7-6-23 CESM Adopted MinutesPresent: MINUTES Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Meeting Thursday, July 6, 2023 - 2:00 PM Commission Chamber 1. CALL TO ORDER Magistrate Green called the meeting to order at 2:10 P.M. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the 5-11-23 regular meeting of the Special Magistrate meeting. The minutes were approved as submitted. 3. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH Magistrate Green administered the Oath to the attendees, staff and respondents. 4. OLD BUSINESS C. CASE# 17-551 LIEN REDUCTION REQUEST NAME: B & K PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ADDRESS: 10 DONNER RD Testified: CE Officer Irirzarry Respondent: Kelly Mathis, Attorney for B & K Property Management Mr. Mathis refereced a business tax application which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Exhibit 1. Action: The Respondent is fined $1,000.00 payable within thirty (30) days from the date of this Order for the costs incurred in this matter and the failure to appear at the November 14, 2023 hearing. 7-6-23 COAB Exh. 1 A. CASE# 22-061 NAME: DORIS COLEMAN ADDRESS: 705 BONITA Testified: CE Officer Irirzarry Code Enforcement Special Magistrate July 6, 2023 Respondent: Doris Coleman was not present. Action: The Respondent is fined $100.00 per day until the violations are in compliance commencing from the date of this Order. B. CASE# 23-051 NAME: 1411 HIBISCUS ST LLC ADDRESS: 1411 HIBISCUS ST Testified: CE Officer Irirzarry Respondent: 1411 Hibiscus St LLC was not present. Action: The matter is deferred until the September 7, 2023 Code Enforcement hearing date. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. CASE# 23-052 NAME: OCEANSIDE COLLISION ADDRESS: 61 W 2ND ST Testified: CE Officer Irirzarry Respondent: Harold Brooks was present. Action: The matter is deferred until the September 7, 2023 Code Enforcement hearing date to determine the movement towards compliance. B. CASE# 22-066 NAME: ALAN GRANT ADDRESS: 732 CAVALLA Testified: CE Officer Irirzarry Respondent: Alan Grant's wife was not present. Action: The matter is deferred until the September 7, 2023 Code Enforcement hearing date. C. CASE# 23-038 NAME: ROBERT JOSEPH WILLIAMS ADDRESS: 67 CORAL ST Testified: CE Officer Irirzarry Respondent: Robert Joseph Williams was present. Code Enforcement Special Magistrate July 6, 2023 Action: The matter is deferred until the September 7, 2023 Code Enforcement hearing date. If the Respondent's Property is not in significant compliance by that date, the Respondent is fined $250.00 per day commencing September 7, 2023. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:07 p.m. Attest: Suz a Green, Special Magistrate Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk Date Approved:' 071 - 202 3 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate July 6, 2023 COAB Exh. 1 7-6-23 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 LOCAL RTI.Q.TNUP.I., TAX APPLICATION Section APPLICATION TYPE:New Business Dransfer of Ownership Transfer to New Location: Previous Location BUSINESS NAME: QL � � ��o.✓ LOCATION ADDRESS: 2 0 00.1VA/E 2 Z Z 33 MAILING ADDRESS: za%,,,,, j j ,7 %1 i 3�z33 BUSINESS PHONE: Q1J� (,��.7yZ� FAX: CELL: EMAIL ADDRESS:_ IiC'� t;rr v„�JCy',Y BUSINESS ENTITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Federal Employer I.D. Number q(p 4 (e 13 ' or PLEASE EXPLAIN THE NATURE OF THE BUSINESS: Social Security Number aS7- 5-,6 -'1' V9/ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUSINESS PREMISES: / (Include beth buildings and outside areas used in conjunctio Will the following be served? Food: D Yes au lcoh • Yes 13 -No If restaurant, will dogs be allowed? Yes ❑ No 'A'111 you have any vending machines? Yes w1all ff Jr Ja(dE•'c5E—:e-$' t ioo' with (lie business, but not patron parking areas.) If yes, Select One: 11 1 COP [-] 2COP []4COP 3 N If yes, please provide quantity and type below: +r+++wW+WW++w�+ww«wwwWWw+wwvwwwwwWwww+,�wwwwiwWwwwwwwwww««wW+Wwwr+Ww*WWWr+++w+«wwwwwwww++Www++++W+«+w+ Section 2 APPLICANT/ LOCAL MANAGER/ PRINCIPAL OFFICER: f,�rrrsfory/ V i9-�rri��ss{� p HOME ADDRESS: 41/017 Y,2( �O17Ce U, Lro�v ��ucl f�uc, /—/ 20 �{ HOME PHONE; CELL: 90Y -6-0-7V23 DATE OF BIRTH: 2-1 q 41 DRIVERS LICENSE - 0 s4- EMAIL ADDRESS: OCDCE /-O (lease attach a cvpy.) �kr. I . CD STATE LICENSE/CERTIFICATION/REGISTRATION # (if applicable, attach copy): #+WW+++wrwW+wrww+WWwWWW+rwWWWwwwW+�wwkWw+WW++WWWWWyMMwW++Wwwww+wrWwWYWWw+W++*+w4++WWw+w+wwww+wyMWwWwWw Section 3 I, the undersigned, swear that the above statements are true and correct and I agree to notify the City if there Is any change in the above Information, I further understand that Issuance of a Local Business Tax Receipt by the City in no way relieves me. of the responsibility of compliance with 811 provisions of the Code of Ordinances pertaining to conducting a business in the City of Atlantic Beach. PRINT NAME; �v*sto� �,���.e�y TITLE: CSc.v�u t _ SIGNATURE (< - DATE /-Z& - y Nu person, firm or corpnration shall engage in or manage any trade, business, profession, or occupation in Atlantic Beach without first obtaining a Local Business Tax Receipt. Application and/or payinent does not constitute approval or issuance of a receipt.