2-26-24 Regular City Commission Adopted MinutesMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting r Monday, February 26, 2024 - 6:30 PM r' f) Commission Chamber City Hall, 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER: Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Ford called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. CC Bartle called the roll. Mayor Ford recognized District 13 Council Member Rory Diamond. Mayor Ford expressed that he would like to place agenda item 9A directly after the approval of minutes and to defer item 3D. ATTENDANCE: Present: Curtis Ford, Mayor - Seat Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Jessica Ring, Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: William B. Killingsworth, City Manager (CM) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Jason Gabriel, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) Troy Stephens, Utilities Director (UD) APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1A. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting held on February 12, 2024. Mayor Ford asked if there were any corrections or changes needed. There were no corrections to the minutes. Mayor Ford stated the minutes stand as submitted. 9. ACTION ON ORDINANCES 9.A. ORDINANCE NO. 20-24-171, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2023 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2024, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ford read the title of the ordinance. Regular City Commission February 26, 2024 CM Killingsworth explained the ordinance as detailed in the agenda packet. The public hearing was opened and CC Bartle called each speaker to the podium. Linda Lanier spoke about the purchase of the Almost Home property. Ellen Glasser provided a handout (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A) and spoke about the use of the Almost Home property. Nancy Staats spoke about the use of the Almost Home property. Jeannie Gabrynowicz encouraged the Commission to decide on the use of the building before making the purchase. Dawn Scott expressed opinions on the use of the Almost Home property. Susanne Barker reported ideas that were expressed at an Atlantic Beach Preservation meeting. Lenny Jevic spoke about the Almost Home property. Falon Sexton expressed concerns regarding the Almost Home property. The public hearing was closed. CM Killingsworth reported on the reserves as detailed in an email (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment B). Mayor Ford expressed that he does not have any interest in spending the required twenty-five percent reserves. Commissioner Ring thanked the public for their opinions and expressed support for the purchase of the Almost Home property. Commissioner Waters spoke in support of purchasing the Almost Home property. Commissioner Bole expressed his support in purchasing the Almost Home property and inquired about recurring costs. Commissioner Kelly spoke about various projects that she supports, emphasized the importance of due diligence, and expressed support for the Almost Home property. Mayor Ford spoke in support of purchasing the Almost Home property. 2-26-24 Attachment A 2-26-24 Attachment B Regular City Commission February 26, 2024 MOTION: Approve Ordinance No. 20-24-171, Public Hearing and Final Reading. Motion: Jessica Ring Second. Bruce Bole Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole (Seconded By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly For Jessica Ring (Moved By) For Motion passed S to 0. RECESS The meeting recessed from 7:23 PM to 7:28 PM. 2. COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS Mayor Ford explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. PUBLIC COMMENT Each speaker was called to the podium. Brinkley Harrell spoke about the reserves and agenda item 8A. Carolyn Zisser spoke about agenda item 3B, expressed that she would like to see a dedicated senior citizen center, and mentioned that she is happy about the report on the City's reserves. CC Bartle read the name from the citizen who did not wish to speak as follows: Cindy Anderson Mayor Ford invited Councilman Diamond up to the podium to speak. Councilman Diamond briefly spoke about the previous grant awarded to COAB from City of Jacksonville (COJ) and also mentioned that COAB will be included to receive an additional grant from COJ. 3. CITY MANAGER REPORTS 3.A. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (Mar. - May 2024) CM Killingsworth reported as detailed in the agenda. There was a CONSENSUS to approve the 90 -Day Calendar. Regular City Commission February 26, 2024 3.13. Capital Improvement Plan CM Killingsworth provided the following updates: • Water treatment plant (WTP) 1 is a $992,000 project and the construction is expected to start on April 23, 2024. • WTP 2 is a $1.3 million project that hasn't started yet but is being put out for a design build contract. • Hydropneumatic pump for WTP 1 • Described a redistribution of funds to various projects. • There is a service line and valve replacement ongoing for potable water distribution. • $200,000 was designated for 110 linear feet (ft) of 12 inch (in) pipe along Mayport Road and is now complete. • $197,000 is designated for a different section of Mayport Road to include 250 ft of 12 in PVC pipe. There is 100 design for this project and staff is currently reviewing the plans. • The digester catwalk at the wastewater treatment replacement will cost $185,000. • There is a $300,000 project to construct a hypochlorite building and staff is waiting on the design. • Described a redistribution of funds for other various projects. CM Killingsworth welcomed suggestions from the Commission regarding items that should be included in a survey (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment C). The Commission directed CM Killingsworth to prepare an ordinance to appropriate funds for the lifeguard station. UD Stephens answered questions from the Commission. CM Killingsworth provided a copy of the Commission's work from the priority setting meeting (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment D). 2-26-24 Attachment C 2-26-24 Attachment D 3.C. Reserve Impact This item was addressed with item 9A. 3.D. Ahern Project This item was deferred. 4. REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Kelly Regular City Commission February 26, 2024 • Mentioned that she got an email from the Florida League of Cities regarding a lawsuit pertaining to Form 6. CA Gabriel provided a synopsis of what this lawsuit entails and mentioned that he would look into this issue further. Commissioner Bole • Expressed gratitude for citizen participation at meetings and encouraged everyone to continue to attend meetings and reach out to their elected officials to have their concerns addressed. Commissioner Ring • Expressed gratitude for the lifeguard station's funding progress. • Recommended that the Arts, Recreation, and Culture Committee give suggestions regarding the uses of the Almost Home property. Commissioner Waters • Spoke about tree trimming that occurred on 18th Street. Mayor Ford • Spoke to a comment made during public comments. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. 6. CONSENT AGENDA None. 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.A. Arts, Recreation, and Culture Committee Lisa Goodrich, Chair, provided updates as detailed in a handout (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment E) and answered questions from the Commission. The Commission thanked Ms. Goodrich for her work. 2-26-24 Attachment E 7.B. Reappointment to Police Officers' Pension Board of Trustees MOTION. Reappoint him (Robert Liggero) to the (Police Officers') Pension Board of Trustees. Motion: Bruce Bole Second. Candace Kelly Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole (Moved By) For Michael Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Jessica Ring For Motion passed 5 to 0. Regular City Commission February 26, 2024 8. ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8.A. RESOLUTION NO. 24-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING BID NO. 2324-03 FOR 20th STREET LIFT STATION ACCESS WIDENING; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ford read the title of the resolution. CM Killingsworth explained the resolution. UD Stephens answered questions from the Commission. MOTION: Defer Resolution No. 24-10 as read (to the March 11, 2024 meeting). Motion: Candace Kelly Second. Michael Waters Curtis Ford For Bruce Bole For Michael Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly (Moved By) For Jessica Ring For Motion passed S to 0. 10. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None. 11. CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS None. 12. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Bole • Spoke about a squad reunion that he attended. • Expressed excitement for the growth of the farmers market. Commissioner ring • Expressed that she is happy about the lifeguard station. Mayor Ford • Expressed gratitude for the AB community. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:24 PM. Regular City Commission February 26, 2024 Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: */ 1 ZOZ1 Curtis Ford, Mayor Regular City Commission February 26, 2024 Attachment A to 2-26-24 Minutes NandtUt - e,G1Auer y Recommendations by the Council on Health and Well -Being Atlantic Beach 2022 • I'.ach recommendation connects to one or more of the Atlantic licach City Commission 2022 Priorities (for a full list of Commission Priorities, see Appendix C). These arc suggested oxinections for continued dialogue. The following abbreviations are used at the enol „f each recommendation: • 1. = Livability • FL = Environmental Leadership • PS = Planning and Budgeting • M = Maypott Road Corridor & Marsh Side • T _ Multi -Modal "transportation Management • C.N - City Services January 2022: Census and Youth Risk Behavior Data I. Identity foal gaps and needs fir programs and plans directed toward senior citizens. 