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03-28-22 Speaker Forms
WELCOME CQ f t!/ To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: c o it/a '� Name: SZ( SG7 n cis" Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONT CT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPT ONAL: Address: ��,o kza____ City: 40,eic R.,?6? r4 Phone No.W.?V - V E-mail: .a a £a GO dr / D PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) /l( Atlantic Beach Resident Atlantic Beach Property Owner D Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: X"i wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: o Agenda Item No. . and/or X Topic not on the agenda: /---22 //--; /i "%a,za....._ o I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. o I am in support of the above agenda item. o I am opposed to the above agenda item. o I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item cOF WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proce; deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are he to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrra in from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. E prress yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. ************::: t::r*:t*t::****t,tiro:d:iri***t:*t3::t**a:*,:**:ti:*** t*:;::***** ***:gtr****** *****t:*n•***rig*** ***e:i:::****:,r*dr,ter*****.**i::***, SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: 3l 2-81 Zot - Name: 5teARA&3 Presse Note: Fll©iridJar has a very broad Public Records Lauf. Iriost vidtrc n and records co01lOQ1 unOcati©ne to orr from State and Local! Ofif© aOs and agencies regardOng Sate or LLoeai bueines are publI c records avariiabie to the pubOOe and media upon request. PROVlDiN YOUR' CONTACT iNIFORMATDON BELOW iS OPTOOt AL: Address: a a 43 f3potri 9.1 cermQen.- 41,r•A..Q, City: 4/3 Phone No.:601 INS-MI E-mail: �4 Ts-mows ,,CAIVX •,- PLEASE "LEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTiOD'AL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident Eg=Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Fll©oP on: ❑ Agenda item No. and/or a. Topic noton the agenda: G(Aitspea-rattC3) & -(,o &z keA au ±0..",CratbAdZi atitaCitvikt 0-44aerit- g-12- p ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Pubiie Hearing for Agenda item No. ❑ i am in support of the above agenda item. o I am opposed to the above agenda item. o I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item CO U WELCOPuE To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are hen to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT mefirain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Eazprress yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************t.*************#it'k'k**/rhYrfrit****fr* *ink::'.t*fY:r:::F*+F*'hih Jr*'.:'Y.iF*****girt:: SPEAKER REQUEST IFORibil �j ,Q � Date: -3 /787. r7� Name: ©!'n o { h" F-6 Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and rrecorrdm communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local businesm are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW lS OPTIONAL: Address: City: r\50C Phone No.: E-mail: e45,„0--. ,4 . / 0 „ge°1 PLEEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident 0 Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission dui' Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agendas item No. and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. o 0 am opposed to the above agenda item. o I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ i do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item C'aF WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proces deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are her to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encrn rage others to state their views. S plport each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Eaglprress yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. ******************':**fir****':*************************`*****frt*****.•*********i:***f4sY*';yl•*******'::':**********`ir::ir*'r':*';'Y.**d:****** SPEAKER R R( QUEST FORM Date: R— (102_ Name: W. hh ' GivN brtyf Neese Note: FDorida has a very broad PuhD'rc Records Lav J[Dost written and records( communications t* or from State and Locai Otnrucuais and agencies regarding State ®r Locai busines are public records avai abDe to the ipubiic and media upon request PROViDi IO YOUR CONTACT DNPO[ ft5ATDON BELOW DS OPTiONAL: 1 Address: (U d-c— (i ii`S ` i 11 q (� P__CI City: �C. (cf d 114 l 1 r Phone No.: q 102=701 ctkinei6: \A/ m P ' L vy pa f rl e COSI - 1 PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: QOPTDONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Hoar on: o Agendas item No. and/or o Topic not on the agenda: _ K) wish to address the Commission during the Po.AbObco for Agerroda item No. r l am in support of the above agenda item. o I am opposed to the above item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item -- °- x- - - s.--- x1u_ e'er_.__•__.._.....,... rw...S 0 .....,....'....d &,-. ry,n..-,.�., iG�mrn Co F 0 WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proces deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are her to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT RefFrsun from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. E ocoaurrage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Ceplab®Pate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *****,.*4*t'.*****tf:t'.;It'.et'.r****i;.*tie**i';*********. ****i;******,,,,*** *t**************t*t*t'::':*t:** *tt'r:'::tie:`ir********t**t*** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: 7-, ✓,1,2, Name: ,.5 E,' 4//i . j Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and records communications to or from State and Local Offirucials and aigencoes regardong State or Local b sones are paibllc records arerarolarble to the public and media upon request. PROVODONG YOUR CONTACT INFORMATDON I3ELOVO lS OPTIONAL: Address: City: Phone No.: E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) O Atlantic Beach Resident 0 Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE PLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: o Agenda Item ltlo. 4 and/or o Topic not on the agenda: o I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. o I am in support of the above agenda item. o I am opposed to the above agenda item. o I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item CoF TOELCCANE To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proce deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are he to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks, Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively, Coflalborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. •h*****`':;'++i*'.r:<'.:t:*** i: ir****>':Ir*i:irit';ic't*lritd:'r****sY*h:4lrir'..•:;•.`**J::r******** :!c****:****4'.r*k*'r*'.ri:iY*ir:kdr'.:::'tt:`.^:i:***,c:`.k.'tti:ot'r':d****y*:***• SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: 12. Name: Cr Y S M With l C Ck 1 Please Notre: Florida has a very broad Public RecorroJs Law. Most written and rrecorde communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local busineF. are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROViDlN6 YOUR CONTACT OOROFORMATOON BELOW OS ODPTDONAIke Address: "� City: Phone No.: 104-q�zi--39 5 E-mail: cee9iIPS (BgwicI I . co n) PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OP ITOONAL) ElypioNitt ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident 0 Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COLO PLfETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: Vwish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: o Agenda item No. and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: PC, S \k V_O) \AYI - wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Otem ❑ am in support of the above agenda item. o 0 am opposed to the above agenda item. o 0 do not wish to address the Commission, but am in support of agenda item CSF 'ILCOE To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proces deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are her to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encoeurraage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Enprress yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Co00aborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. ****'t************* ********lt****************Fit*frit******t;sl********'..**********************:t'r*'t:t'tist.******`:Fir**iF;F******:Ff:***** SPEAKER REQUEST T FORrG Date: D3 06 co-a., Name: MR_cA14--- Nesse tote: Florida has a very broad Public Records Lave. Most written and records( communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT ONFORMATOOO`9 BELOW IS OPTOONAL: City: J -e d l 3i-A FL Address: Phone No.: E-mail: I. L .:.. 4 .► PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTOO\IAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident 0 Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE PL[ETE Aft® CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: o I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: o Agenda item leo. and/or o Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda item No. o I am in support of the above agenda item. o 0 am opposed to the above agenda item. o 0 do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item