12-12-22 Regular City Commission Adopted MinutesMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, December 12, 2022 - 6:30 PM r� a� Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER: Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Ford called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ATTENDANCE: Present: Curtis Ford, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Jessica Ring, Commissioner - Seat 5 Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Jason Gabriel, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) Steve Swann, City Engineer (CE) Amanda Askew, Planning & Community Development Dir. (PCDD) Troy Stephens, Public Utilities Director (PU) APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1A. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission meeting held on November 28, 2022. Mayor Ford asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Ford stated the minutes stand as presented. 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Ford explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Lee and Deb Leibecki were presented with a proclamation (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A) from Mayor Ford acknowledging their Holiday decorations. After reading the proclamation, he added, "Therefore let it be proclaimed that December 1 st shall henceforth be known as Atlantic Beach Christmas Day and shall be included by that name on the City calendar." Regular City Commission December 12, 2022 Lee Elmore spoke about the Luminaria on Saturday December 17, 2022 and mentioned that all AB proceeds will go to AB CARES nonprofit. Mayor Ford expressed his gratitude. A video showing the light show from the Leibecki's home was shown through this link. Doug Conkey of the St. Johns River Water Management District congratulated the new Commissioners and shared information regarding his role and SJRWMD projects. Attachment A to 12-12-22 Minutes 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. Permit Survey Permit Survey CM Corbin reported on this item and mentioned that there have been 174 participants thus far. 3B. Recent Storm Impacts & Resiliency Planning • Ian & Nicole Impact • Vulnerability Assessment & Adaptation Plan • Beach Renourishment o Schedule o Parking Counts • Planned Resiliency Related Capital Projects Presentation Link CE Swann presented on this item as linked in the agenda packet and answered questions from the Commission. 3C. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (Dec. 2022 - Feb. 2023) There was CONSESUS to approve the 90 -Day calendar. 3D. Chapter 19 - Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places CM Corbin requested guidance on whether to keep Chapter 19 as is or consider making text changes. PCDD Askew presented this item as detailed in the agenda packet and answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued about enforcement, site -line, and safety issues. Mayor Ford requested that the Commission consider having a workshop which would be open to the public to discuss Chapter 19. Commissioner Ring spoke in support of a workshop. 3E. Adele Grage Commissioners Office CM Corbin announced that a shared office for the Commission is in the process of being created and answered questions from the Commission. Mayor Ford explained his reasons Regular City Commission December 12, 2022 for requesting the office. It was also reported that the CA is sharing an office with the building official. 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS 4A. Sec. 2-19 Rules of Conduct and Procedure at Meetings (Mayor Ford) Mayor Ford reported on this item and mentioned that an Ordinance will be brought forth by CM Corbin and CA Gabriel for action in January. CA Gabriel added comments to share that this would add a courtesy of the floor section right before closing comments on the agenda. Mayor Ford requested that Commissioners submit any other recommendations for amendments to Sec. 2-19, no later than January 2. Commissioner Reports Commissioner Ring asked questions about the possibility of reinstating a parking committee. CM Corbin recommended bringing in a consultant. Mayor Ford advised about the opportunity to address it at the priority -setting workshop. Commissioner Kelly reported that the (past) parking committee was formed with a sunset. Commissioner Bole announced that he's a representative of the Beaches Town Center and that they are looking for a Dancin' in the Streets sponsor. 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6 CONSENT AGENDA None. 