11. cs1 2. Identify local gaps and needs for programs that address alarming youth trunds in the area! of physical activity, substance ahuse, and mental health issues. IL, PB, CSS 3. Support initiatives and continue to improve other looms to engage residents and improve the accessibility of programs throughout the city. IL, T1 4. Fnsure that COAD programs and grant recipients comply with state guidelines regardin j training and hackgromvJ checks. APB, CSS Mav 2022: Vulaerahlc Populations I Seek to yuantil) the number of Atlantic Beach residents that fall into vulnerable Iwpulations. IL, CSI 2. Seek ways to provide better services for transient populations. It, C81 3. Continue to build and strengthen relationships with organizations like Mission tiouse and the Sulzbacher Center with their Beaches I tope Team. IL, P8. csl 4. Explore translx)rtation options for residents (with J TA) to critical services. IL, M, T, PBI S. Explore Iww to link housing density with affordable housing within commercial areas. IL. PILI 6. To address the opioid crisis, recommend: ICSI • Expanding Project Save Lives (peer suplxrt counsclrs in selected emergency rooms) to include the Beaches Baptist Emergency Room. • I)eveloprnent of free opioid education/distribution strategies that include inl4nation atxxrt Narcan (a nonprescriptive drug used to treat narcotic overdoses in emergency situations). • Providc an addiction resource list (like the "Reaches Community Resources" list on the C CAB website). Attachment A to 2-26-24 Minutes lune 2022: 1 owh: r hallcugc.:uul I'ossihiliries 1. Promote a walkabihi% campaign (like ABL's "Walk and Roll**) that. among other benefits. will help to mitigate traffic and parking issues on Sherry [rive during school drift -off and pick-up times. IL, T) 2 rxpkn: a five -pronged approach to fimmote and educate alwut local lanncrs' markets 11, PB, CSS; • Develop an advcnising/educati nal campaign about the benefits of FMs; • Find options for those with transportation issues to reach FMs; • Advocate fur thx Atlantic Beach I amiem Market to begin accepting SNAP payments: and • Help develop symbiotic relationships between community centers and the Atlantic Beach I annen Market. 3. Work to address the rood desed on north Maypon Road Corridor, and work with the ('n) of Jacksonville to get a grocer) score there. IL. M, CSI 4. Promote partnerships with churches. FMs. and other cirmnunit) resources. (CSS S. Promote financial assistance for AHI enhancements, assuring that the Joint I'.. Agreement keeps the outdoor arca available to the community when school is out APB) 6. Increase focus on grants that address food insecurity and physical activity proErarm Gra youth. IL. CS, PB) August 2022: Community Engagement mod Purpose I . Promote the Mayor's Council on Health and Well -Being's final n:port of ncuinmendations and all actions taken to address the recommendations. Il- MI 2. Develop and support volunteer recruitment and volunteer services to help the city's Recreation Dtilartment outreach. ICSH 3. Assure that appropriate background checks have been conducted on adult volunteers working with children as part of city programs. ICS1 4. Collaborate on a "Friends of the Parks" volunteer model for all Atlantic Beach parks. SEL, TI S. Suplxrrt the Beaclx-s Town Center Agency's suggestions to inVlertwM traffic and pedestrian safety strategies. ITI 6. Renovate rr expand the Gail Baker Center to allow for additional space to belles accommodate cur senior citizens. (L, PB) i Consider implementing an Autism Awareness Program or other similar programs. ILI September 2022: Meatal Wellbeing I. txarn how the liege l'orrtorrow model can lit in with addiclkni issues. 11., C81 2. Encourage the Commission to promote umorc slate funding for mental health services. (L., CS. PBS 3. Offer mental halth education/training (like the "Mental I lealth CPR" workshop) to all staff. IL, CS, PSI 4. Advocate throughout the slate and with slate legislators lir lire Here Tomorrow model. IL, CSS S. Provide a focus on K-12 and college -aged student suicide prevention and opioid addiction awareness. It, CS) Attachment 0 to 2-12-612-Y & K hnoj W r A 2-26-24 Minutes I forgot one scenario (8). Being that the audit for FY 2023 has not been completed all numbers below are approximate values as of today. FY 2024 Unassigned Fund Balance is $5,354,230 — 30% of General Fund expenditures. Below you will see what the fund balance would fall to given the scenario: 1. Dora Drive, Almost Home and Lifeguard Station - 21% 2. Dora Drive and Almost Home — 25% 3. Dora Drive and the Lifeguard Station — 26% 4. Almost Home and the Lifeguard Station — 21% 5. The Lifeguard Station — 26% 6. Almost Home — 25% 7. Dora Drive — 30% 8. Apply Dora Drive to Almost Home and Lifeguard — 27% Please let me know if there are additional scenarios you'd like me to include and/or if you'd like to discuss. Brittany Attachment C to Z� Z�pl2� IV K 1 �/�w�rTf7 2-26-24 Minutes f City of Atlantic Beach Community Center Survey February 23, 2024 The City soon will be expanding and renovating the Gail Baker Community at Donner Park and is contemplating purchasing a former nursing facility (Almost Home) next to Beaches Veterans Memorial Park for use as a community center. Please help the City determine the future uses of these facilities by participating in this survey. This is not your only opportunity to participate in this decision. Your say is welcome at all public meetings and you are encouraged to provide direct input as you see fit, including by email to City staff at info@coab.us and to the City Commission at electedofficials@coab.us. Phone calls on this topic are welcome at (904) 247-5804. The Background Gail Baker Community Center, 2072 George St. The City has $500,000 in City of Jacksonville funding to expand/refresh the center, which has three primary functions: Serving as home to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Northeast Florida (www.becnf.org) afterschool and summer programs for teens; hosting City senior programming and other community activities; and being available for rent on weekends for parties, meetings, etc. (www.coab.us/recpermits). It has a full kitchen and restrooms. Looking forward, whatever the future beholds for the Gail Baker Center, the City aspires incorporate the facility as a resiliency hub, as well. (See www.coab.us/resiliencyhub.) Former Almost Home building, 100 W. First St. The City is negotiating the potential purchase of the former Almost Home Beaches building abutting Beaches Veterans Memorial Park, at 100 W. First St. off Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard, next to American Legion Post 316. The building has about 4,000 square feet and a large parking lot in front. Because of the size of the Almost Home Beaches building it is possible to have an abundant number of uses if the building is renovated. Attachment C to 2-26-24 Minutes With about 1.S acres, Beaches Veterans Memorial Park has a military memorial area, large stage/amphitheater, basketball court, playground, restrooms, and a covered seating area with a picnic table. The Survey 1. Please list programs or activities you would like to see offered for the following age groups at City community centers (e.g. nature activities, athletic leagues, educational events fitness classes, art workshops). • Children • Teenagers • Adults • Seniors 2. What are the biggest unmet needs that a community a center could address? 3. How can the center be inclusive and welcoming to diverse members of the community? 4. Please rank the times of day would you/your family be most likely to participate in City programs or activities? • Weekday mornings • Weekday evenings • Saturday mornings 5. What existing nonprofit organizations or programs can the City collaborate with to enhance its community center offerings? 6. What veterans' services should the City consider providing or making available? a Attachment C to 2-26-24 Minutes 7. What are your concerns or reservations, if any, about opening a new community center? 8. Aside from after-school and summer youth programming, please rank the following current and prospective uses for the Gail Baker Community Center in order of your highest priority: • Adult day care • Art gallery and classes • Classroom/study rooms • Multi-purpose room (large flex space) • Saturday -morning activities for children • Senior activities/programs • Technology access (computer and internet) • Tutoring services • Yoga/tai chi (or similar) studio • Other (please specify) 9. In addition to veterans' services, please rank the following prospective community center uses for the Almost Home facility in order of your priorities: • Adult day care • Affordable housing • Art gallery and classes • Classroom/study rooms • Day care • Fitness center • Indoor community pool • Indoor pickleball courts • Indoor soccer • Indoor volleyball and basketball courts • Non-profit incubators • Senior services Attachment C to 2-26-24 Minutes • Services for people with special needs • Social services other than what is listed • Technology access (computer and internet) • Tutoring services • Transitional housing for women veterans • Yoga/tai chi (or similar) studio • Other (please specify) 10. If rehabilitating the Almost Home facility turns out to be cost -prohibitive, please rank the following prospective uses for the property: • Bike/skate park (small-scale akin to Sunshine Park's) • Climbing wall • Community pool • Community gardens • Compost station for community • Covered pavilion with picnic tables • Farmer's market • Open space incorporated with Beaches Veterans Park • Parking overflow for Beaches Veterans Memorial Park • Pickleball courts • Playground • Other (please specify) 11. Please provide any additional feedback you have for services and/or use of these two facilities Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes The makings of a strategic plan City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Vision statement " -�Yv' -- - �' � � '� �' `• rd.