03-28-22 Regular Commission Adopted MinutesMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting J Monday, March 28, 2022 - 6:30 PM Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER: Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and explained the process for public comments. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. 1-NOy14017.30ax Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 Absent: Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) Mayor Glasser noted a request to move Item 313 up and asked for a motion to move it to after the approval of minutes. MOTION: To move Item 3B after Item IA. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Bruce Bole Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole (Seconded By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1A. Approve Minutes of the December 13, 2021 Regular Commission Meeting. Regular City Commission March 28, 2022 Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. 3B. Kurtis Wilson - JEA Overhead to Underground Conversion CM Corbin explained the reasons for looking into underground utilities for Atlantic Beach. Lisa Jennings JEA, Project Outreach Program Manager presented this item as detailed in the agenda packet and answered questions from the Commission. Kurt Wilson JEA, Vice President Government Relations and Greg Corcoran JEA, Manager Project Outreach accompanied Ms. Jennings and helped answer questions. It was explained that the purpose of tonight's presentation is to educate the Commission and the Commission can decide if they want to do something similar. Mayor Glasser stated to CM Corbin that this will need to be back on the agenda at some point as a fact sheet. 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Sue Sands spoke about parking issues during the weekend when events happen. Jane Stevens spoke about a city arts meeting she attended and gave feedback on the city finding resources to help families. Ronnie Burris spoke on how he represents different cities and getting them pay raises. William Briggs expressed his concerns about pay raises. Scott Williams expressed his opinions on pay raises. Christian Ludlam shared thoughts on city pay raises. Patty Drake shared opinions on pay studies conducted in 2018 and compared them to what is happening now pay wise. 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (April - June 2022) Regular City Commission March 28, 2022 Mayor Glasser mentioned that the city might have to postpone Shakespeare in the Park due to the weather. Commissioner Norris stated that she will not be in town for the Town Hall. There was CONSENSUS to accept the 90 -Day calendar with those notes. 3B. Kurtis Wilson - JEA Overhead to Underground Conversion (This item was taken out of order and addressed earlier in the meeting.) 3C. Aquatic Gardens and Splash Pad City Engineer (CE) Steve Swann reported on the status of these projects as detailed in the agenda packet and answered questions from the Commission. Mayor Glasser requested that an email be sent to neighbors updating them on the progress of the Aquatic Gardens project. Mayor Glasser thanked our lobbyist for getting funds towards the Aquatic Gardens project and Senator Aaron Bean for his help on getting funds for the Splash Pad. 3D. Pay Scale Adjustments CM Corbin explained his plan to present the new information, get direction from the Commission, and bring back a budget amendment. He presented a slideshow (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A) Finance Director (FD) Melissa Burns explained the budget impacts. Commissioner Norris asked who this would not affect and HRD Cathy Varian answered that it would not include Public Safety personnel that is on a step plan, which includes the command staff- the officers, detectives, and sergeants — as well as the ECOs. She also explained it would not affect the charter officers or the seasonal employees in the Public Safety Department — crossing guards or lifeguards. Seasonal employees are being put on a step