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS 7A. AB Verified Tree Service Provider (Linda Chipperfield, ESC Member) Ms. Chipperfield presented on this item as detailed in a PowerPoint (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Records as Attachment B) and answered questions from the Commission along with PCDD Askew. Attachment B to 12-12-22 Minutes 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS Mayor Ford advised about his goal to reduce the length of the meetings and noted plans to convert much of what we currently do by resolution to the consent agenda, whenever possible. 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 22-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ATLANTIC BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE JACKSONVILLE FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT FOR 911 MEDICAL INSTRUCTION SERVICES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Regular City Commission December 12, 2022 Mayor Ford read the Resolution by title. MOTION. Approve Resolution No. 22-79. Motion: Bruce Bole Second: Candace Kelly Bruce Bole (Moved By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Curtis Ford For Jessica Ring For Motion passed S to 0. 8B. RESOLUTION NO. 22-82 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH EXTENDING THE TERM OF SUZANNE GREEN AS SPECIAL MAGISTRATE FOR ONE YEAR; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ford read the Resolution by title. Commissioner Kelly stated that she attends these meetings regularly, complimented Special Magistrate Green, and spoke in favor of extending her contract. Commissioner Bole recommended keeping her, noting she's done a great job. MOTION. Approve Resolution No. 22-82 as read. Motion: Candace Kelly Second. Jessica Ring Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Curtis Ford For Jessica Ring (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8C. RESOLUTION NO. 22-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF WEDGEWATER SIEVE STATIC Regular City Commission December 12, 2022 9 10 SCREEN CABINET WITH STAINLESS STEEL PANEL FROM GRAVITY FLOW SYSTEMS, FOR $35,650.00; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ford read the Resolution by title. MOTION. Approve Resolution No. 22-86 as read. Motion: Candace Kelly Second: Michael Waters PU Director Stephens answered questions from the Commission Bruce Bole For Michael Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Curtis Ford For Jessica Ring For Motion passed S to 0. ACTION ON ORDINANCES None. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 10A. Appointment of a City Commissioner to Chair the Board Member Review Committee (Mayor Ford) Mayor Ford expressed his interest in serving as the BMRC Chair. MOTION. Appoint Mayor Curtis Ford to serve as the Chair of the Board Member Review Committee for the remainder of the unexpired term ending December 31, 2022 and for an additional term ending December 31, 2023. Motion: Michael Waters Second: Jessica Ring Bruce Bole For Michael Waters (Moved By) For Candace Kelly For Curtis Ford For Jessica Ring (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. Regular City Commission December 12, 2022 11 CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CC Bartle wished everyone happy holidays. 11A. Charter Review Committee Summary (CA Gabriel) CA Gabriel reported on this item. Mayor Ford recommended moving forward with a plan to appoint eleven members; two nominations from each Commissioner and three from the Mayor. He requested that each Commissioner come ready with an additional name, noting his desire to vote on nominations individually instead of a prearranged slate. Commissioner Bole recommended having three nominees each and hashing it out to reach a number between nine and fifteen. Commissioner Waters agreed with Commissioner Bole and recommended keeping the number down. The Commission agreed to recommend three nominees each at the next meeting and if not, it opens it up for someone else to present more candidates. Mayor Ford explained his request for CC Bartle to come up with criteria for qualifications and work on the application. Mayor Ford advised the Commission that they need to secure at least three perspective members and explained the possibility of needing additional nominations ready. 12 CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Bole commented on the Charter Review Committee and its importance. Commissioner Kelly commended the Recreation Department staff on the December events. Commissioner Waters stated that he feels good about the Commission and wished the AB residents happy holidays. Commissioner Ring wished everyone happy holidays, thanked city staff for the holiday events, and expressed her plan to see the lights in Oceanwalk. CM Corbin announced that Santa and the Grinch will be at the December 18th farmers market. 