� +.. it �_ � S. -� In Atlantic Beach, we have a strong sense of belonging and safety. Our citizens and government care deeply about community character, and understand that unified support is required to preserve it. We are graced with the functional beauty of our beach, our marsh, and our tree canopy. Our shady streets and multi -use paths connect our welcoming neighborhoods and vibrant local businesses. Our city supports our diverse, multigenerational, socially linked community with green spaces, active lifestyles, parks, and programming. . ` •+ ,, ! tea` ' .i ,. Mission -Statement �- i Mrs .'!t iY 'Jawbow A, —OAF a m . .� i�CI ifv The place to be e� „ ?• 7 _ :.^ce'tC m x ,� r '� a '� n �a ! 3' a y o: ..�V. through exceptional public services. , , o • �� ' Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Pillars, priorities, and projects Priorities 'XPrIIC ojects Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Strategic Pion Tactical Plan Strategic Plan Hierarchy Pillars Priorities Projects Performance Measures • Long-term outcomes • Medium-term outcomes • Short-term outcomes • Business fundamentals & operations management L. Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Strategic Plan Pillars eaia strong e of belonging and safety Preserve community character Hromote a socially linked community through green spaces, active lifestyles, parks, and programming Connect our neighborhoods ani businesses Maintain a strong financic condition suitable for implementing the City's vision Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Priorities Establish safety standards for e -bikes. The Chief of Police will introduce an ordinance establishing standards by December 2024 Develop a customer -centric culture. The Deputy City Manager will develop an ongoing system for tracking the customer experience by December 2024. The Deputy City Manager will provide level I training to all employees and level 2 training to all public facing employees focusing on the customer experience by March 2025. Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Priorities Review Code Enforcement policies. The Planning Director will review policies and code regarding proactive versus reactive code enforcement by December 2024. The Planning Director will recommend changes to code enforcement policies and/or code by December 2024. The Planning Director will create a written procedural manual by March 2025. Establish policies to preserve the marshfront. The Planning Director will propose objectives to the City's Comprehensive Plan specific to the marsh prior to the Plan's adoption. The Planning Director will develop a marsh protection education campaign by March 2025. The Planning Director will identify marsh priority projects consistent with the Adaptation Plan update by August 2025. Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Priorities Reassess the Stormwater Master plan. The City Engineer will develop scope of work for the Stormwater Master Plan Update by March 2025. The City Engineer will propose methods to accelerate the Stormwater Master Plan by December 2024. Establish sustainability goals. The Planning Director will identify sustainability goals for City projects, City buildings, and City land by September 2025. E� Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Priorities Be ranked a gold standard bike friendly community. The Deputy City Manager will conduct a bicycle -friendly self-assessment by March 2025. The Deputy City Manager will engage community stakeholders by March 2025. The Deputy City Manager will apply to the League of American Bicyclists' Bicycle Friendly Community recognition by August 2025. Prioritize projects to implement the Connectivity Plan. The Planning Director will develop an implementation schedule by March 2025. The Planning Director will propose amendments the OF with prioritized projects to implement the Connectivity Plan by June 2025. Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Priorities Create a plan to remedy gaps in Arts & Recreation programming. The Deputy City Manager will propose an organizational change that supports Arts & Recreation programming by April 2024. The Deputy City Manager will identify gaps in current Arts & Recreation Programming by December 2024. The Deputy City Manager will propose a program of Arts and Recreation to meets the needs of the community April 2025. Prioritize projects to implement the Parks Master Plan. The Planning Director will develop a prioritized list of projects from the Parks Master Plan by December 2024. The Planning Director will propose amendments the CIP to implement the priority projects from the Parks Master Plan by March 2025. Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Priorities Establish a risk management program for city facilities and contracts. The Risk Management Officer will identify at least five best practices regarding risk management for city facilities and contracts from other municipalities by March 2024. The Risk Management Officer will propose to the City Manager policies and procedures that identify, evaluate, mitigate and monitor potential liabilities to the City regarding city facilities and contracts by May 2024. Review fleet maintenance and replacement policies. The Chief of Police will identify best practices for fleet management by May 2024. The Chief of Police will propose changes to city fleet management policies by July 2024. Analyze cost -benefits of outsourcing permitting inspection. The Planning Director will collect data to analyze the cost -benefits of outsourcing permitting inspection by March 2025. The Planning Director in coordination with the Finance Director will prepare a cost -benefit analysis of outsourcing permitting inspection by June 2025. The Planning Director will provide a recommendation to the City Commission by June 2025. Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Priorities Cultivate relationships to demonstrate the need for resources and cooperation. The Deputy City Manager will identify opportunities to build relationships between city elected officials and other elected officials by May 2024. The Deputy City Manager will identify organizations for the city to participate in and/or partner with that will leverage the city's needs by December 2024. Use data and budget analysis to understand fiscal effects prior to budget approval. The Finance Director will develop financial condition indicators to understand impacts to the budget due to socio-economic and policy changes by August 2024. The Finance Director will create a standardized way of reporting fund changes due to project budget amendments by October 2024. Provide regular updates on project timelines and finances. The City Engineer will develop o system to track project timelines and finances by December 2024. The Directors will systematically report changes to project timelines and finances by December 2024. The Deputy City Manager will systematically update the website with project timelines and finances by January 2025. LT Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Performance measures and financial indicators Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Long-term Financial Plan and Budget Budget Long-te Financial P Attachment D to 2-26-24 Minutes Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes 2/z1,1z y -, �, ��r,t t, - c , 6a0dr IC , 4em 7A ARTS, RECREATION & CULTURE COMMITTEE PRIORITIES COMMUNICATIONS Improve communications and marketing systems. • Develop and implement strategies to ensure residents are fully aware of arts, recreation and cultural programs available to them such as: o QR code surveys o Signage o Mailing o "Disney -style" maps of parks • Scavenger hunt (Turtle Crawl described below) • Improve the City website's navigability to enable users to more efficiently get the information they are seeking. • Develop and publish a catalogue of departmental and grantee programming. • Utilize surveys to obtain customer feedback and publicly share the results. PROGRAMMING Enhance arts, recreation and culture programming. • Conduct an analysis to identify programming gaps and devise a strategy to close the gaps. • Plan and implement a "Turtle Crawl" throughout COAB Parks and certain outdoor locations of historic significance. Turtle Crawl is intended to be a scavenger hunt -type program whereby small, permanent, bronze turtles are installed throughout the city. A paper or electronic map will be designed and accessible to the public through Adele Grage or City Hall. When families and citizens search for and discover turtles, they can either read a plaque or utilize a QR code to learn about the historic significance of that specific location. HUMAN RESOURCES & COLLABORATION Boost the Cultural Arts & Recreation Department's productivity and efficiency. • Analyze whether the amount of city staffing meets the community's needs and expectations, and devise a strategy to adjust the staffing level, as needed. Revised January 30, 2024, ARCC Workshop Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes Key Timeline for FY 2024-25 Grant Period May 27, 2024 Grantees Progress and Final Reports Due Week of June 11, 2024 Public meeting to review grant and FAQs. (Potential applicants are invited to attend, but attendance is not mandatory.) June 17, 2024 Electronic Request for Proposal goes live. Press release issued. July 28, 2024 —11:59 p.m. Deadline for FY 2024-25 Arts, Recreation & Cultural grant proposals. The Recreation Director will collect all applications as they are received and forward eligible applications to the Arts Recreation and Cultural Advisory Committee (ARCC) within three (3) days of submission deadline. August 5, 2024 Notify semi-finalists, who will be required to present a brief summary of their proposal and answer questions from the ARCC. August 30, 2024 MANDATORY presentations to the CARAC. Specific times of the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. presentations TBD. September 10, 2024 Cultural Arts & Recreation Committee will vote and make recommendations on funding at this regularly scheduled meeting. October 14, 2024 Committee presents grants recommendations to the City Commission at this regularly scheduled meeting. October 16, 2024 Applicants are notified regarding awards. October 16, 2024 — Grant agreements are dispersed and required November 23, 2024 to be returned along with the required documents to receive funds. Grantees are provided a rubric for progress/final reports Payments to schools; ongoing events receive incremental payments. