Regular City Commission - 27 Jun 2022 - Minutes - Pdf MINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, June 27, 2022 - 6:30 PM Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER: Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Absent: Brittany Norris, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 5 Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) 1APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1A.Approve minutes of the November 22, 2021 Regular Commission Meeting. Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There being none, Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted. 2COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS 2A.Presentation of $500,000 check for Phase III of Aquatic Gardens. Tfobups!Bbspo!Cfbo!boe!Tfdsfubsz!pg!Tubuf!Dpse!Czse!qsftfoufe!b!%611-111!difdl! up!uif!Djuz/!! PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Leah Sherman Ford spoke about homelessness in the City, complimented the Commission on their job well done with keeping the City beautiful, and shared suggestions on homelessness and landscaping. Regular City Commission June 27, 2022 Page 1 of 23 3CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3A.Accept the 90-Day Calendar (July - Sept. 2022) Commissioner Kelly announced that she would not be in town for the July 16, 2022, Town Hall Meeting. CONSENSUS There was to accept the change to the 90-Day Calendar. 3B.Paid Parking at 18th and 19th Beach Access CM Corbin presented the slide show highlighting information regarding the paid parking program at 18th and 19th beach accesses. Commissioner Kelly referred to previous language about the use of income from the paid parking program being used for the upkeep of the Town Center parking and suggested amending the ordinance to include the upkeep of all paid parking areas not just Town Center. CM Corbin stated that this could be looked at with CA Durden's recommendations. Commissioner Waters spoke about pedestrian safety, walkways, and lighting. He also suggested using the additional funds to subsidize the payment for additional parking attendants and signage. Mayor Glasser spoke about the importance of having the parking regulations be the same at the beach access and the Town Center. 3C.Selva Preserve Path CM Corbin presented the slide show regarding the new nature trail Selva Preserve Path. He spoke about the history, location and additional details of the path. Mayor Glasser asked about adding a QR code to the signage. CM Corbin said a QR code could be added in the future. 3D.Benefit Enhancement Recommendations 2022 CM Corbin spoke about the recent salary increase for staff. He reported HR reached out to current employees regarding their opinions of additional benefits they would like. Human Resources Director (HRD) Cathy Varian spoke about the process of the survey and presented potential benefits suggested by employees as detailed in the agenda packet. CM Corbin and HRD Varian answered questions from the Commission. Bu!uif!sfrvftu!pg!uif!Dpnnjttjpo-!ISE!Wbsjbo!tubufe!uibu!tif!xpvme!csjoh!cbdl! dpnqbsjtpot!gspn!puifs!djujft/! ! Regular City Commission June 27, 2022 Page 2 of 23 Commissioner Bole asked that the City look into studies that have been done relating to personal leave. Discussion ensued about the advantages and disadvantages of employees taking leave and how there needs to be a balance. Uif!Dpnnjttjpo!sfrvftufe!uibu!qbje!qbsfoubm!mfbwf!cf!qmbdfe!po!bo!vqdpnjoh! bhfoeb!gps!gpsnbm!dpotjefsbujpo/!!! 3E.Fire on Beach Avenue CM Corbin mentioned this is being looked into closely and discussions are ongoing about the building being rebuilt. No formal proposals have been submitted. Mayor Glasser asked about the current zoning for the area. CM Corbin responded residential multi-family. Uifsf!xbt!ejtdvttjpo!bcpvu!bo!fnbjm!sfdfjwfe!gspn!Uif!Dmpjtufs!bcpvu!uif!Tpvui! 3F.Homeless Concerns CM Corbin explained efforts being made to address homeless issues, noting that CA Durden reviewed the existing code and has some serious concerns about existing language and it being outdated. Further preparations are needed before bringing it back to the Commission. CA Durden advised that there are a lot of case law changes at the federal level and explained the importance of working with staff and others to address the concerns. 4REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS 4A.In-House Attorney (Commissioner Bole) Commissioner Bole spoke about the benefits of having a full-time in-house City Attorney. He encouraged the Commissioners, Mayor, and the public to review the cost and legal benefits for the City. DN!Dpscjo!bewjtfe!if!xpvme!dpoevdu!b!dptu!bobmztjt!boe!qsftfou!tqfdjgjd!ovncfst! up!uif!Dpnnjttjpo/!!Ejtdvttjpo!fotvfe!bcpvu!uif!ujnjoh/!!Dpnnjttjpofs!Cpmf! sfjufsbufe!uibu!if!xpvme!mjlf!uijt!cspvhiu!gpsui!jo!ujnf!gps!cvehfu!xpsltipqt/!!! Miscellaneous Reports/Requests Commissioner Kelly spoke about current codes regarding dogs and proposed amending the ordinance to add restrictions for dogs being chained. Commissioner Waters expressed his support. Mayor Glasser asked that it be put on the next agenda as a discussion item. spoke about the numerous emails received about gas stations. Regular City Commission June 27, 2022 Page 3 of 23 suggested adding more charging stations for electric cars in the community. Mayor Glasser advised she would share her email responses to the Commission regarding the gas station concerns and the South gate at The Cloister. spoke about the private event held on Friday and the presentation of a Key to the City to Greg Franek for his life-saving efforts to wake people up and get them to safety. reported on a letter sent to the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue for their extraordinary response. congratulated the 12 and under baseball team on winning the state championship for small parks and will be asking for a proclamation to present to the team. reported on the status of various legislation recently addressed in the State of Florida. requested having the topic of prohibiting smoking in public parks and beaches on the next town hall meeting agenda for discussion and public input. sfqpsufe!ibwjoh!tqplfo!up!b!sftjefou!pg!2tu!Tusffu!bcpvu!qbsljoh!dpodfsot! boe!bewjtfe!bcpvu!ifs!qmbo!up!nffu!xjui!uif!hspvq!pg!sftjefout!up!ubml!bcpvu! pqujpot/! 5UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6CONSENT AGENDA 6A.Acknowledge receipt of the Monthly Financial Report for May 2022. CM Corbin asked to carry the item over to the next, Commission Meeting. There was no objection by the Commission. 7COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 8ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A.RESOLUTION NO. 22-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, RECREATION THAT INDIVIDUALS AND FOR-PROFIT ENTITIES ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE GRANT FUNDING FROM THE CULTURAL ARTS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title. EDN!Iphfodbnq!fyqmbjofe!uif!Sftpmvujpo!boe!uif!ofx!qspdfevsf!gps!qspdfttjoh! uif!DBSBD!hsbou!bqqmjdbujpot/!!! Regular City Commission June 27, 2022 Page 4 of 23 ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 22-42. Motion:Candace Kelly Second:Bruce Bole Mayor Glasser asked for clarification regarding an artist project and a program and expressed her concerns about art placement and venues. DCM Hogencamp explained that information would be provided in the application process. Commissioner Kelly spoke about her interpretation of different types of artists and programs. Commissioner Waters mentioned he would like clarification regarding the criteria for "for- profit." Commissioner Bole explained how he understands the expenditures of the Resolution and specific questions in the application. Mayor Glasser mentioned it is essential that CARAC looks at the City's livability goals to align with those goals when decisions are made. She also mentioned the Commission should come back in a year to update those goals appropriately. DBSBD!Nfncfs!Kbof!Tufwfot!dmbsjgjfe!uif!ejtujodujpo!cfuxffo!gps.qspgju!boe!opo.qspgju! pshboj{bujpot/! Ellen GlasserFor Bruce Bole (Seconded By)For Michael WatersFor Candace Kelly (Moved By)For Motion passed 4 to 0. 9ACTION ON ORDINANCES None. 10MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS PLAT22-0001 Public Hearing Request for plat approval as required by Chapter 10A. 24, Article 4 of the Code of Ordinances within the Residential General, Multi- Family (RG-M) at RE# 172168-0000 (1964 Francis Avenue) and 172171-0000 (1980 Francis Avenue). Mayor Glasser read the title. Regular City Commission June 27, 2022 Page 5 of 23 CM Corbin explained the item. CA Durden clarified that there are two PLATs the Commission would approve, as detailed in the attached documents and made part of this Attachments AB Official Record as and . Mr. Franklin thanked the staff for working with him. Mayor Glasser opened the public hearing. There were no speakers, and the public hearing was closed. Attachment A to 6-27-22 Minutes Attachment B to 6-27-22 Minutes MOTION: Approve PLAT22-0001, Lambo's Place Unit 1 request for plat approval as required by Chapter 24, Article 4 of the Code of Ordinances within the Residential General, Multi-Family (RG-M) at RE# 172168-0000 (1964 Francis Avenue). Motion:Bruce Bole Second:Candace Kelly Ellen GlasserFor Bruce Bole (Moved By)For Michael WatersFor Candace Kelly (Seconded By)For Motion passed 4 to 0. MOTION: Approve plat request for Lambo's Place Unit 2 as required by Chapter 24, Article 4 of the Code of Ordinances within the Residential General, Multi-Family (RG-M) at RE# 172168-0000 (1980 Francis Avenue) Motion:Michael Waters Second:Candace Kelly Ellen GlasserFor Bruce BoleFor Michael Waters (Moved By)For Candace Kelly (Seconded By)For Motion passed 4 to 0. 11CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CA Durden reminded the Commission of their ethics training and financial disclosure forms, due no later than July 1, 2022. CC Bartle advised that they are to be submitted to the Supervisor of Elections. Regular City Commission June 27, 2022 Page 6 of 23 CA Durden handed out a copy of HB 921 (attached hereto and made part of this Official Record Attachment C) and provided an overview. as .She thanked the Governor for vetoing a Bill regarding business damages. Lastly, she spoke about receiving a proposed settlement offer relating to the City's tree litigation (Bourdon vs. COAB) and advised that the litigation would be discussed in a future shade meeting. She also advised about the process. DD!Cbsumf!dpohsbuvmbufe!Nbzps!Hmbttfs!gps!sfdfjwjoh!bopuifs!Ipnf!Svmf!Ifsp!bxbse!boe! opufe!ju!xbt!bo!ipops!up!ibwf!bddfqufe!ju!gps!ifs/!!DB!Evsefo!beefe!uibu!ju!xbt!Nbzps! b!hppe!zfbs/! Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes 12CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Bole requested having a briefing on COAB hurricane preparedness. Commissioner Waters reported having spoken with representatives of JEA about underground fiber optics. He wants to know whether there would be more of a delay in solving problems and getting power back up and running during a storm if the wiring were underground. - ¸®± '« ²²¤± qsfqbsfeoftt!csjfgjoh/!!Tif!tvhhftufe!vqdpnjoh!Upxo!Ibmm!upqjdt!tvdi!bt!tnpljoh!boe!uif! vtf!pg!sbdrvfucbmm!dpvsut/ 13ADJOURNMENT Uifsf!cfjoh!op!gvsuifs!ejtdvttjpo-!Nbzps!Hmbttfs!efdmbsfe!uif!nffujoh!bekpvsofe!bu!9;24! q/n/!! Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Bruce Bole, Commissioner Date Approved: ______________________ Regular City Commission June 27, 2022 Page 7 of 23 Page 8 of 23 Page 9 of 23 Page 10 of 23 Page 11 of 23 Page 12 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 13 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 14 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 15 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 16 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 17 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 18 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 19 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 20 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 21 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 22 of 23 Attachment C to 6-27-22 Minutes Page 23 of 23