1-9-23 Regular Commission Meeting Adopted MinutesMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, January 9, 2023 - 6:30 PM ss >r Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER: Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Ford called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ATTENDANCE: Present: Curtis Ford, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Jessica Ring, Commissioner - Seat 5 Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Jason Gabriel, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) APPROVAL OF MINUTES IA. Approve minutes of the Commission Workshop held on December 5, 2022. Mayor Ford asked if there were any corrections needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Ford stated the minutes stand as submitted. 2 COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS 2A. Jean Ribault Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Sherry Saucerman spoke on what the DAR does and how they participated in Wreaths Across America. She thanked the City for their help and presented certificates to City Staff. She expressed that she looks forward to seeing everyone December 16th, 10 a.m. at Ferreira Funeral Home, Beaches Memorial Park. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Ford explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Mark Gabrynowicz wished everyone a happy new year and thanked the Commission for their support with ESC. He spoke regarding agenda item 7A. Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 Alan Halperin represented bicyclists in AB, he referenced a petition (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A), spoke to concerns about dangers that can potential harm bicyclists, and expressed that he would like to see more safe options offered for bicyclists. James DiPietro spoke about concerns regarding crosswalks. Karen Garrett expressed support for Resolution No. 23-01. Ken Caudle addressed noncompliance concerns regarding Chapter 24 and asked that this be updated to make for more equitable guidelines. Chad Yarbrough spoke to the same issue as Mr. Caudle John McCarthy provided an update on street parking issues and expressed that the conditions are much safer now. He also thanked the Commission and CM Corbin for their help with addressing these issues. Annie McCarthy thanked the Commission and staff who helped make the street more safe for the community. Nicole Avens express concerns about taking away parking on First Street. Susanne Barker wished everyone a happy new year and addressed concerns about charter review committee. Nancy Staats, MD spoke about the charter review committee. She encouraged the Commission to increase the number of members and spoke to disqualifying concerns. Amanda Perkins expressed support for bringing Dee Davis back as an employee. Kamara Cotton expressed support for bringing Dee Davis back as an employee. Tabitha L. Williams expressed support for bringing Dee Davis back as an employee and also allowed her daughter Dayjja Jones to speak on her reasoning for wanting to bring him back. Jim Wheatley spoke to concerns regarding the Donna Run. Stephanie Cancilla expressed support for the return of Dee Davis as an employee. Ingrid Williams expressed support for the reinstatement of Dee Davis as an employee. Keith Dockery expressed support for the return of Dee Davis as an employee. Frederick Kerber thanked the Commission for the reduction in parking on First Street. Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 3 Ayana (did not complete a speaker form) advocated for Dee Davis to be reinstated as an employee. Lyric (did not complete a speaker form) advocated for Dee Davis to be reinstated as an employee. Dee Davis introduced himself to the Commission and expressed that he is willing to sit with the Mayor and City Manager to further discuss the situation at hand. 1-9-23 Attachment A CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (Jan. - Mar. 2023) There was CONSENSUS to accept the 90 -Day Calendar. MOTION. Accept the (90 -Day) Calendar Motion: Jessica Ring Second: Bruce Bole Jessica Ring (Moved By) For Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole (Seconded By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly For Motion passed S to 0. 313. Mayport Road Vision CM Corbin provided a summary as detailed in the agenda packet. Jim Knight, Department of Transportation (DOT) and Mr. Shellhorn provided the Commission with updates as detailed in the agenda packet and answered questions from the Commission. 