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes City of Atlantic Beach Arts & Recreation Contribution Grant Application FY 2024-2025 ORGANIZATIONS & INDIVIDUALS Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes Thank you for your interest in applying for an Arts & Recreation Contribution Grant from the City of Atlantic Beach. Here, in Atlantic Beach, we place a high priority on arts and recreation as a key indicator of a good quality of life for our residents; therefore, our City Commission has allocated funding for FY2024-2025 to support these activities. If you've applied for a grant in the past, you'll find that we've made some changes. First, it is no longer necessary for applicants to have 501(c)3 nonprofit status so long as your project or program adheres to our stated giving guidelines. Second, to encourage a variety of programming year to year, we may be recommending that your project become a regular city project if you've been funded for three years or more. This policy went into effect in our 2023-2024 grant cycle. We will continue evaluate these on a case-by-case basis. Finally, we've moved the entire process online to save some trees, as we here in AB are always wont to do. We are, however, still adhering to the relevant code pertaining to contributions: Add the code here, though I don't think it's necessary to write out the whole thing, maybe just the Ordinance numbers? Please note the timeline we have outlined within this application. One other heads up, we will be requiring each recipient to submit a Final Report at the end of this grant cycle. A sample of what to expect is attached in the Appendix. Let's get started... Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) October 1, 2024 -September 30, 2025 City of Atlantic Beach Arts & Recreation Contribution Grant Giving Guidelines and Eligibility Requirements 1. The City of Atlantic Beach seeks to support arts and recreation events and programs that are physically and financially accessible to all residents, with priority consideration given to events or programs that are held within COAB city limits. 2. The City of Atlantic Beach will NOT consider grants for: a. Organizations that discriminate, including but not limited to, on the basis of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic orientation, country of origin, citizenship, veteran, or disability status. b. Religious organizations, unless they are engaged in programs that are secular and benefit a broad base of the community. c. Political groups. 3. Programs and/or events must be completed within the fiscal year of this grant award. Grant Expenditures and Accountability 1. The maximum grant awarded is $5,000. 2. Grant recipients are required to maintain and provide financial records to support claimed expenditures pertaining to the successful completion of the project or event. (In other words, show us how you spent the money.) 3. On-going projects or programs will be required to submit a mid-term Progress Report at a milestone determined by the City Staff. Mid-term Progress Reports will be submitted to the Arts & Recreation Committee. 4. Upon completion of program or event, a Final Report outlining the success of the event or program will be submitted to the Arts & Recreation Committee. Any media produced highlighting the event or program should be included in this Final Report along with lessons learned and opportunities for improvement, if any. 5. Significant non-compliance issues will be taken into consideration and may affect future funding by COAB. For more information, please contact: City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Office Director, Ms. Latrenia Thomas lthomas@coab.us (preferred method of contact) (904) 247-5828 Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes Key Timeline for FY 2024-2025 Grant Period: May 27, 2024 2023-2024 Grantees Progress and Final Reports Due Week of June 11, 2024 Public meeting to review grant and FAQs. (Potential applicants are invited to attend, but attendance is not mandatory.) June 17, 2024 Electronic Request for Proposal goes live. Press release issued. July 28, 2024 - 11:59 p.m. Deadline for FY 2024-25 Arts, Recreation & Cultural grant proposals. The Recreation Director will collect all applications as they are received and forward eligible applications to the Arts Recreation and Cultural Advisory Committee (ARCC) within three (3) days of submission deadline. August 5, 2024 Notify semi-finalists, who will be required to present a brief summary of their proposal and answer questions from the ARCC. August 30, 2024 MANDATORY presentations to ARCC. Specific times of the 9 a.m. to 5 P.M. presentations TBD. September 10, 2024 Cultural Arts & Recreation Committee will vote and make recommendations on funding at this regularly scheduled meeting. October 14, 2024 Committee presents grant recommendations to the City Commission at their regularly scheduled meeting. October 16, 2024 Applicants are notified regarding awards. October 16, 2024 - Grant agreements are dispersed and required to be returned November 23, 2024 along with the required documents to receive funds. Grantees are provided a rubric for progress/final reports Payments to schools; ongoing events receive incremental payments. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes To gain access to the application, please answer the following questions: (NOTE TO APPLICATION PROGRAMMER: Answers indicated in RED should preclude advancing to the application.) 1. Does your program pertain to cultural arts and/or recreation? a. Yes. b. No 2. Has your project/program received an Arts & Recreation grant in the past? a. Yes. When, and how much did you receive? Upload your Final Report from previous year's funding. b. No, this is my first time applying. 3. Are you prepared and committed to recognizing COAB as a supporter of your project/program in all your printed and social media? a. Yes. b. 4. Are you prepared and committed to providing COAB with information and material that will be shared by COAB in public event notification? a. Yes. b. S. Are you prepared and committed to providing COAB with year-end data and measurement of success? a. Yes. b. r,,() 6. Will your project/program be performed in Atlantic Beach? a. Yes. Move on to application. b. No. Do you have data to suggest Atlantic Beach residents have historically participated in your programming? i. Yes. What percentage of your audience/participation is attended by Atlantic Beach residents? ii. No. I'm sorry; your project/prograin does not qualify for COAB funding at this time. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes APPLICATION: NAME OF PROGRAM/EVENT: 1. Participation (Max 10 points) a. Location(s) where program will take place b. Number of attendees/participants who are Atlantic Beach residents c. Total estimated number of participants d. Frequency or duration of program/event (e.g., 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 time/month for 1 hour, etc.) e. is the event open and accessible to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? i. Yes. ii. No. Please describe why. 250 word limit 2. Need (Max 10 points) - Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. Is there a demonstrated need for the program/event? b. Is the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? c. Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? d. Does the program/event target a population that is currently underserved? (e.g., teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) 3. Program/Event Description (Max 10 points) -Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, as well as benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time bound)? b. Does the program/event pertain to arts and/or recreation? c. How will the program/event benefit the residents of Atlantic Beach? 4. Expected Outcomes (Max 5 points) - Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e., has a record of achieving expected outcomes). Be prepared to address improvements or changes to your project since the previous year. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. Is the program/event based on published evidence? b. Does the program/event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes c. If your project has been funded in previous years, how has your project improved or otherwise changed since the previous year? Upload your Final Report from previous year's funding. 5. Marketing (Max 5 points) - Describe how the program/event will be promoted and marketed to the community. Describe how the City of Atlantic Beach will be promoted as a sponsor of the program/event. 250 word limit 6. Cost (Max 5 points) -If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost, please state N/A. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? b. If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? 7. Evaluating Success (Max 5 points) - Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and, if applicable, changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data and/or survey collection methods. Please also describe how data will be used to inform and improve program/event. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. Is there an evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and, if applicable, changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behavior? b. Will data provide actionable information for future planning? c. Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? d. Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience, as well as planners, organizers and volunteers? 8. Resourcing (Max 5 points) - Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g., other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaborations with others to offset expenses. If your project or organization receives any funding from COAB in any way, please state how much and for what. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. Is there a plan to leverage additional resources as mentioned above? b. Is there collaboration with other organizations? c. Is this a for-profit program/event? Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes UPLOAD Required Application Documents: 1. Program/Event Responsibility Party/Point of Contact Information 2. List Social Media Handles, Website 3. Upload Summary of Program Budget 4. Upload Timeline of Key Milestones and Deliverables S. Upload List of Organization Board of Directors and/or Additional Donors 6. Upload One (1) Letter of Recommendation 7. Provide Contact Information for (2) References 8. Upload most current IRS W-9 Form Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Only one (1) grant per eligible applicant. 2. The City Commission and/or the Arts & Recreation Committee, at its discretion, may modify the contribution award to qualified recipients based on merit of proposal and/or number of other qualified applications received. The contribution award may not exceed the maximum amount of available financial resources of the FY2024-2025 Annual Atlantic Beach Community Contribution Program as approved under the City's Annual Operating Budget. 3. If the amount awarded is less than the amount requested, applicants must be prepared to submit a revised program budget and description reflecting changes in scale, if applicable. 4. Applications received after deadline or outside of online application will NOT be accepted. S. Organizations already receiving funds or financial support from the City of Atlantic Beach FY 2024-2025 may not apply for additional funding. 6. Expenses must be directly related to proposed program or event services, materials, or activities occurring within the award period. 7. Awardees will be required to maintain financial records to support claimed expenditures and project accomplishments. 8. Progress Reports (in the case of ongoing programs) and/or Final Reports will be submitted by the applicant to City Staff after key milestones or completion. 9. The Final Report is due 30 days following completion of the program or event. If the Final Report is not received within 30 days following completion of program or event, the award recipient will be required to immediately reimburse the City of Atlantic Beach grant funds. 10. City Staff will review submitted copies of paid receipts/invoices and a written final report to ensure that funds were spent in compliance with the approved application. Applicant will be required to reimburse the City of Atlantic Beach for all inappropriately spent funds. 11. Significant non-compliance issues will be taken into consideration and may affect future funding decisions jointly made by the City Commission. 12. All eligibility criteria is administered and determined by the Recreation Director and the Arts & Recreation Committee. 13. All decisions made on eligibility by the Atlantic Beach City Commission, the Recreation Director, and the Arts & Recreation Committee are deemed final. 14. Arts & Recreation Contribution Grant applicant and recipients agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Atlantic Beach from all liability, defense costs, including other fees, loss or damage which the City may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgment against it, arising from all activities engaged by grant recipients in its use of public funds. 15. Applicants must be available for site visits during the application process, if requested, and successful grantees must be available for site visits during program activities or events. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes APPENDIX SAMPLE Final Report City of Atlantic Beach Arts & Recreation FY2024-2025 Contribution Grant Please provide the following information and data on the actual event/program that was implemented. If the actual information or data differ significantly from what you expected and described in your proposal, please explain the difference. NAME OF PROGRAM/EVENT: 1. PARTICIPATION • Location(s) where program/event took place. • Total # of participants. • # of participants who were Atlantic Beach residents. • Total # of hours each participant was directly engaged in program/event . • Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. twice a week, 2 hours each time). • Was the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach? • In what ways did you facilitate accessibility of your program/event to participants? (e.g., Did you rotate locations, or provide transportation options?) • If known, what age group(s) did your program serve? (e.g., Under 18, 18-30, 30- 54,55+) • What was the fee or cost to participate? • In what ways did you advertise and market the event? Please UPLOAD marketing samples. • Do you feel the advertising/marketing was effective? 2. PROGRAM/EVENT Briefly describe how the program/event went. You are encouraged to UPLOAD up to five photos related to your program/event. What were the main goals and objectives of your program/event? Were your goals and objectives met? Why or why not? Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes 3. EVALUATION • How did you evaluate the success/effectiveness of your event/program? • Were you able to collect the data and measures that you proposed in your application? If the answer is yes, please summarize the evaluation results. If no, please explain. 4. STRENGTHS & AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT • Please list what you consider to be the biggest achievements or accomplishments of your program/event. • What did you learn? Please list at least two ways to improve your program/event in the future. • If you have been funded in prior years, how has your project changed or improved over the years? S. BUDGET & FUNDING • How much were you awarded? • How much did you utilize? • Did you return funds that were not ultimately utilized? • If known, what was the total cost of your program/event? • What other sources of funding did you have? • UPLOAD copies of paid receipts and invoices here. 6. FEEDBACK • Please share any feedback you have about how our process could be improved. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes City of Atlantic Beach Arts & Recreation Contribution Grant Application FY 2024-2025 SCHOOLS Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes Thank you for your interest in applying for an Arts & Recreation Contribution Grant from the City of Atlantic Beach. Here, in Atlantic Beach, we place a high priority on arts and recreation as a key indicator of a good quality of life for our residents; therefore, our City Commission has allocated funding for FY2024-2025 to support these activities. If you've applied for a grant in the past, you'll find that we've made some changes. First, it is no longer necessary for applicants to have 501(c)3 nonprofit status so long as your project or program adheres to our stated giving guidelines. Second, to encourage a variety of programming year to year, we may be recommending that your project become a regular city project if you've been funded for three years or more. This policy went into effect in our 2023-2024 grant cycle. We will continue evaluate these on a case-by-case basis. Finally, we've moved the entire process online to save some trees, as we here in AB are always wont to do. We are, however, still adhering to the relevant code pertaining to contributions: Add the code here, though I don't think it's necessary to write out the whole thing, maybe just the Ordinance numbers? Please note the timeline we have outlined within this application. One other heads up, we will be requiring each recipient to submit a mid-term Progress Report and a Final Report at the end of this grant cycle. A sample of what to expect is attached in the Appendix. Let's get started... Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) October 1, 2024 -September 30, 2025 City of Atlantic Beach Arts & Recreation Contribution Grant Giving Guidelines and Eligibility Requirements 1. The City of Atlantic Beach seeks to support eligible Duval County Public Schools providing extracurricular/extramural programs, arts, cultural, and recreation programs, activities or events that serve students who are Atlantic Beach residents, with priority consideration given to events or programs that are held within COAB city limits. 2. The City of Atlantic Beach will NOT consider grants for: a. Organizations that discriminate, including but not limited to, on the basis of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic orientation, country of origin, citizenship, veteran, or disability status. b. Religious organizations, unless they are engaged in programs that are secular and benefit a broad base of the community. c. Political groups. 3. Programs and/or events must be completed within the fiscal year of this grant award. Grant Expenditures and Accountability 1. The maximum grant awarded is $10,000. 