13 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: 119-312023 Cu`ff1-sTor&','K4ayor Regular City Commission December 12, 2022 Attachment A to 12-12-22 Minutes Vrodamation of the 6WEritp of 12;ttiantic T'llaoeacb Saluting and Expressing Heartfelt Gratitude to Lee and Deb Leibecki, Creators of `Atlantic Beach Christmas' WHEREAS, as a profound gift to their Oceanwalk neighbors and to other fellow Atlantic Beach residents, and to visitors far and wide, year in and year out, Lee and Deb Leibecki have lovingly created what has come to be known and celebrated as "Atlantic Beach Christmas," a wondrous holiday spectacle like no other at the Beaches; and WHEREAS, amid a veritable village of inflatable popular icons and to the amazement and delight of people of all ages, from children to senior citizens, 60,000 lights dance to Christmas tunes in Oceanwalk, illuminating a cul- de-sac and the hearts of all who experience this joyful holiday pastime; and WHEREAS, like putting a bow on a beautifully wrapped Christmas present, the Leibeckis' utterly brilliant light show is enhanced by their use of an FM transmitter that enables visitors in their cars to hear the holiday tunes in synchronicity with the dancing lights; and WHEREAS, creating the ever -anticipated winter wonderland is a tremendous undertaking — logistically, technically and physically; and, while the Leibeckis are significantly and enthusiastically assisted by a devoted team of volunteer elves, the couple rejects all offers of financial assistance; and WHEREAS, the Leibeckis' heartfelt delivery of holiday cheer has become part of Atlantic Beach's identity; so much so that is difficult for many of us to imagine Christmas without gathering friends and family and walking, bike -parading, carting or driving to see the latest production extraordinaire at 402 Snapping Turtle Court East. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that 1, Curtis Ford, Mayor of Atlantic Beach, do hereby issue this proclamation saluting and expressing heartfelt gratitude to Lee and Deb Leibecki, Creators of "Atlantic Beach Christmas", and encourage all citizens to join me in bestowing this appreciation. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the Official Seal of the City of Atlantic Beach to be affixed t ' 2`h day of December, 2022. Curtis Ord, yor Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH VERIFIED Tree Service Program TM Based on Code of Ordinances Chapter 23 Protection of Trees and The Natural Environment Presented by Linda Chipperfield 1111. Atlantic Beach Environmental Stewardship Committee �s� December 2022 Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes Contents • History (background, revision of ordinance) • Introduction of Permit Requirements • Materials Development • Launch of Verified Tree Service Program to Services • Verification Process • First Verified Services Launch of Verified Tree Service Program to the Public • Future Promotion Plans Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program k 5 (at tNYIRONM[um ST[ttltOfNl► COMMffTtt Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes History 1977 - First tree protection regulations 1982 - Regulations updated to include overgrown yards 1989 - Created tree board and tree removal permit requirements 1995 - Added definitions, exemptions, dangerous conditions 2000 - Change to tree fund rules 2002 - Established historic trees and corridors 2003 - Changes to tree board rules 2007 - Changes to clear cutting definition, hardwoods for hardwoods 2009 - Major code revisions 2017 — Environmental Stewardship Committee created 2018 - Changed tree code to add ESC information 2021 - Most recent code update 2022 — Launch of Verified Tree Service Program Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program ,J Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes Introduction of Permit Requirements Do you need a TREE REMOVAL PERMIT? Answer A, B and C to find out!a Y N v ... 4,»,,, •. �.�r .J a 11 "^YO Y S • O �-� r.1�tlA1rK�RMN16 tia"�_ �M4� Mallen "".oma, YE O �) —. APtMliln WWM10 '' •MMeIb war yrr��rwWlrrrt �Na Ramo . ,„, y ...