8-7-23 Budget Workshop Adopted MinutesMINUTES rs Budget Workshop Meeting Monday, August 7, 2023 - 6:30 PM Commission Chamber ATTENDANCE: Present: Curtis Ford, Mayor Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Jessica Ring, Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) Joe Gerrity, Interim City Manager (CM) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Amanda Askew, Planning & Community Development Director (PCDD) Latrenia Thomas, Recreation and Cultural Arts Director (RCAD) Brittany Percell, Finance Director (FD) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ford called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Ford opened the floor for public comment. CC Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Brinkley Harrell expressed opinions on the budget. Jane Stevens spoke about the funding that goes to the Recreation Department. 2. TOPICS A. Departmental Presentations CM Gerrity, DCM Hogencamp, and PCDD Askew presented as detailed in the agenda packet and a slide show (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A). CM Gerrity, DCM Hogencamp, RCAD Thomas, PCDD Askew, Lieutenant Chase Jamison and Commander Tiffany Layson answered questions from the Commission. The discussion of the Public Works budget was moved to the next budget meeting. Budget Workshop August 7, 2023 8-7-23 Attachment A B. Capital Projects CM Gerrity reported on this item as detailed in Attachment A. CM Gerrity and FD Percell answered questions from the Commission. 3. CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS/QUESTIONS CM Gerrity confirmed for Commissioner Bole that money has been budgeted in Public Works for holiday lighting. Commissioner Ring inquired about the process for considering a COLA for pension plans and FD Percell provided the details. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Attest: %5 Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: 1 % 1 2- 0 2,3 Curtis Ford, ayor Budget Workshop August 7, 2023 j r�J`� r S l� r!4�19 Attachment A to 8-7-23 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH Attachment A to 8-7-23 Minutes June 23 to July 31 State Revenue Sharing Estimates provided Department of Revenue July 1 Deadline to receive Certification of Taxable Value; actually received June 26. Property Appraiser July 10-13 Review budget with Commissioners individually City Commission, City Manager July 24 Approval of proposed millage rate on DR -420 and scheduling of public hearings to consider the Tentative Millage and Tentative Budget. This information is to be presented to the property appraiser by Aug. 4 -- within 35 days from the July 1 date of certification deadline. CM, Director of Finance July 25 Budget Workshop #1 DF, CM, CC August 7 Budget Workshop #2 DF, CM, CC August 24 Tax notifications to be mailed within 55 days of Certification, (TRIM notice of proposed property taxes). PA August 24 Budget Workshop #3 DF, CM, CC September 21 Advertise in newspaper for public hearing on adoption of Tentative Budget and Proposed Millage (The property appraiser also notified property owners). DF, CC, PA September 13 First Public Hearing to adopt the Tentative Budget and Millage (F.S. 200.065). CC September 21-23 Publish TRIM notice in newspaper DF September 25 Second/Final Public Hearing to approve Budget and Millage Rate CC Within 3 days of final hearing Send resolution adopting the millage rate to the property appraiser and tax collector DF Within 3 days of receiving Form DR -422 Complete and certify millage rate to property appraiser DF Within 30 days after final hearing Complete Certification of Compliance Form (Form DR -487) along with copies of ads (whole page) proof of publication from newspaper and copies of ordinance adopting the budget and resolution adopting the millage rate DF Attachment A to 8-7-23 Minutes A 8-7-23 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH HIGHLIGHTS • 4% salary increase for general and unionized blue-collar employees • 5% salary increase for unionized police employees • 10% in