2. Grant recipients are required to maintain and provide financial records to support claimed expenditures pertaining to the successful completion of the project or event. (In other words, show us how you spent the money.) 3. On-going projects or programs will be required to submit a mid-term Progress Report at a milestone determined by the City Staff. Mid-term Progress Reports will be submitted to the Arts & Recreation Committee. 4. Upon completion of program or event, a Final Report outlining the success of the event or program will be submitted to the Arts & Recreation Committee. Any media produced highlighting the event or program should be included in this Final Report along with lessons learned and opportunities for improvement, if any. 5. Significant non-compliance issues will be taken into consideration and may affect future funding by COAB. For more information, please contact: City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Office Director, Ms. Latrenia Thomas Ithomas@coab.us (preferred method of contact) (904) 247-5828 Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes Key Timeline for FY 2024-2025 Grant Period: May 27, 2024 2023-2024 Grantees Progress and Final Reports Due Week of June 11, 2024 Public meeting to review grant and FAQs. (Potential applicants are invited to attend, but attendance is not mandatory.) June 17, 2024 Electronic Request for Proposal goes live. Press release issued. July 28, 2024 - 11:59 p.m. Deadline for FY 2024-25 Arts, Recreation & Cultural grant proposals. The Recreation Director will collect all applications as they are received and forward eligible applications to the Arts Recreation and Cultural Advisory Committee (ARCC) within three (3) days of submission deadline. August 5, 2024 Notify semi-finalists, who will be required to present a brief summary of their proposal and answer questions from the ARCC. August 30, 2024 MANDATORY presentations to ARCC. Specific times of the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. presentations TBD. September 10, 2024 Cultural Arts & Recreation Committee will vote and make recommendations on funding at this regularly scheduled meeting. October 14, 2024 Committee presents grant recommendations to the City Commission at their regularly scheduled meeting. October 16, 2024 Applicants are notified regarding awards. October 16, 2024 - Grant agreements are dispersed and required to be returned November 23, 2024 along with the required documents to receive funds. Grantees are provided a rubric for progress/final reports Payments to schools; ongoing events receive incremental payments. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes To gain access to the application, please answer the following questions: (NOTE TO APPLICATION PROGRAMMER: Answers indicated in RED should preclude advancing to the application.) 1. Does your program pertain to cultural arts and/or recreation? a. Yes. b. NO 2. Has your project/program received an Arts & Recreation grant in the past? a. Yes. When, and how much did you receive? Upload your Final Report from previous year's funding. b. No, this is my first time applying. 3. Are you prepared and committed to recognizing COAB as a supporter of your project/program in all your printed and social media? a. Yes. b. 4. Are you prepared and committed to providing COAB with information and material that will be shared by COAB in public event notification? a. Yes. b. 5. Are you prepared and committed to providing COAB with year-end data and measurement of success? a. Yes. b. 6. Will your project/program be performed in Atlantic Beach? a. Yes. Move on to application. b. No. Do you have data to suggest Atlantic Beach residents have historically participated in your programming? i. Yes. What percentage of your audience/participation is attended by Atlantic Beach residents? ii. No. I'm sorry; your project/pi ugram does not qualify for COAB funding at this time. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes SCHOOL APPLICATION: NAME OF SCHOOL: NAME OF PROGRAM/EVENT: Participation (Max 10 points) a. Location(s) where program will take place b. Estimated number of attendees/participants who are Atlantic Beach residents c. Total estimated number of participants d. Frequency or duration of program/event (e.g., 1 time event for 2 hours, or 1 time/month for 1 hour, etc.) e. Is the event open and accessible to all residents of Atlantic Beach who may want to participate? i. Yes. ii. No. Please describe why. 250 word limit f. Describe how you will facilitate access to the program or event so that residents of Atlantic Beach who do not live near the program/event location and who do not have transportation can still participate. 250 word limit 2. Need (Max 10 points) -Briefly describe any community needs or gaps that the program/event is intended to address. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. is there a demonstrated need for the program/event? b. Is the program/event duplicative of other programs/events in the area? c. Is the program/event a response to a need articulated from the community? d. Does the program/event target a population that is currently underserved? (e.g., teens, children with special needs, low-income residents, etc.) 3. Program/Event Description (Max 10 points) - Describe the goals and objectives of the program/event, as well as benefits to the residents of Atlantic Beach. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. Are the goals and objectives described in the application SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results -focused, and time bound)? b. Does the program/event pertain to arts and/or recreation? c. How will the program/event benefit the residents of Atlantic Beach? 4. Expected Outcomes (Max 5 points) - Describe if the program is evidence based (i.e., has a record of achieving expected outcomes). Be prepared to address improvements or changes to your project since the previous year. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes a. Is the program/event based on published evidence? b. Does the program/event have a demonstrated history of success (in other contexts or similar cities, or in previous years)? c. If your project has been funded in previous years, how has your project improved or otherwise changed since the previous year? Upload your Final Report from previous year's funding. 5. Marketing (Max 5 points) - Describe how the program/event will be promoted and marketed to the community. Describe how the City of Atlantic Beach will be promoted as a sponsor of the program/event. 250 word limit 6. Cost (Max 5 points) - If there is a fee or cost to participate, describe how you will ensure that participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay any registration or other related fees or costs. If there is no fee or cost, please state N/A. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. Is the program/event free for residents of Atlantic Beach? b. If there is a fee or cost, does the proposal describe steps to ensure participants are not denied the opportunity to participate due to their inability to pay fees or costs? 7. Evaluating Success (Max 5 points) - Briefly describe how you will measure success. This should include how you will assess participant satisfaction, number of participants and, if applicable, changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behaviors. Describe data and/or survey collection methods. Please also describe how data will be used to inform and improve program/event. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. Is there an evaluation plan for measuring participation, participant satisfaction and, if applicable, changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills or behavior? b. Will data provide actionable information for future planning? c. Will results be useful for dissemination to the community? d. Does evaluation include feedback from participants/audience, as well as planners, organizers and volunteers? 8. Resourcing (Max 5 points) - Please describe any plan to leverage additional resources (e.g., other funding, volunteers, in-kind donations) or collaborations with others to offset expenses. If your project or organization receives any funding from COAB in any way, please state how much and for what. 250 word limit Reviewers will consider the following questions when assigning points: a. Is there a plan to leverage additional resources as mentioned above? b. Is there collaboration with other organizations? c. Is this a for-profit program/event? Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes UPLOAD Required Application Documents: 1. Program/Event Responsibility Party/Point of Contact Information Z. List Social Media Handles, Website 3. Upload Summary of Program Budget 4. Upload Timeline of Key Milestones and Deliverables S. Upload List of Organization Board of Directors and/or Additional Donors 6. Upload One (1) Letter of Recommendation 7. Provide Contact Information for (2) References 8. Upload most current IRS W-9 Form Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Only one (1) grant per eligible applicant. 2. The City Commission and/or the Arts & Recreation Committee, at its discretion, may modify the contribution award to qualified recipients based on merit of proposal and/or number of other qualified applications received. The contribution award may not exceed the maximum amount of available financial resources of the FY2024-2025 Annual Atlantic Beach Community Contribution Program as approved under the City's Annual Operating Budget. 3. In the event that the amount awarded is less than the amount requested, applicants must be prepared to submit a revised program budget and description reflecting changes in scale, if applicable. 4. Applications received after deadline or outside of online application will NOT be accepted. S. Schools already receiving funds or financial support from the City of Atlantic Beach FY 2024-2025 may not apply for additional funding. G. Expenses must be directly related to proposed program or event services, materials, or activities occurring within the award period. 