plan. Commissioner Norris also asked when this would go into effect and HRD Varian explained the proposal is for this to go into effect immediately. Commissioner Norris asked about the reason for leaving department heads out of Option 2. CM Corbin explained he was asked to include it as one of the options. Commissioner Bole asked for an explanation on compression and HRD Varian responded. He asked if an analysis of compression scenarios had been done and HRD Varian explained it has not. He asked for clarification on cost absorption. FD Burns explained budget and property value projections and believed nothing would have to be given up. Mayor Glasser asked CM Corbin if there was a plan to look at benefits packages to include family leave/parental leave. CM Corbin explained the plan to tackle the pay issue first, then look at the benefit package separately with direction from the Commission. She asked about the budgetary impact of overtime. FD Burns explained Regular City Commission March 28, 2022 that overtime has not been looked at, it would be at time and a half; and there is not a whole lot of overtime. HRD Varian confirmed that the impacts would be minimal. Mayor Glasser asked about the plan for addressing the lifeguard pay scale. HRD Varian explained it is being worked on to bring them up in the same manner as tonight's proposal, with a minimum rate of $15.00 per hour. HR Varian confirmed it will be brought back to the Commission. Mayor Glasser spoke about providing the same pay adjustments to salaried charter officers and asked how it would be addressed. HRD Varian explained her plan to come back with a resolution to give the city manager and city clerk the same increase as the general employees. Mayor Glasser clarified that the Commission would need to give direction on that. Commissioner Bole spoke in favor of Option 3. Commissioner Waters spoke in favor of Option 3. Commissioner Norris spoke in favor of Option 3. Commissioner Kelly commented that a City that can buy a luxury of a Splash Pad can also afford to pay their employees a living wage. Mayor Glasser shared opinions on the pay raise adjustments and spoke in favor of starting with Option 3. She asked the entire Commission if they would also support making the 12% adjustment applicable to the City Clerk and the City Manager. She commented on the CM's contract not being looked at since he started; noting he is not the highest paid person in the City and believes they owe it to the City Clerk as well. Mayor Glasser thanked the employees in attendance for coming and sharing their stories. Mayor Glasser asked for everyone to comment on the charter officer question. Commissioner Bole stated that it's a thumbs up for him. Commissioner Kelly mentioned that she would like to make it a separate issue and discuss it at another time. Mayor Glasser confirmed with CA Durden that it would require a resolution. Commissioner Waters stated that he did not want to discuss or vote on it tonight but agreed to have it as an option. Commissioner Norris agreed with having it as a topic, noting it would still need to be brought back as a presentation, consensus would be needed, then come back with a resolution for action. CM Corbin stated that he heard consensus on Option 3 and stated that this would be brought back as a budget amendment as soon as possible. (There was a five minute break from 8:15 pm 8:20 pm.) Attachment A to 3-28-22 Minutes 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Regular City Commission March 28, 2022 F1 6 Commissioner Bole • Noted it was great to see everyone here tonight. • Reported only hearing comments supporting the pay raises. Commissioner Kelly • Reported on her attendance at the Wild Wonders event and commented that it was great. Commissioner Norris • Requested an update on the progress of maternity and paternal leave policies. • Requested no parking signs for addressing issues raised by Sue Sands during public comment. Commissioner Waters • Spoke about needing to address Sue Sands' parking concerns. • Addressed comments made by employees regarding the pay raise issue and thanked them for their loyalty. Mayor Glasser • Thanked city employees for their work. • Mentioned letters she sent to Councilman Rory Diamond with COJ regarding funding for the Baker Center and a letter sent to Governor DeSantis regarding the Local Business Protection Act. • Spoke about Tour de Parks and her plan to once again request a permanent bike route through Atlantic Beach during budget discussions. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Glasser read the consent agenda. 6A. Acknowledge receipt of the Monthly Financial Report for February 2022 ACTION. Approve Consent Agenda Item 6A as written. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Candace Kelly Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. Regular City Commission March 28, 2022 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 22-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO ENTER INTO A RADIO SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE FOR P25 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin explained the Resolution. MOTION. Adopt Resolution No. 22-26. Motion: Brittany Norris Second. Michael Waters Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. 9 ACTION ON ORDINANCES 9A. ORDINANCE NO. 75-22-27, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 19, STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES, ARTICLE I, GENERAL PROVISIONS, SECTION 19-6, TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT, FOR SEVERABILITY, AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Ordinance by title. CM Corbin reported on the ordinance. Mayor Glasser opened the public hearing. There were no speakers. Mayor Glasser closed the public hearing. MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 75-22-27 as read by title. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Candace Kelly Regular City Commission March 28, 2022 Ellen Glasser For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. 10 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None. 11 CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CA Durden reminded everyone that she cannot attend the April 23rd Town Hall meeting. 12 CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Bole shared thoughts on the Baker Center military children and advised he would be willing to call MWR to facilitate a bus route. Commissioner Kelly reported on parent's night at the Baker Center and staff's efforts to provide upgraded programs. City Manager Corbin gave thanks to the Commission for their guidance on the salary adjustments. Mayor Glasser commented on transportation and bus routes and advised that she will reach out to the school liaison officer at the base for help with our transportation issues. She spoke about Ms. Sands' concerns with parking on Plaza and explained the need to look at what is a reasonable use of that right-of-way and block it off. She also explained the need to look at the current ordinance on right-of-way parking and determine what changes are needed for Plaza and other areas. 13 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: J Z &/�W z 1 Ellen Glasser, Mayor Regular City Commission March 28, 2022 r -j Attacnment A 3-28-22 Minutes 10, wttacnment w 3-28-22 Minutes - 7�,*AQ , J ATL ANTIC Pay Scale Analysis/Recommendations • Issues • Pay Scales not adjusted since 2018 • Minimum wage has to be $15 per hour by September 30, 2026 • Open positions remain unfilled • COAB is at a recruiting disadvantage • Recommendations • Adjust current pay scales • Adjust current employees' wages witacnment w 3-28-22 Minutes ATLA TIC BEAU Consumer Price Index *The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Indexes are available for the U.S. and various geographic areas. Average price data for select utility, automotive fuel, and food items are also available. Attachment A 3-28-22 Minutes ALANTI BEACH Category All items Food Food at home Cereals and bakery products ---------------------- Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs Dairy and related products Fruits and vegetables Nonalcoholic beverages and beverage materials other food at home Food away from home Full service meals and snacks Limited service meals and snacks Energy Energy commodities Fuel oil Gasoline (all types) Energy services 12 -month percent change, Feb 2022 7.9 7.9 8.0% 25.6% 37.9% 43.6% 38.4% Attachment A 3-28-22 Minutes ATL TIC BEACH 12 -month percentage change, Consumer Price Index, selected categories Charts related to the latest %.ansume price !ndez' nev s release i t,trre _liar: I -A: ® 12 -month percentage Change. Consumer Price Index selected categories (drilldown most recent month) v m 12 -month percentage change. Consumer Price Index, selected categories. February 2022, not seasonally adjusted Click on columns to drill down Percent 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Major categories All items Food E:ergv All items less food and energy source. U.S. wmau of labor Statistics 41 u Attachment A 3-28-22 Minutes ... ,,N PIC BEACH 2012 229.6 2.1% 2013 233.0 1.5% 2014 236.7 1.6% 2015 237.0 0.1% 2016 240.0 1.3% 2017 245.1 2.1% 2018 251.1 2.4% 2019 255.7 1.8% 2020 258.8 1.2% 2021* 271.4 4.8% *An estimate for 2021 is based on the change in the CPI from second quarter 2020 to second quarter 2021. 3.0% Ave./Yr. ATTacnment w 3-28-22 Minutes ic BEACH .. �+gpt RESOLUTION 04-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING BUDGET POLICIES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach would like to formalize the budget policies used in the development and adoption of the Annual Operating Budget, and WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach uses these budget policies to explain what is included in the budget, its relationship with other documents, and the process of how the document is created, and WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach uses these budget policies to include a description of the basis for allocations, restrictions and projections of budgeted funds, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach as follows: Section 1. The budget policy highlights attached hereto, are hereby adopted and will be used. as the general guidelines and the annual budget will be adopted in accordance with the budget policies referenced herein. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption_ PASSED by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, this 1371L' day of September 2004. Attest: r I .Jim [1 Soni . � 1 ere InteIyG City Clerk 1 P iding Officer Budget Policy Highlights The City ;Manager will propose to the City Commission a budget that is in accordance with the following guidelines. • The City Manager will hold strategic planning sessions at the beginning of each budget preparation cycle. • The proposed budget will include appropriations sufficient to deliver at least the current level of service for all programs. • Proposed changes to levels of service will be addressed as separate issues in the budget workshops for consideration. • The proposed budget will be presented using the current ad valorem tax rate. • The proposed budget will be balanced, meaning that available resources phis projected revenues will equal the budgeted expenses plus projected ending casts. • The projected ending cash balance will exceed all legal required restrictions plus meet or exceed the Cay Commission designated 25% operating reserve for all major funds. • The reserve balance is calculated as 25% of the sum of parroq expenses and operating expenses of the budget being proposed. Debt service has its own reserve requirement. • The proposed budget will include the 3% across the board merit increase per City Commission adopted resolution. • The proposed budget document will include a ten-year financial projection of the major operating funds. • The proposed budget will fully fund the pension benefit using the dollar amount designated by the respective pension plan's actuaries for both police and general