- ti ti1I1i. — 1. Y 1 3O vAl •@ 1 1 t Li rt ri.,..1.4.1!,8,24:.- 1' t ol j o 1 k1 k / / q i i 1 1 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 43 of 154 morn norlarrartersoprorarrair 1 .._ i A...—..... Oil' \ ....,....„. 1 tel 1-'-#4i 01, t _..._ : ciliw. C) 1', \ti li 1 ,- ige t A.,‘ 1 { 51 1 Q X31Os0ca tit• i 4N, -.ii,-J r.i ir: v+.-t r.m 1\ 1 r ,01.. N.,t: r • , .. r x e j -- r0 I1' \yO 4Iii4 I oZ'0 '3.9 1.1 \ 1 4111 i `Y- b 0 ' Dom' Q L' g 44 i IV ., ,. %.--'1.'\. \ .._.:. i 73 r- O n r`'1 ti rVI VI O t J 4 . G7 r r 14.<\ dt. m O. 1 Ar y 1 d 1 1 i 5 z VIIfEI{ j( 11w1oca . Ine. l RUao;ioDan Conc A 1 ar\4/. ltad oopp rrL4 f j 1:47M12.1.'"'"'"...+.. j Plumed Vwtt)avdopmetu 1 fa Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 44 of 154 sYL,i'r .., CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH its 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 4 :y: l ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 013191' CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70131710000216913767 9/27/2018 RYANT VRIGA 532 Atlantic Beach Court ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 Real Estate Number: 169505 1405 Case Number: 18-293 Permit#16-POOL-2549 Location of Violation: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, Atlantic Beach, Florida Lot 22, Atlantic Beach Country Club Unit 2, RE#169505-1405 Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, as Building Official for the City of Atlantic Beach and having found your property referenced above to be in violation of the Florida Building Code and City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances to wit: VIOLATION(S) FBC Section 111.4 Revocation. The Building Official is authorized to, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy or completion issued under the provisions of this code wherever the certificate was issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or where it is determined that the building or structure or portion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code. (violation of city ordinance requiring a Sec 24-164 c. fence required for pool barrier and Sec. 303.2 Enclosures, International Property Maintenance Code) as adopted by Chapter 6,Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances) Sec. 24-164 Swimming Pools (c) Fences: All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two (2) feet shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or equivalent barrier at least four (4) feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. (no fence or equivalent barrier has been installed as require to prevent access to the pool) Sec.303.2 Enclosures. Private swimming pools, hot tubs and spa, containing water more than 24 inches in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier not less than 48 inches in height above the finished ground level measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self-closing and self-latching. Where the self-latching devices is less than 54 inches above the bottom of the gate,the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate. Self-closing and self-latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of 6 inches from the gatepost. No existing pool enclosure shall be removed or replaced in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier. (no barrier has been properly installed or maintained in place as required creating a safety hazard to life and property) Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 45 of 154 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected upon receipt of this notice by the immediate installation of a fence or equivalent barrier in accordance with codes and ordinances outlined in this notice. In addition, a permit is required and must be applied for issued and approved within ten (10) days of the receipt of this letter. It is our goal to keep our maintain properties from attractive nuisance that could cause damage to life and property and is a safety hazard to the community. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at(904) 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, 7:::)*\.-1/4 -mss—,•{cr-c'v 4 Dan Arlington, CBO BUILDING OFFICIAL cc: Code Enforcement Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 46 of 154 11/19/2018®-USPS Tracking®Results ALERT: DUE TO WILDFIRES IN CALIFORNIA, USPS SERVICES ARE IMPACTED IN THOSE ARE... USPS Tracking® FAQs > ( Track Another Package -I- TrackingTracking Number: 70131710000216913767 Remove X Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. In-Transit October 9, 2018 m m In Transit to Next Facility Q C) Tracking History October 9, 2018 In Transit to Next Facility Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. October 5, 2018, 4:34 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER October 4, 2018, 8:10 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information 1/3 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 47 of 154 i J Lyr* CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD J. siCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA i3 TY' NOTICE OF HEARING 9/27/2018 Case Number: 18-293 VRIGA RYANT Certified Mail Return Receipt: 532 Atlantic Beach Court 70131710000216913750 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 Property Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, RE#169505 1405, Lot 22, Atlantic Beach Country Club Unit 2. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. Sec. 6- 16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Sec. 24-164 Swimming Pools (c) Fences: All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two (2) feet shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or equivalent barrier at least four (4) feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. (no barrier has been maintained in place as required creating a safety hazard to life and property) International Property Maintenance Code Sec.303.2 Enclosures. Private swimming pools, hot tubs and spa, containing water more than 24 inches in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier not less than 48 inches in height above the finished ground level measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self-closing and self-latching. Where the self-latching devices is less than 54 inches above the bottom of the gate, the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate. Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 48 of 154 Self-closing and self-latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of 6 inches from the gatepost. No existing pool enclosure shall be removed or replaced in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier. (no barrier has been maintained in place as required creating a safety hazard to life and property) The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: V:432 nif,L-6c Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Deborah White, Code Enforcement Officer Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 49 of 154 11/15/2018®-USPS Tracking®Results ALERT: DUE TO WILDFIRES IN CALIFORNIA, USPS SERVICES ARE IMPACTED IN THOSE ARE... FAQs > ( Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70131710000216913750 Remove X Your item has been delivered to the original sender at 5:35 pm on October 30, 2018 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. Delivered October 30, 2018 at 5:35 pm Delivered, To Original Sender a ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Tracking History n October 30, 2018, 5:35 pm Delivered, To Original Sender ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Your item has been delivered to the original sender at 5:35 pm on October 30, 2018 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. October 30, 2018 In Transit to Next Facility October 30, 2018, 6:21 am Arrived at Unit ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 October 28, 2018, 4:21 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER 1/3 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 50 of 154 11/15/2018®-USPS Tracking®Results October 24, 2018, 11:26 am Unclaimed/Being Returned to Sender ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item October 1, 2018, 4:03 pm Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available) ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 October 1, 2018, 10:06 am Out for Delivery ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 October 1, 2018, 9:56 am Sorting Complete ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 a. w October 1, 2018, 5:48 am Arrived at Unit ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 September 28, 2018, 7:54 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information u See Less " Can't find what you're looking for? 2/ 3 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 51 of 154 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. VRIGA RYANT,Respondent First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt 532 Atlantic Beach Court Requested: 70171000000069910919 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 Property Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 18-293 Real Estate Number: 169505 1405 Legal Description: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, RE#169505 1405, Lot 22,Atlantic Beach CountryClubUnit2. ORDER IMPOSING FINE THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on November 28, 2018, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT,Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was not present at the hearing.3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, were made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT the Respondent is NOT IN COMPLIANCE with Florida Building Code Section 6-16, International Property Maintenance 303.2, and City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code Sec. 24-164. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent is in violation of the above and must obtain compliance on or before December 1, 2018. Failure to comply by December 1, 2018 will result in fines of$250.00 for the first day and 250.00 for every day thereafter while the violation continues to exist. In addition, any fine shall also include the administrative costs to the City incurred in prosecuting this case. Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 52 of 154 THAT the Respondent is responsible for contacting the City of Atlantic Beach Code EnforcementOfficerandobtaininganinspectionofcompliance. THAT failure to pay all accumulated fines will result in a lien being placed against the property at 532ATLANTICBEACHCTforthetotalassessmentpluscostsincurredforthefilingofthelien. All lien amounts are to be made payable at an interest rate of ten (10) percent per annum from date of certification until paid. DONE AND ORDERED THIS November 28, 2018. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Lori Diaz, Records Clerk By: Benj ' de Luna, Chairman Executed this 29 day of /11611„,erkre,— 20 PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30) days of this order's execution Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 53 of 154 ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVER:' Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Si a - Print your name and address on the reverse X Agent so that we can return the card to you.Addresse Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Deliver or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No I 1 1 1 1 111 111111 1 1 1, 111 1 11111 I I I 3. Service Type 0 Priority Mail Express® Adult Signature 0 Registered MaiP' 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery Registered Mail Restrict 9590 9402 2997 7094 0518 32 0 Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Numher/Trancfar frnn 1-..-al Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation, Insured Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 17 1000 0000 6991 0 919 0 Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over$500) PS Fe,rm 3811 .h!iv 7M R PRN 7r,1n-no-nnn-Rnr:2 Ilnmacfin Rai,vn Rarairr,Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 54 of 154 Page 1 of 2 01"\-07/, CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD J M iii z , ,l!? CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA J V NOTICE OF HEARING 142,01i19 11/29/2018 Case Number: 18-293 VRIGA RYANT Certified Mail Return Receipt: 532 Atlantic Beach Court 70171000000069910926 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 Property Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach was created pursuant to Florida Statutes and exists for the purpose of facilitating the enforcement of the Code of Ordinances. It is comprised of seven citizens of Atlantic Beach who meet regularly to hear allegations of code violations. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Board on January 8, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard to the following alleged violations on the property known 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, RE#169505 1405, 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, RE#169505 1405, Lot 22, Atlantic Beac. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances IPMC Sec. 303.2 Private swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas containing water more than twenty four inches in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier not less than forty eight (48) inches in height above the finished ground level measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self- closing the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self- closing and self latching. Where the self-latching device is a minimum of 54 inches above the bottom of the gate, the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate. Self-closing and self- latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of 6 in inches from the gatepost. No existing pool enclosure shall be removed, replaced or changed in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier. (No Barrier has been maintained in place as required creating a safety hazard to life and property) Sec. 6-16. Adoption of Florida Building Code. There is hereby adopted, subject to any modifications, changes and amendments set forth in this article, and for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain building code known as The Florida Building Code established by Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part VII, as amended from time to time so that the latest edition of the Florida Building Code shall apply and the International Property Maintenance Code, most recent edition. in the office of the city clerk, and the same are adopted Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 55 of 154 Page 2 of 2 and incorporated as fully as if set out at length in this article, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and other structures within the city. Sec. 24-164 Swimming Pools (c) Fences: All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two (2) feet shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or equivalent barrier at least four (4) feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. (No Barrier has been installed in place as required creating a safety hazard to life and property) The Code Enforcement Board may levy fines up to $250.00 per day for the first violation and $500.00 per day for a repeat violation. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation is not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer, the case could be presented to the Code Enforcement Board even if the violation has been corrected prior to the Board hearing. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance at(904) 247-5855. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses in your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. ATTEST: 212— IP Lori Diaz, Records Clerk Angela arry, Code Enfor•- -nt Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 56 of 154 ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Sig Print your name and address on the reverse X Agent so that we can return the card to you.Addresse Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Deliver or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1 If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No p.... ,p1{\),T_ 1 i -.. Zg 11111 III 1111111 I I I III IIII 3. Service Type 0 Adult Signature Priority Mail Express® 0 Registered MaiIT" Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restrict 9590 9402 2997 7094 0517 88 o Certified Mail® Delivery Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise I. -.k ,.rnnn.nfar from service label) Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation' Insured Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 1000 0000 6991, 0926 Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over$500) DC C...•...'21411 I.d,,oni Deni Vcon nn_nnn_nnco n......,..i..D.,...,D,,..,.;..Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 57 of 154 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDER CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, Petitioner vs. VRIGA RYANT, Respondent 532 Atlantic Beach Court Property Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Case Number: 18-293 Real Estate Number: 169505 1405 Legal Description: 67-132 08-2S-29E .315, ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTY CLUB UNIT 2 LOT 22 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Board on January 8, 2019, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, and thereupon issues the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the Respondent owns the property located at 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. That notice was sent by Certified Mailing and that Respondent was present at the hearing. 3. That notification of the violations of the City of Atlantic Beach, was made and served on the Respondent as evidenced in this hearing. 4. That by Order dated November 28, 2018, the Respondent was found in violation of Florida Building Code Section 6-16, International Property Maintenance Code 303.2, and City of Atlantic Beach Ordinance Sec. 24-164 and ordered to comply by December 1, 2018. Failure to comply would have result in fines of$250.00 for everyday not in compliance. 5. That Respondent is in compliance. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW THAT Respondent is in compliance. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT Respondent is in compliance. DONE AND ORDERED THIS January 8, 2019. Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 58 of 154 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ATTEST: Lori Diaz, Records ClerkBy: Benj in de Luna, Chairman Executed this /5 day of January , 2019. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes, Section 162.11, states that an appeal of this order shall be filed in circuit court within thirty(30)days of this order's execution Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 59 of 154 4dr% Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 60 of 154 i•=' vi'.f-, js t' ipi 1 ii CODE ENFORCEMENT Y'yWsCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 9/28/2020 Case Number: 18-293 VRIGA RYANT Certified Mail Return Receipt: 532 Atlantic Beach Court 7016 0910 0001 6799 4530 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 Property Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 5, 2020 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, RE#169505 1405, 67-132 08-2S-29E .315 ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 2 LOT 22. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. IPMC Sec. 303.1 Private swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas containing water more than twenty four inches in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier at least forty eight(48) inches in height above the finished ground lever measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self- closing the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self-closing and self latching. Where the self- latching device is a minimum of 54 inches above the bottom of the gate the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate. Self-closing and self-latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of 6 in inches from the gatepost.No existing pool enclosure shall be removed, replaced or changed in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier. 2. Sec. 24-164 Swimming Pools (c) Fences: All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two (2) feet shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or equivalent barrier at least four(4) feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 61 of 154 STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 9/25/2020 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: On November 28, 2018 the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Board found you in violation for failing to install the safety fence around your pool leaving it open and unsafe. During an inspection on 9/25/2020, the pool was observed with no safety fencing around the pool. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. C, 7,ATS .V 2 k1 N-\ hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true an ccurate. C)JY\ Angela Iriz. , TMU.S. Postal Service Code Enforcement Officer, City o Atlantic Beach CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT m Domestic Mail Only For delivery information,visit our website at'. ATTEST: c' Q' Certified Mail Fee V•Y` Extra Receipt RServices& Fees(check box,add lee as aPPropnate) Return Receeipt(hardcopy) $psItier Q 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark Q 0 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here Q Adutt Signature Required $ Kim Flowers, Records ClerkQ AdultSignature Restricted Delivery$ r3 Postage 0" $ Q Total Postage and Fees Se nt To q 1 Q N 'siieefa dApt. ..,00;Fref ozlPo. r a !'3 thy,state,21Etizio PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000.9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 62 of 154 4;0=4 i III!MLLE FL 320 o City of Atlantic Beach NEOPOST FIRST-a.ass MAIL 800 Seminole Road 20 PM 1 L 09/28/2020 16 Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233 US POSTAGE$006.90 7016 0910 0001 6799 4530 paini4._ ZIP 32233 t 041M11299654 V.--) VRIGA RYANT Certified Mai 117 ' 1 532 Atlantic Beach Court 7016 09 n; i E i ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 V Tr; 'SENDER Property U CL A I m E 0 11 BI S c r ' m e IIARDver,;s.I.. a J1\ac rz: I rt_ A L. 32. 23?j 461'43 14 3O eGf YCt 3 -l ?- `W 3 7174..3_;I. b2 hill1SlliS17il!1i1i1{ii1S1Pf!1i1f1Ii1y1lMillinilli'lfilii Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 63 of 154 N'' fy, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Ke 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 75, PHONE (904) 247-5800 NOH POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 20-058 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I,Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach,hereby affirm a Notice of Hearing, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1) Date Posted: 10 12L0 I 2D20 Location: 532 Atlantic Beach Ct., Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: I 0 1 ala I 202_0 Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Angel arry, Code E i ement County of Duval State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this day of OC4Leke,r- 20Zo , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) 60/ Nota Pu lic, State of Florida LORI DIAZ ro= D IRES:Novem 13, 4:WIN''' Bonded Mu Notary Public t s Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 64 of 154 rS\-JY-I'i CODE ENFORCEMENT f CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORID s 1._`''` POSTED ON PROPERTY AND NOTICE OF HEARING ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 41:)1119'1' DATE: '`Zlc7 2D2- 10/26/2020 Case Number: 18-293 VRIGA RYANT Certified Mail Return Receipt: 532 Atlantic Beach Court 7016 0910 0001 6799 4530 ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233-5810 Property Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT ATLANTIC BEACH,FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 5, 2020 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, RE#169505 1405, 67-132 08-2S-29E .315 ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 2 LOT 22. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. IPMC Sec.303.1 Private swimming pools,hot tubs,and spas containing water more than twenty four inches in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier at least forty eight(48) inches in height above the finished ground lever measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self- closing the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self-closing and self latching. Where the self- latching device is a minimum of 54 inches above the bottom of the gate the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate. Self-closing and self-latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of 6 in inches from the gatepost.No existing pool enclosure shall be removed, replaced or changed in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier. 2. Sec.24-164 Swimming Pools(c)Fences: All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two(2)feet shall be enclosed by a fence,wall or equivalent barrier at least four(4) feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 65 of 154 STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 9/25/2020 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: On November 28, 2018 the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Board found you in violation for failing to install the safety fence around your pool leaving it open and unsafe. During an inspection on 9/25/2020,the pool was observed with no safety fencing around the pool. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, QVP _ 1'O((Z.' hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true an accurate. CI\A(5311ek.AACIA—M-- Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: Kim Flowers,Records Clerk Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 66 of 154 Ly fife CODE ENFORCEMENT r, iitrI CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ii: NOTICE OF HEARING 11/10/2020 Case Number: 18-293 VRIGA RYANT Certified Mail Return Receipt: 532 Atlantic Beach Court 7018 2290 0001 0116 8350 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 Property Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: The Special Magistrate hearing previously scheduled for November 5, 2020 was postponed and a new date has been set. You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on December 3, 2020 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, RE#169505 1405, 67-132 08-2S-29E .315 ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 2 LOT 22. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. IPMC Sec. 303.1 Private swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas containing water more than twenty four inches in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier at least forty eight(48) inches in height above the finished ground lever measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self- closing the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self-closing and self latching. Where the self- latching device is a minimum of 54 inches above the bottom of the gate the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate. Self-closing and self-latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of 6 in inches from the gatepost.No existing pool enclosure shall be removed, replaced or changed in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier. 2. Sec. 24-164 Swimming Pools (c) Fences: All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two (2) feet shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or equivalent barrier at least four(4) feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 67 of 154 STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 9/25/2020 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: On November 28, 2018 the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Board found you in violation for failing to install the safety fence around your pool leaving it open and unsafe. During an inspection on 9/ 25/2020, the pool was observed with no safety fencing around the pool. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, p ! _ V-2_0f r hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and . curate. CL-9— e a Iriz Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: U.S. Postal Service- CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail OnlyLn For delivery information,visit our website at"'. Kim Flowers, Records Clerk r- Certified Mail Fee r-a Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee as appropriate) 0 Return Receipt(hardcopy) 1-4 Q 1_,Return Receipt(electronlc) $ Postmark O Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here O Aduk Signature Required $ 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ l Postage 0' ru $Total Postage and Fees R.) r:I3 Sent Tovr curl1 3 —;.9.3;.Q2 D Street andApt N or PO&ox o. City,State,ZIP+44 PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 68 of 154 11/23/2020®-USPS Tracking®Results USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70182290000101168350 Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 8:38 pm on November 12, 2020 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. C Delivered cp November 12, 2020 at 8:38 pm cr Delivered, Left with Individual ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Get Updates u Text & Email Updates u Tracking History n November 12, 2020, 8:38 pm Delivered, Left with Individual ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 8:38 pm on November 12, 2020 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. November 12, 2020 In Transit to Next Facility November 11, 2020, 8:34 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility 2C 1/2 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 69 of 154 11/23/2020®-USPS Tracking®Results JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER November 10, 2020, 10:00 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information u See Less " Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. m m Q. Cr a) o FAQs 2/2 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 70 of 154 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ORDER City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Petitioner First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested: 7019 2970 0000 9866 3126 vs. Property Address: 532 Atlantic Beach Court Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Vriga Ryant 532 Atlantic Beach Court Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-5810 Respondent. CASE NUMBER: 18-293 REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 169505 1405 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 67-132-08-2S-29E .315,ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 2, LOT 22 ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA ORDER FINDING COMPLIANCE ON CASE No. 18-293 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on December 3,2020, and the Special Magistrate having heard testimony under oath,received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, issues findings of fact, conclusions of law, and orders as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Respondent owns the property located at 532 Atlantic Beach Court, Atlantic Beach, Florida. 2. Notice of the hearing was sent by Certified Mail. 3. Respondent appeared at the hearing. 4. Respondent was first sent a notice of violating Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances §24- 164 for failing to fence his swimming pool on September 17, 2018. 5. On September 27, 2018, Respondent was sent another notice of violating Code § 24-164, along with notice of violating§ 303.2 of the International Property Maintenance Code. 6. On November 29, 2018, the Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Board entered an order finding Respondent had violated the City's Code and giving Respondent until December 1, 2018 to comply. 7. On January 15, 2019, the City's Code Enforcement Board entered an order finding that Respondent had complied. 8. On September 22, 2020, the vice-president of the homeowner's association that governs Respondent's neighborhood contacted the City's Code Enforcement department about homeowners that did not have swimming pools properly fenced. 9. On September 25, 2020, Mr. Natter took Code Enforcement Officer Angela Irizarry through the golf course in Respondent's neighborhood. Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 71 of 154 10. From the golf course, Officer Irizarry observed Respondent's swimming pool in an unfenced condition with no one present at the pool. 11. On September 28, 2020, Respondent was sent another notice that he had violated the City's Code by failing to enclose his pool. 12.At the December 3, 2020 hearing, Respondent testified that on September 25, 2020, his fence was not enclosed because lawn maintenance work was being done in his yard that required the temporary removal of the fence. 13.No contradictory evidence was introduced. 14.At the hearing, Respondent provided live video evidence that his pool was enclosed. 15.Respondent was admonished at the hearing that future observations of his pool in an unfenced condition would make it increasingly difficult for him to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that his pool is in compliance with the City's Code. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 16. The City of Atlantic Beach has, via Code § 6-120, has adopted the International Property Maintenance Code (hereinafter IPMC) and incorporated it into its ordinances. 17.The preponderance of evidence presented at the December 3, 2020 hearing established that Respondent was in compliance at the time of the hearing. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is ORDERED: THAT Respondent is in compliance. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 1871-` DAY OF DECEMBER 2020. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ATTEST: t'_gia Kimberly A Flower, Records Clerk Jeff.-Branham, Special Magistrate Executed this 18th day of December 2020. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes § 162.11 requires that any appeal of this order must be filed in the circuit court for Duval County within 30 days of this order's execution. 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 72 of 154 ri"`\'\'CODE ENFORCEMENT J' t#., S CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA c) J fir NOTICE OF HEARING r J;il rr 4/11/2022 Case Number: 18-293 VRIGA RYANT POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 532 Atlantic Beach Court ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 Property Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on May 5th at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, RE#169505 1405, 67-132 08-2S-29E .315 ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 2 LOT 22. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. IPMC Sec.303.1 Private swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas containing water more than twenty four inches in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier at least forty eight(48) inches in height above the finished ground lever measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self- closing the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self-closing and self latching. Where the self- latching device is a minimum of 54 inches above the bottom of the gate the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate. Self-closing and self-latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of 6 in inches from the gatepost. No existing pool enclosure shall be removed, replaced or changed in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier. 2. Sec. 24-164 Swimming Pools (c) Fences: All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two (2) feet shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or equivalent barrier at least four(4) feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 73 of 154 STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 4/11/2022 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: On November 28, 2018 the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Board found you in violation for failing to install the safety fence around your pool leaving it open and unsafe and were given until 12/1/2018 to secure the pool. A second notice of hearing was issued on 11/29/2018 when the pool was found unsecured again. The pool was secured before the hearing. During an inspection on 4/11/2022, the pool was observed again without the safety fencing completely around the pool. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. CAC I hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is trued . urate. Alb. AO Angela I ' •;04, Code Enforcement Officer, C. of Atlantic Be. ATTEST: Vanessa Angers, Records Clerk Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 74 of 154 x I' i I dIG• / ..lel" S i ! i t , i't's l r s •% ire I E V oor I poov / er 40fs- I. , 1• •" r 'Ftoo,) Vie Amino I 9 lQw Agenda Item #4.A.07 Jul 2022Page 75 of 154 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ORDER City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Petitioner First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested: vs. Property Address: 532 Atlantic Beach Ct. Vriga Ryant Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 532 Atlantic Beach Ct. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Respondent. CASE NUMBER: 18-293 REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 169505-1405 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 67-132 08 2S-29E .315,ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 2,LOT 22, ATLANTIC BEACH,FL. ORDER ON CASE No. 21- THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on May 5, 2022, and the Special Magistrate having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters,issues findings of fact,conclusions of law,and orders as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Respondent owns the property located at 532 Atlantic Beach Ct., Atlantic Beach, FL. 2. Notice of the hearing was posted to the front door of the property address. The Respondent had been previously cited for violation of IPMC Sec. 303.1, failure to install and use a pool safety fence. However, the property came into compliance on December 3, 2020. At that time the Respondent was admonished for the unfencing of the pool and was told by the Court that future observations of his pool in an unfenced condition would make it increasingly difficult for him to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that his pool is in compliance with the City of Atlantic Beach codes. 3. On or about April 11, 2020, The City of Atlantic Beach stated they received a complaint from a neighbor that the safety pool barrier not up and functioning. The City of Atlantic Beach reported they had also observed the violation. 4. The Respondent requested a continuance of the hearing due to health issues in his family and work obligations at the scheduled time of the hearing. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 5. The Respondent was provided proper notice of the violation and hearing. The Respondent requested a continuance of the hearing to the City of Atlantic Beach. Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 76 of 154 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent shall be granted a continuance until the next scheduled hearing date. DONE AND ORDERED THIS DAY OF MAY,2022. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE Ladayija Nichols, Records Clerk Suzanne W. Green, Special Magistrate Executed this day of May 2022. PLEASE NOTE: Florida Statutes § 162.11 requires that any appeal of this order must be filed in the circuit court for Duval County within 30 days of this Order's execution. 