Regular City Commission - 13 Jun 2022 - Minutes - Pdf MINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, June 13, 2022 - 6:30 PM Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER: Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) 1APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1A.Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of October 25, 2021. Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. 2COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Connie Cole shared thoughts on the lack of drainage on Pine Street. 3CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A.Accept the 90-Day Calendar (June - Aug 2022) Commissioner Norris announced she will not attend the next meeting. CONSENSUS There was to accept the 90-Day Calendar. Regular City Commission June 13, 2022 Page 1 of 9 3B.Paid Parking 18th and 19th Streets CM Corbin spoke about upcoming mailings and messages for community outreach about the new parking kiosks. CM Corbin provided an update on this item explaining the kiosk has been installed, and PR signage was shown as detailed in the attached flyer (which is Attachment A attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as ). No implementation date has been set. Mayor Glasser asked about the status of the Parking Attendant position. CM Corbin replied the positions are going well and regular updates could be added to meetings. Attachment A to 6-13-22 Minutes 4REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Bole shared that he went down to the fire on 10th Street and spoke with residents that expressed their thankfulness to the Fire and Police Departments. Commissioner Waters shared his opinion that the safest place to install the kiosk would be at the south side end of 18th Street, and the same for 19th Street due to their being a walkway and more safety provisions. - ¸®± '« ²²¤± !beefe!uibu!tif!ibt!op!pckfdujpo!up!Dpnnjttjpofs!Xbufst(!ljptl!mpdbujpo! tvhhftujpot/!!Tif!uibolfe!Dpnnjttjpofs!Lfmmz-!tubgg-!boe!DBSBD!gps!uif!Dbojof!Dbsojwbmf/!! Tif!bmtp!sfqpsufe!uif!sfrvftu!gps!%611-111!xbt!bqqspwfe!cz!uif!Hpwfsops-!xijdi!xpvme! hp!upxbset!Qibtf!4!pg!uif!Brvbujd!Hbsefot!Qspkfdu/!!Tif!bmtp!tqplf!bcpvu!uif!sfdfou!gjsf! boe!tubufe!tbgfuz!btqfdut!jo!uibu!bsfb!bsf!cfjoh!mpplfe!bu!boe!uibu!tif(t!btlfe!uif!DN!up! qsftfou!jogpsnbujpo!bu!uif!ofyu!nffujoh/!!Tif!fyqsfttfe!ifs!uibolgvmoftt!up!KGSE!boe!uif! BC!Qpmjdf!Efqbsunfou/!!Tif!bmtp!tqplf!po!uif!xbufs!qmbou!po!Mjoltjef!Esjwf/!! 5UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6CONSENT AGENDA None. 7COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 8ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A.RESOLUTION NO. 22-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO. 2122-09: MILLING AND PAVING 2022; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. Regular City Commission June 13, 2022 Page 2 of 9 CM Corbin explained this resolution covers ongoing milling and paving of upcoming road projects. Public Works Director (PWD) Scott Williams explained the bidding process and reviewed the upcoming projects. He spoke about the need for infrastructure work, but those projects would be postponed due to the lack of funding. Commissioner Norris asked about reference checks for hired companies. PWD Williams responded he is very familiar with the company that was hired. Nbzps!Hmbttfs!btlfe!bcpvu!jogsbtusvduvsf!xpsl!jo!bsfbt!tvdi!bt!22ui!Tusffu-!5ui! Tusffu-!boe!puifs!bsfbt!jo!#pme#!Bumboujd!Cfbdi/!!QXE!Xjmmjbnt!fyqmbjofe!uif!foujsf! tupsnxbufs!tztufn!xpvme!offe!up!cf!sfqmbdfe-!boe!beejujpobm!esbjot!offe!up!cf! beefe/!!Xifo!uif!qspkfdu!jt!epof-!uif!foujsf!Tusffu!xpvme!cf!dpnqmfufmz!sfepof/!! Nbzps!Hmbttfs!btlfe!jg!ju!xbt!uif!cftu!vtf!pg!gvoet!up!sfqbwf!uif!spbet!jo!rvftujpo! jotufbe!pg!qptuqpojoh!voujm!uif!foujsf!jogsbtusvduvsf!qspkfdu!dpvme!cf!dpnqmfufe/!! QXE!Xjmmjbnt!sftqpoefe!uibu!sfqbwjoh!boe!njmmjoh!uif!spbet!xpvme!tpmwf!tfwfsbm! dvssfou!jttvft/!!Djuz!Fohjoffs!)DF*!Tufwf!Txboo!fyqmbjofe!uif!jogsbtusvduvsf!xpsl! jt!qmboofe!gps!3137/!!!! ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 22-36. Motion:Brittany Norris Second:Candace Kelly Ellen GlasserFor Bruce BoleFor Michael WatersFor Candace Kelly (Seconded By)For Brittany Norris (Moved By)For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8B.RESOLUTION NO. 22-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO. 2122-10: MULTI-YEAR CONTRACT FOR PALM TREE TRIMMING, SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. PWD Williams explained the importance of trimming palm trees annually. CM Corbin explained this resolution is for annual maintenance trimming of palm trees in the City. PWD Williams explained the 5-year contract has gone up in price, a Saint Augustine company was chosen and the trimming would include palm trees on Atlantic Blvd, Mayport Road, flyover, some parks and some trees in rights-of-way. Regular City Commission June 13, 2022 Page 3 of 9 CM Corbin added cleanup would be done as part of the contract. Commissioner Norris asked if the trimming would stress out the trees. PWD Williams answered the best time to trim a palm is when the tree is starting to bud. He explained the reasoning for trimming the trees at 3-9 or 2-10. Discussion ensued. ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 22-37. Motion:Michael Waters Second:Bruce Bole Ellen GlasserFor Bruce Bole (Seconded By)For Michael Waters (Moved By)For Candace KellyFor Brittany NorrisFor Motion passed 5 to 0. 8C.RESOLUTION NO. 22-38 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO. 2122-11: PARKING IMRPOVEMENTS AT DONNER PARK CDBG 20-21; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. PWD Williams explained the Resolution as detailed in the agenda packet regarding parking improvements at Johansen Park by adding additional paver parking spots on George Street. Nbzps!Hmbttfs!btlfe!jg!uif!fyjtujoh!qbsljoh!xpvme!sfnbjo/!!QXE!Xjmmjbnt! sftqpoefe!bo!beejujpobm!iboejdbqqfe!qbsljoh!tqpu!boe!pof!sfhvmbs!qbsljoh!tqpu! xpvme!cf!beefe/! ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 22-38. Motion:Brittany Norris Second:Bruce Bole Ellen GlasserFor Bruce Bole (Seconded By)For Michael WatersFor Regular City Commission June 13, 2022 Page 4 of 9 Candace KellyFor Brittany Norris (Moved By)For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8D.RESOLUTION NO. 22-39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE QUOTE SUBMITTED BY GRUHN MAY, INC. FOR THE PINE STREET STORMWATER REMEDIATION PROJECT, UNDER BID 2021- 04: MULTI-YEAR CONTRACT FOR UTILITY CONTRACTOR SERVICES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE PURCHASE ORDER IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CE Swann explained the Resolution as detailed in the agenda packet and explained the need for additional drainage. The location of the additional draining pipe was explained. Commissioner Norris asked about the timing of the project from start to finish. CE Swann responded the project would last approximately 30 days to complete. ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 22-39. Motion:Brittany Norris Second:Candace Kelly Ellen GlasserFor Bruce BoleFor Michael WatersFor Candace Kelly (Seconded By)For Brittany Norris (Moved By)For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8E.RESOLUTION NO. 22-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO. 2122-07: MULTI-YEAR CONTRACT FOR CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin and Public Utilities Director (PUD) Troy Stephens explained the Resolution as detailed in the agenda packet and answered questions from the Commission. Regular City Commission June 13, 2022 Page 5 of 9 MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 22-40. Motion:Brittany Norris Second:Michael Waters Ellen GlasserFor Bruce BoleFor Michael Waters (Seconded By)For Candace KellyFor Brittany Norris (Moved By)For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8F.RESOLUTION NO. 22-41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO. 2122-08: MULTI-YEAR CONTRACT FOR SULFUR DIOXIDE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. CM Corbin explained this chemical is also used in water treatment procedures. PU Director Stephens explained Sulfur Dioxide is used to clean chlorinated water before sending it out for disposal. He stated this chemical is increasing in price annually, and he hopes to use a different product in the future. Still, the providing company would only offer an annual quote to the City. Mayor Glasser and Commissioner Norris asked about the timeline for phasing this chemical out. PU Director Stephens responded he hopes to before the five-year contract ends. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 22-41. Motion:Brittany Norris Second:Bruce Bole Ellen GlasserFor Bruce Bole (Seconded By)For Michael WatersFor Candace KellyFor Brittany Norris (Moved By)For Motion passed 5 to 0. Regular City Commission June 13, 2022 Page 6 of 9 9ACTION ON ORDINANCES None. 10MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 10A.Revised Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) Grant Applications CM Corbin said the CARAC has been very active and focused on simplifying the grant application process. DCC Hogancamp explained that CARAC had simplified the grant application process, making the applications more straightforward. He stated some policies had been updated to allow profit organizations to apply for grants. CA Durden provided insight into the City's Code concerning charitable organizations. CA Durden referred to Section 2-2 of the Code of Ordinances regarding the distribution of funds to charitable organizations and/or artistic programs. She explained the current application process. CA Durden suggested a resolution be approved to address any proposed changes to the current CARAC policy. Commissioner Boles asked for an example of a non-profit organization that CARAC would want to work with. CARAC Member Lisa Goodrich provided a summary of current guidelines highlighting the type of people or organizations CARAC would work in partnership with. Recreation Director Latrenia Thomas spoke about and gave examples of for-profit activity programs that could be offered to the residents of the City. Commissioner Norris spoke about a more frequent reporting period to ensure a thorough review of applications. There was CONSENSUS from the Commission for staff to make the suggested revisions to the policy and bring it back to a future meeting for formal consideration. Commissioner Kelly supported adding reoccurring organizations into the budget and allowing additional funding to be used to attract new programs and organizations. Commissioner Norris expressed her support for the suggested changes to the policy and supported changing the Code to be more understandable. Commissioner Waters thanked the staff for the work on the item. Mayor Glasser expressed the importance of "culture" to remain in the program's name. She suggested focusing on non-profit organizations and allowing for-profit organizations on a case-by-case basis. CM Corbin spoke about setting specific criteria for for-profit organizations that need to be considered. Regular City Commission June 13, 2022 Page 7 of 9 B!dpowfstbujpo!fotvfe!sfhbsejoh!uif!ujnfmjof!gps!bewfsujtjoh!uif!hsbou! bqqmjdbujpot-!sfwjtjoh!uif!Dpef-!boe!dsfbujoh!bo!psejobodf!boe0ps!b!sftpmvujpo/!!DB! Evsefo!tvhhftufe!sfwjfxjoh!qsfwjpvt!sftpmvujpot!sfhbsejoh!DBSBD/!! 11CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS DB!Evsefo!nfoujpofe!uif!DPK!Fuijdt!Usbjojoh!po!Kvof!38-!3133-!xijdi!xpvme!gvmgjmm!uif!4. Ipvs!usbjojoh!sfrvjsfnfou/!!Tif!bmtp!uibolfe!tubgg!sfhbsejoh!uifjs!xpsl!jo!uif!Sftpmvujpot! qbttfe!upojhiu/!! 12CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Bole commented on parking at Donner park on the weekends for pickleball. Commissioner Kelly thanked the city employees for their support in Canine Carnivale. Commissioner Norris mentioned she is thankful for more parking at Donner Park. Commissioner Waters thanked Commissioner Kelly for the Canine Carnivale and announced the upcoming heart walk on Saturday, June 18, 2022. CM Corbin provided updates on traffic concerns and updating trespassing policies. - ¸®± '« ²²¤± !qspwjefe!bo!vqebuf!gspn!uif!nptu!sfdfou!Nbzps(t!Dpvodjm!po!Ifbmui!boe! Xfmm.Cfjoh!nffujoh/!!Tif!jowjufe!Dijfg!pg!Qpmjdf!Wjdups!Hvbmjmmp!up!qspwjef!vqebuft!po!b! dpnnvojuz!dmbtt!uibu!xpvme!cf!pggfsfe!up!qspwjef!jogpsnbujpo!po!tbgfuz!tpmvujpot/!! 13ADJOURNMENT Uifsf!cfjoh!op!gvsuifs!ejtdvttjpo-!Nbzps!Hmbttfs!efdmbsfe!uif!nffujoh!bekpvsofe!bu!9;15! q/n/ Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Bruce Bole, Commissioner Date Approved: _____________________________ Regular City Commission June 13, 2022 Page 8 of 9 Attachment A 6-13-22 Minutes Page 9 of 9