health insurance cost • 33% combined increase in insurance premiums (property, workers' compensation, auto, liability, etc.) liTLANTIC BEACh Attachment A to INSURANCEQU&7O-23 TE Policy type VY23 Premium Premium lot estimate) [Ti636 70 S197063 10 % Change 65% 17% Policy Expiration 10101123-1010124 11!0123-11101,'24 Carrier estimates 60.65% Prop rate increase due to chaotic market VYr*d did cha i to S% S35k minimum Estimating 17°k increase based on carne,' expectations due to rale Increase as well as estimated FY2024 pavroNs and current loss history Property Ra23 aporarrat vKJkvM) 5261,598 00 Workers Compensation 5168 430 00 Public Officers 8 EPL S107,81800 $129 381 60 20% 10101123-10-101124 Carrier estimates 15-20% increase assuming no changes to exposures Au!o $79 637 00 S9S 564 40 20% 10:01'23.10'01'24 Carrier estimates 15-20% increase assuming no changes to exposures Lew Enforcement Liability $32.710 00 539 252 00 20°1. 10!0123.10.10124 Carrier estimates 15-20% Increase assuming no changes to e sures Inland Marine S3 361 00 S5 545 65 I 65% i 10'01'23-10 01'24 Carrier estimates F30-65% Prop rate increase due to chaotic market 'Arend ded changing to 5',w and minimum will be at least S35k General Liability ( S47,75800 S57 309 60 20% 10101.73-1010124 Carrier estimates 15-20% increase assuming no changes to exposures Cyber Liability_ SS 265 00 S5 318 00 I 20% 10101.23-10.^0124 Carrier estimates 15-20% increase assuming no changes to exposures Fiduciary Liabitly S6 498 00 56 822 90 5% 1010123.1010124 Carrier estimates minimal change at this time outside of exposure Increases Estimating a S% still based on AJG marketing Statutor}- ADBD S2 984 00 $3700 16 24% 1110123-1110125 Minimal change in carrier rates however expecting a 24% increase in premum due to increase in reported exposures (lifeguards police officnro i Crime $1 18100 $1 299 10 10% 1010123-1010124 Carrier estimates 8-10% irncresse as%urninq no changes to exposures Flood - Concessrnn Budding S1 73200 S1 991 80 15% 11,01:23-11'0124 Estimating a standard 1S% premium Increase at most ii am, Flood - City Hal $2.58000 S2.967 00 15% 1110123-1110124 Estimating a standard 15% premium.kKrease at most. it an Flood Lift Slahnn Cnntrol Building S9007 00 S10 MOS 15% 11:0112 3 1 1101 24 Estimating a standard 15� premium increase at most it an, Flood - Commission Chambers 51 360 00 S1 S6400 15% 1110123-1110124 Eslienating a standard 15% premium increase at most. N an Flood Police Budding S1 393 00 S1 39300 0% 9.106123-9'0624 Renewal premium quoted by carrier as of 7131.2023 GallagherFee S.15,00000 rr $45 000 00 . 0% 1010121-10.^0124 I Annual Broker Fee Attachment A to &7-23 Minutes s AT ILANTIC BEACH HUMAN RESOURCES Cathy Varian, Director FY 2024 Budget: $289,605 • (4.6% decrease) Note: • $16K decrease in printing/publishing ATLANTIC BEACH J3 , 4- � V ` Brittan FINANCE y Percell, Director FY 2024 Budget: $1,934,068 • (0.8% increase) Note: • Deputy Finance Director position vacant Attachment A to 8-7-23 Minutes ATLANTic BEACH s s CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Donna Bartle, City Clerk FY 2024 Budget: $394,745 • (8.7% decrease) Notes: Attachment A to 8-7-23 Minutes • Records Clerk position vacant • Purchased large -format scanner in FY 2023 ($19K) Attachment A to ATLANTIC BEACH &7-23 Minutes CITY COMMISSION FY 2024 Budget: $64.,470 • (0.9°/a decrease) Notes: • Training budget decreased • City Commission members, please advise whether you intend to attend FLC's Institute for Elected Municipal Officials Oct. 6-7 Attachment &7-23 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH r CITY MANAGER Joe Gerrity, Interim it Mana er FY 2024 Budget: $648,149 • (24.8% increase) Notes: • City Manager position salary increase plus housing allowance • Personal leave payout for retiring employee • Additional health insurance allocation Attachment A to ATLANTIC BEACH ",,"m"" CULTURAL ARTS & RECREATION 41 Latrenia T omas, Director FY 2024 Budget: $537,137 • (33.8% decrease) Notes: • Personnel cost savings due to Boys and Girls Club