3-21-22 Speaker FormsSPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: 2di1 .�! a � ��� Name: �`C � f2�� AJ Meass Nota. FE oNda has a venj Inroad PanMC Records Law. Masa urerittUen and rrecorrde commvnica,tions to or gromra State and Locap OffWa Ps and agencies regarMng State or ILoCap Wsines are pubfle records aivaiOaMe to the pa bft and McMa Upon request. PROMM YOUR COM`>TACT Mf 0RRjj ATI Mi,,J BELMM M OPifp MAL. Address: 15 6 a. �&p acjel Q l&_ City: �; Phone deo.: E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTMAL) Atlantic reach resident Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------- -------------- ------------------------- —------------ ----------- —----------------------------------- ----------------------- PLIEAgE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ l wish to address the Cori missia during Couvaesy of the spoor on: ❑ Agends ptem No. z y and/or ❑ `topic not an the agenda: )�l wish to address the Commission during the pail flc Hearing for Agenda p4,errrro No. A -PF '? o l am in support of the above agenda item. )(5 p am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ l do not wish to address the Commission, but l am in support of agenda item To the Atlantic Keach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proce, deserves. This allows for better public input and supports malting the best decisions for the citizens who we are Fre to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT RefrrMn from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Eupyrress yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Copia borate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. i �r:4i; ir{: *'.•:';': i:'.r:r :t:'::ti::Yt: i::.• �t'r�t:t:Y::9tird: iriri::1' h:4drir3:4'e*f. �::Yie'r:Y:'rir � :r•.`.:k+i; :rit:'r:': i.` �: Acir:4 �•:::�:t � 1t:r*ir � *i::k�:? k9r't'h'ri»4f; irathi:::::t: t.^.•i: �r � tr!r+:tirY:•ir:V:4'.: ir': Y: rt� ki: � **�:: SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: ,,, ar�o2, dame: Please Note: FIorrids has a verrsy broad Public Records (haw. Most vomition Sind records communications to or from State and Loccai OfGurc6aps and agencies regarding State or Loom busines are public records avaiiabie to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING ''O_1R CONTACT IMFORNWOONBr-LVIS OPTIONAL: Add - f!/.. J Cit Phone No.: QV�- E-mail: &2z, PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --- —-------------------- --------------------------------- ----- _------------ ----------- _----------------------------------- --------- -------------------- PLEASE --------- - PL EASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: r(wish to address the Commission during Courrtes~f of the Floor- on: t_ �l��enm9a� item No. 4n—CO L .1 LD) and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Pubiicc Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ i do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic (Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City C;ornmission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proees deserves. This allows for Fetter public input and supports making the best decisions for the 6tizens who we are he to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of f:espect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Enpvrress yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. d•��r�1rtF.+k�•ttt'r:rie•t.•iei:h+':t�'dr'•rrt'r+k+:irlyd: irir:'rir+Yfrlri:l:4:r*ist+Yirh+tirirrtir:P:4J:rir+'r+:•ktirirtrt+::eirrtir'rtdr�*�r'.r�r+Ykir•.rYr'rir+Y+; ir+t+F':•:rl: l: J: i:•�r �+Y!r� rti:�r+t:Y'.: �r'.r kkir•.'rird'h+Yiri SPEAKER REQUEST FORM�,� ®ate: 3 �11:v flame: _ALl �fiGrt'1-r- (PIy " " 4 rp , please Mote: Floridan haus a vr,erry broad Pubflc Records Law. Most vurrltten and records communications to or from State and Local Offfi'lrcials Bind a,genoles regerrdIng Starts or Local busines are pu bilc records available to the pu blk and mroedlle upon request. PROVIDING YOUR COMTACT INFORRjgA "ION BELOVr M OPTIONAL: Address: IS -15 -- 13 -/ City: /y l tQ.t, tz6 Rhone hyo.:q E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: Y: (OPTIO rN AL) ))-(Atlantic Beach Resident k Atlantic Beach Property Owner ,Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEAS E COMPLETE ETE LAND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: 1;?4 wish to address the Commis 7'n duriCou rtes p off the EIoo❑ enda� Item No. FP 7, z - OU®/ � . and/or ❑ Topvlc not on the agenda: ❑wish to address the Commission during the Publlo Hearing. for Agenda Item N. o. 1z,_ ❑ I am in support of the alcove agenda item. ❑ I aim opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ D do not wish to address the Commission, but I aim of agenda item WEiLC(j)P'/E. To the Atlantic; Beach City Gornrnission Meeting We will coriduct meetings of the City Gan-cmission with a IevEl of civility and respect that the democratic proce: deserves. ` •his allows for better public input and supports nnalcing the best decisions for the r:itizens who we are Vie to serve. We ask, that everyone in the meeting practice the following. principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Ra;frrain ''from putdowns, criticism aria personal attacks. Enc o urr.