5-17-23 CDB Adopted MinutesPresent: MINUTES Community Development Board (CDB) Meeting Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - 6:00 PM Commission Chamber jennifer Lagner, Member Angela Farford, Member Kirk Hansen, Member Sylvia Simmons, Member Ellen Golombek, Member Jeff Haynie, Member Absent: Harold Gear, Member Richard Arthur, Alternate Member Also Present: Amanda Askew, Planning & Community Development Director (PCD[)) Valerie Jones, Recording Clerk Abrielle Cienest, Planner CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Hansen. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the April 18, 2023 regular meeting of the Community Development Board. The minutes were approved. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. 73 West 13th Street ZVAR23-0011 (Pamela. Chappell) Request for a variance to reduce the minimum rear yard setback from 20 feet to 13 feet and side yard setback to 4.6 feet to construct a sunroom on the north side of the property at 73 West 13th Street. STAFF REPORT: Planner Genest presented the information as explained in the staff report. She also provided a PowerPoint presentation. Ms. Golombek asked if the change was from 4.6 feet instead of 5. Planner Genest said that it would be the same as the existing structure that already encroaches into the setback. Mr. Haynie asked if this was a whole new structure. Planner Genest confirmed that it is a new structure. Ms. Simmons asked if this could have been an administrative variance. Planner Genest said that it exceeds an administrative Community Development Board ((DB) May 17, 2023 Page 1 of 5 variance. Chair Hansen asked ifthis was asubstandard lot. Planner Genest said it docs not meet the minimum width 'and the minimum lot size. Ms. Simmons asked if there was a miilinlllrn lot size when the house was huilt in 1995. P|anocrGcnea\ thought that the lots used to he platted at 55 feet wide but was changed approxirnate!y 20 years ago to 75 teet aiid this prol)erty is 40 feet wide. APPLICANT REPORT: Pamela Chappell introduced herself as the owner of the property. She explained that she would like to construct a xunuuxn to provide extra living space tOr her .family, Mr. Haynie asked i[there was ustructure that was being closed in, Ms, Chappell said it is just a patio which would be expanded and closed in, Ms. LmgncTasked how large the patio was. Ms, Chappell said there was approximately 3 feet short. o[what they planned on for the munnxonn. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chair Flansen opened the floor to pi.iblic coirirnent. There were nopublic comments. BOARD DISCUSSION: Ms. Golombek asked if the expansion of the patio would affect the pervious and impervious ratio. Planner (ienest said it will add the impervious surl.ace so if they exceed the 45% they would have to make adjuslnicnts 10 existing impervious surface. The applicant said she wasn't aware of that. Mr. Haynie asked if Planner Genesi. knew how much impervious surface there was currently. Planner Genesi said she wasn't sure. Ms. 0u|omhtk shared concern that the applicant might have to conic back lor another variance. Planner Genesi. said they would have to apply for another variance. Mm. Lagner asked if it was going 10 trigger on-site water retention. Planner Genesi said if you count the net balance it doomu'{trigger any retention. Ms. (7o|ornhck asked if the applicant would be better off withdrawing the variance and coming back with a total package. Ms. Lagner asked i[the variance was denied then would the applicant have to wait a year. P|uuncrGeucot said that was correct. Ms. Simmons said it, could he costly i f the driveway had to be toi'n oUl or underground water rcteiition had 10 he implemented. Chair Hansen askcd ihe applicant il she would like to delay the request for a variance until further research can be done. Director Askew recommended a date be implemented so that Staff wouldn't have to rc-advertise. The applicant chose 10 defr the variance request until the next. Community Development Board meeting on June 2Oth. B. 1858 Selva Grande Drive ZVAR23'0Q13(Tom Fleming) Request for a variance to reduce the minimum side yard setback on the north side of the property to construct an addition at 1858 Selva Grande Drive. STAFF REPORT: Planner Genest presented the information as explained in the staff report. She also provicled a PowerPoint presentation. Ms. Golornbek asked if it was a gazebo. Planiier Genest said it is an addition with interior living space. Ms. Go|onubek asked if it was the overhang or the structure that was a foot and a half into the setback. Planner Genest said it was the structure. Community Development Board (Cnn) May 17, 2023 Page 2n[5 APPLICANT REPORT: Tom Fleming introduced himself as the owner of the property. Ile said that the lot is pie shaped and creates a challenge to building. Mr. 