3C. Chapter 16 -Franchise Dumpsters CM Corbin briefly explained and called up Code Enforcement (CE) Officer Angela Irizarry to provide further comments as detailed in the agenda packet and requested direction from the Commission on how to move forward. Commissioner Waters shared feedback he has received from citizens. Commissioner Kelly inquired about when the fee was applied. CE Officer Irizarry provided that it was 2007. Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 Commissioner Bole inquired about how staff has been handling this issue thus far. Commissioner Ring asked about which sections of chapter sixteen would be revised. CE Officer Irizarry answered that staff will need feedback and shared that staff is leaning towards removing the fee, removes requirements for using franchise dumpster provider and establishes guidelines to regulate dumpsters that come into the City. Mayor Ford asked in comparison to other cities, what policies they have. CE Officer Irizarry shared that some cities don't have franchise fees and do not require permits. Commissioner Kelly inquired about conditional permits and CE Officer Irizarry answered that there would be conditions on all permits issued. Mayor Ford applauded the work that staff is doing and encouraged the Commission to provide direction to staff. There was a CONSENSUS to move forward with bringing back draft revisions for the Commission to review. 3D. Donna Marathon Commander David Cameron reported on this item as detailed in a Powerpoint presentation (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment B). Commander Cameron answered questions from the Commission. 1-9-23 Attachment B 4 REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS 4A. Arbor Day Proclamation (Mayor Ford) Mayor Ford read the proclamation. 4B. Joseph M. Mitrick Proclamation (Mayor Ford) Mayor Ford explained that this proclamation will be presented at a later date and read the proclamation. Commissioner Bole • Announced the January 10, 2023 Beaches Town Center meeting • Spoke about E -bikes and encouraged the City to start talking about this issue more • Commented on GFL being the best garbage group Commissioner Kelly • Invited everyone to the MLK Ceremony at the Jax Beach Pavilion at 11 on Saturday January 14th Commissioner Ring Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 • Reported on a food desert relating to the closing of Terry's, asked for feedback from the Commission, and mentioned that she has reached out to Councilman Rory Diamond regarding this issue as well • Expressed excitement for the Mayport improvement plan • Shared sentiments regarding the turnout for Dee Davis Commissioner Waters • Encouraged the public to become involved Mayor Ford • Expressed that it was a positive thing that citizens came out • Commented on the food desert and encouraged dialogue with COJ regarding this issue. 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6 CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ford read the consent agenda item. 6A. Approve the purchase and execute contracts and purchase orders of the pump, materials and installation from Complete Well Services Well Drilling, Inc. MOTION: Approve the consent agenda (Approve Consent Agenda Item 6A as written) Motion: Candace Kelly Second: Jessica Ring Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Jessica Ring (Seconded By) For Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Motion passed 5 to 0. 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS 7A. Working Groups - ESC Sarah Boren presented this item as detailed in the agenda packet and answered questions from the Commission. CA Gabriel clarified that these will be informal and there won't be anything the subgroups need to come back to the Commission on. 8 ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 9 10 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 23-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING A 32 -INCH -DIAMETER LIVE OAK TREE AT BULL PARK NEAR THE PLAYGROUND AS A HERITAGE TREE. Mayor Ford read the title of the resolution. PCDD Askew explained the resolution as detailed in the agenda packet. MOTION: Approve (Adopt) Resolution No. 23-01 as read Motion: Candace Kelly Second: Jessica Ring Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Jessica Ring (Seconded By) For Motion passed S to 0. ACTION ON ORDINANCES None. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 10A. Charter Review Committee Mayor Ford provided a brief synopsis of what is expected to be accomplished and noted the need to go through the rules for voting on the members of the committee. DCM Hogencamp provided an overview of what staff needs from the Commission regarding the Charter Review Committee (CRC). He referred to the staff report and noted that the committee charge included in the report is a draft for the Commission to discuss and make changes to, if desired. He explained that staff is asking the Commission to reach a consensus on the recommendations at the end of the report. Mayor Ford expressed that he would like to handle the recommendations in the staff report. He proposed that the Commission start with eleven members and that he would like to keep CRC at an odd number. He addressed quorum concerns and mentioned that a smaller group is best for working with this issue. Commissioner Bole expressed that thirteen members would be best due to members possibly having issues arise and that this could pose to be a safe number. Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 Commissioner Ring expressed that fifteen members would be equitable among the Commission and that this would allow for a diverse group along with concerns about members not being able to make the 18- month commitment. Commissioner Kelly emphasized the importance of the Charter Review task and expressed that more would be best and the charge should include votes being passed by two-thirds vote. She summarized that she would like a set quorum and a voting minimum. Mayor Ford clarified the quorum and the super majority voting concerns discussed by Commissioner Kelly, and mentioned how Robert's Rules defined quorum for the purposes of having a vote. CA Gabriel commented on the quorum and the vote. He read, "No Charter amendment or revision shall be submitted to the electorate for adoption unless favorably voted upon by a majority of the entire membership of the Charter Review Committee" from the Charter. He explained that this tells everyone that a majority of the membership is what will be required so, if eleven is the number, six votes will be needed. He pointed out that this is non-negotiable. Commissioner Waters expressed being for eleven members and two alternates. He emphasized the importance and expressed that there needs to be some rules regarding attendance. Mayor Ford commented to this in saying he agrees with two alternates and wanted to define what circumstances require removing a member. Commissioner Bole commented on the idea of alternates and mentioned that this could pose to be frustrating for them due to not having a vote until needed. Commissioner Kelly responded in saying that the volunteers would be glad to be a part. Commissioner Ring reminded everyone that the alternates could still make comments at meetings due to the meetings being public. Mayor Ford suggested taking all of the applicants filed, close the application tonight and come back to the next meeting with a ballot that will allow the Commission to vote on the decided committee number with the next two having the most votes to be alternates. Commissioner Waters asked about ranking and Mayor Ford confirmed that ranking is not necessary. He requested that the names of the candidates and their experience be posted into the next agenda packet. Commissioner Ring asked about when the ballot would be received. Mayor Ford confirmed that this will happen at the next meeting, ballots will be handed to the CC and DCC to tally up the votes. She also inquired about how twenty-two applications came about and requested to have the names and who nominated them. Commissioner Bole emphasized the importance of transparency regarding this process and referred back to the agenda to discuss what is expected of the Commission regarding CRC. MOTION: Open the nomination period up to Wednesday (January 11, 2023) at five o clock (5:00 p.m.) and that the agenda is published within two days. Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 Motion: Bruce Bole Second. Candace Kelly Mayor Ford asked for a friendly amendment to the motion to change the word nomination to application. Motion was not voted on. 0 to 0. MOTION: Make the applications due close of business on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. (Open the application period up to Wednesday (January 11, 2023) at five o clock (5:00 p.m.) and that the agenda is published within two days.) Motion: Candace Kelly Second: Jessica Ring Mayor Ford clarified that the friendly amendment was to change the word nomination to application. Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Jessica Ring (Seconded By) For Motion passed 5 to 0. CC Bartle pointed out that the application is not on the website and said that it would be up first thing in the morning, there is an option to apply in person as well. MOTION: Make the Charter (Review) Committee fifteen members with two alternates. Motion: Candace Kelly Motion died due to lack of a second 0 to 0. MOTION. Thirteen members on the Charter Review Committee. Motion: Bruce Bole Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 Motion died due to lack of a second. 0 to 0. MOTION: Thirteen with two alternates. Motion: Jessica Ring Second: Candace Kelly Commissioner Ring said that this option is a happy medium. Commissioner Bole inquired about how voting would work. Mayor Ford mentioned that the two alternates would be the two with the least votes. CC Bartle asked for an explanation of alternates. Commissioner Ring explained and Mayor Ford summarized that the two alternates would not have voting rights. CC Bartle proceeded to explain how current alternates work and mentioned that they attend each meeting, vote whenever a member is not present, and are allowed to speak at meetings. Mayor Ford added that the alternates would not have voting rights unless they are replacing one of the thirteen. CA Gabriel encouraged the Commission to be clear on how the alternates will be utilized. He also encouraged the Commission to determine how vacating a position would work as well. Commissioner Bole explained why he took alternates off of the table. Motion withdrawn. 0 to 0. MOTION. Thirteen voting members on the Charter Review Committee. Motion: Bruce Bole Second: Michael Waters Commissioner Kelly asked about having provisions regarding resignations and Commissioner Bole expressed that this is not necessary for his motion. Commissioner Waters mentioned that the details could be worked out later if issues arise. Commissioner Kelly suggested placing fulfilling a vacancy in the charge. Commissioner Ring expressed being in favor of having a larger number for the Charter Review Committee and that thirteen is a good number. Mayor Ford reiterated that the Charter says having a majority of the committee to move recommendations forward to the Commission. CA Gabriel confirmed that whatever the committed number is, that number will need a majority. He also reminded the Commission that they have room, if needed, to address issues later down the line. Commissioner Bole also reminded the Commission that the committee will have a chair who can address these issues as well. Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 The Commission agreed to address vacancies and absences as a separate issue. Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole (Moved By) For Michael Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Jessica Ring For Motion passed 5 to 0. MOTION. Two consecutive absences from the Charter Review Board (Committee) would terminate you as a member. Motion: Jessica Ring Second. Bruce Bole Mayor Ford discussed having the chair decide what's excused and unexcused and Commissioner Bole and Ring agreed with this. CA Gabriel reminded the Commission that deciding whether or not the chairperson has the ability to make the rules regarding absences is a policy call. Motion was not voted on. 0 to 0. MOTION. Two consecutive absences on the Charter Review Committee terminate a member as defined by the chairperson. Motion: Jessica Ring Second. Bruce Bole Commissioner Kelly inquired about filling a vacancy and Mayor Ford confirmed that the Commission wouldn't have a mandate to do anything but could come back as a body to fill a vacancy. CA Gabriel reminded the Commission that they could address any vacancies down the line. Mayor Ford also reminded the Commission. Commissioner Kelly emphasized that the chair should reach out to the Commission to inform them of vacancies. Mayor Ford expressed confidence in whomever the chairperson would be. Commissioner Bole also expressed that he understood the motion to allow the chairman to decide what the grounds for expulsion would be. Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole (Seconded By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly For Jessica Ring (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. Mayor Ford discussed establishing a structure for the committee. He expressed that he would like for the committee to do as much work for themselves as they can. He recommended tapping a citizen to be a participant who is not a member to take the minutes. Commissioner Bole clarified that the City Clerk's office would get this information and publish it for the public. Mayor Ford confirmed this was the idea. Commissioner Ring suggested leaving the administrative decisions to the committee and Mayor Ford responded in saying that the answer will more than likely be to have staff complete the minutes. Mayor Ford expressed that he has a citizen in mind who could provide secretarial assistance and relay this information to the City Clerk's office to publish. CC Bartle added that staff would be involved in the process and will be publishing it. Mayor Ford recommended tabling this discussion for the next meeting. CA Gabriel asked about the charge in the staff report and reminded the Commission that it was for consideration tonight. Mayor Ford responded in saying that the charge in the staff report is close to what he has in mind, but would like for it to include that the committee will be self- sufficient. The Commission agreed to table the discussion regarding the charge. CC Bartle inquired about writing the recommendations/motions into the charge and the Commission agreed that this option is acceptable. CA Gabriel also inquired about which staff member would be collecting names from the Commissioners in order to adhere to Sunshine Laws. The City Clerk's office will be collecting the names at the January 23, 2023 meeting. 11 CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS None. 12 CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Bole democracy is messy and doesn't know who is winning the national championship. DCM Hogencamp announced that the next Beaches Watch meeting will be January 18, 2023 at 7 p.m. and the topic will be "state of the dunes." Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 13 Attest: Mayor Ford expressed appreciation to the Commission for their hard work. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:44 p.m. Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: 2/13/2 oz -,5 Curtis Ford, Mayor Regular City Commission January 9, 2023 Attachment A to 'if? 1-9-23 Minutes BIKE SMART AB NOVEMBER 3, 2022 Atlantic Beach is steadily growing. This has resulted in more people living in and visiting our city, and more vehicles, construction and commercial trucks, golf carts, bicycles and e -bikes. The infrastructure has not kept up with the growth, Accidents involving vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians have increased. Bike Smart AB is a grass-roots coalition of concerned Atlantic Beach residents and business owners who want to improve bicycle safety. The group has identified intersections in Atlantic Beach that are dangerous, especially for bicyclists and pedestrians. These intersections are congested and line -of -sight visibility is poor. This report focuses on these intersections and provides recommendations for improvement. A more comprehensive report on issues related to bicycle safety is forthcoming. Dangerous intersections 1. East Coast Drive and Atlantic Boulevard: This busy intersections ha poor visibility from parked vehicles and shrubbery. Large delivery trucks obstruct traffic flow. You must enter into the intersection to see if there is oncoming traffic. 2. Sherry Drive and Atlantic Boulevard: Vehicles are turning right and left from Sherry, turning left from Atlantic, and stopping in the middle of the intersection to complete the turn. 3. Royal Palms Drive/Penman Road and Atlantic Boulevard: Busy, congested and cars are making turns in every direction, 4. Plaza Drive and Mayport Road, and other streets crossing Mayport: Busy, fast-moving cars are turning in all directions without regard for bicyclists and pedestrians; and signage is poor. 5. Five -way stop: It's busy, particularly at peak times. Motorists are uncertain about when to yield to other motorists and to bicyclists. Recommendations Bike Smart AB recommends that the City of Atlantic Beach conduct a comprehensive evaluation of these intersections and other dangerous intersections not identified in this report, and make fixes to improve safety. Fixes will vary by intersection. Solutions may include re-routing traffic, removing visual obstructions, and better signage. Bike Smart AB would like to work with the City to make these interactions safer. Respectively submitted: Lynn Sharpe Underwood (Isuontheroad@gmail.com) Thom Underwood (glappraisalsoftware@gmail.com) Alan Halperin (acumd@comcast.net) Kathleen Halperin (livinglaughter@comcast.net) Aaron Levine (aaron@homespunkitchen.com) z 3 a S 6 6 9 V Atlarft 2 0 Rodents and business operators - Bike Smart AB petition inut Name (Print & Sien) . Address Email address V I ch Ix 1, y 3o r d � n �. nC6rvO- v—� s 8 comCQS� ' Y1 j OA"I 4y I� L/2 1Ser�,1i' Ave, saki �ma, cc,)1-I j d,► . � k�"�L°- � • �,� z ac ,e 00f le lay k2tk st-�e� Gcw.f L_ e(.zal� ,cam ,kaw1.c0M `�c `7 5 min") Cy AW,�����5 3,�� i T: -rkova<6s66D t, Con 3 57 -9� r �a,4 �. i V I 1 4 5 v 9 10 Atlar,+ftidents and business operators - Bike Smart AB petition gnu es Name (Print & Sign) Address Email address /� � t �• Pec k� r � 9 � S e � ��, M G�� �,� Qi►lten K- ahns�n A41 4�3� �(, �' pQcki YA-- Lt-77 Sqtll tom• � 3 0 V\ h d �e h Ui 8 ,1D U* n 7s lug Q U 5 Ul ' can �- 3z2 /4--161ddOns115Tee n,aIl,,v A AL 6 V !V) /t .