7. Awardees will be required to maintain financial records to support claimed expenditures and project accomplishments. 8. Progress Reports (in the case of ongoing programs) and/or Final Reports will be submitted by the applicant to City Staff after key milestones or completion. 9. The Final Report is due 30 days following completion of the program or event. If the Final Report is not received within 30 days following completion of program or event, the award recipient will be required to immediately reimburse the City of Atlantic Beach grant funds. 10. City Staff will review submitted copies of paid receipts/invoices and a written final report to ensure that funds were spent in compliance with the approved application. Applicant will be required to reimburse the City of Atlantic Beach for all inappropriately spent funds. 11. Significant non-compliance issues will be taken into consideration and may affect future funding decisions jointly made by the City Commission. 12. All eligibility criteria is administered and determined by the Recreation Director and the Arts & Recreation Committee. 13. All decisions made on eligibility by the Atlantic Beach City Commission, the Recreation Director, and the Arts & Recreation Committee are deemed final. 14. Arts & Recreation Contribution Grant applicant and recipients agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Atlantic Beach from any and all liability, defense costs, including other fees, loss or damage which the City may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgment against it, arising from all activities engaged by grant recipients in its use of public funds. 15. Applicants must be available for site visits during the application process, if requested, and successful grantees must be available for site visits during program activities or events. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes APPENDIX SAMPLE Final Report City of Atlantic Beach Arts & Recreation FY2024-2025 Contribution Grant Please provide the following information and data on the actual event/program that was implemented. If the actual information or data differ significantly from what you expected and described in your proposal, please explain the difference. NAME OF PROGRAM/EVENT: 1. PARTICIPATION • Location(s) where program/event took place. • Total # of participants. • # of participants who were Atlantic Beach residents. • Total # of hours each participant was directly engaged in program/event . • Frequency and duration of program/event (e.g. twice a week, 2 hours each time). • Was the event open to all residents of Atlantic Beach? • In what ways did you facilitate accessibility of your program/event to participants? (e.g., Did you rotate locations, or provide transportation options?) • If known, what age group(s) did your program serve? (e.g., Under 18, 18-30, 30- 54,55+) • What was the fee or cost to participate? • In what ways did you advertise and market the event? Please UPLOAD marketing samples. • Do you feel the advertising/marketing was effective? 2. PROGRAM/EVENT • Briefly describe how the program/event went. You are encouraged to UPLOAD up to five photos related to your program/event. • What were the main goals and objectives of your program/event? Were your goals and objectives met? Why or why not? Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes 3. EVALUATION • How did you evaluate the success/effectiveness of your event/program? • Were you able to collect the data and measures that you proposed in your application? If the answer is yes, please summarize the evaluation results. If no, please explain. 4. STRENGTHS & AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT • Please list what you consider to be the biggest achievements or accomplishments of your program/event. • What did you learn? Please list at least two ways to improve your program/event in the future. • If you have been funded in prior years, how has your project changed or improved over the years? 5. BUDGET & FUNDING • How much were you awarded? • How much did you utilize? • Did you return funds that were not ultimately utilized? • if known, what was the total cost of your program/event? • What other sources of funding did you have? • UPLOAD copies of paid receipts and invoices here. 6. FEEDBACK • Please share any feedback you have about how our process could be improved. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes • �1 Vit.\ City of Atlantic Beach 716 Ocean Blvd r� Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 V� (904) 247-5828a Recreation@coab.us Date: 10-10-2023 To: Atlantic Beach Elementary School c/o Jennifer Cook 1912 Oak Circle Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Subject: Arts, Recreation and Culture Committee Grant Awards Dear Ms. Cook, Congratulations! The Arts, Recreation and Cultural Committee has reviewed your recent grant request and proposal to determine that your organization application has been approved for funding. We are delighted to confirm that Atlantic Beach Elementary School will be awarded the amount of $8,700.00. The Committee intends that $6,000.00 of this grant should be allocated for After School Enrichment and $2,700.00 should be allocated for Cultural Arts Day. The funding should not be commingled or used for purposes other than what was represented in your application and presentation. The awarded funding for the fiscal year 2023 — 2024 will be disbursed in the form of a check by mail. Enclosed you will find a copy of the Progress Report Form. This hard copy is just so you are aware of what we'll be expecting. The due dates for reporting will be communicated with you and the form should be submitted electronically. Also enclosed is a Grant Agreement. This agreement explains the responsibilities and expectations of both parties in our grant relationship. Please sign the Grant Agreement and return it within 30 days of receipt to the Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach, Fl, 32233. Please keep a copy for your records. We will also need the following prior to receiving of funds: • Invoice for the awarded amount along with the signed Grant Agreement • Insurance or Certificate of Insurance with the City listed as a certificate holder • W-9 Form • New vendor contract You can email this invoice to recreation@coab.us or mail it with your Agreement. When emailing, please use the subject Grant Award: (School and Program Name) - and provide the correct address to mail the check to. Once the Grant Agreement and invoice are received in our office, the funding will be dispersed. Best wishes to your organization for a successful project. We look forward to seeing your program flourish in our community. Sincerely, Latrenia Thomas Cultural Arts & Recreation Director Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes •S �1�J f 'r tri City of Atlantic Beach Arts, Recreation and Culture Grant Agreement October 9, 2023 -September 30, 2024 x' !J;l19' Giving Guidelines and Eligibility Requirements 1. The City of Atlantic Beach (COAB) seeks to support arts and recreation events and programs are physically and financially accessible to all Atlantic Beach residents, with priority consideration given to events or programs that are held within COAB city limits. 2 COAB will NOT consider grants for: Organizations that discriminate, including but not limited to, on the basis of race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic orientation, country of origin, citizenship, veteran, or disability status Political groups. 3. Programs and/or events must be completed by the referred date submitted in the application within the fiscal year of this grant award. Grant Expenditures and Accountability 1. Grant recipients are required to maintain and provide financial records to support claimed expenditures pertaining to the successful completion of the project or event. (In other words, save and submit receipts to show us how you spent the money.) 2 On-going projects or programs will be required to submit a mid-term Progress Report at a milestone determined by the City Staff. Mid-term Progress Reports will be submitted to the Arts, Recreation and Culture Committee electronically. Upon completion of program or event, a Final Report outlining the success of the event or program will be submitted to the Arts, Recreation and Culture Committee. 3. Any media produced for marketing purposes and/or highlighting the event or program should include the COAB logo. Samples of such should be included in the Progress and/or Final Report. 4. An ARC Committee Member will be assigned to your organization as a liaison. Our Recreation Staff/Committee will plan a site visit with your program. A staff member will contact you to arrange a date and time to review the event/program. 5. Significant non-compliance issues will be taken into consideration and may affect future funding by COAB. ORGANIZATION / SCHOOL GRANTEE SIGNATURE DATE CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREACTION DIRECTOR DATE Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes Feedback Form for Committee Members 1. Name of organization visited: 2. Date of visit: 3. Person providing feedback: 4. Reason for visit: e.g. attend event, conversation with grantee 5. Describe visit if appropriate: 6. In your opinion was event well attended? 7. Was event quality as advertised? 8. How was the event advertised / promoted? 9. Did event provide value not found in other programs? If so, how? 10. Additional information that would be useful to committee chair: Inform grantee of results of visit. *Attach picture, if possible Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes COAB Recreation Programs Database IlN 6Nw• w/I 4r t• SAAns4r) wta- MlnarSl W\ =... > - wNrYM•I VWnMrr , Nx trY ^Ot lltl\S WNAr YY 4Sltrr \rw\ Mir I l N tIM r Mlllk •rM wwwt Irt\\IrrSM I 41WIa Il rlt atLO ) .fS\rrY.rr�• hSAH MYrI weM4e YILwINrw lr-arr\-• CWYMI w•I 1�•rw- WUS eti Mrrnkra P/-SU-f<nm tW)L-nt I-tl-�wn StrLM Itam t 1 rww•r \!! >A \10 lwrYlw-wt pl•r/ t4Nr j NrrWL•YI-IiMw mts..