partnership • Arts, Recreation and Culture Committee grants for organizations and schools: $75,000 0 $41,300 in special events funding At8-7 23 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH Id GENERAL GOVERNMENT Note: • This is a subaccount with expenses distributed among various departments. Please disregard. ` �` Attachment A to S_ ATLANTIC BEACH 8 7-23 Minutes A d INFORMATON TECHNOLOGY Ron Bautista, Director FY 2024 Budget: $648,149 • (10.9% increase) Note: • Transitioning to Microsoft Office 365, a cloud - based IT infrastructure solution that saves money, enhances productivity and collaboration, and increases security. Attachment A to ATLA N BEACH 8 7-23 Minutes PLANNING & CODE ENFORCEMENT Amanda Askew, Director FY 2024 Budget: $718,295 • (20.7% increase) Notes: • Resiliency grant: $151,950 reimbursable • $29,190 allocated for environmental stewardship initiatives .4 ATLANTIC BEACH POLICE Vic Gualillo, Chief FY 2024 Budget: $8,232,741 • (0.6% decrease) Notes: Attachment A to 8-7-23 Minutes • $560K from COJ toward lifeguard station project • Repurpose police office position for information technology responsibilities • Two new patrol vehicles Attachment 8-7-23 Minutes J3 ATLANTIC BEACH PUBLIC WORKS Scott Williams, Director FY 2024 Budget: $3,962,660 • (6.8% increase) Notes: • $194K grant to replace bay doors (reimbursable) • $50K for electronic traffic message board • Vehicles (fleet inspection reports on next slide) o $46K for new tractor (Public Utilities to pay 25%) o $45K for a pickup truck Attachment A to �SIy11`Jp�vl 8-7-23 Minutes ATLANTIC BEACH FLEET INSPECTION REPORTS FLEET INSPECTION REPORT DEPARTMENT: "' VEHICLES: 111' VII: IFDXF4SS43EIS4WS7 TYPE OF VEHICLE: I'I; ....i�� �.I TNI; YEAR: 2003 _ _ _ REMARKS AND/OR CONDITION COST TO REPAIR ARRAS!: 1095'0 MAKEMDOEL: �IR'G F_'.:. �. HOURS: OK E$TIM117EO REMARKS ANDUOR RwIIDnIDN__--. :COST TO REPAIR_ COMPONENT STEERING ENGINE RUNS, VERY HIGH MILES BRAKES TRANSMISSION SHIFTS I VERY HIGH MILES I SUSPENSION OK I HAS LIGHT RUST ON FRAME AND SUSPENISON 1 ROUGH I RUST d CORRISION STEERING BRAKES OK • FAIR I HIGH MILES BODY ROUGH ELECTRICAL HYDRAULICS OTHER REQUIRED REPAIRS / COMMENTS INSPECTED BY: Gene Whole RECOMMEND PURCHASE: NO YES DATE: 7:11'202;' RECOMMEND REPLACE: NO YES X SUPERVISOR'SSOGRATWRE: -D'* FLEET INSPECTION REPORT VEHICLES: K VIN: DEPARTMENT: � �� ' ' +SPE of vEwu E- 'CTr•R YEAR: Anna MILEAGE: MAKEIN ODEL ! HOURS: � ESTIMATED COMPONENT _ _ _ REMARKS AND/OR CONDITION COST TO REPAIR ENGINE FAIR I OK I HIGH HOURS TRANSMISSION OK SUSPENSION ROUGH I RUST I WORN STEERING BRAKES OK BODY ROUGH I HEAVY RUST ELECTRICAL HYDRAULICS 1 ROUGH I RUST d CORRISION OTHER REQUIRED REPAIR$ I COMMENTS INSPECTED BY: Gena Whole RECOMMEND PURCHASE: HD YES DATE: 7/3112021 RECDMMEND REPLACE: NO YES X SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATURE: Mae eefk Potential Projects 'J Lifeguard station ($560K COJ grant) Connectivity Plan multi -use path - Seminole to East Coast Milling and paving (resurfacing) Dutton Island: Fishing pier rehab Tide Views Preserve: New decking and handrails at Sunset Pier Sidewalks throughout City Pickleball court expansion/tennis court conversion Right-of-way parking with turf block Landscaping (Atlantic Blvd @ Mayport Road; Police Department; Atlantic Blvd median) Planning for Gail Baker expansion ($500K COJ grant) Attachment A to &7-23 Minutes 101i Tota $910,000 550,000 350,000 200,000 200,000 125,000 90,000 50,000 44,000 25,000 Potential Projects Attachment A to 8-7-23 Minutes Project Total Dutton Island: Install trail/surface edging Dutton Island: Stabilizing trail surface in wet areas Beach accesses: Replace two showers (locations TBA) Replace A/C units (locations TBD) Bicycle racks (locations TBD) Water stations (locations TBD) Bicycle repair stations at Russell, Donner parks Dog Park: Fountain replacement Seminole Road gateway improvement project planning/startup Baseball field(s) upgrade $20,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 7,000 7,000 5,200 10.'000 5,000