2 Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 77 of 154 CODE ENFORCEMENT t# ALA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 6/13/2022 Case Number: 18-293 VRIGA RYANT Certified Mail Return Receipt: 532 Atlantic Beach Court 7013 1710 0002 1691 9240 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233-5810 Property Address: 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 7, 2022 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT, RE#169505 1405, 67-132 08-2S-29E .315 ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB UNIT 2 LOT 22. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. IPMC Sec. 303.1 Private swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas containing water more than twenty four inches in depth shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier at least forty eight (48) inches in height above the finished ground lever measured on the side of the barrier away from the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self- closing the pool. Gates and doors in such barriers shall be self-closing and self latching. Where the self- latching device is a minimum of 54 inches above the bottom of the gate the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the gate. Self-closing and self-latching gates shall be maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch when released from an open position of 6 in inches from the gatepost. No existing pool enclosure shall be removed, replaced or changed in a manner that reduces its effectiveness as a safety barrier. 2. Sec. 24-164 Swimming Pools (c) Fences: All swimming pools and any ornamental pool with a depth greater than two (2)feet shall be enclosed by a fence, wall or equivalent barrier at least four(4)feet in height and designed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations. Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 78 of 154 STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: On 4/11/2022 the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer conducted an inspection of the premises located at 532 ATLANTIC BEACH CT. During the inspection, the undersigned Code Enforcement Officer observed that the property was in violation of the section listed above in the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. The nature of the violation included: On November 28, 2018 the City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement Board found you in violation for failing to install the safety fence around your pool leaving it open and unsafe and were given until 12/1/2018 to secure the pool. A second notice of hearing was issued on 11/29/2018 when the pool was found unsecured again. The pool was secured before the hearing. During an inspection on 4/11/2022, the pool was observed again without the safety fencing completely around the pool. This case was scheduled for the May 5th hearing date but was deferred at the Respondent's request. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, 14 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement 0 i • ean ipe. Alk gela riz. , Code Enfo Mgi en •fficer ty:`''i tlan ATTEST: Vanessa Angers, Records Clerk Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 79 of 154 FAQs >USPS Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 701 31 71 000021 691 9240 Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 11:19 am on June 15, 2022 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. USPS Tracking Plus® Available u mGDelivered, Left with Individual cr co June 15, 2022 at 11:19 am 0 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Get Updates u Text & Email Updates v Tracking History June 15, 2022, 11:19 am Delivered, Left with Individual ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 11:19 am on June 15, 2022 in ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233. June 15, 2022, 2:29 am Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 80 of 154 June 13, 2022, 8:38 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER USPS Tracking Plus®u Product Information u See Less " Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. m CD a o- co o7- FAQs Agenda Item #4.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 81 of 154 Page 82 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐052 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 1of 4 Description: Fence and Addition ‐ No Permit Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 2/16/2021 Closed:  Last Action: 11/19/2021 Fllw Up: 10/18/2021 Site Address: 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 171023 0020 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 2/12/2021 2/12/2021 Received complaint from neighbor saying owner was building onto the back of the house.  TELEPHONE CALL Angela Irizarry 2/16/2021 2/16/2021 Property is posted with several no trespassing signs.    Called Tennike Collins.  She said her mother lives in the house and she did not know what they were doing with the room being built on the back of the house. Advised her that they needed to stop working and I would be sending a notice and she would have 10 days to have a permit pulled for the room.  MEETING WITH RESPONDENT Angela Irizarry 2/24/2021 2/24/2021 Respondent came into the office and met with myself and Mike Jones about unpermitted addition. She stated that her tenant built it and she thought it had a permit.  Mike discussed what he would need in order to review and inspect it.    Gave them 30 days to get plans drawn.  NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 3/31/2021 3/31/2021 NOV REG Angela Irizarry 3/31/2021 3/31/2021 Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022 Page 83 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐052 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 2of 4 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 4/9/2021 4/9/2021 Certified letter still in transit. CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 5/10/2021 5/10/2021 Certified letter is lost in the mail.  Submitted claim with PO and am sending new letter.  NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 5/10/2021 5/10/2021 CMRR RETURNED FROM PO Angela Irizarry 6/15/2021 6/15/2021 Certified letter returned by PO NOV POST Angela Irizarry 8/10/2021 8/10/2021 NOTICE OF HEARING Angela Irizarry 10/1/2021 10/4/2021 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 10/20/2021 10/25/2021 per, still in transit. Posting Property NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 10/25/2021 10/25/2021 CODE ENFORCEMENT AGENDA Kim Flower 10/28/2021 10/28/2021 CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDER Kim Flower 11/16/2021 12/10/2021 Respondent given 30 days to obtain a permit. SCAN & UPLOAD EXECUTED ORDERS Kim Flower 11/19/2021 12/10/2021 NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 2/4/2022 2/4/2022 Noticed for March 3, 2022 hearing.  CEB MEETING Angela Irizarry 3/3/2022 3/3/2022 Paul Eakin appeared as counsel and reported property has transferred from Tanika Collins to her mother, Brenda Page.    Paul Eakin, atty for Ms. Page asked for an extension to give Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022 Page 84 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐052 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 3of 4 his client more time to do what needs to be done to get compliance. Case was scheduled for July 7th hearing. NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 6/13/2022 6/13/2022 NOH POST AND AFF Angela Irizarry 6/27/2022 6/27/2022 OTHER Angela Irizarry 6/30/2022 6/30/2022 Received written request from Atty Danielle Manos asking for the hearing to be rescheduled due to a conflict with the date.  CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER PAGE BRENDA 5572 ADA JOHNSON RD  JACKSONVILLE, FL 32218 INSPECTIONS VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES FENCES NO PERMIT Angela Irizarry 2/16/2021 Sec. 24‐157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a)  Permit required.  Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.  Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences.  The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24‐17.  Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences.  Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022 Page 85 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐052 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 4of 4 SWO FLORIDA BLDG CODE Angela Irizarry 2/16/2021 REAR YARD FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit.  Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022 Page 86 of 154 izbaa'••: i 1 * 4 o. i f e W RCT Ir. ; L ',. Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 87 of 154 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 88 of 154 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 89 of 154 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 2/ 16/2021 COLLINS TANIKIA L 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171023 0020 Case Number: 21-052 Location of Violation: 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1251 TULIP ST was conducted on 2/16/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: NATURE OF VIOLATION: 1.A 6ft privacy fence has been installed on the property.There is no approved permit on file for this fence. 2.An addition is being constructed on the rear of the home. There are no approved permits on file for construction of an addition at this address. VIOLATION CODE: 1.Sec.24-157.Fences,walls and similar structures.(a)Permit required.Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences.The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter,and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17.Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. 2.FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge,alter,repair,remove,demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect, install,enlarge,alter,repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical,gas,mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done,shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 90 of 154 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by stopping all work and submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach for the fence and addition within ten(10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, cf\5ekt. . -0-7_ 3(ir't hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. rreerely, Vgela Iri'4:rry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 91 of 154 r, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 4.10) 800 SEMINOLE ROAD r ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 r artilP CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 7016 0910 0001 6799 4394 3/31/2021 COLLINS TANIKIA L SENT VIA CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 1251 TULIP ST AND REGULAR USPS MAIL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171023 0020 Case Number: 21-052 Location of Violation: 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1251 TULIP ST was conducted on 2/16/2021 & 3/30/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: NATURE OF VIOLATION: 1. A 6ft privacy fence has been installed on the property. There is no approved permit or permit application on file for this fence. 2. An addition is being constructed on the rear of the home. There are no approved permits or permit applications on file for construction of an addition at this address. VIOLATION CODE: 1. Sec. 24-157. Fences,walls and similar structures. (a)Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. 2. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge,alter, repair,remove, demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter,repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas,mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 92 of 154 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by stopping all work and submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach for the fence and addition within ten(10)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, ry hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. v Si rely, Angela Irizarry CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 93 of 154 USPS Tracking® FAQs > 1io )tata Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70160910000167994394 Remove X Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. In Transit to Next Facility April 13, 2021 0 C) Text & Email Updates n Tracking History April 13, 2021 In Transit to Next Facility Your package is moving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is currently in transit to the next facility. April 9, 2021, 6:46 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER April 3, 2021, 1:14 pm Forwarded ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 94 of 154 April 1, 2021, 8:46 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Product Information See Less " Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs m CD 0_ CT SD 0 7' Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 95 of 154 r r' , vrCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ria ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 y PHONE (904)247-5800 CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 7017 0660 0000 3856 5439 5/10/2021 COLLINS TANIKIA L SENT VIA CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 1251 TULIP ST AND REGULAR USPS MAIL ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171023 0020 Case Number: 21-052 Location of Violation: 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1251 TULIP ST was conducted on 2/16/2021 & 3/30/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: NATURE OF VIOLATION: 1.A 6ft privacy fence has been installed on the property. There is no approved permit or permit application on file for this fence. 