-w• Io maws �rA xr.r.ws. O•rrS Y Ilm wMI SNt0lf IIIl1 NCC I-H�M�rW t1nLaM aArr W mrn ttrmwr•- ONw•! �- npltNimt \a[ \Itrn x4M r Yr rn ) IMYr \ SISM NS N)JIIa �w mM �- 1N}s. 11/H, tlJtf tM +4+w•INVMM NIS. S)U. w.m tltwA wr.ArM.s 4m W\Lw rrnrr m r w n -N!) Wr.. 63w� "� NVAwI.. t...my tm...uv.sw.r a..r urnlr > m.M • rrls II•\\wr\.r.- mlmi+w lWir Iti OwLr�-11SMm MiMt H Yawn xlrarll[ 110 ltldll\ M --lir 111r1'I� n rwY b bwdla 1•e. -t \ M -M brr•W •I.ww rh �+ 4M�\ r.�W-..n,t rurar stsA• nrr.tmt mu mm-ttm Fm Nlwr• r IWIn s u � rm.•vr \-.w. )Mlil rr«vw lnr+- rrrrrs \aK am^ rrAISL.. su. fr Iwta. tsA sM-1 4rMr OrnwM f.ur.r tewn b \swltlr sun )naam 00la slo CM\ tr nr. x.. s.umr Iw Albr• Sll L Swwr M •waS YMrwrt�ll N1.SaN CHm 70 mY ly IIIQtYr rhnrlrrS Irurnn -M-"-crr YMV. HwYlw MrLw•++yre+ .Iw.«n.rL W Itl••..r-w. _ r.r.• w .Lswwrw. n•...nrn..L v.wr).... t.wW r.w srr anllr. Irw4. trom • r....w• r.m lttn m u NfJaSI wwu+nya Haw w. "'IT IrnMYYrMI w.r4 w-w..wrr ert rr -\Mr IOm-] >d�\M hrarl SM YrL 1.10Yr )iSOAI 44r1>.rr n\rtlr V MrW Ym Yi\r r\r / f MMaw ftf\r�N brrl SY+w ar wWr wr.ww. rlor )'° mato Me. twrr- Irwm•IL WrW IlNiwlb !Al1l1Li111M9A\t!'!'.lYI •�---� ItMelm ION Iwa\MiM Y w�ilk W IIW AIFr /Q -UN a� Sn \ Sr r t4r / I/► n.Q�w 4e r�a.r m.. eY-r✓ArarMls Mr w.wr. rrmn) MIN•{ .rnr4rmrr�r w.t lonwl) Ir♦wt. \nw lrm• NOrJIUMnwn\ww i)Mr � C wlw4v twm./Mrxwrr.M1•►InMram Y Ma\MY Mr4Y R 1•-r IWM a N lar I11111r�M lOL ht 111lt ___ � MNYWaM Wr I\al Snrarl•rwrn rwnM rrr Qr-w Mr4WY •"t-V•sNrwr � Iw 1lR. lda\MM- S -.p .SJO Ywww Il.li•mr M 4WrW MM Stl�rd SS1Wr S IAM IS A\rrr NMI INmrI Y-4•-4rwr fX)daN GM Mrtir nr•wwry YG 4�wn I rrAtrrY•I s -u v IIt�l11 MLU W M.be Sm.l Iwr4 OrrM 1 -nM ♦ ► p 0 M 11Mt.W fn iN)da1S CLm N Am Ctl\a IIN I-AYwwYM SU d tIIMnL w Nrlwa w Ia�M Y. M\Mna trw S) WLU 1w M\0 11A Sm.l SIt Yrrr \rnmbfY4 N)SIN 4V4 LOY N[ Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes rIO/...OSSwwa[rY.O1/ IYY YIir .Yr1.�..Y... wYOOYY.r.wNOM Ol�O1M.00YrYr �rywn OOOr.r-rw1f00r YYOfv1.rN COYYY�M Orrrl.Nl wr Nf.y-.Yr YYst! OIwOY1.Or� OSIrOwM Orr1M OOYNv YrYUY !r TwYW rrrw N 100 Or YOrr AlIM f'^r r Osw+b M,Irwf !M• N rYwllr�wrrr TrrYa.lfr urrr..�....w. rrwrrrl�.wr rY.r llY+ fYwYlwr.. rlw.. � .rr rO.r. ywurl Ial.fw 1rr ow... �YYwr~ Aw+/ "-w"'�r rr fw. yf1� rw..a urc nNlrn.fr. wrwrlYr Y...+Yn. 1M fmr ftfrOYf YfrttrYrrYrl- lyY,rwrY SIOrVm �Mr fwr r1r.• Ar1N Nwr..rr fn -a.,., �slr If Nwfw� fu NrffN � fw�.urw fM tIIY aon5. w5ww r e.r.. Yf. MMw f Mll lrw.• N..r.l rr 1(/-w �� Iww wsyfrr. wr.n OfY/Y frO.l • Ir l� Nra011 5001 O+Yf .YY rOO IM d � ♦f. •Y.S� W wr.aa Iwti NOr.O On.wi rw. tr Yrs Y.w�1 IA.tw N.rl O.O..rr• t Srr MSpl Nrrlw arY-.1 .rrA Srrw YIOYwO lNdOY _ Orwr• SOK yrrw Yst rw.s.l Tr.ww, tw CN.w.wr 0.1.00YtYr N,OIOOYY rOYwO Orr.w OStrI rMYY r OSwOSO. I rYO1 •.YtYf YfOY w..Y wYY r., Ow• 1 OrU Or.Mw. M frrFYw1 NWOIIw Ilr N L1wOONW IY400SO MrrY� M.n•• Owr.. SfIL �lyYr�. TYbYrrY�r w� N1 w.w-...i� rr IiYlt lYrY f52.rW SOOC OnOw /0 rbwOOO IOYSrYrY p Sff illi SO[C fvYfMY. r .. Ary wwrY.aMr wr Orw.�1 WNL -1I.004r1 Ow ON MrYeYO Mwwr OYNfr f.p-Fp S.tl r.rn W V Il. OIMF YOn Owrr. IIN>N YM rlYt OIIQ MwO rrrrYO �W.srwN✓< Iwl✓YM—_ RwMrYrO.wr .wwN Yrsrrr.l IOr .r5 ara.+r rw.�Yi l.rwrM ..w.fY ftt.l><l r....wYY «.rY c..ff.Yr, Tr a I....1Yw.a..r N.1. a Nr.w rlwr�l rrNr •..55 Y,.wu..+.Yw TYw Tr...rw carr f.f Ia.w.r. a ss acct. vsn.a eYln SSt1 a.r Ir41 (mow rrr.ww ln.vlY�. M.r YaI IOrIIJOr .tlWi r NW ! U OfnYYM ffM Nf.N2f fYO OOY •NOOr-rrYl.f.wY. r✓1� 04 3 4u8w4ae44V Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes COAB Recreation Event Database 4fYwL FN-w}w er \wlrw4x0-n O -f s t Y.Y tN \MM' Yx � �I µA rw. I rwr fM4x41 �� }Iw )1).- Nf •w ,Ot �• rO[wr — fbw1�1L11 ... . .. fRMF} fMA Y.\ fe�''�t*�+.xw'. COY Ma _ N).Ln _ tanOr ., I�.n 1.F YIIII }}rte d e�-MrFYbOnr Y.w .ww )Aun sF. �+. YMr r YJbM YVMbn fYll .. N)LM COY �� I •fbM ~MYHe00MIR 6M YF.I MnU1Yt IMwnM ! fYll N)Sw _ f1Y.}rt \K f01} 1/N n1.41f. x w�.fvrrffr - w..•F��.......,.... I I , ' I iMn.. IiMf4r nx fT ]} t nw paw.M nx 1 t.�. fYA f0 nnn M� W •fi. nr w}4.M4r frf M M Y fF+h\ �� Fr }ra,r Fd. Xr YY\w M W OXw faF rw aw �e nnf. 11 w. - � -f I] MOMftn }b1f M.}M (M\ i– I i nwN -e.tl•. • N. r r.n r x. wrtYr .Mrsnw...+a.M fww. .w)w.\wn lw fwu.Ow Irw\r. i rrt. er fbOw )ew x I � � � M I i 4rw.fr.lf}r � N/wA .... \Tii+-a.w-dart Y/nw Wn1 Wr oFw�xwr-r n tiyu}rn�/N •..wvr �.�n -.re. rw.r Yert.rtr. /oY• Yww. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes MWMI�M� + nrwH �•N!•�sw••n U•oyun e. W(YWw r1Yhw w♦wre.rr.•w—rw rwr� I.r/n w 4w CT •wrw ...w w. M � COu — ~ 1 •+rw.• •wwrrrr. • r• I Yw M— �•+�w Y•.ww � • CDN. waN� �� -rvY rvMR r•.yrs d r+w+r'. M.w• w i WiM rrr� r,—•w•w w• r•ww. l�l•�..r lw � dm•w•�.m•r �a•aw•w � tiwr Va ,/r Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes Date Event Name Suitable ARV Group Advertised A, location Instructor/ Staff / Grant Funded Est Cost ps 1/2/24 Senior Social 50+ Senior Gall Baker Staff _ S20 3- r1/2i23 1/2,'23 -a Ch 11- '(1- Srnrn• Adele Grage fimd.d 545 x, nnur 1: 1/3124 yoga 30+ Adult Adele Grape volunteer, 7 V9/23 -a' Ch. Som 30. Adul- Adele Grape grant f-dre tot 33 1/3/24 Game Day: BINGO 30. Senior Gall Baker Staff S1R.75 Sr 11417- Ta' Ch. tom 3n- 5.nin• Adele C,raRr Id f unded S45 ger horn 10 IM24 Chair yap V. Soma Gal Baker Gram Funded 1/8/24 Frrldtdp C,n,m.rk Theat,- 50. Srnrn• furl Baler• Siah lost 1/9/23 Tal Chi Ilam 30. Senior Adele Grage City Funded 545 off hour 119/13 ran Chi Spm 30- anur Adele Grafi. Arany fand,0 20 1/10/24 yoga ;0+ Adult Adele Grage volunteer 9 1110/24 Game Dav Wh.eln A Dm•- 3n- Semry Gad Bak,, Staff S20 3. 1/11/24 Tel Chi tom 30. Senior Adele Grage CRy Funded S45 per hour 8 1116/14 Ta' Chi 11., 3n. 6S• Adele Crag, "n, funded S4S p.• heur 9 1/16/24 Tal Chi Spm 30. Adult Adele Grape Gram Funded S 1111124 vnaa 30. Ad"" Adele Grage vnlun-nor 17 1/17/23 Game Day: BINGO 30. Senior Gail Baker Staff S30 M S. 1118124 1., Chi tom 30- S.nrnr Adele Grafi, =itv i unded SAS o.• hour 13 1/]8/23 Cams, Ford 30. Senior Gall Baker Chy Funded SISO on/SBO Suppir.a 4r 1122/24 Chair yoga 30- Senrnr Gal Bak" ;rant Funded 1123/24 Movie Mather 30. Senior Gall Baker Staff $20 6. 1!73/74 -a'. Chr l lar- 3n- Adele Grage �qv Fundrd S45 W hour 16 1nim Tel Chi Spm 30• Aduh Adele Grape Gram Funded 7 1124124 y-,. 3f1• Adult A(W. Grag, vnurvrr 11 I24n4 Game Dav Famih, Feud 30+ Senior Gail Baker Staff 7e 1125/24 rya e,I-A a,up 30- Srnrnr Gail Rake, Sbff S25 1. lnS/24 Tel Chi 1111m 30- Senior Adele Grage City Funded 545 Der hour 11 1129/24 Chair yoga 3n- Sen- Gad Baker ',ran, Fmd,d I- I/W/24 Tai Chi l2am 30+ Senior Adele Grage Cltv Funded 545 off hour 12 1130/24 Tai CnSom 3n. Adult Adre Grag, Gram Fundal A 1/31n4 Game Day; L.N.C. 30• Senior Gall Baker Staff 4. 1131/74 104, 30- Adult Adele Grape V.1-teer 11 Key: - Sam' att.nde'. r. Numbest are gmwmg comklsrtntg adding another 8 vaeek session vntd. Chair yoga and tar Chi am drfferent ii-ps of people a of 'Capsclry klpants Actual Age of Attendees Actual Cost Special Requests/Notes So 65+ S19.96 It 60- t4[ 12 30. 15 40- 6S. S18.75 60. S4S 20 SO- NOVA - Forgot Sian up Sheet 12 65- tot 33 1.dv van Int Iran. purtarrnn 15 6S. $45 Canceled due to storm 1S 40, f am H.n our !n ttnrm 12 30 - so 65- 51997 .-ha+rd Ram. 1S 65. S45 15 h5- S4S 3S au. 12 30• So 6S. $3047 15 6S. 545 20 65. 5230 ,- Sn. NOVA . c.,Rw sign uv 'he' - so 65. S17.96 55• S4S IS 40- 12 70. 5o 6S• 50 65. 52098 15 6S• $4S 20 50- 15 65• 545 15 40 - So 65- 12 10. Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes Instructor/ Staff / Date Event Name location Grant Funded 2/1/24 Nail Bar Party Baker Staff 2/5/24 Chair Yoga Baker Grant Funded 2/6/24 Tai Chi Ilam Adele Grage Instructor 2/5/24 Senior Social Baker Staff 2/7/24 Game Day - FLIP IT Baker Staff 2/7/24 Tai Chi 5pm Adele Grage Grant Funded 2/7/24 Yoga Adele Grage Grant Funded 2/8/24 Tai Chi 2pm Adele Grage Instructor 2/12/24 Chair Yoga Baker Grant Funded 2/13/24 Tai Chi Ilam Adele Grage Instructor 2/4/24 Yoga Adele Grage Grant Funded 2/14/24 Tai Chi 5pm Adele Grage Grant Funded 2/14/24 Senior Valentines Bingo Ball Baker Staff 2/15/24 Tai Chi 2pm Adele Grage Instructor 2/20/24 Tai Chi l lam Adele Grage Instructor 2/21/24 Tai Chi 5pm Adele Grage Grant Funded 2/21/24 Yoga Adele Grage Grant Funded 2/21/24 Game Day - PO -KE -NO Baker Staff 2/22/24 Tai Chi 2pm Adele Grage Instructor 2/22/24 Honoring Black History Social Baker Staff 2/26/24 Chair Yoga Baker Grant Funded 2/27/24 Tai Chi Ilam Adele Grage Instructor 2/27/24 Movie Matinee Baker Staff 2/28/24 Yoga Adele Grage Grant Funded 2/28/24 Game Day - BINGO Baker Staff 2/28/24 Tai Chi 5pm Adele Grage Grant Funded 2/29/24 Tai Chi 2pm Adele Grage Instructor Attachment E to 2-26-24 Minutes ARCC Workshop February 27, 2024 Agenda Topic: Turtle Crawl 1. Broad vision for the project a. Expected outcomes —connectivity b. What does success look like? 2. Identify locations a. Name resources —who can help? 3. Develop narrative about locations — what is significant? Why? 4. Decide on kinds of turtles a. Three land tortoises b. Three sea turtles 5. Research turtles/tortoises 6. Design and construction of turtles 7. Designing the plaques and QR codes a. Hire a graphic designer 8. Website design a. Can this really be done in-house? b. Hire a web designer 9. Marketing and public relations campaign a. What's needed? b. Timeline 10. Design and print maps a. Look at parks master plan — can we use their maps? 11. Investigate public private partnerships a. Should we solicit sponsorship from individuals or businesses? 12. Research and pursue grant opportunities? a. Can we engage the City's grant writer? 13. Timeline and next steps a. Who will do what? b. When do we want to launch? c. When do we meet again?