employees. • .all future changes to the pension plan benefits w•11 be evaluated for the Long-term impact on the City before that change is implemented. • Capital items will be included in the proposed budget if either previously designated by the City Commission or if identified in an adopted pian Basic items necessary to deliver the service level proposed will also be included. Discretionary capital items will be included in workshop discussions for prioritisation and funding. Attachment A 3-28-22 Minutes I //C ► EACH AT- �A. NP Historically, the City Commission annually adjusted the pay scale by a percentage and then gave employees who have been employed with the City at least 6 months with a satisfactory evaluation, a percentage of the midpoint of their salary grade (merit increase). Other methods have been used. Sometimes a flat percentage has been applied. In other years, a pay study was conducted and the pay scale adjusted accordingly. Longevity pay has also been used. *The pay scale has not been adjusted since 2018. Attacnment A 3-28-22 Minutes AT J IBEACH �a••.USS �� �R3f ev,�w.,/° Max was increased 1% 1% Pay Study 2% of midpoint plus longevity pay adjustments 1% 3% of midpoint 1% 3% of midpoint 1% 3% of midpoint 1% 3% of midpoint Pay study adjustments 3% None 1 3% None 1 3% None 1 3% wzzacnment w 3-28-22 Minutes Position Department Head Building Official/Dir. City Clerk City Engineer Deputy City Manager Finance Human Resources Planning Public Utilities Public Works Recreation Mid Range Accountant Building Inspector Cashier/Cust Accts Procurement Manager Senior Planner Entry Level Meter Reader Animal Control Officer Park Ranger/Maintenance Attachment A 3-28-22 Minutes Atlantic Beach Jax Beach Neptune Beach Min Mid Max Min Mid Max Min Mid Max $29.70 $39.36 $49.01 $31.42 $41.16 $50.90 N/A N/A N/A $44.58 $25.85 $33.86 $41.88 $37.21 $29.70 $39.36 $49.01 $38.19 $50.03 $61.87 N/A N/A N/A $43.64 $57.83 $72.01 $48.75 $63.86 $78.97 N/A N/A N/A $37.42 $49.58 $61.74 $42.11 $55.16 $68.21 $50.37 $32.08 $42.51 $52.93 $36.37 $47.65 $58.97 Combined with Clerk $32.08 $42.51 $52.93 $36.37 $43.22 $58.93 $36.00 $32.08 $42.51 $52.93 N/A N/A N/A Combined with PW $32.08 $42.51 $52.93 $42.11 $55.16 $68.21 $49.40 $29.70 $39.36 $49.01 $36.37 $47.65 $58.93 N/A N/A N/A $19.43 $24.78 $30.12 $22.33 $29.25 $36.18 N/A N/A N/A $20.40 $27.04 $33.67 $21.27 $27.86 $34.45 N/A N/A N/A $13.81 $17.61 $21.41 $14.39 $18.86 $23.32 $12.16 $15.19 $23.40 $20.40 $27.04 $33.67 $24.62 $32.25 $39.88 N/A N/A N/A $23.58 $31.24 $38.91 $25.85 $33.86 $41.88 N/A N/A N/A $13.81 $17.61 $21.41 $14.39 $18.86 $23.32 $12.76 $15.95 $24.57 $13.81 $17.61 $21.41 $14.39 $18.86 $23.32 N/A N/A N/A $13.81 $17.61 $21.41 $16.66 $21.83 $26.99 N/A N/A N/A wttacnment w 3-28-22 Minutes r ATLANTIC BEACH COA B Entry Level Meter Reader Animal Control Officer Park Ranger/Maintenance Local Retailers Target Walmart Publix Chik Filet Buc-ee's Min $13.81 $13.81 $13.81 Mid $17.61 $17.61 $17.61 $15.00 $15.00 $14.19 $15.00 $14.73-$19.75 Max $21.41 $21.41 $21.41 Min Difference $1.19 $1.19 $0.38 $1.19 $0.92-5.94 wttacnment w 3-28-22 Minutes S "a' ff� rit ra A"%H TLANTIC BEA2� 141ell-I Florida Amendment 2, the $15 Minimum Wage Initiative, was on the ballot in Florida as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 3, 2020. It was approved. A "yes" vote supported the initiative to increase the state's minimum wage incrementally until reaching $15 per hour in September 2026. *Adjusting the City's pay scale by 9% would bring our minimum pay to $15. wttacnment w 3-28-22 Minutes AT LALNTTIC BEACH d < 7% increase in 10 years Park Ranger 1 $12.94 $16.26 $19.58 Park Ranger 1 $13.81 $17.61 $21.41 Park Ranger 1 $15.05 $19.19 $23.34 *Adjusting the City's pay scale by 9% would bring our minimum pay to $15. wzzacnment w 3-28-22 Minutes TLANTIC BEACH Position Department Head Building Official/Dir. City Clerk City Engineer Deputy City Manager Finance Human Resources Planning Public Utilities Public Works Recreation Mid Range Accountant Building Inspector