2.An addition is being constructed on the rear of the home. There are no approved permits or permit applications on file for construction of an addition at this address. VIOLATION CODE: 1. Sec. 24-157.Fences,walls and similar structures. (a)Permit required.Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences.The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter,and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17.Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. 2. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge,alter,repair,remove,demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect, install,enlarge,alter,repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical,gas,mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 96 of 154 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by stopping all work and submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach for the fence and addition within ten(10)days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or airizarry@coabb..u)s if you have any questions or need additional information. I, a zorr-I hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate rely, W s 0 Angela Irizarry 410 CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 97 of 154 Q 14'141FIRST-CLASS MAIL T 4 ' City of Atlantic Beach NEOPOST t 800 Seminole Road111 11111 111 1111 05/10/2021 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE$006.962 1,„ 4 ia - 7017 0660 0000 3856 5439 pa* Z 1 P 32233 041M 11299654 C s\ COLLINS TANIKIA L 1251 TULIP ST R-T-S- 322334420-1N 06/08/27. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 RETURN TO SENDER UNABLE TO FORWARD 1 Real Estate Number: 171023 0020 Case_Nu UNABLE TO RETURN TO SENDERBENDER 322:=iri4.;1: iihill,iloii„iii,i:ii,i,n,rill,ii„ni„niiiiii„iii,iiii,i,iiiiiili Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022Page 98 of 154 S rL`j»Jn CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Sy 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 8/10/2021 COLLINS TANIKIA L POSTED ON PROPERTY AND 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Real Estate Number: 171023 0020 Case Number: 21-052 Location of Violation: 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach,Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article H, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1251 TULIP ST was conducted on 2/16/202, 3/30/2021 & 8/10/2021. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: NATURE OF VIOLATION: 1.A 6ft privacy fence has been installed on the property.There is no approved permit or permit application on file for this fence. 2.An addition is being constructed on the rear of the home. There are no approved permits or permit applications on file for construction of an addition at this address. VIOLATION CODE: 1. Sec. 24-157. Fences,walls and similar structures. (a)Permit required.Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter,and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17.Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. 2.FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge,alter,repair,remove,demolish,or change the occupancy of a building or structure,or to erect, install,enlarge,alter,repair,remove,convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical,gas,mechanical or plumbing system,the installation of which is regulated by this code,or to cause any such work to be done,shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 99 of 154 This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by stopping all work and submitting a permit application to the City of Atlantic Beach for the fence and addition within ten (10) days of the posting of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date will result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, 1 2 ` hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. rely, 0.- Angela Iri CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 100 of 154 A ,;,/ yL!` 1c' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SS• 800 SEMINOLE ROAD r' gsi ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 POSTING AFFIDAVIT AND PROOF OF MAILING REGULAR MAIL Case Number: 21-052 Pursuant to Chapter 162, Florida Statutes and Sec. 2-147, City of Atlantic Beach City Code of Ordinances, I,Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer,City of Atlantic Beach, hereby affirm a Notice of Violation, a copy of which is attached, was mailed regular mail and was posted at the following locations: 1101) Date Posted: 1 20 2l Location: 1251 Tulip St,Atlantic Beach, Florida 2) Date Posted: l t 0 \ 2-02-1 Location: ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 JA( IAngelaIr. ry, Code Enforce A e# 4116CountyofDuval J State of Florida The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this 104 day of AMM IA f 20 2-I , by Angela Irizarry,who is personally known to me as Code Enforcement for the City of Atlantic Beach. Person taking acknowledgement: Notary Stamp/Seal) O1/1/YLeL 1&14W--e Notary Public, State of Florida 1!g DONNA L.BARTLE MY COMMISSION#H 085656 i, EXPIRES:May 14,2025 zo;f` Ot,' Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 101 of 154 r5!.r\'`If CODE ENFORCEMENT J A CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA i1 ii. 0v NOTICE OF HEARING 10/4/2021 Case Number: 21-052 COLLINS TANIKIA Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1251 TULIP ST 7013 1710 0002 1691 9066 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 4, 2021 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach,Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: An unpermitted fence and an unpermitted addition has been added to this home. On February 16, 2021 a telephone conversation was held with the Respondent who stated that her mother lived in the home and she was unaware that they had started the unpermitted work. On February 24, 2021, the occupants of the home come into the office and met with myself and the plan reviewer, Mike Jones, to discuss what needed to be done in order to pull a permit for Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 102 of 154 the work on the home. They were given 30 days to have plans drawn up and submitted to the City. To date, no application has been received and no permit has been issued for the work. The City intends to ask for a fine of$250 per day for every day the unpermitted work remains on the property. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, e` C-1- -Z•2cuY hereby swear and affirm that the above statement acc A ate. Angela Iri 11. 2? jk ( Code Enforcement Officer, City of Atlantic Beach ATTEST: xi;oti_rLnurAr U.S. Postal Service,. Kim Flower, Records Clerk CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT a (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) p- For delivery Information visit our website at www.usps.come rR D Postage $ SLI Certified Fee Postmark ci Return Receipt Fee Here ci (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee O (Endorsement Required) r-R Total Postage&Fees $ ra rrill Sent 7- 1,00'.0Con s Tculi k lct., C C t72 l -0 . Street,Apt.No.; Nor PO Box No. City,State,ZIP+4 PS Form 3800.August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 103 of 154 ikTi.„4.. it 0 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, )FLORIDA y NOTICE OF REARINGiTA 4 , 10/2512021 Case Number: 21-052 r :. _ COLLINS TANIKJA POSTED ON PROPERTY ANDf • , 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC REACH,FL 32233 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HAIL Property Address: 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH. FL Dear Respondent: t You are hereby notified and ordered to appeaat the next public hearingMagistrateonNovember4,2021 at 2:00 1 b of the Code Enforcement SpecialI, pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall Commission Chamber, 800SeminoleRoad, to answer and he heard on the following alleged violationsill41--,7%tt% 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BI.h 207 Atlanticc property known Florida. asTheCityofAtlanticBeachadoptedtheinternationalPropertyMaintenance CodeeBeach, Building Code as put of the City of Atlantic Beach and the FloridarodcofOrdinancesinC'ha tc Buildingilr-p r fi,Article iJ,Section fi-16.1 tens ti al 1 ro erh ,Maintenance o a/Cit Code of r aper Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022Page 104 of 154 c t r_ t' / ./ r t 4f t k r V fillf 4 8 j k titt t j r jil E sV i Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 105 of 154 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE ORDER City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Petitioner First Class and Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested: 7013 1710 0002 1691 9349 vs. Property Address: 1251 Tulip Street Tanikia Collins Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 1251 Tulip Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Respondent. CASE NUMBER: 21-052 REAL ESTATE NUMBER: 171023-0020 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 18-34 38-2s-29E, SECTION H ATLANTIC BEACH,FL, LOT 2 BLK 207 ORDER ON CASE NO. 21-052 THIS CAUSE came for public hearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on November 4, 2021, and the Special Magistrate having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters, issues findings of fact, conclusions of law, and orders as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Respondent owns the property located at 1251 Tulip Street, Atlantic Beach, FL. The Respondent stated that her parents occupy the property. 2. Notice of the hearing was attempted by certified mail, however, was lost in the mail. The property was subsequently posted for violation of Sec. 24-157 and FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 requiring a permit for any new or replacement fence or wall. 3. The Respondent was contacted and advised that they needed to stop the addition of the room on the back of the property and submit their plans for a permit. On February 24, 2021, Respondent was given 30 days to have plans drawn up for submission. 4. A hearing was held at the November 4, 2021, Code Enforcement meeting. Respondent appeared and stated she thought her parents had applied for a permit. 5. The City of Atlantic Beach requested the Respondent have thirty (30) days to submit an application and this matter be deferred to the January 6, 2022, code enforcement hearing. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 6. The Respondent was provided proper notice of the violation and hearing. Plans and a permit application had not been submitted at the time of the hearing. Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 106 of 154 ORDER Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida it is Ordered: THAT the Respondent shall submit a permit application and plans within thirty (30) days of the date of this Order and the City of Atlantic Beach shall review the application and any further ruling shall be deferred until the January 6, 2022, public hearing, if needed. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2021. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MAGISTRATE 4644- Kimberly -ower, Records Clerk uzanne . reen, Special Magistrate Executed this 24th day of November 2021. PLEASE NOTE:Florida Statutes § 162.11 requires that any appeal of this order must be filed in the circuit court for Duval County within 30 days of this Order's execution. 2 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 107 of 154 61 City of Atlantic Beach i LLE FL. 3 EoposT FIRST-CLASS MAIL 800 Seminole Road I `` t_ 11!24!2021 0nn Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE V 07. 33- ZIP 32233CEIVED70131710000216919349 041M11299654 NOV 29 2021 vs. Property T 322 NFE 1 82010011/25 /21 anikiaCollins FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND COLLINS TANIKIA L1251TulipStreetPosox330912 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 7 AC K S O N V I LL E F L 32233-0912 RETURN TO SENDER v.=."Tri X61 Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022Page 108 of 154 11:k', SIIi i E FL 29,EOPOSTr FIRST-CLASS MAILCityofAtlanticBeach 800 Seminole Road y t .:. pm 11/24/2021 ow n Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE$000.53 RECEIVE D g„ap..4- ZIP 32233 041M11299654 NOV 2 9 2021 vs. PI Tanikia Collins3 2 2 N F E 1 82010011/25 /21 1 FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND 1251 Tulip Street COLLINS 1TANIKIA L. 2 1 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 PO OX 3 09 JACKSONVILLE FL 32233 -0912 I 1 _ Sy ^f RETURN TO SENDER} j } p3223 2 . 317 461 11111/1/ 1111 11 -4 tl i- i !i Ih1 1 t I!f i i II i 61 It l llilf f 9 1 Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022Page 109 of 154 sCODE ENFORCEMENT 41 4 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 1) r NOTICE OF HEARING 2/4/2022 Case Number: 21-052 COLLINS TANIKIA Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1251 TULIP ST 7013 1710 0002 1691 8885 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Property Address: 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on March 3, 2022 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach,Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required.Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a,building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: An unpermitted fence and an unpermitted addition has been added to this home. the work on the home. They were given 30 days to have plans drawn up and submitted to the City. To date, no application has been received and no permit has been issued for the work.This case was heard at the November 4,2021 hearing and the Respondent was ordered Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 110 of 154 to submit a permit application within 30 days. As of today, no permit application has been received for the addition or the fence. The City intends to ask for a fine of$250 per day for every day the unpermitted work remains on the property. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received,the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure,please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, 1111\ QP r hereby swear and affirm that the above statement e and.Accurate. g-'' 40' Code Enforcement Officer, Si ty of Atl. is Beach ATTEST: 4,adc(44\- let.(c/A,- Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 111 of 154 CERTIFIED MAIL,. 1-- ---)Kc---D!*VIL EFL 3'O 1- ,t, L liJ' NEOPOST s -c.Ass r,rA.L City of Mantic Beach 3 2022 PM I L 02/04/2022 rJ 0 800 Seminole Road US POSTAGE$007.33p Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 r 32233 7013 1710 0002 1691 8885 041M11299654 COLLINS TANIKIA Certified Mail 1251 TULIP ST 7013 17100002 322 NFE 1 820I0002 / 11,E22ATLANTICBEACH, FL 32233 ORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND i COLLINS "TANIKIA L 1PropertyAddrtoSox »a 91 z ACK.SONVILLE FL 32233- 0912 i RETURN TO SENDER 22744.2 5'34511 Ii'il'iiilliillwiili„iiiii+iiiliiiitiiiiiriiliilisiii'i'iiiiii Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022Page 112 of 154 i= ' • 3dOl3AN3 i0 dO.Lltl tl3J 31J. 33V-1.1 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No Oe" - al - OSS VIII III EMIII I 11111 II I I I II I I 3. Service Type Priority Mail Express® 0 Adult Signature 0 Registered MaiIT" 0 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restricted Certified Mail® Delivery 9590 9402 5982 0062 6067 74 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature ConfirmationT" ured Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 7013 1710 0 0 0 1691 8885 ured Mail Restricted Delivery r$500) Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022Page 113 of 154 4-II I— 4 L`Jf City of Atlantic Beach NEOPOST 800 Seminole Road 03/11/2022 SIRS?-CUSS MAIL K. v Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 US POSTAGE$007.33° 7017 1000 0000 7000 3129 tiI. ZIP 32233 a L.L'C P' . : 041M11299654 icequc. vs. Prc _.- A'. .tirpt 71st" C. i r: L ,'u":Ilaser r—Tanikia Collins 1 1251 Tulip Street 9 = Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 U BLE -Fu F LR W A 2,--i i 46 •`-'4 iiilinlipill11,1i111111411,1I,e1T1 1 lila! i! „1,11!,1!1 1 Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022Page 114 of 154 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. 0 Agent Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 Addressee so that we can return the card to you.B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1. Article Addressed to:If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No Tc p\KnaCUV\rS 3. Service Type Certified Mail" 0 Priority Mail Express"' Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 Insured Mail 0 Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number 7 017 1000 0000 7000 3129Transferfromservicelabel) PS Form 3811,July 2013 Domestic Return Receipt Agenda Item #4.B.07 Jul 2022Page 115 of 154 CODE ENFORCEMENT A 'Jo CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA libmio Iv - NOTICE OF HEARING 6/13/2022 Case Number: 21-052 BRENDA PAGE Certified Mail Return Receipt: 5572 ADA JOHNSON RD 7013 1710 0002 1691 9233 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32218 Property Address: 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 7,2022 at 2: 00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach, Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: An unpermitted fence and an unpermitted addition has been added to this home. To date, no application has been received and no permit has been issued for the work. This case was heard at the November 4, 2021 hearing and the Respondent was ordered to submit a permit application within 30 days. As of today, no permit application has been received and the property has changed ownership. The case was heard at the March 3, 2022 hearing and an extension Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 116 of 154 was granted until July 7, 2022 to allow the Owner and her counsel time to hire a licensed contractor and submit plans for a permit. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, \I _ •IlliP \2a( ( hereby swear and affirm that the above statement an,.ccurate. gib 0 g" .11103tApp- Code Enforceme t Officer, Ci of Atlantic :each ATTEST: Vanessa Angers, Records Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 117 of 154 i CODE ENFORCEMENT fi sj CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 111‘POSTED ON PROPERTY ANDNOTICEOFHEARING ATLANTIC BE CH CI t ' DATE: a ciz) HALL 6/13/2022 Case Number: 21-052 BRENDA PAGE Certified Mail Return Receipt: 5572 ADA JOHNSON RD 7013 1710 0002 1691 9233 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32218 Property Address: 1251 TULIP ST ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 7,2022 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road,to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1251 TULIP ST, 18-34 38-2S-29E SEC H ATLANTIC BEACH LOT 2 BLK 207 Atlantic Beach, Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances VIOLATION CODE: 1. FBC Section 105 Permit 105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any required impact resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit. 2. Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: An unpermitted fence and an unpermitted addition has been added to this home. To date, no application has been received and no permit has been issued for the work. This case was heard at the November 4, 2021 hearing and the Respondent was ordered to submit a permit application within 30 days. As of today, no permit application has been received and the property has changed ownership. The case was heard at the March 3, 2022 hearing and an extension Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 118 of 154 was granted until July 7, 2022 to allow the Owner and her counsel time to hire a licensed contractor and submit plans for a permit. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, 2_ lf hereby swear and affirm that the above statement an‘).‘ ,26V___ Q____TQA rate. p .g' Code Enforceme t Officer, Ci of Atlantic :each ATTEST: Vanessa Angers, Records Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 119 of 154 NANCY C. HARRISON, ESQ. P.L. 599 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 6 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Telephone (904) 372-0008 Facsimile (904) 372-0571 Nancy C. Harrison, Esq. Paul M. Eakin, Esq. nancy ac paul( Danielle M. Manos, Esq. June 30, 2022 Magistrate Suzanne Green 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Re: Brenda Page 1251 Tulip Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Case: 21-052 Dear Magistrate Green, Our firm represents Ms. Brenda Page in the above-referenced Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement violations matter regarding her property located at 1251 Tulip Street, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. The hearing on this matter is currently scheduled for July 7, 2022 at 2:00 pm. We have a direct conflict on the date of July 7, 2022 at 2pm requiring the attendance of Mr. Paul Eakin and Myself. We have a hearing scheduled at the Duval County Courthouse at the same time for a different matter which cannot be rescheduled. We are also working with an engineer as requested by the City of Atlantic Beach and will require more time for proper inspection, and any potential resolution in this matter. We respectfully request for the hearing to be rescheduled to September 1st, 2022 or hearing date being held for this type of matter. Please let our office know if you are able to reschedule this hearing. Should you require anything further please let me know. Sincerely elle . Ma • -, sq. Agenda Item #4.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 120 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐188 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 1of 3 Description: Outside Storage & Dumpster Enclosure Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: COMMERCIAL Opened: 12/1/2021 Closed:  Last Action: 6/13/2022 Fllw Up: 6/17/2022 Site Address: 1985 MAYPORT RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 172194 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES NOV REG Angela Irizarry 1/4/2022 1/4/2022 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 5/9/2022 5/9/2022 NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 6/13/2022 6/13/2022 PERMIT APPLIED FOR Angela Irizarry 6/28/2022 6/28/2022 Submitted permit application to install a fence around the dumpster. CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER ERTEL ALEX 13155 LEATHERLEAF DR S  JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES Agenda Item #5.A.07 Jul 2022 Page 121 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐188 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 2of 3 INITIAL INSPECTION AI REINSPECTION AI 1/18/2022 4/20/2022 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION AI 5/3/2022 5/9/2022 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION AI 5/23/2022 VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKS NOTES Dumpster Enclosures Angela Irizarry 1/3/2022 Waste Management Dumpster Sec. 24‐160. Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b)  Within commercial, industrial and multi‐family zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above‐ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above‐ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the director of public safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view.  Screening shall consist of either: densely planted trees and shrubs at least four (4) feet in height at the time of installation and of an evergreen variety that shall form a year round visual barrier and shall reach a minimum height of six (6) feet at maturity; or an opaque wood, masonry, brick or similarly constructed Agenda Item #5.A.07 Jul 2022 Page 122 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 21‐188 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 3of 3 fence, wall or barrier. Where a fence, wall or similar type barrier is used, construction materials, finish and colors shall be of uniform appearance. All screening shall be maintained in good condition. Where appropriate, a landscaped berm may be used in place of a fence, wall or trees Outside Display Commercial Angela Irizarry 1/3/2022 Pavers & Pallets Sec. 24.154.  Outdoor display, sale and storage of furniture household items, merchandise and business activities outside of enclosed buildings. * (g)  Within all non‐residential zoning districts, the outside display of products, or outside sale of furniture, clothing, dry goods, hardware or other similar merchandise, equipment and materials, and also street vendors, shall be prohibited. Pavers and Pallets stacked in front of garage building. Outside Storage Residential (173) Angela Irizarry 1/3/2022 Sec. 24‐173. Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. (b) Appropriate maintenance and upkeep.  All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from the street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner, which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1.  Lots are maintained free from litter, trash, debris, discarded belongings, automotive parts, old tires, construction materials, and broken and abandoned items. Agenda Item #5.A.07 Jul 2022 Page 123 of 154 Page 124 of 154 Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 125 of 154 Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 126 of 154 1/3/2022 Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 127 of 154 Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 128 of 154 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH t s2 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5800 r ;3 g? 1/4/2022 ERTEL ALEX 13155 LEATHERLEAF DR S JACKSONVILLE,FL 32225 Real Estate Number: 172194 0000 Case Number: 21-188 Location of Violation: 1985 MAYPORT RD, 19-16 17-2S-29E .23 DONNERS R/P PT BLOCK 23 RECD O/R 19714-2093 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. A code enforcement inspection at 1985 MAYPORT RD was conducted on 1/3/2022. