08-08-22 Handout - Murray Benz8/8/22,10:54 AM Hagler County sheriff launches Autism Awareness Program I Palm Coast I Palm Coast Observer 14 1 4 T8/6/2'"2-. COMMUNITY fr AUTISM 4 - •oAWARENESS 00 11111111.10' SHERIFF RICK STALY PREV NEXT ARTICLE ARTICLE dr 41t ,^40 PALM COAST MONDAY,APR. 18,2022 3 months ago Sheriff launches Autism Awareness Program SHARE f lI D COMMENTS r The FCSO will be doing its part to customize the way it responds to calls where an autistic person may be present. by:Don Foley I Public Affairs Manager,Flagler County Sheriff's Office With April being Autism Awareness Month,Sheriff Rick Staly is launching a new program at the Flagler Search It all begins with a new logo the FCSO has designed to help notify deputies who may be involved in a traffic stop or a call to a home,business or other location. https://www.palmcoastobserver.com/article/sheriff-launches-autism-awareness-program 1/7 8/8/22,10:54 AM Hagler County sheriff launches Autism Awareness Program I Palm Coast I Palm Coast Observer Q aware there may be a person with autism and will help us partner with the community in providing special consideration and sensitivity to your loved ones." These stickers,along with a brochure sharing all of the details of the Autism Awareness program,will be sent to those who fill out an informational survey designed and provided by the FCSO Community Engagement Section.The answers provided in this form will collect specific information for deputies who respond to any situation where a person with autism maybe on the scene. This is a free and voluntary database that the FCSO manages to help our Flagler County residents,"Staly added."It will give residents who deal with the world of autism every day some peace of mind when it comes to encounters involving the men and women of the FCSO." All FCSO deputies already receive training on working with autistic individuals. Residents can find the FCSO Autism Awareness web page at FlaglerSheriff.com.Click"programs"on the top of the page,then scroll to"autism awareness." Email CommunityEngagement@FlaglerSheriff.com. t PREY Now available in Palm Coast&Ormond Beach' FP NEXT ARTICLE ARTICLE Get supplemental EVACUATION ROUTE hurricane coverage, paid immediately! No paperwork and NO E deductible. LEARN MORE Insurance provided by NFM Empowering Local Communitiar it Searcl'. https://www.palmcoastobserver.com/article/sheriff-launches-autism-awareness-program 2/7 8/8/22,1:52 PM FLAGLER COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE/Autism Awareness Rick Staly, Sheriff FLAGLER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE An honor to serve, a duty to protect." SIGN UP FOR AUTISM AWARENESS PROGRAM Name First Name Last Name Nicknames Add Current Photo Browse Files Drag and drop files here form jotform.com/PAOFCSO/flagler-county-sheriffs-office--aut 1/8 8/8/22,1-52 PM FLAGLER COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE/Autism Awareness Date of Birth MM/DD/YYYY Date Race American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Other Sex Female Male Other Eye Color Blue Brown Green Hazel Amber Gray Other Hair Color form.jotform.com/PAOFCSO/flagler-county-sheriffs-office--aut 2/8 8/8/22,1:52 PM FLAGLER COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE/Autism Awareness Black Brown Blonde Gray Red Bald Other Height (Ft. and In.) Weight (Lbs.) Primary Language Spoken Diagnosis Address Street Address Street Address Line 2 City State/ Province form.jotform.com/PAOFCSO/flagler-county-sheriffs-office--aut 3/8 8/8/22,1:52 PM FLAGLER COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE/Autism Awareness Postal/Zip Code Email example@example.com Home Phone 000) 000-0000 Alternate Phone 000) 000-0000 Parent or Caretaker 1. Name First Name Last Name Relationship Work/Home Cell form.joiform.com/PAOFCSO/flagler-county-sheriffs-office—aut 4/8 8/8/22,1:52 PM FLAGLER COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE/Autism Awareness 2. Name First Name Last Name Relationship Work/Home Cell Emergency Contact First Name Last Name Relationship Work / Home Cell Questionnaire formjotform.com/PAOFCSO/flagler-county-sheriffs-office—aut 5/8 8/8/22,1:52 PM FLAGLER COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE/Autism Awareness Is he/she verbal or non-verbal Verbal Non-Verbal If non-verbal, how does he/she communicate? Type here... What type of behavior should be expected? Kicking Hitting Biting Spitting Self-Hitting Hand-Flapping Self-Talk Body Rocking Other What is his/her favorite toy, objects, music, discussion topics, likes and dislikes? Type here... What is the best way to approach him/her? Type here... Does he/she have any sensitivities/triggers? Yes No Sensitivities/Triggers: form.jotform.com/PAOFCSO/Hagler-county-sheriffs-office--aut 6/8 8/8/22,1:52 PM FLAGLER COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE/Autism Awareness Light Siren Loud Radio Noise Other If he/she becomes confrontational, how can Deputies calm him/her down? Type here... Any other pertinent information you would like to provide? Type here... How many Autism Awareness stickers would you like for your home? L. One Two C Three Four How many Autism Awareness stickers would you like for your vehicles? One Two Three Four My signature below constitute an affirmation that I am legally responsible for the person named above for whom I have provided this information Electronic Signature form.jotform.com/PAOFCSO/flagler-county-sheriffs-office--aut 7 8 8/8/22,1:52 PM FLAGLER COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE/Autism Awareness Clear Printed Name Date MM/DD/YYYY Date If unable to electronically sign, please print form, sign and return to: communityengagement@flaglersheriff.com or mail to P.O. Box 879, Bunnell, FL 32110 Any question regarding this program or this form, please email communityengagement@flaglersheriff.com or call 386.586.4845 Distribution: Original to Linked To: FCSO Form #INVS-215 (03/22) Submit Powered by Jotform form.jotform.com/PAOFCSO/flagler-county-sheriffs-office—aut 8/8