RECORDED NOC-PERMIT COMM23-00131�0 I,c.. x,7" Ca�� a3 NOTICE 0F COMMENCEMENT Brats FLORIDA County of UJV:AL Warn It May Concerm. fax Folio No. The undersignehereby -1nforms you that improve mets will be mad e to eertain. real pro pe rt�a, a n in acc ar€ a n ce wit h Section. 713 n_. of the F'Tbrida Stawtesl, the follDwing'infuT-mation is stated in this NOTI C -t OF' COMMENCEMENT. Lca-gal Descrstioof property being improved: 38-23-29E 14.040 CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT PT RECD O1 8130-2297 Address of property being 'i'mp roved: NRA BREAD 1021 ATLANTIC ,- NIT �)-LA�0 BEACH- 1,-32,23 --.il_ii. Yi..�... Y.�. ... .�..i. ..a ... .. ..__-_._ General ri • tionof improvements: ��F�Y•t�¢j� ' m : .NEW DECORATIVE NON-IMTPACT " H MA STYLE" SHUTTER 1 a ..._. r },7+?7-1i-1=.1•}rl-}Fiv-i4•iYrTi-1•iY•i•i•i.� '.. .. .. � a . •.-.-.-�-.: r- YI7•Ffrs77F7-N-�'.•�4� OVER DRIVE THRU WINDOW Owner: ITY ONE ATLANTIC VtLLAGE INC AddresS. PO BOX 2539 SAN ANTONIO TEXAS 78299 ��7.174ai.ia��.77�prrW .__.._..__.._ ... .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. ISI 11 i �I 17M �I li�iil.Ili�FIi VYi[•�-s+iv___. a + �••••�• •• r�wr.�-'-�rF.�r�.e�e urwu�a�av�.a Owner"�,y F 7 5 teresTa I siteof 1•F 'i me t Fee k' mpi e Tj tf eh o Ider (if other than owner) Name: _sl Contracto `: THOMPSON AWNING & SHUTTER COMPANY, WC., JAKE R FULMER, SR CGC 1524194 Address* 2036 EVERGREEN AVENUE JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA 32206 (904) Fax No. (904) 212-1875 Baru (IT any Address- Amount of Bon Telephone No - Fax y .a.h�s7r��i•.�r�.� .��r•+�11.Ir��iT.��.a.---�.. ___._r._7�aii1Y �+. as r.. � Name and addressof ny person making a loan for the consftruction of the iMprovemnts N a m e: Address. Phone Fax No: ,...h.HH,...4d14i.W +-•�Y.Ya�,. ._.......J_�.47•!-•.��__._.. ._. ...._. ._.._.... _.A Narne of perso.n Mthl-n the State of fodda, other than him -self, designated by owner upon whom notices or other docu be 0 served.: Name: � 0 Telephone No-,, Pax Ma: in 'tion to' himself, owner designates the following per receive a copy of the mor'Notice as orovide Lo 713-06(21 (b)� Florida Statues, (Fi4in at 0%,vion P.� 0 Cj Address* - 0 MT 0 Telephone No; Fax N :- Z 0 E,xplration date of Notice of Commencement(the trap i )feia r from the date Of FeWrdi fig U n e5s iff E C� :DSY � Uj (;F THIS OROR-- E P ONLY OWNIEFt x a s Date4 2 xv te Byre n •phis day of in the Countyof -6 t CIL . i - - -Nota Public Large, Stag t .ji),.�4 F{ f y � V y F -Ir ; �} ,+ iis so expres: i '# t rL a Produced Identification: �A