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: 1. NATURE OF VIOLATION: Pavers and rolls of artificial turf are being stored outside on the property. These materials are visible from Mayport Road and from Dutton Island Road. This constitutes business activities outside of the enclosed building and open storage of construction materials which is prohibited by code sections listed below. VIOLATION CODE(s): Sec. 24.154. Outdoor display, sale and storage of furniture household items, merchandise and business activities outside of enclosed buildings. * (g) Within all non-residential zoning districts,the outside display of products,or outside sale of furniture,clothing, dry goods,hardware or other similar merchandise,equipment and materials,and also street vendors, shall be prohibited. Sec. 24-173.Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. (b)Appropriate maintenance and upkeep. All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from the street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner,which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1. Lots are maintained free from litter,trash, debris, discarded belongings, automotive parts,old tires,construction materials,and broken and abandoned items. 2. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The green Waste Management dumpster is unscreened. In accordance with code, dumpsters and refuse collection areas must be screened from view as required by Section 24-160. VIOLATION CODE(S): Sec.24-160. Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks.(b)Within commercial, industrial and multi-family zoning districts,dumpsters,trash receptacles, above-ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping,or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 129 of 154 upon determination by the director of public safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s)from view. Screening shall consist of either: densely planted trees and shrubs at least four(4)feet in height at the time of installation and of an evergreen variety that shall form a year round visual barrier and shall reach a minimum height of six(6)feet at maturity;or an opaque wood, masonry,brick or similarly constructed fence,wall or barrier. Where a fence,wall or similar type barrier is used,construction materials,finish and colors shall be of uniform appearance. All screening shall be maintained in good condition. Where appropriate, a landscaped berm may be used in place of a fence,wall or trees Installation of a fence or other barrier requires application to the City of Atlantic Beach and an approved permit. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing the pavers and artifical turf and screening around the dumpster within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, 1---ISt .1r1 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. incer: y, 011, , r opo. 146AngelaIrizaA CODE ENF• •CEMENT Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 130 of 154 r.5' iii;} CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH sA 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 322331:57 z PHONE (904) 247-5800 0111t.)CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT MAIL 7013 1710 0002 1691 8922 4/20/2022 ERTEL ALEX 13155 LEATHERLEAF DR S JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 Real Estate Number: 172194 0000 Case Number: 21-188 Location of Violation: 1985 MAYPORT RD, 19- 16 17-2S-29E .23 DONNERS R/P PT BLOCK 23 RECD O/R 19714-2093 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1985 MAYPORT RD was conducted on 1/3/2022 & 4/20/2022. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: 1. NATURE OF VIOLATION: Rolls of artificial turf are being stored outside on the property. These materials are visible from Mayport Road. This constitutes business activities outside of the enclosed building and open storage of construction materials which is prohibited by code sections listed below. VIOLATION CODE(s): Sec. 24.154. Outdoor display, sale and storage of furniture household items, merchandise and business activities outside of enclosed buildings. * (g)Within all non-residential zoning districts,the outside display of products, or outside sale of furniture, clothing, dry goods,hardware or other similar merchandise, equipment and materials, and also street vendors, shall be prohibited. Sec. 24-173. Neighborhood preservation and property maintenance standards. (b)Appropriate maintenance and upkeep. All areas of a lot and structures that are visible from the street or a neighboring property shall be maintained in an acceptable manner,which shall be defined by the following characteristics: 1. Lots are maintained free from litter,trash, debris, discarded belongings, automotive parts,old tires, construction materials, and broken and abandoned items. 2. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The green Waste Management dumpster is unscreened. In accordance with code, dumpsters and refuse collection areas must be screened from view as required by Section 24-160. VIOLATION CODE(S): Sec. 24-160. Dumpsters,garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b)Within commercial, industrial and multi-family zoning districts, dumpsters,trash receptacles, above-ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 131 of 154 upon determination by the director of public safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s)from view. Screening shall consist of either: densely planted trees and shrubs at least four(4) feet in height at the time of installation and of an evergreen variety that shall form a year round visual barrier and shall reach a minimum height of six(6)feet at maturity;or an opaque wood, masonry,brick or similarly constructed fence,wall or barrier. Where a fence, wall or similar type barrier is used, construction materials, finish and colors shall be of uniform appearance. All screening shall be maintained in good condition. Where appropriate, a landscaped berm may be used in place of a fence,wall or trees Installation of a fence or other barrier requires application to the City of Atlantic Beach and an approved permit. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by removing the artifical turf and screening around the dumpster within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at ( 904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, Ilk 0 \ or hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. Since ly, Ai11 fip 40,,Iri.:rry CODE ENV* ' ENT Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 132 of 154 3 r`'jJO CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH C)4- A 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 Pi art CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT MAIL 7013 1710 0002 1691 9288 5/9/2022 ERTEL ALEX 13155 LEATHERLEAF DR S JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 Real Estate Number: 172194 0000 Case Number: 21-188 Location of Violation: 1985 MAYPORT RD, 19- 16 17-2S-29E .23 DONNERS R/P PT BLOCK 23 RECD O/R 19714-2093 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6,Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 1985 MAYPORT RD was conducted on 1/3/2022, 4/20/2022, & 5/9/2022. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: 1. NATURE OF VIOLATION: The green Waste Management dumpster is unscreened. In accordance with code, dumpsters and refuse collection areas must be screened from view as required by Section 24-160. VIOLATION CODE(S): Sec. 24-160. Dumpsters,garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b)Within commercial, industrial and multi-family zoning districts,dumpsters,trash receptacles, above-ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the director of public safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s)from view. Screening shall consist of either: densely planted trees and shrubs at least four(4)feet in height at the time of installation and of an evergreen variety that shall form a year round visual barrier and shall reach a minimum height of six(6)feet at maturity; or an opaque wood, masonry,brick or similarly constructed fence, wall or barrier.Where a fence, wall or similar type barrier is used, construction materials, finish and colors shall be of uniform appearance. All screening shall be maintained in good condition.Where appropriate,a landscaped berm may be used in place of a fence,wall or trees Installation of a fence or other barrier requires application to the City of Atlantic Beach and an approved permit. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by screening around the dumpster within ten 10)days of the receipt of this notice. Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 133 of 154 Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, Al'f (,e_ 7(X1 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. S. cer , II irt • ' SP Angela Iriza a CODE ENF C CEMENT Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 134 of 154 FAQs >USPS Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 701 31 71 000021 691 9288 Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 11:14 am on May 27, 2022 in JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225. USPS Tracking Plus® Available u mGDelivered, Left with Individual Q. CT May 27, 2022 at 11:14 am C JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 Get Updates u Text & Email Updates u Tracking History n May 27, 2022, 11:14 am Delivered, Left with Individual JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 11:14 am on May 27, 2022 in JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225. May 19, 2022 Redelivery Scheduled JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 135 of 154 Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item May 12, 2022, 12:01 pm Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available) JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 May 12, 2022, 3:41 am Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER May 10, 2022, 7:40 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER USPS Tracking Plus®u 1 CD a 6 c) Product Information u See Less " Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 136 of 154 CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 6/13/2022 Case Number: 21- 188 ERTEL ALEX Certified Mail Return Receipt: 13155 LEATHERLEAF DR S 7013 1710 0002 1691 8946 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 Property Address: 1985 MAYPORT ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 7,2022 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 1985 MAYPORT RD, 19-16 17-2S-29E .23 DONNERS R/P PT BLOCK 23 RECD O/R 19714-2093 Atlantic Beach, Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6- 16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. VIOLATION CODE(S): Sec. 24-160. Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial, industrial and multi-family zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above-ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping,or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the director of public safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. Screening shall consist of either: densely planted trees and shrubs at least four (4)feet in height at the time of installation and of an evergreen variety that shall form a year round visual barrier and shall reach a minimum height of six (6) feet at maturity; or an opaque wood, masonry, brick or similarly constructed fence, wall or barrier. Where a fence, wall or similar type barrier is used, construction materials, finish and colors shall be of uniform appearance. All screening shall be maintained in good condition. Where appropriate, a landscaped berm may be used in place of a fence, wall or trees Installation of a fence or other barrier requires application to the City of Atlantic Beach and an approved permit. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: A green Waste Management dumpster is in the front parking of the building and is not screened in accordance with code or with an approved screening structure. The Respondent was cited for the dumpster being unscreened. Since receipt of the certified letter on May 27th, a partial screening fence has been installed without a permit. Page 1of2 Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 137 of 154 If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. 1--)c)I, 8af hereby swear and affirm that the above statement Code Enforce 4 - 't Officer, City •f Atlani'c Beach ATTEST: Vanessa Angers, Records Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 138 of 154 USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 701 31 71 000021 691 8946 Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 4:45 pm on June 15, 2022 in JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225. USPS Tracking Plus® Available u mGDelivered, Left with Individual a Q June 15, 2022 at 4:45 pm c JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225 Get Updates Text & Email Updates u Tracking History u USPS Tracking Plus®u Product Information u See Less " Agenda Item #5.A. 07 Jul 2022 Page 139 of 154 Page 140 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 22‐008 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 1of 2 Description: Fence Status: PENDING CODE BOARD Type: CODE ENFORCEMENT Subtype: STOP WORK ORDER Opened: 1/25/2022 Closed:  Last Action: 6/13/2022 Fllw Up: 6/17/2022 Site Address: 346 SARGO RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Site APN: 171686 0000 Officer: Angela Irizarry Details: CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES STOP WORK ORDER POST Angela Irizarry 1/25/2022 1/25/2022 NOV REG Angela Irizarry 4/4/2022 4/4/2022 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 4/20/2022 4/20/2022 NOV CERT Angela Irizarry 5/9/2022 5/9/2022 CMRR RECEIVED W/SIGNATURE Angela Irizarry 5/19/2022 5/19/2022 NOH LTR Angela Irizarry 6/13/2022 6/13/2022 CMRR STATUS UPDATE Angela Irizarry 6/15/2022 6/15/2022 NOH Delivered on 6/15/2022 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL OWNER GLAVIN THOMAS 1158 WOOD DUCK HOLLOW   Agenda Item #5.B.07 Jul 2022 Page 141 of 154 Case Details City of Atlantic Beach Case Number 22‐008 Printed: Tuesday, 05 July, 2022 2of 2 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32259 PRIOR OWNER ROOS EUGENE A 346 SARGO RD  ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233‐3814 FINANCIAL INFORMATION INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES INITIAL INSPECTION AI 1/25/2022 1/25/2022 VIOLATION FOUND 6 ft privacy fence being installed with no permit REINSPECTION AI 2/7/2022 4/4/2022 VIOLATION CONTINUES REINSPECTION AI 4/18/2022 5/9/2022 VIOLATION CONTINUES Certified mail number is not showing up. Resending . VIOLATIONS VIOLATION TYPE USER NAME OBSERVED DATE CORRECTED DATE LOCATION REMARKSNOTES FENCES NO PERMIT Angela Irizarry 4/4/2022 Sec. 24‐157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a)  Permit required.  Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.  Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences.  The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24‐17.  Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences.  Agenda Item #5.B.07 Jul 2022 Page 142 of 154 Agenda Item #5.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 143 of 154 Agenda Item #5.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 144 of 154 S '''`lr CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH P'4,, iiir800 SEMINOLE ROAD s}ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 4/4/2022 GLAVIN THOMAS 1158 WOOD DUCK HOLLOW JACKSONVILLE, FL 32259 Real Estate Number: 171686 0000 Case Number: 22-008 Location of Violation: 346 SARGO RD, 31-16 17-2S-29E R/P OF PT OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT 2 A LOT 18 BLK 24 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 346 SARGO RD was conducted on 4/4/2022. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A wooden fence has been partially installed on the property with no permit. A stop work order was posted on 1/25/2022 but to date no application has been received for the fence. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by obtaining a valid fence permit application or removing the fence within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date may result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247- 5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, la 1-----e_Q Ic i , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. S N %. ...... ..„,„ Angela Iri CODE ENFO-EMENT Agenda Item #5.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 145 of 154 rs " CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J t `? 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5800 0111 t? CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 7013 1710 0002 1691 9295 4/20/2022 GLAVIN THOMAS 1158 WOOD DUCK HOLLOW JACKSONVILLE, FL 32259 Real Estate Number: 171686 0000 Case Number: 22-008 Location of Violation: 346 SARGO RD, 31-16 17-2S-29E R/P OF PT OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT 2 A LOT 18 BLK 24 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 346 SARGO RD was conducted on 1/25/2022, 4/4/2022 & 4/19/2022. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A wooden fence has been installed on the property with no permit. A stop work order was posted on 1/25/2022 but to date no application has been received for the fence. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by obtaining a valid fence permit application or removing the fence within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date will result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate at the next regularly scheduled hearing resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247-5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, fre'a. Z tiT'.. , hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate. aerely, CODE ENFORC MENT Agenda Item #5.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 146 of 154 s L'jrfr, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH J 1 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 0 ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 15 xvall.,-.. ti PHONE (904) 247-5800 Ili CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT 7013 1710 0002 1691 9318 5/9/2022 GLAVIN THOMAS 1158 WOOD DUCK HOLLOW JACKSONVILLE, FL 32259 Real Estate Number: 171686 0000 Case Number: 22-008 Location of Violation: 346 SARGO RD, 31-16 17-2S-29E R/P OF PT OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT 2 A LOT 18 BLK 24 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances includes rules and regulations governing construction activities and also maintenance standards for property within the City. These standards are set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code and were adopted as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. A code enforcement inspection at 346 SARGO RD was conducted on 1/25/2022, 4/4/2022 & 5/9/2022. The City of Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: VIOLATION CODE: Sec. 24-157. Fences,walls and similar structures. (a)Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions.Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. NATURE OF VIOLATION: A wooden fence has been installed on the property with no permit. A stop work order was posted on 1/25/2022 but to date no application has been received for the fence. This letter requests that the noted violation(s) be corrected by obtaining a valid fence permit application or removing the fence within ten(10) days of the receipt of this notice. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Failure to correct the violation by the required date will result in this case being referred to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate at the next regularly scheduled hearing resulting in fines up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day. Upon completion of the action required, it is your responsibility to contact me and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at (904) 247-5855 or if you have any questions or need additional information. I, Nol., (., v-Mr( `'1 hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is true and accurate.. inc ely, IVe e k--f-- Angela Iri CODE ENFORCEMENT Agenda Item #5.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 147 of 154 ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTIONK. r• a rc• .»nid: Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature Print your name and address on the reverse Agent so that we can return the card to you. ser Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, vend by rinted Nam) / I C. Date ofAddresDeliven or on the front if space permits. t"ll `i MICCl/6d 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 6mq C\\Ruin If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No I. e r.2 4_._...... II I I II IIII 1111111111111111111 11111 0 Adice Type ult/Signature Restricted Delivery 0 R:.istere6Wtei1TA:' Certified Mail® r- 9590 9402 5982 0062 6074 98 0 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery R.Oro, r Collect on Delivery a. Article Number(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 SI• ,;._! •• 7013 171 D .DDD 2 1691 9318 4estncted Delivery Re tic DC C..rn,aP1 1 i.d.,oni G Dem•s=an nnnnn nnco Agenda Item #5.B.07 Jul 2022Page 148 of 154 USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70131710000216919318 Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 1:29 pm on May 12, 2022 in SAINT JOHNS, FL 32259. USPS Tracking Plus® Available u m CD Delivered, Left with Individual a) May 12, 2022 at 1:29 pm SAINT JOHNS, FL 32259 Get Updates u Text & Email Updates u Tracking History u USPS Tracking Plus®u Product Information u See Less " Agenda Item #5.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 149 of 154 kip CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING 6/13/2022 Case Number: 22-008 GLAVIN THOMAS Certified Mail Return Receipt: 1158 WOOD DUCK HOLLOW 7013 1710 0002 1691 9257 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32259 Property Address: 346 SARGO RD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL Dear Respondent: You are hereby notified and ordered to appear at the next public hearing of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on July 7, 2022 at 2:00 pm at Atlantic Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, 800 Seminole Road, to answer and be heard on the following alleged violations on the property known as 346 SARGO RD, 31-16 17-2S-29E R/P OF PT OF ROYAL PALMS UNIT 2 A LOT 18 BLK 24 Atlantic Beach, Florida. The City of Atlantic Beach adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and the Florida Building Code as part of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances in Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-16. International Property Maintenance Code/City Code of Ordinances 1. VIOLATION CODE(S): Sec. 24-157. Fences, walls and similar structures. (a) Permit required. Issuance of a permit is required for any new or replacement fence or wall and all new or replacement fences and walls shall comply with the following provisions. Nonconforming fences shall not be replaced with nonconforming fences. The term fence and wall may be used interchangeably within this chapter, and shall mean as specifically defined within section 24-17. Fences must be constructed out of materials that are customarily used for fences. STATEMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: A wooden fence has been partially installed on the property with no permit. A stop work order was posted on 1/25/2022 but to date no application has been received for the fence. If the violation is corrected and then recurs or if the violation was not corrected by the time specified for correction by the Code Enforcement Officer in the Notice of Violation that you received, the case may be presented to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate even if the violation has been corrected prior to the hearing. You have the right to obtain an attorney at your own expense and to present witnesses on your behalf. If you desire to have witnesses subpoenaed or if you have questions regarding the procedure, please contact Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item #5.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 150 of 154 the City Clerk's office within five days of the receipt of this notice at (904) 247-5821. Please note the presence of a court reporter for the purpose of insuring a verbatim record in the event an appeal should be secured at your expense. I, NIL _,I, Z.urr hereby swear and affirm that the above statement is curate. 1/4 0 / drupA_---- r__e. Irizarry Code Enforce itli t Officer, Cityantic Beach ATTEST: 4' Vanessa Angers, Records Clerk Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #5.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 151 of 154 1 D •: COM•L E HIS S C ION arac.7 .:x v :• Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Si ture Print your name and address on the reverse Agent so that we can return the card to you. 0 Addressee II Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, ceived by rinted Name) C. Date of Deliver) or on the front if space permits. Ern(ly N,L t Yyd I. Article Addressed to: Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No 71kowlitS eiLkVIN l keg ViDOct Duck +11>ilcui OiAcksonvin-e L 322-511 cE 2Z-cX II I IIIIII III 11111( 111111III'I I II 3 11111I I I 3. Service Type Priority Mail ail ' OOs Adult Signature 0 Registered Express® adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Registered Mail Restrict, Certified Mail® Delivery 9590 9402 5982 0062 6074 43 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Return Receipt for Collect on Delivery Merchandise Article Number(Transfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation'. Insured Mail 0 Signature Confirmation 013 1710 0002 16 91 9257 Insured Mail Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over$500) c C......"v:111 I.d..OM ek 17con_nn_nnn en=q n....,e..o...,..,o.....:..Agenda Item #5.B.07 Jul 2022Page 152 of 154 USPS Tracking® FAQs > Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70131710000216919257 Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 4:20 pm on June 15, 2022 in SAINT JOHNS, FL 32259. USPS Tracking Plus® Available u cpGDelivered, Left with Individuala. cr June 15, 2022 at 4:20 pm c SAINT JOHNS, FL 32259 Get Updates u Text & Email Updates u Tracking History June 15, 2022, 4:20 pm Delivered, Left with Individual SAINT JOHNS, FL 32259 Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 4:20 pm on June 15, 2022 in SAINT JOHNS, FL 32259. June 15, 2022, 1:49 am Departed USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Agenda Item #5.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 153 of 154 June 13, 2022, 10:07 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility JACKSONVILLE FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER USPS Tracking Plus®u Product Information u See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. m cp Q o- v o FAQs Agenda Item #5.B. 07 Jul 2022 Page 154 of 154