Cashier/Cust Accts Procurement Manager Senior Planner Entry Level Meter Reader Animal Control Officer Park Ranger/Maintenance Atlantic Beach Min Mid Max Entire COAB pay scale should be adjusted by 9% to avoid compression. This does not raise/impact existing employees' salaries unless salaries are below their pay scale. t t $29.70 1 $39.36 1 $49.01 $44.58 $29.70 1 $39.36 1 $49.01 $43.64 j $57.83 j $72.01 $37.42 $49.58 $61.74 $32.08 1 $42.51 1 $52.93 $32.08 $42.51 $52.93 $32.08 1 $42.51 1 $52.93 $32.08 $42.51 $52.93 $29.70 i $39.36 i $49.01 $19.43 $24.78 $30.12 $20.40 1 $27.04 1 $33.67 $13.81 $17.61 $21.41 $20.40 1 $27.04 1 $33.67 $23.58 $31.24 $38.91 1 1 $13.81 $17.61 $21.41 $13.81 $17.61 $21.41 $13.81 $17.61 $21.41 Entire COAB pay scale should be adjusted by 9% to avoid compression. This does not raise/impact existing employees' salaries unless salaries are below their pay scale. wttacnment w 3-28-22 Minutes ` ATLAS IC BEACH p� ti£)IS �Y ..✓�l j Pay Scale Option Adjustment Additional Adjustment for Current Employees Total Cost Increase 1 9% 9% For All Employees $448, 776.39 9.00% 9% + 3% for pay grades 17-29, Only 9% for 2 9% Department Heads $5691429.33 11.42% 3 9% 9% + 3% For All Employees $6991433.54 13.81% Recommendations: 1. Adjust the entire pay scale by a minimum of9%,AND 2. Adjust the current employees salaries by 9% and (Choose Option 1-3) Attacnment A 3-28-22 Minutes ` S TLA ICBEACH } Budget Impacts FY22 Current FY22 ADJ FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 Wage $4,632,052.36 $4,915,795.00 5,355,523.77 5,516,189.48 5,681,675.17 5,852,125.42 6,027,689.18 FICA 354,352.01 376,058.32 409,697.57 421,988.50 434,648.15 447,687.59 461,118.22 $ 4,986,404.37 $ 5,291,853.32 5,765,221.34 5,938,177.98 6,116,323.32 6,299,813.01 6,488,807.41 % increase from previous year 6.13% 8.95% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% Revenues (Major Government & Enterprise Funds* 34,012,992 34,012,992 34,198,562 35,384,769 36,247,506 37,138,324 % increase in revenue 0.55% 3.47% 2.44% 2.46% Wages/FICA as % of Revenues 15% 16% 17% 17% 17% 17% *Includes General, Half Cent Sales Tax, Local Option Gas Tax, Water, Sewer, Santitation, and Stormwater Funds Minimal budget impact: Projected annual % increases in revenues exceeds projected annual increases in wages/FICA as % of revenues 38, 063, 651 2.49% 17% Attachment A 3-28-22 Minutes rt fn n,ATLA N IC BEACH t d wttacnment w 3-28-22 Minutes AT,LANTIC BEACIII Azzacnmenic A 3-28-22 Minutes ATL,NTIC BEACH '7 9 5113 - Azzacnmenz A 3-28-22 Minutes COAB vs. JB Pay Grades by Selected Positions as of 3/21/2022 Position Atlantic Beach lax Beach Min Difference Min Mid max Min Mid Max Department Head Building Official/Dir. $29.70 $39.36 $49.01 1 $31.42 $41.16 $50.9 $1.72 5.79 City Clerk 1 $44.58 I 1 $25.85 $33.86 $41.881 NA 1 NA City Engineer 1 $29.70 $39.36 $49.011 1 $38.19 $50.03 $61.871 $8.49 1 28.59 Deputy City Manager ( $43.64 $57.83 $72.011 1 $48.75 $63.86 $78.971 $5.11 1 11.71 Finance 1 $37.42 $49.58 $61.741 1 $42.11 $55.16 $68.211 $4.69 1 12.53 Human Resources 1 $32.08 $42.51 $52.931 1 $36.37 $47.65 $58.971 $4.29 1 13.37 Planning 1 $32.08 $42.51 $52.931 1 $36.37 $43.22 $58.931 $4.29 1 13.37 Public Utilities ( $32.08 $42.51 $52.931 1 N/A N/A N/A1 NA 1 NA Public Works 1 $32.08 $42.51 $52.931 1 $42.11 $55.16 $68.211 $10.03 1 31.27 Recreation $29.70 $39.36 $49.01 1 $36.37 $47.65 $58.93 $6.67 22.46 Mid Range $19.43 $24.78 $30.12 1 $22.33 $29.25 $36.18 $2.90 14.93 Accountant Building Inspector 1 $20.40 $27.04 $33.671 1 $21.27 $27.86 $34.451 $0.87 1 4.26 Cashier/CustAccts 1 $13.81 $17.61 $21.411 1 $14.39 $18.86 $23.321 $0.58 1 4.20 Procurement Manager 1 $20.40 $27.04 $33.671 1 $24.62 $32.25 $39.881 $4.22 1 20.69 Senior Planner $23.58 $13.81 $31.24 $17.61 $38.91 $21.41 1 $25.85 1 $14.39 $33.86 $18.86 $41.8 $23.3 $2.27 $0.58 9.63 4.20 Ent Level Meter Reader Animal Control Officer 1 $13.81 $17.61 $21.411 1 $14.39 $18.86 $23.321 $0.58 1 4.20 Park Ranger/Maintenance $13.81 $17.61 $21.41 1 $16.66 $21.83 $26.9 $2.85 2064.