5-8-23 Regular City Commission Meeting Adopted MinutesMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting r Monday, May 8, 2023 - 6:30 PM " Commission Chamber >� City Hall, 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER: Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Ford called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ATTENDANCE: Present: Curtis Ford, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Jessica Ring, Commissioner - Seat 5 Also Present: Joe Gerrity, Interim City Manager (CM) Jason Gabriel, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) Victor Gualillo, Police Chief (PC) Melissa Burns, Director of Finance (DF) APPROVAL OF MINUTES IA. Approve minutes of the April 10, 2023 Regular Commission Meeting. Mayor Ford asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Ford stated the minutes stand as submitted. ITEM 8C WAS PULLED FROM THE AGENDA CM Gerrity requested to pull this item from the agenda, the Commission approved. 2. COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS 2.11. National Safe Boating Week Proclamation Mayor Ford mentioned that this proclamation was delivered before the meeting. 2.A. National Public Works Week Proclamation Regular City Commission May 8, 2023 Mayor Ford acknowledged the importance of Public Works Week and recognized Public Works Director Scott Williams and his team. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Ford opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Ken Caudle expressed gratitude to the Public Works Department. He also made suggestions to help with beautification and road safety in the City. Steve Piscitelli expressed gratitude to the City for their support with the Acoustic Night over the years. Lynn Shimp spoke about her experience with the Acoustic Night event and thanked the Commission for their support. Michael Lanier expressed his gratitude for the Acoustic Night event. Al Monte spoke about his experience with the Acoustic Night and songwriters events over the years. Anjna Roy expressed her opinions on the pickleball and tennis court issues. Chris Brophy made suggestions regarding the expansion of the pickleball courts. Jane Stevens provided an update on the Mayport Middle School garden refresh. She invited everyone to see how it's progressing on May 20, 2023 from 9 a.m. until noon. 3. CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3.A. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (May -July 2023) There was a CONSENSUS to accept the 90 -Day Calendar. 3.11. Non -Habitable Structure at Atlantic Beach Country Club (ABCC) CM Gerrity and CA Gabriel reported on this item as detailed in the agenda packet. Commissioner Waters expressed that the net is needed. Commissioner Kelly inquired about the look of the net. Alvin Howard, Attorney for the ABCC, expressed that it is not intended to be like the Topgolf structure. CA Gabriel clarified that it would be thirty-five feet and would be measured from the highest grade in the vicinity. There was a CONSENSUS to allow CM Gerrity to move forward with this item. Regular City Commission May 8, 2023 3.C. Additional Updates CM Gerrity provided the following updates: • $197,000 grant was received that will allow garage doors to be placed onto the Public Works (PW) building which has brought the total Public Utilities (PU) and PW grants to about $5.5 million. He also mentioned that there was another $500,000 awaiting a signature from the governor for the Aquatic Gardens project. • Parking at 18th and 19th Streets: CM Gerrity mentioned that the total revenue for April was $4,070. There were 24 citations written, 121 citations written citywide and about $8,000 outstanding for unpaid tickets. • Splashpad: total price $588,000. CM Gerrity suggested deciding on when to move forward and how to fund it. • PC Gualillo provided an update on ebikes and answered questions from the Commission along with CA Gabriel. • Thanked City Engineer Steve Swann and staff for their work with grants. 4. REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Kelly • Mentioned that she has received several emails regarding waste management concerns. CM Gerrity explained that the waste management contract states that any multifamily building that is more than four units is considered commercial and that commercial establishments do not get recycling services which is different from previous advance disposal contracts. He mentioned that the only resolve would be to modify the contract. Mayor Ford provided his input on the recycling issue and mentioned that further discussions will need to be had. Commissioner Waters • Spoke about the upcoming STOP Committee and mentioned that ebikes would be one of the discussions for this committee to have. Mayor Ford • Spoke about the applicants for the STOP Committee. CC Bartle confirmed there are now 21 applications and they will all be verified to confirm that they are electors. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6. CONSENT AGENDA 6.A. Acknowledge receipt of the Financial Report as of March 31, 2023. MOTION. Approve Consent Agenda (item 6A as written). Motion: Candace Kelly Second. Michael Waters Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole For Regular City Commission May 8, 2023 7. 8. Michael Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Jessica Ring For Motion passed 5 to 0. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8.A. RESOLUTION NO. 23-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO 2223-04 FOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT #2 ELEVATED STORAGE TANK REPAIRS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ford read the title of the resolution. CM Gerrity reported on this item as detailed in the agenda packet and a handout (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A). 5-8-23 Attachment A MOTION. Approve Resolution No. 23-15. Motion: Bruce Bole Second. Candace Kelly Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole (Moved By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Jessica Ring For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8.B. RESOLUTION NO. 23-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO. 2223-05 FOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT #2 EXTERIOR PAINTING GROUND STORAGE TANK; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Regular City Commission May 8, 2023 Mayor Ford read the title of the resolution. MOTION: Approve Resolution No. 23-16. Motion: Jessica Ring Second. Michael Waters Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Jessica Ring (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. 8.C. RESOLUTION 23-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A NEW SCHEDULE OF GARBAGE RATES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S AGREEMENT WITH GFL ENVIRONMENTAL AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE This item was removed from the agenda. 9. ACTION ON ORDINANCES 9.A. ORDINANCE NO. 20-23-167, Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2022 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2023, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ford read the title of the ordinance. FD Burns reported on this item. Commissioner Ring inquired about why a project wasn't carried over into the current Fiscal Year. FD Burns explained that timing of when the invoice was received is what caused this issue. MOTION: Accept Ordinance No. 20-23-167 as read (Approve Ordinance No. 20-23-167 on first reading). Motion: Candace Kelly Second. Bruce Bole Curtis Ford For Regular City Commission May 8, 2023 Bruce Bole (Seconded By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Jessica Ring For Motion passed S to 0. 10. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 10.A. City Manager Search (CM Gerrity) CM Gerrity reported on this item. Commissioners nominated the following applicants to be interviewed. Commissioner Bole • Paul Andrew Stewart • Dale Martin Commissioner Kelly • Paul Andrew Stewart • Pat Oman Commissioner Ring • Paul Andrew Stewart • Charles Drysdale Commissioner Waters • Paul Andrew Stewart • Pat Omen Mayor Ford • Paul Andrew Stewart CM Gerrity encouraged the Commission to interview with Mr. Stewart given that he is the finalist. He also recommended an open house for the public to have an opportunity to meet the candidate. The Commission agreed to allow CM Gerrity to plan an open house. CA Gabriel clarified that the meet and greet would cover the Sunshine requirements. CM Gerrity indicated that the one-on-one interviews would happen and then the following day, the meet and greet would take place, all before May 18, 2023. 11. CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CA Gabriel • Reminded the Commission that July 1 st is the deadline for filing financial disclosures and also the deadline for meeting the four hour ethics education requirement. • Mentioned that COJ offers an orientation that will provide the Commission with an opportunity to achieve the four hour ethics education requirement. 12. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Bole • Expressed his gratefulness for living in AB. Regular City Commission May 8, 2023 13. Attest: Commissioner Ring • Mentioned that the Beaches Opening Parade was nice. Commissioner Waters • Expressed gratitude for the Acoustic Night event. Mayor Ford • Agreed with Commissioner Waters' sentiments about Acoustic Night. CM Gerrity • Mentioned that the Boys and Girls Club will be applying for grant funding with COJ. Mayor Ford mentioned that he's spoken with the outgoing Education Director for Beaches Habitat, Sue Goebertus, and that she expressed support for what the City is doing with the Boys and Girls Club. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: 6112-123 C 's ord, M or Regular City Commission May 8, 2023 Attachment A to 5-8-23 Minutes Public Utilities Capital Project Status - FY23 24 -Apr -23 IP, ole, l Dexrlptiun Proleet8 Budget Status Status Date 1 Potable Water- Production c; --- ---- =u2110 Encueebered FY22 drawings being submitted, 4/24/2023 _ FU2101 $ 200.000 Air 4/24/2023 2 - Wall 93 & WTP p3 - Well X3W: Add Cleaning & Casing Repair Pu2201 S 126.500 e.Sble afd8 N No 3 vas 4/24/2023 Service Line & Verve Replacements (various) Jones Edmunds - F iral design & spec submitted Apr 23 S 100,000 replaced w/ submersfbie Pump• rating not reparable. 10/4/2022 1 - Replace 2 Aerator Houses PU2202 S 46 COD Gruhn-May - Complete 12/21/2022 • Replace 1 Aerator House PU2203 S 24300 Gruhn-May- Complete 12/21/2D22 WTP a2 - Modern.tation - Design & Eng AR2201 5 180.013 Collins - Under design Apr 23 4/24/2023 WTP A2 - Clean & Point WT PU2204 S 90,000 Southern Road & Bridge - Contract to be awarded for $55K 4/24/2023 Retrofit High Pnou;y Wells Vulnerable to Ficiod,ng AR2202 S 20,000 Troy/Curtis deemed unnecessary due to elevation of wall 10/4/2012 electr cal components WTP M2-CieeEr.. �7 ge Ta•l '_.. _ ._- _ Reaorback Qrca-i seat - 1-1 :. ce --o7 r. t��nei•.r.e,a."a's reps +g reirer�c' V,,TP a4 - Abandon Wells Pu2301 S 100,000 Partridge Well Drilling - Completed Feb 23 V28/2025 WTP al - 500 Ga! Diesel Fuel Tank S 20 000 Repaired existing tank, budget for tank replacement and 10/18/2022 addhan of second tank In fY24 _ WTP 41 . Well R5 Video Lagging S 35.000 Troy dooms unnoeerary 4/24/2023 WTP 03 - Charge over to HYpochlonta from gas 5 1S0.000 On hold pending outcome of WTP No. 3 nrcessily study, will not 2/28/2023 be addressed in FY23 WTP 03 - Well 91 Motor & Pump 5 50,000 Comp area 10/4/2022 Welifield Evovatton PU2304 S 150,000 saltus-Completed 4/24/2023 Completion of 4 -Log Virus maetltsIty, PU2206 S 10.000 Trot deemed nc%fit—bir at present I -a 4,23/2023 Potable Water - Distribution Construct 250 LF of 12' PVC WM - Mayport Rd @ AIA PU2101 S 197.100 Hanson Conceot desgn completed, workl% on 90% 4/24/2023 Construct 110 LF of 12" PBC WM - Mariner's Village to 16" WM on Mayport R FU2101 $ 200.000 Steve m put bid package together 4/24/2023 Construct 850 LF of 12' PVC WM Ocean Walk 10' WM to Pioneer Dr AR2203 $ 643,000 OB Clivil Construction - Contract to be awarded - S659K 4/24/2023 Service Line & Verve Replacements (various) Jones Edmunds - F iral design & spec submitted Apr 23 S 100,000 C Walker to plan 10/4/2022 Purchase Existing JEA 20" HDPE WM on Wonderw'ood or Collins - Design started Apr 23 S -------- Discussions postponed tending JEA dixuu:ons 4/24/2023 Cavallo - install New Long Side Service Connections PU2101 S 40,000 Baldwin Plumbing - Complato 2/28/2023 Wastewater - Treatment outfoll0.001Repair - WWTF toOutfai PU2509 $ 325,227 Hoge; ConsWUbn- Completed 4'2023 4/24/2023 WWTF- Replace Digester Catwair f 221 -ES 130 Hutchinson Welding - Troy -i�ag,'F 212 612 02 3 WWTF - Upsite headworks line to influent Basin AR2208 $ 266,401 Jones Edmunds F i,ai design & spas submmrJ Apr 23 4/24/2023 W V,TF - Replace Influent Peadworks PU2307 $ 150,000 Jones Edmunds - F iral design & spec submitted Apr 23 4/24/2023 WWTF - Construct Hypoch-orite Building PU2306 S 300,000 Collins - Design started Apr 23 4/24/2023 WWTF - Influent Screen Bcx & Element Replacement S $0,000 Hutchtnson Welding- Troy managing, under construction d/24/2023 Wastewater - Collection Selva Marina LS Forcemain Extem icn PU2104 S 170,000 Gruhn May A^t•,. pate start May 2023 4/24/2023 LS influent Line Replacement 13 LS) PU2209 S 210,923 10/4/2022 Replacement of City Services - Salva Marina, Oak Harbor and Park Terrace AR2206 $ 121,328 G -M and Baldwin - Baldwin completed a number of them, Walker working with G -M for next batch 2/28/2023 Retrofit 14 High Pr,oflty LS Vulnerable to Flooding AR2207 $ 392,940 $thus- Final report submitted, work to wmmence on Buccaneer and Covaila 2/28/2023 = Completed = Underway/on schedule = Not started/off schedule