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09-01-22 CESM Adopted MinutesMINUTES Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting Thursday, September 1, 2022 - 2:00 PM Commission Chamber Present: Angela Irizarry, Code Enforcement Officer Suzanne Green, Special Magistrate Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk(DCC) 1. CALL TO ORDER Magistrate Green called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the July 7th, 2022 regular meeting of the Special Magistrate meeting. The minutes were approved as submitted. 3. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH Magistrate Green administered the Oath to the attendees, staff and respondents. 4. OLD BUSINESS A. CASE#: 21-037 NAME: Havens Peter * ADDRESS: 94 W 13th St Testified: CE Officer Irizarry Respondent: Peter Havens was not present. Action: The matter is deferred until the November 3, 2022 Code Enforcement hearing date. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. CASE#: 22-029 NAME: Blakely Matthew Et Al * ADDRESS: 1448 Camelia St Testified: CE Officer Irizarry Code Enforcement Special Magistrate September 1,2022 Page 1 of 3 Respondent: Matthew Blakely was present. Action: The matter is deferred until the November 3, 2022 Code Enforcement hearing date. 4B. CASE#: 21-052 NAME: Brenda Page ADDRESS: 1251 Tulip St Testified: CE Officer Irizarry, Paul Eakin on behalf of respondent. Counsel referenced email correspondence from their engineer, Fortress Engineering Group, dated August 26, 2022 and entered into evidence which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Exhibit 1. Respondent: Brenda Page was present. Action: That a City electrician shall inspect the property by September 21, 2022. Upon inspection, Respondent shall submit a demolition. The City of Atlantic Beach shall review the application and any further ruling shall be deferred, if needed. Exhibit 1 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion,Magistrate Green declared the meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Attest: 11 Suzanne Green, Special Magistrate Vaness ngers, Records Clerk Code Enforcement Special Magistrate September 1,2022 Page 2 of 3 Exhibit 1 Jessica Lewis From: Steve McCorvey <> Sent: Friday,August 26,2022 2:31 PM To: Jessica Lewis Cc: Victoria Cooney VV. Subject: Re: 1451 Tulip Street- Brenda Page Sip What did Brenda ask you to do?We were retained to inspect the work and confirm if it was constructed properly. After our inspection and determination that multiple deficiencies were present, she hired us for an additional scope of work to provide structural drawings depicting what should have been constructed so she had a baseline for litigation. Could you tell whether the structure that was standing there was built within the plans you provided? The structure was not built to our plan or standard building practices. There are likely additional discrepancies that were not visible with the siding and drywall already installed at the time of our inspection. However, at a minimum, the walls were constructed without footers(foundations) beneath, the block "stemwall"appeared ungrouted without steel reinforcement, the trusses were not certified or documented by a truss engineer, the floor support beam was undersized and improperly oriented, the sheathing was inadequately fastened, and we do not see evidence that uplift rods were installed in the walls as required by code. Do we have to do destructive testing? Knowing that there are already multiple deficiencies that were already built, I do not see much value in further testing or evaluation. The majority of the structural components will require reworking or replacement. Stephen McCorvey Professional Engineer,Fortress Engineering Group a f904t821-7300 t j904)878-4180 f. FortressEnoineeri Page 3 of 3