1-20-24 Speaker FormsPC 4-�t CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY MATTER AT THIS MEETING, PLEASE COMPLETE AND GIVE THIS FORM TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE MEETING. NAME J ADDRESS (Optional) O 16 ff,60%M TELEPHONE # DATE PERSON OR COMPANY THAT YOU REPRESENT (IF APPLICABLE): AGENDA ITEM # Ik +- OR SUBJECT TO BE DISCUSSED (DESCRIBE BELOW) X11, _ � ,�� � T /� � �) /� � �-�s-r/_��JL� ,�-t-'� i L� fes✓ 7-T�� U1 l Y Ur A l LAlVTIU BEACH IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY MATTER AT THIS MEETING, PLEASE COMPLETE AND GIVE THIS FORM TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE MEETING. D. • Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: /q �:FA450E�::2 , <�--4 Phone #• / t ` (a J- b Email: T PERSON OR COMPANY THAT YOU REPRESENT (IF APPLICABLE): AGENDA ITEM # 5 OR SUBJECT TO BE DISCUSSED (DESCRIBE BELOW) CITY OF ATLAINTIC BEACH NC W3 IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY MATTER AT THIS MEETING, PLEASE COMPLETE AND GIVE THIS FORM TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE MEETING. Date: Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: or r-'(/ Phone #: Email: PERSON OR COMPANY THAT YOU REPRESENT (IF APPLICABLE): AGENDA ITEM # U\'� OR SUBJECT TO BE DISCUSSED (DESCRIBE BELOW) 4'� la �q . %-i i I VT A i LAM i i%- ISL' A% -n PC *�4 IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY MATTER AT THIS MEETING, PLEASE COMPLETE AND GIVE THIS FORM TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE MEETING. Date: 2 Z Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: Phone #: Email: PERSON OR COMPANY THAT YOU REPRESENT (IF APPLICABLE): AGENDA ITEM # OR SUBJECT TO BE DISCUSSED (DESCRIBE BELOW) arm rA i 14 S I` ( a i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PC 0s IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY MATTER AT THIS MEETING, PLEASE COMPLETE AND GIVE THIS FORM TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE MEETING. % Date: Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDINGG YOUR CONTACT IpNFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: P 7f�� Phone #: �/ " Email: w'i l/ ! Z lax-( PERSON OR COMPANY THAT YOU REPRESENT (IF APPLICABLE): AGENDA ITEM # OR SUBJECT TO BE DISCUSSED (DESCRIBE BELOW)