-jge otNrers to state their views. Suppa rCl each other, even if you don't agree. PvairoUce active listening. EaKpvass yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. CoUaborats-, do no'( compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such 'trust is violated. i hir': it is t'; �`:': tir'.r�: is it i; :Yi:t �•irir :Fir:4>`. iriri: it i�'.rir'.rir it i:':'.ci: pis �: is ic': :4 irir �: :: `:tic ;; :ric iri: �tirir:t',::`.:t:r�k;'ri: it��:i:'.r:t it Xiri:�•iri:iti:ir:4'k'.::': it ist^.:�:X�ir'•ri;:`iri:ir:Y iri: ir'.: is i:'h %': is :::4 is ir: SPEAKER REQMEES T FORM Fate: Name: �a D-�17V. Je Pgasq Haus: MoF Wa has a venj hFoadJ PuNki; 6RIocorrcols Lavre. Pugostt vvfflran and rrecovda rcommvjn cafrriions to orf' frromro gtaua and LLacap sind aganc as regard6 g State ov Loca� busiinss erre pubc rrecorrds arvaruparWe to the ifyubft and mr ooft mpon YSquest. PROMMS YOURI COWACT MF®RMAM0 J BELOTO M ®FT�xx_tw MN L: MO Address:�_74 S� City: Rhone No.: qqvl ' 6� t" E-mail: F1 `� � t �El QlT 1 - c3 � -- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: QOP u MALA 0 Atlantic Beach resident I ( Atlantic Beach Property Owner 0 Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILEASE COMPLETE AHD CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Coag gssj of the Moov on: GAgands ptevn No. and/or ❑ Top c not on the agawdso );j,f wish to address the Commission during the puNbc Heaving for Aganda pftam Me.. ❑ i am in support of the alcove agenda item. ❑ i am opposed to the above agenda iternn, ❑ 0 do not wish to address the Commission, but l afro in sup of agenda iter WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proces deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are her to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT RefrraM from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collpa borate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. i• k�•:': •Ir T::k'.::'::': i:'.r'.r:: is :r i; h:Yf:'.: •Ir'c:Y'.r:Y:Y iriri: •(rir'rrt:Y'r •Ir � •:: i:: *i: i::'r�r'.: it �r it � :: `:Yfrf::rir:'r:': s'•::•ir �r'.c;::Y:c:r � rt:'rT: it � :`3:'.r � :'r •� :r'.:•h'ri::Ytk•htr'::Y'.t:'••h.:'::`.'.r �:'r'r'.•:`. :'r': ir:Y'.r'.:',r'r Y: is it d:'.::::Y �: it': SPEAKER REQUEST !i°OGs'M date: Z Z Fume: Pease Note: ForWa has a venj broad Pubilic Records Low. Most bvrr itten and records( comrr uMca,tuons to or from State and Looap ®ffffucWs and agencc6ss Pega rfflng State orr LacM busines are par bflc records arva ala We to the p ubft and med9 a upon request. PRIOV9 DII G YOUR CONTACT W®RMATl IJOH SELO'W IS ®PMONAL. Address: City: Phone No.: E-mail: -------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL T A7 APPLY: (OP IT[IO ALS ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: �(I wish to address the Commission during Courrtes�f of the FIloorr on: p Agendas Rem ,No. and/or ❑ ITopv c not on the agenda' ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the PuNc HeauIng for Agenda pttam M. a. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda, item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item TOE ILCONE To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are herE to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encouvage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. C®ftborate, do not compete or collude. `rust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *;k:Y*ist.•**ic*i:'.:�-'.ci:***f:i:*irir k'rk*ir**icirir:t*ir***i:i:*i:i: it icic*is ic#i::::tirir:4*lri:**ir*:'c'ka::r'.;*sYk:`is*****irx•ir:Yiriri:ie:': it**'.: ::**t.:l•:l•'x*'ri: is *i: it k:4 is is*i: is*tir:: *i: ic': ;c SPEAKER REQUEST( FORM ®ate:Z� �iD22 Name: t -) G Iceaase Note: F3oAdaa has a very (broad Pulbft Records Lavd. Most vvften and recorded' communications to or from State and ILocaI Officials and agencies regarding State or LocaI business are public records av0aalble to the I®ub is and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: 2-W`? A aWZ ;?