'Fleming felt it should have been an administrative variance. Fie said his home is small and this pool house would add some living space. Ms. Simmons asked about the details of the pool house. Mr. Fleming said it ‘vill be approximately 490 square feet, insulated, air conditioned with a bathroom. Mr. Haynie asked if he had looked at plans that eliminate the need for a variance. Mr. 'Fleming said he didn't because he felt like it's a minor incursion. There was further discussion about different changes that the applicant could make. Mr. Fleming provide a picture of what it would look like from the neighbors view. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chair Hansen opened the floor to public comment. There were no public comments. BOARD DISCUSSION: Chair Hansen shared a letter from a resident who was not in favor of granting the variance. Ms. Lagner asked about administrative variance. Chair Hansen said the request is over the 5% limit for an administrative variance. Mr. Haynie said he didn'tsee where the request had met any ofthe grounds for decision. Ms. Farford agreed and thought the structure could be altered to stay out of the set -hack. Ms. Simmons felt like the irregular shape of the lot plays a role in the decision. Chair Hansen said he was concerned that it didn't meet any of the grounds for decision and agreed that it could set. precedence. MOTION: To DENY ZVAR23-0013 due to the request not meeting any of the criteria for approval. Motion: Jennifer Lagner Second: Jeff Haynie Jennifer Lagner (Moved By) For Angela Farford For Kirk Hansen For Sylvia Simmons For Ellen Golombek For Jeff Haynie (Seconded By) For Motion passed 6 to 0. C. 270 Mayport Road, Unit 18 UBEX23-0002 (Dean Grant) Request for a use -by -exception to allow on -premises consumption of alcohol (beer and wine) within the Commercial General zoning district at 270 Mayport Road, Unit 18. STAFF REPORT: Director Askew presented the information as explained in the staff report. She also provided a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Haynie asked lithe Board could set hours for on-site consumption of beer and wine. Director Askew Community Development Board ((UB) May 17, 2023 Page 3 of 5 saidsiicI the Board can place conditions for the on-site consumption and noise. Chair Hansen added that the City ordinance supplies restrictions for on-site consumption and noise. Ms. Golomhek asked a question that would be answered by the applicant. APPLICANT REPORT: Dean Grant introduced himself as the business owner and said he has had a business in that same building fOr 15 years. He explained that the business \vas tor people to play ping pong. Mr. Grant stated the business hours, said there would rarely he any music outside. Mr. Haynie asked if it was air conditioned or would the doors he open. Mr. Grant. said the doors would be closed the majority of the time so ping pang balls wouldn't bounce outside. Mr. Haynie asked about the speaker that was outside. Mr. Grant said there was one speaker facing west. Ms. Lagner asked the applicanthow many seats there would be. Mr. Grant said approximately 20. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chair Hansen opened the floor to public comment. There were no public comments. BOARD DISCUSSION: Mr. Haynie said his main concern was noise but after hearing from the applicant he doesn't think the Board needs to apply any restrictions. Ms. Golombek thought the Board should think about putting conditions on for the noise. (hair Hansen said that the surrounding businesses that serve alcohol don't have any restrictions other than the City ordinance. Mr. Haynie asked if there were problems that came up later on then could the Board place restrictions on the business later on. Director Askew said they would have to violate the Code. Ms. Simmons said she didn't want to place restrictions on this request because there weren't any on the 2 bars that are close by. MOTION: To APPROVE UBEX23-0002 to allow on -premises consumption of alcohol (beer and wine) Motion: Sylvia Simmons Second: Jennifer Lagner Jennifer Lagner (Seconded By) For Angela .Farfird For Kirk Hansen For Sylvia Simmons (Moved By) For Ellen Golombek For Alf Haynie For Motion passed 6 to 0. 5. REPORTS Director Askew said that there will be add t meetings to discuss revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. She said there will be a joint workshop between the Community Development Board and the City Commission. Community Development Board ((DB) May 17, 2023 Page 4 of 5 6. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public continents. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Chair Hansen declared the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Attest: a nd a Askew Kirk Hansen, Chair Community Development Board (CDB) May 17, 2023 Page 5 of 5