1-8-24 Handout 2/&j zq - Amovidt kkew - LJ 2023 Comprehensive Plan LJ Coastal Vulnerability, Resiliency and Adaptation Plan LI Connectivity Plan LJ Sustainability and Resiliency Community Action Plan Goal A.1 The City shall manage growth and redevelopment in a manner, which results in a pattern of land uses that: 1) encourages, creates and maintains a healthy and aesthetically pleasing built environment, 2) avoids blighting influences, 3) preserves and enhances coastal, environmental, natural, historic and cultural resources, 4) maintains the City's distinct residential community character, 5) provides for reasonable public safety and security from hazardous conditions associated with coastal locations, 6) that provides public services and facilities in a timely and cost effective manner, and 7) that encourages energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy resources. Goal B.1 The City shall provide a safe, reliable and efficient roadway system with reasonable operational and maintenance characteristics. Goal C.1 The City shall provide needed public facilities and infrastructure in a manner, which protects investment in the existing facilities and promotes efficient and appropriate use by existing and future development. Goal C.2 Adequate stormwater management and provision for drainage shall be provided to afford reasonable protection from flooding and to prevent degradation in the quality of receiving surface water and ground water. Goal D.1 The City shall protect, enhance and preserve beach and dune systems, as well as other coastal resources of environmental value, through proper maintenance and management practices, the avoidance of inappropriate use and development, including publicly -financed improvements within the Coastal High Hazard Area, and shall continue an ongoing program of re -vegetation and installation of properly designed public access - ways in areas that are subject to erosion such as the dune system. Goal DA The City shall promote and encourage energy conservation and efficiency in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment. Goal D.5 The City shall ensure the development and redevelopment of property requires principles, strategies, and engineering solutions that reduce flood risks which result from high -tide events, storm surge, flash floods, stormwater runoff, and the related impacts of sea -level rise. Goal EA The City shall maintain sufficient parks, recreation facilities and open space so as to provide the citizens with a wide variety of leisure time activities in order that the City continues to be a healthy, desirable and attractive community in which to I ive. -91, P. Recommendation Action Timeframe for Initiation Review all capital projects in context of Incorporate into project planning procedures Immediate adaptation Building and zoning code review Initiate review process and produce report of Near -Term recommended actions Policies to encourage homeowner Establish policies Mid -Term resiliency projects Reinforce value of trees for absorbing Develop educational materials; coordinate Near -Term runoff with COJ efforts Real estate disclosures Initiate discussions with Property Appraiser Mid -Term and develop approach for implementation Education and Public Engagement Tools Develop/adapt educational materials Near -Term Low maintenance buffers on City Establish policy Immediate property Marsh restoration partnering w/ COJ. Begin planning. discuss with relevant Long -Term JAXPORT. USACE agencies. determine funding sources Work with COJ on vulnerability outreach Begin coordination and development of Mid -Term program outreach materials Invasive species mapping in riparian Complete map and develop eradication plan Near -Term areas Maintain federal authorization for beach Maintain contact with USACE. COJ and Ongoing renourishment FDEP to assure authorization is maintained Incorporate EPA Green Streets into Incorporate in to Complete Streets program Near -Term planning &projects Seek funding to phase out septic tanks Initiate discussions with COJ, FDEP and Ongoing SJRWMD to identify funding opportunities Incentivize LID practices Develop LID guide and update code as Near -Term necessary to incentivize Review minimum off-street parking Review and update applicable sections of Near -Term requirements code Revise minimum FFEs in exposed areas Evaluate impact of change and implement Mid -Term code change LJ Connectivity Plan Improving connectivity by providing a safe environment for pedestrians and bicyclists is a top priority within the city. The purpose of this plan is to identify opportunities for on— and off-street facilities that help create safe and comfortable connections that capitalize on the city's natural, cultural, and recreational amenities such as parks, commercial districts, schools, community centers and the beach. In addition to enhanced con- nectivity and access, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure also influence: FOMAreo 2050 (or earlier) Goals • Develop and ennancecornectivityand walkabihtybetween oarksardwithin city, • Ensure that 95% of residential addresses are located within'" mile of a park or open space. • Increase and maintain healthy, diverse tree canopy to 40%. • Reduce use of harmful chemicals and biocides by 90% Energy & Climate • Reduce green house gas emissions (GHG) emissions tobeiowtwometric ton sper capita or80% be I ow 1990 levels • Commit to Under 2° actions and implementation. • Reduce 20% of overall energy consumption. • Work with Jack5oriville Eclectic Authority (JEA) and other partnersto generate 33% of citywide electricity from renewable energy and obtain 100% of electricity from clean, renewable sources city wide + • Demonstrate an annual improving trend achievement forthe stated thresholds and metrics (LEED quality of life data, safe community, housing& transportation affordability, food access & nutrition, community health, ambient noise & light, active living, aging in the community, environmentaljustice, arts &culture, historic preservation, social & cultural diversity) • Meet orexceed',a, _ , , , . -;Water Regulation for9O known contaminantsand add status of waterwithdrawal areas in annual reDort. • Reduce gross potable water consumption percapita by40% including on lawns. • Make 100%ofCOABwaterways fishable and swimmable, • Ensure COA8 has suff icient water storage and mitigates inland flooding cluringextreme weather events. • Notreatedornon-pointsourcepollution inIntercoastal Watenvay,St.JohnsRiverorocean. Green Building&Infrastructure • Strivefor100% of new buildings meet green building and resiliency stanclards( GB&R). • Strnvefor100%ofexisting buildings are educated about GB&R standards and benefits and at least 50% actively striving to meet standards. 9 Reduce total electricity consumption by 20%. • Reduce municipalsolid waste (MSW1generated by30% • Increase MSW diverted from landfill by 30%through reduction, composting and recycling, • Actively work at becoming a"zero waste"community reporting action items and lessons learned in annual report. 'Transportation&land Use increase numberof lotsthat retain trees I not denuded due to construction) and incentivize renovations instead of tear downs by 251,1b". • Def i ne and identify number of h istoric homesibuildings in AB and incentivize preservation. • increase numberof historic hom4buildings, numberof lots that retain trees j not denuded due to construction), and renovate versus razing by 25% • Reduce total vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and emissions from vehicles by 20% and achieve ma)ority of trips made by foot, bike, carpooling, ortransit. • Achieve and maintain a Gold ranking for the League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly Community Score. • Eliminate pedestrian and bike fatalities. • Attain a"good"rating on the Air Quality Index JAQ1)365dayslyear. a r:%mmvsn OG�!re�c^ „ • improve measurement performance, andreportingyearoveryearandshareresultsinannualreportforbothcityandcommunitywide. Education • Achieve and maintain best ouality bond rating. • Continue to grow COAB sustainabilfty and resiliency leadership commitments jone per year./multi-year). Achieve 90% engagement by COAG residents withthrs plan. • Designate aSRO/Off iceandadd sustainability and resili ncytoemployee's workplanand per`ormancemetrics (2025). Uphold a process that ensures the civil and human rights of all people is fundamental.