9-11-23 Regular Commission Meeting Adopted MinutesMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting M o n day, September 11, 2023 - 6:30 PM r, n Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER: Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Ford called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ATTENDANCE: Present: Curtis Ford, Mayor - Seat 1 Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Jessica Ring, Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Jason Gabriel, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Victor Gualillo, Police Chief (PC) Cathy Varian, Human Resources Director (HRD) 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1A. Approve minutes of the Special Called meetings held on March 20, 2023, May 8, 2023, and August 7, 2023. Mayor Ford asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to these minutes. Mayor Ford stated the minutes stand as submitted. 1B. Approve minutes of the Special meeting held on July 29, 2023. Mayor Ford asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to these minutes. Mayor Ford stated the minutes stand as submitted. 2. COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS 2.A. Proclamation - Constitution Week (Mayor Ford) Mayor Ford read and presented the proclamation to Leslie May with DAR, Daughters of the American Revolution. Regular City Commission September 11, 2023 Kil PUBLIC COMMENT Brinkley Harrell spoke about the history of 9-11. He also spoke about the proposed budget and Justice Assistant Grant funds. CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3.A. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (Sept. - Nov. 2023) DCM Hogencamp reported on upcoming meetings and events. He also announced that the new city manager's first day will be September 26, 2023. MOTION: Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (Sept. through Nov. 2023). Motion: Candace Kelly Second. Michael Waters Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Jessica Ring For Motion passed 5 to 0. 3.B. Florida League of Cities Recognition of Commissioner Kelly DCM Hogencamp congratulated Commissioner Kelly on an award received from the Florida League of Cities. Commissioner Kelly spoke about the benefits of the educational program. The Commission applauded her for her accomplishment. 3.C. Idalia Report DCM Hogencamp spoke about a report submitted highlighting the City's efforts during storm Idalia and about the importance of hurricane preparedness. 3.1). Streaming BMRC meetings DCM Hogencamp reported on the BMRC meetings not being live -streamed. He explained the current live -streaming contract and reported the cost for additional meetings over the allotted 100 per year being $175 per meeting. He answered questions and asked the Commission to let him know if more needs to be done on this topic. Regular City Commission September 11, 2023 Additional Reports DCM Hogencamp reported on Dora Drive, explaining that the second appraisal has been received and would forward the information to the Commission for review. He provided additional information regarding the environmental assessment. A detailed cost -benefit analysis is currently being worked on. Staff intends to present our finding to the Commission on October 9, 2023 for a decision. Mayor Ford asked if CE Swann has surveyed the trees on the property. DCM Hogencamp responded CE Swann has surveyed the property and will report back on the topic. DCM Hogencamp reported on net savings resulting in the City doing business with the Boys and Girls Club to take over the afterschool programs. DCM Hogencamp thanked Commissioner Kelly, Commissioner Bole, and Mr. Harrell for their service to our family, friends, community, and country. 4. REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS 4.A. FY 2023-24 Budget Discussion (Commissioner Kelly) Commissioner Kelly spoke about an email received about the Blue Collar Union rejecting the City's contract. She expressed her concern about not knowing the City's personnel costs and asked for clarification regarding the status of the personnel costs. HRD Varian responded by informing the Commission of a scheduled union meeting for the following day and anticipates an agreement of a 5% increase. Mayor Ford and HRD Varian reviewed the previous salary increases. - Mayor Ford offered his opinion of remaining at a 4% increase for union employees to match the proposed 4% increase for COAB non-union employees. Commissioner Bole added that the federal government is budgeting for a 4% increase for all employees and stated he agrees to maintain a 4% increase for union and non-union staff. Commissioner Ring asked for clarification regarding the previous 21% pay increase. Mayor Ford responded with information regarding the reasoning behind the increase. HRD Varian spoke about attrition and retention issues throughout the City. She explained the previous cost of living salary increases for employees. Commissioner Reports Regular City Commission September 11, 2023 Commissioner Kelly thanked staff for the ribbon cutting ceremony for Donner Road She asked for the status of a possible COLA increase for the Pension Board retirees. Mayor Ford clarified his actions of limiting further conversation about union negotiations. CA Gabriel supported the mayor's actions and further