�WA City: Phone No.: qoA uoo ot? s' E-mail: Its a'r<A ,-T 44-iq cyt.Lk I - e --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident 9� Atlantic Beach Property Owner C3 Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE /,Aft® CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: e'I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ /Agenda Item No. '3 and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda, WI wish to address the Commission during the Public blic Hearing for Agenda Item No. 22 ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item bI)JELC0M Yo the Atlantic; Beach City Commission Meeting VVe will conduct rnsefings of the City Cornmission with a level of civility and resper,t that the dernocra,tic procea deserves. This allows far better public input and supports malting the best decisions for the c•:ifiizens who we are he to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the fallowing principles of t ei .-,pact for each other. RG-ffrraain from putdowns, Gdticism and personal attacks. Encouaarrngs others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. rz:aZprress yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively, Coflabaraitte, do not compete or collude. Trust each ocher, unless and until such trust is violated. d• h k :'; $ t. oY'::':'.: d: •:r'.r :: is k it ki: t'.c 9r'.nt'nY is •Ir dr is it 9r'r k kdr dr S•':.. •'; � is $: is ir'r.Y irir :::::; :k'.r it iNr it tk � t is ir':'.: fik:r � :::'rh. it � :ri:'rk:'r k iH: ir',ri: it ,.'r kir'::: �.ri: i::': is u'• oY'r:Y :Yir t: inY ir'.: ir':'h, t, k.;: is ;: k tir. SPEAKER' REQUEMT FORM Date: V� a� I Name: � Meaass Mote: MorWa has a venj broad Pubft Recor09s Levu. Mast vIerotten Ind racordla commvjnu c at lions to air from State and Locaa OT-Fgc o&a s 8an09 sganco0gs rageirMng Stata ov Lacap bmsMss ar(q pubc records aavaoparLMe to the pa bft and madki upon request. C ROMMS YOMFI COWACT WFORMATI pM,,9 S��ELQW M ®PiiMMAL: Address: ���� �Or a �'St City: Rhone No.� PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: QOp U MMAL� �tlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AMD CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: r� wish to address the Commission during CaMes f of the Moor on: \t �eneja pffGm No. ? - �') , �� C��C� \tvs and/or ❑ Topoc not on the aganda . ❑ E wish to address the Commission during the Pu bliic Hearing for Aganda Pham Geo.__ ❑ D am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ p am opposed to the above agenda, i'tern. ❑ p oro not wish to address the Commission, but G am in supo of agenda item T(-�) the Atlantic; Beach City Commission Meeting We will cor-jduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proce., deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the 6tizens who we are he to serve. We z,si; that everyone in the meriting practice thy: frillowinq lorinciples of Respect for each other. RESPEC 7 Reffrra lin from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. PFacfflu;e active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Co10aborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. �; �r�': in*':+`d: t'r :r »•i:::i::4t: is � �t :Y�1•:nk�: ir�ri: �rir'.n4:Y:4irsYf: ;42r*i: t�Yic'rs4 irir � ic:F'r�::cic drf` ik�:47et'..•:::rir� h:ctir� A•ie:4'k4r kir'cYr',r3r�4�irirA•'.:::'rkt": i:'.r �!r'c:'::tr�ri: dr•h:4i: �r:':4t'kir ki: 'u *ie�ri SPEAKER REQUEST FORRigi Cate: _ I �� Name: � �I ISH \�� � M, 00 rle, Ii P6eass Mous: fi°6®PWs has a venj broad Pub66c Recovds Latre. 6Pu'6ostt burWen and records commvjn6ca,f6ons to or from &aqe and Loc ao Offic;6aj6s and agenc6ss regapdiing State orr Loca6 bus6nes are pia Nb c records arvai6 a We to the pubft and mr offla upon request. FROV/VNG SYOUFII C0M`>TACT U( FO( UV 9ATEOH BELWAJ pS OP I OVAL: Address: City: Phone deo.: E-mail: --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------..._-------- -- PLEASE CHECK ALL TCCA li APPL Y: (OPT6ONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ----------------------------------------------------------------_-----------------------_-------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COWiIPLE E AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commissio__ during Oouytes;f of the FIlDorr on: ❑ Agenda kern No. and/or ❑ Top6c not on the agenda: v � $ � GA�_�� _�� 1��� � C e nr ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Pub66c Hearing for Agenda Eft m No. _ •2�1 am in support of the above agenda, item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. -o U do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meefing We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic proce! deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making fhe best decisions for the citizens who we are he to serve. We ask that everyone in the meriting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks, Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Coflaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *dr*d:*t*':***'r:r:r*:rirt:':**9r*rt'r***irl:**'r*1r****'.r'r*i:**irh*•lrir**:Y'r9r*ir**•i:dc*t'..