�. iZ O 3 12-33 r 1c � �.•+c, �. Cu.►� w ssaJppe llew3 ssajppd (ua.IS 18 luud) aweN sa nus uoppad 8d �ewS aji8 - siolejado ssauisnq pue sluaplsa elid DT 6 9 L 9 s V E Z Ri /M -V/ 4'b 7-4 ��cn� • ave �� ��2�z �� r�� � ���s� � �� i' N V of 2�z -L ��►�as4 ssaJppe llew3 ssajppd (ua.IS 18 luud) aweN sa nus uoppad 8d �ewS aji8 - siolejado ssauisnq pue sluaplsa elid DT 6 9 L 9 s V E Z Ri 10 Attar gnu LP I-Psidents and business operators - Bike Smart AB petition es Name (Print & Sign) Address Email address Lq� 5-�e P64 4 S F 10 Atla-10=�sidents and business operators - Bike Smart AB petition mutes Name (Print & Sim) Address Email address , C A 's ht.- 5 � -7� 1 5 � 5 h ' OL 4 5 6 9 10 Atla��gidents and business operators - Bike Smart AB petition Name (Print & Sign) Address Email address �S wC_V ,.., /- y - 5 mak- 5 �s� s e b.e ����� ►�,� . o �, Gc>o� Gc.�c � rcC C' -Q w� � m�c-7 ��e � y' n� r�.c.J• ems+ ,S , 4 ., As rP\ es �'0 � P I c3, n o 10 Atla Ir and business operators - Bike Smart AB petition gnu es Name (Print & Sign) Address Email address rte; ti ./c /("f / 3�-? Towi r -D V / LL' Y7 ec.s \, A-V e P • 1(�,� U �. d N �E.. L✓i4 � o nil AV# , RI 0 a 10 Attar J,tysidents and business operators - Bike Smart AB petition Name (Print & Sign) Address Email address CY1x,Y-cam 1 M C 5 S ✓`c 3T b 74 si 2 Ze -ctc- Av,�- �'3d(�tJa� ���� O�-e�V\ C��-o �3✓, At Lcw6t� L Coco Attachment B to 1-9-23 Minutes IF 2023 26.2 with Donna Marathon City of Atlantic Beach Impacts and Information 1/9/2023 Cmdr. David Cameron Lt. Chase Jamison Attachment B to 1-9-23 Minutes Overview ► February 5, 2023 No. "Double Loop" course design - Total course length of 13.1 miles ► Full marathon participants will come through city twice ► Atlantic Beach course footprint same as last year ► Anticipated runner presence in Atlantic Beach from 7:30am-2:00pm ► Course will be shut down and runners pulled by 2:30pm ► Expected Participants: Full Marathon - 500 ; Half Marathon - 2500 Attachment B to 1-9-23 Minutes Messaging ► Public messaging of route, timeline, and impacts will be made by City of Atlantic Beach, Atlantic Beach Police Department, and 26.2 with Donna team leading up to race ► Unified amongst all three Beach cities ► Social media ► Flyers ► Portable message boards ► website Attachment B to North End Impacts and 11-i-netinet 6 s } S SF!vtt Np/iF %1.doMW«• 19c1, SIMA If a � u Northbound Seminole Road Mile 5: Loop 1 • Lead Runner: 7:56 AM • Runner Volume: 8:20 AM • Tail Runner: 8:50 AM Mile 18: Loop 2 • Lead Runner: 9:04 AM • Runner Volume: field thin, N/A • Tail Runner: 12:18 PM Southbound Seminole Road at Garden Turn Mile 6.5: Loop 1 • Lead Runner: 8:05:08 AM • Runner Volume: 8:35 AM • Tail Runner: 9:14 AM Mile 19.7: Loop 2 • Lead Runner: 9:14 AM - 9:25 AM • Runner Volume: field thin, N/A • Tail Runner: 12:45 PM t SF!vtt Np/iF %1.doMW«• 19c1, SIMA If a � u Northbound Seminole Road Mile 5: Loop 1 • Lead Runner: 7:56 AM • Runner Volume: 8:20 AM • Tail Runner: 8:50 AM Mile 18: Loop 2 • Lead Runner: 9:04 AM • Runner Volume: field thin, N/A • Tail Runner: 12:18 PM Southbound Seminole Road at Garden Turn Mile 6.5: Loop 1 • Lead Runner: 8:05:08 AM • Runner Volume: 8:35 AM • Tail Runner: 9:14 AM Mile 19.7: Loop 2 • Lead Runner: 9:14 AM - 9:25 AM • Runner Volume: field thin, N/A • Tail Runner: 12:45 PM Attachment B to 1-9-23 Minutes 2022 Issues ► Seminole Rd north of 20th St closed to vehicle traffic from 8:14am - 9:08am ► Number of runners on road too heavy to permit vehicle traffic safely ► Should be very similar for 2023 ► 1 citizen complaint received Attachment B to 1-9-23 Minutes Double -Loop Course ► Additional traffic delays not expected with the double -loop design ► Runners will be spread out much further allowing for vehicle traffic to be permitted ► Will require traffic control for longer period of time (police/civilian traffic) ► Previous years finished by 12pm, will now go until approx. 1p -2p ► Paid for by Donna through off-duty officer request Attachment B to 1-9-23 Minutes Questions?