explained the negotiation process. Commissioner Bole announced the Beaches Town Center meeting is scheduled for the following night and the annual golf fundraiser is scheduled in the near future. He spoke about reviewing the HR procedures for hiring a City Manager and assigning people to different committees. He welcomed any volunteers to help review the information and plans to write a resolution to outline the details of the process. He spoke about the challenges of collective bargaining agreements with unions. He spoke about fellow naval academy classmates who passed during 9-11. Commissioner Ring asked for clarification regarding budgeting concerns brought up by Mr. Harrell and about the status of another millage rate reduction. DCM Hogencamp responded he would present information with details about lowering the millage rate to the Commission at an upcoming meeting or an email. Commissioner Waters spoke about the ending of the parking high season and is interested in hearing the results of the parking season. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6. CONSENT AGENDA None. 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 8. ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8.A. RESOLUTION NO. 23-39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING A ONE-YEAR AGREEMENT CONTINUING THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF LANGTON ASSOCIATES, INC.; SUBJECT TO AND CONTINGENT UPON INCLUSION OF FUNDING FOR THIS PURPOSE IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2023- 24 CITY COMMISSION -APPROVED BUDGET; AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF $45,603.83 ANTICIPATED TO BE ALLOCATED IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 BUDGET FOR THIS PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ford read the title of the Resolution. Regular City Commission September 11, 2023 MOTION. Adopt Resolution No. 23-39. Motion: Bruce Bole Second. Michael Waters Kristen Bennett, Senior Public Affairs with Langton Consulting, reported on the status of grants and answered questions from the Commission. Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole (Moved By) For Michael Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Jessica Ring For Motion passed 5 to 0. 8.B. RESOLUTION NO. 23-35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR RESILIENT FLORIDA FUNDING FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 FUNDING CYCLE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ford read the title of the Resolution. DCM Hogencamp explained the resolution. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 23-35. Motion: Jessica Ring Second. Candace Kelly Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Jessica Ring (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. Regular City Commission September 11, 2023 ►� 8.C. RESOLUTION NO. 23-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN SATELLITE SHELTERS, INC., AND THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FOR A TEMPORARY OFFICE TRAILER; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ford read the title of the Resolution. DCM Hogencamp and CA Gabriel reported on the item. MOTION. Approve Resolution No. 23-37. Motion: Bruce Bole Second. Candace Kelly Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole (Moved By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Jessica Ring For Motion passed 5 to 0. ACTION ON ORDINANCES 9.A. ORDINANCE NO. 20-23-169, Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2022, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2023, FOR APPROPRIATING FUNDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT COUNTYWIDE (JAGC) FOR A CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY SECURITY PROJECT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ford read the title of the ordinance. DCM Hogencamp provided an overview of the ordinance. MOTION. Approve Ordinance No. 20-23-169. Motion: Bruce Bole Second. Candace Kelly Regular City Commission September 11, 2023 PC Gualillo further explained the ordinance, amending the budget to receive $53,008 in grant funding. CA Gabriel noted that the second reading will be on September 25, 2023. Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole (Moved By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Jessica Ring For Motion passed S to 0. 10. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None. 11. CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS None. 12. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Bole • Commended the City regarding grant funding. Commissioner Kelly • Asked if the $100,000 for community center upgrades are specific to the Boys and Girls Club contract. DCM Hogencamp explained that funds would be used for ordinary maintenance and to upgrade the facilities to the Boys and Girls Club standards. Commissioner Waters • Thanked DCM Hogencamp for hosting Mr. Gerrity's farewell party. Mayor Ford • Thanked the staff for all the preparation for storm Idalia. • Spoke about an invitation to attend a lunch on the HMS Dauntless (ship) stationed for several weeks at Mayport and noted he would provide the Commission copies of any future letters regarding upcoming visits to Mayport. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: `le/ 2-0 Z Regular City Commission September 11, 2023