01-25-22 Commission Workshop Adopted Minutesr.. S4,i%/ A% MINUTES Commission Workshop Meeting Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - 5:00 PM Commission Chamber ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner- Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner- Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem/ Commissioner - Seat 5 Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager(CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) 1.CALL TO ORDER Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. WELCOME (MAYOR ELLEN GLASSER) Mayor Glasser had each Commissioner self-identify and welcomed the facilitator, Linda Lanier. 3.PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments. Amy Palmer spoke about the need for a baseline survey of the tree canopy and for the City's storm water ordinances to be in sync with the tree ordinances. Mark Gabrynowicz gave an overview of topics being addressed by the Environmental Stewardship Committee. There were no other speakers, so Mayor Glasser closed public comments. 4.REVIEW OF 2021 PRIORITIES AND THEIR STATUS DID THE PROCESS WORK SHANE CORBIN, CITY MANAGER) Ms. Lanier explained the meeting format. A. CM Corbin reported the status of each of the 2021 Priorities. Commission Workshop January 25,2022 5. VISION STATEMENT REVIEW (KEVIN HOGENCAMP, ASST. CITY MANAGER) DCM Kevin Hogencamp reported on the Community Visioning process and statement. A. DCM Kevin Hogencamp reported on the Community Visioning process and statement. 6.OVERVIEW OF NOMINAL GROUP PROCESS, URGENT/IMPORTANT MATRIX SMART FRAMEWORK (LINDA LANIER, FACILITATOR) Ms. Lanier explained the purpose for setting priorities, noting that a Priority is a topic that will receive particular, unusual, and significant attention. Ms. Lanier spoke about the Eisenhower Model and determining what is urgent and important. Ms. Lanier reviewed the process and the use of the SMART framework for goal-setting which must be: Specific Measurable Achievable/Actionable Relevant Time bound Ms. Lanier explained the plan to come up with a new list of priorities to be formally voted on by resolution. 7.REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF RESPONSES FROM COMMISSIONERS ACCORDING TO SUBJECT AREAS (LINDA LANIER AND GROUP) Ms. Lanier presented sheets which included the goals from last year and the new goals submitted by Commissioners in advance of this workshop. The Commission provided input and offered additional ideas to consider. The following were discussed. Livability: Blue Zones/Health Committee Promote equity& neighborhood identity Workforce housing Military/veteran friendly Improve arts/culture/rec/history department Funding: expand Baker Center/ splash pad Quality/safety of children's programs/sports Handicap door button - Chambers Recreation staff/programs accessible to all (programming) Aging in place - senior focus Youth Council Health/Wellness partnerships Commission Workshop January 25,2022 Historic District(incentives) Funding for Kid Zones ADA plan(other parks) Park amenity planning Racquetball courts - evaluate& re-purpose Environmental Leadership: Maximize recycling,prevent waste, reduce pollution Plastic reduction, reuse, recycle for groups using city venues Understand sea-level rise, improve resilience and education LEED -embed into city projects, Commission adopt policy Composting Hazardous waste drop-off Tree survey- canopy care and schedule Greener City venues (LEED) Planning& Budgeting: Adopt formal written policies for capital asset, accounting, auditing, financial reporting, internal controls, revenues, expenditures,purchasing,procurement, and debt. Equity in spending/budgeting across community: study and policy Consider spending decisions - impact on debt&pension liability Plan for end of Better Jacksonville money for time that's left; ARPA Pay, bonus, & retention issues; training equity City Clerk and IT hardening to lessen vulnerability-policies Mission& Strategic Plan Debt management- 0 debt Gas tax use Hot spot" pia/ming/connectivity plan Shovel ready plans Mayport Road Corridor: Community redevelopment plan / tax increment financing (TIF)- explore feasibility & other tools Expand NW boundary Greenway, connectivity, and readiness projects Clean up Post Office property Flyover- mural - clean Connectivity,Mobility, and Parking: Connectivity/Mobility Plan Traffic management; focused street and parking review- plans and goals; multi-modal Management of beach accesses City Services: Audit permitting and recreation reservation systems to create better efficiencies and service Commission Workshop January 25,2022 Formal employee welcome; recognition Improve online HR portal Partnerships with local, state agencies, legislators - strategy City attorney- evaluate staff position Best practices- record keeping/record management hardening Streamline building permits/processing Nuisance violations: information/insight Infrastructure: (New category) Sea level rise; resiliency Lifeguard Station Upgrade Seminole/Atlantic Blvd. intersection Seminole Road fence or reflectors Signage - consolidation Wi-Fi connectivity Buffers next to commercial corridors Capital Improvement Plans Once all the categories and ideas were presented and discussed,they went back through them to identify those that could be grouped with similar items. 8. VOTING AND PUBLIC COMMENTS The Commission used stickers to vote on items most important to them. Photos showing the votes are attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A. Public Comment Mayor Glasser opened the second round of public comment and the following spoke: Mark Gabrynowicz spoke about the need for planned maintenance. Emma Finn spoke about the health risks of herbicides and lawn pesticides and urged the Commission to address concerns by reducing levels through promoting, educating citizens and companies, and providing resources. CM Corbin spoke about the City stopping the use of Roundup in our public parks. An Oskarsson spoke about the importance of arts and recreation programming and its positive effect on the community's mental health, brain health, and overall wellness. She gave examples of programs the City could offer at our community centers. Jane Stevens explained examples of services and programs and urged the City to spend time looking at what is possible, instead of taking a program that is in place and marginally adjusting it. She further explained a process that could be used and noted that the future of our young citizens is both urgent and important. Commission Workshop January 25,2022 Attachment A of 1-25-22 Minutes 9.DISCUSSION AND SECOND ROUND OF VOTING TO WORK THROUGH PRIORITIES IN EACH SUBJECT AREA AND GENERATE COLLECTIVE, AGREED UPON GOALS FOR 2022 (LINDA LANIER AND GROUP) Ms. Lanier reviewed the results as shown on Attachment A. Discussion ensued and there was no need for a second round of voting. NEXT STEPS AND ADJOURNMENT (SHANE CORBIN) Ms. Lanier explained the next steps to have DCM Hogencamp prepare a draft list of priorities for the Commission's review and approval. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Attest: 1,144141,4_JAmizt, Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk ll-n Glasser, Mayor Date Approved: I IZg /2L Commission Workshop January 25,2022 Erstaimaisgfit^ ' ri C i 1' . Amipt .I_. r. A 04-25-22-M+nub UVAIUTY7 2.a-2 \ 2'' 0 1ue70 ne 5 I 4eal+h ConimitTO (,,-?Cr ramofe e ui# naigAborhood ijerri.i Iork ore. hou5lnq Athtary vetere n Emend 2022 e at-t5lcut fure/rrz"de f)4-: 4 co r,„ci,etti : e lifel r.cl 15aker Cr rrf er toplatill File*. ik !1 tAol i `/ , Ty of G,hi l T r•n 5 C%' att'1 ix_:1 F-.r r," 1` " t re* dr" N. ,e rad+1 0 n si-ti 4-4/-trols-drew5 4.-461.0, it)le . r iff.:,jr- achmell . 1 • . • s 114 liko AI 1111161.t f ii. .044 4 ..s2// We Li n 01: 11)0 110TorilkoPs _ pro.) i i Hid5-)Ficorqc k F.uncic n4rmK1 el Zone 5 ADA :gjecirl L. 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