•: irdr�fr:4****dr*fir+YA•ir'r*'rir'r****'.: °:'r*t:4i:***{r� �ie': int:'r'.: dr:4***:kt�:*4r*i SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: SBurne: M a (/o n TO) n SO>1 Please Note: Moridlar has a versy broad Public Records Low. Most written and records communications to or from State and Local Offfriu;izrls and a geneiss regarrdft State or Local busines arca public records available to the public and medJiar upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT IN FORRflATi ION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: Phone No.: E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) C ity: O Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: Y: ❑ I wish to address the Commis ' n daring Courtesy of the (Floor on: ❑ Agenda/ Item No. 3 -- 3 and/or ❑ `fop k not on the agenda: -Fi J t n -•t- Goin n cib r& treG 1Yn e rlt C e h'tU7__ ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public HearrinA for Agendas Item N. o. _ ____ v4am in support of the alcove agendas item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ,Zl do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item brUE LCrUM E - To the Atlantic: Beach City Corn rrrission Meeting We will coriduct rneetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the dernocratic pruce deserves. This allows for Netter public input and supports making the hest decisions for the citizens who we are he to serve, We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrrajin from putdr wns, criticism and personal attacks, Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Enprress yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Co laO orate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. is drtkiirt*�:•�•Y.'.r'.r:ti.•:efi:k:':i:�dr k:t:rd•:�ieir is �rir'.rskolr�ririrl:t:'r*i:9: eYirhet /.•��rp//2riRu it REQUEST /i�rhp k��•:[epir�sF;4i:{r�A•ir'.r�ukdr'rYr'rfnYl: iririr': d: ::i:'+':9: i:��:5''r': `ir+9ie:1•'.r�: ir'.::': tlr?: �:-•:r:': ir: SPE Date: � 2 I / � Name: M(WoyrQ pgases Moue: FOorodJa has a venj broad Pubflc Records La) Pftst uurr6tlen and records commvjnuccatuona to or from &ate and L oca0 Offi cipMs and agencoss Pelta rMng State or LocM [busines are pubOuc records avao0ar(bOe to the pubflc and madm upon request. PROMM YOUR' COWACT WFORMATO0O0`9 BED MRO M OPT00MAL. Address: l w t dcjSmtak, , __ city: rTl I cA6C., 9MCk FL Phone No.: E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL TH AT APPLY: QOPTOOMAL0 .VAtlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------- --------------------------------------- _------------ —--------- ------------------------------------_------------- G' L EASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Oommissio dur g Ooa�rtesy of the FOoorr on: ❑ Agenda Rem G oo 3 and/or ❑ Topk not an the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the PuMc Heao' n for Agenda Xemru ❑ i am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. JI do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Coppaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. **:t:':ici::Y:Yic*i;i::c:;i;*�:Ys`::':�r•h-ir �k�: �cici: irfr kic ki:irk�t. ::moi: t.:'r ic'.::Yirir��: h:: 7c:tic:'r:': �ki:ic':�::'.c':�stir*ir��*'.t's:ck:'r Xir'r�:ac•.'.•ir:'raY�'.:'e*i:sk:!•�kirirf.�::sYs: itiC:rie�c:Y�::'ct. �'k:Y:'•it:2its: n• SPEAKER REQUEST FORM ®ate: V oName: Pease Note. Ft o0dal has a very broad Public Records Lave. Most written and recorded. communications to or from State and Local O{fficWs and agencies regarding State orr Local business are public records aivajDarlbie to the pub0ic and media upon request. PROS VNG YOUR CONTACT UHFOIvMAT9O,N (BELOW M OPTDONALo Address: OV✓ �� City:��% t - Phone No.: E-mail: K) L114 0 oy"JI, PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Moor on: ❑ Agenda Rem NO. `? and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda, ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public HeariM for Agenda item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. r I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item 3