—.Y!. :r�-'..r•• ror nMw bfMrNMdIm'a17ar �7eaam„i�n«�rrin •r First mailer, sent summer 2019 CALL BEFORE YOU CUT r�.rrrr..rrr�y.rrrrrrw �.sr..r w-snrrr.narrwrra.rra - ... s.Mi r urlwq a~i t.uoo. •�•e.u•9»•• Call before you cut trees Additional Info... Button on homepage CALL BEFORE Removing any tree with a trunk 8" in diameter or larger may require a permit! Measure the trunk diameter (width) at 54' high If the tree forks below that, combine the widths of each trunk. The circumference (around the trunk) must be less than 25 Mature trees are part of our Atlantic Beach storm defense and community value. Let's protect them together! Scan this OR code for more information or permits. �•... Z {- Visit coab.usitrees. or call City Hall at (904) 247-5800. Second mailer, sent December 2021 [04e, ■ ■ ■ � "MINES _ ■ ■ ■ O ■ X.A : r_■ ■ ■ QR Code linking to permit page: • http://coab.us/888/Tree-Removal-Permit . �L•1 n Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program �Jffir EINWMUM JIMMEWAt P OMMITT[r Materials Development :.1 ._J ii• Code of Ordinances Chapter 23 Protection of Trees and The Natural Environment TREE REMOVAL PERMIT TRAINING GUIDE FOR TREE SERVICES AND CONTRACTORS Training Guide for services (online) Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes Summary brochure (print and online) Code of Ordinances Chapter 23 �<- Protection of Trees and The Natural Environment " ~ TREE REMOVAL PERMIT SUMMARY G rhu www.... phn,�e.�wcn,oler t/ vo.:rm 1„a ma.un<e,ne xee rexrorM pennn ppFcslan,rwl wlvwcwb ub'lrm Permit summary presentation Do You Need a Tree Removal Permit? Measure the trunk ~' CODraOIIIINANCT3 C)IAERFR 2t �,1pOTECr10N (N l4EFS AN'O THE NATI:[AL tl ::' t'NYatONMENT TREE r 1 or larger you may need REMOVAL x PERMIT SUMMARY YES Summary brochure (print and online) Code of Ordinances Chapter 23 �<- Protection of Trees and The Natural Environment " ~ TREE REMOVAL PERMIT SUMMARY G rhu www.... phn,�e.�wcn,oler t/ vo.:rm 1„a ma.un<e,ne xee rexrorM pennn ppFcslan,rwl wlvwcwb ub'lrm Permit summary presentation Do You Need a Tree Removal Permit? Lobby poster BEFORE PERMIT ISSUANCs FTER PERMIT ISSUANC Updated application packet Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program r: (4 43 IXYIpOXMftnpt nfW►XofXH C(MMME Measure the trunk Vat 54" high. If it is 8" in diameter 1 or larger you may need a permit. NO YES If the tree forks below 54", combine the widths of each trunk. The circumference around the tree trunk must be less than 25". CALL BEFORE YOU CUT! YrNr brrs ary Wrt a! am acwrr JrMn,e rn unity value. lMY protect fMrw Ngr!INn! pw wror. rnlormanon m per -Na vMll roah. + vv. ur rrll C1ry Nap e1 (ipM1:47-pp00 Lobby poster BEFORE PERMIT ISSUANCs FTER PERMIT ISSUANC Updated application packet Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program r: (4 43 IXYIpOXMftnpt nfW►XofXH C(MMME Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes Launch of Verified Tree Service Program to Services io W- CIAO Bffrs Ter Sm%ft Vsli =flm The City of Atlantic Beach is excited to amounce the verified tree service provider for our customers. The City invites your company to obtain a verified tree service provider for or residents. This verification process is meant to asshre your customs Hot your my uederstards our riles and rodQoiatims under Chapter 23 of the AB Code of Monces Protection of Trees and the Natural hwi roo menti Verified Tree Service Providers wit • Be awarded a certificate by the City confraft the company's knowleft of and commitment to compiying with the City's tree protection ri>gulations - Be listed and inked on the City of Atlantic Beach -Verified Tree Service Provider web page • Be provided with promotional stickers and raphics signifft that they are Qty of Atlantic Beach -Verified • Be leaders in protecting the comdasrity's emvi•omoht and tree canopy You can fed out how to became a verified tree service provider by visitim or WOMB at http://coah-us/CivicAlortsaspx?AID=llU Do eonmpietion you WE be presented with certiticatim, your company information wi be fisted on our wobsfte and you WE receive decal/sticker. Thank you for your time and consideration. Website updates http://coab.us/ http://coab.us/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1148 Outreach email sent to 42 Duval County Tree Services June 2022 Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program OR S tit STMARO Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes Verification Process Study guide and test linked from homepage: http://coab.us/ SurveyMonkey a surveYmonkey comoo9Kv f P.,) City of Atlantic Beach -Verified Tree Service Provider Test How to become and remain a City of Atlantic Beach -Verified Tree Service Provider: • Download and review the Tree Permit Training Guide. • Take the Tree Permit Test. • Answer all questions on the test and click "submit". if you do not answer all of the questions, correctly, please review the correct answers and re -take the quiz. • Please note that in itself, completing the test does not assure companies that they will be listed as a City of Atlantic Beach -Verified Tree Service Provider. Upon performing due diligence. the City may refuse or revoke the Verified Tree Service Provider designation. • City staff will contact the company upon receipt of the completed test; upon approval, a certificate and promotional graphics will be provided to the company • Verified providers are required to retake the test each January. • Companies must comply with the City's tree -protection regulations; failure to do so will result in revocation of the City's Verified Tree Service Provider designation. Questions? Please email trees@coab.us. Service Provider test Review of qualifications: Report card for staff review only Ja _ Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program J tMVIROMMtN/Al sstwues�ur coMMrrne Attachment B Proof for Verification to 12-22-22 Minutes 2022 ATLANTIC BEACH VERIFIED Tree Service 06� (-in lAB Aoorwed orolesvpdpfpf comonrn) has been verified against Chapter 23 of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: Protection of Trees and the Natural Environment (Maven'—r,e'grj ±dLifl Certificate for Verified services 2023 ATLANTIC BEACH VERIFIED /Tree Service Provider Employees of this service have been verified against Chapter 23 of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: Protection of Trees and the Natural Environment 2024 ATLANTIC BEACH a VERIFIED Tree Service Provider Employees of this service have been ve willed against Chapter 23 of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: Protectim of hese and the Natural Environ -met 2025 ATLANTIC BEACH� VERIFIED (tel Employees of this service have been verified against Chapter 23 of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: Protection of Trees and the Natural Environment 2026 ATLANTIC BEACH VERIFIED Tree Service Provider Employees of this service have been verified against Chapter 23 of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances: Protection of Trees and the Natural Environment rjS:1�JDecals change annually r` Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program !J S Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes �1 l f) \ First Verified Services BIG CITY TREE SERVICE, INC. �t� Huffman Tree Service LAN DSCAPE SUPPLY Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program tNY9ROMMlNiR! fT[WRROfNI� COMRIffT!! Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes Launch of VTS program to the public ® Atlantic Beach Environmental Stewardship Commit ,%W. Favontes Atlantic Beach Environmental Stewardship Committee rvas live. * Favonte•, \4 • Facebook Live interview with Mike Huffman • Message on marquee Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes Launch of VTS program to the public • Website updates http://coab.us/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1148 Fk- lW'I Life('hnto� ccor;es spoalgNc c;aueries lll�i� Read Times 2 m�.nutes Become a City of AB — Verified Tree Service Provider December 6, 2022 - br: 2022 ATLANTIC BEACH yi VERIFIED `= ,",v Tree Service Provider Promote your business, your environmental -protection commitment, and know-how as a City of Atlantic Beach -Verified Tree Service Provider! The City of Atlantic Beach invites companies to be verified under Chapter 23 of the AB Code of Ordinances. Protection of Trees and the Natural Environment. • Media notifications sent to 16 outlets City of Atlantic Beach E -News 2022 ATLANTIC BEACH —_ VERIFIED (®) ^yam Tree Service Provider' .++ova r...wr..wn.�........+o.e..,..��.<..o,....,.. ce..� • E -newsletters sent Aug 1 and Aug 26, opened by over 5800 people CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH -�— utv suocrt raoc[sswrettwr -�TUMC Ewtl1 tnARM65 UT fork it" t], HR." <VERtFEED CWtvnl •fla g11Vtr1�7rwer4l�r.mq .na...r..rrondZ fA � COMMIS SOON cant Oyprtunlry • Newsletter in water bill. Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program ESG ENYIttO1S11111"Al SIMMS% c010111RTEE Attachment B to 12-22-22 Minutes Future promotion plans • Continued notification & reminders to services and residents throughout the year • Lunch & Learn sessions: o Realtor groups o Developers o Contractors o Landscapers Atlantic Beach Verified Tree Service Program (4i SMYIRONMSMT�I ST[1YRROSNN COMMITT[S