Gabrynowicz - DSDE9- Appt. Deputy Treasurer- Mark Gabrynowicz- 7-19-24APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN / RECEIVED DEPOSITORY FOR CANDIDATES (Section 106.021(1), F.S.) JUL 19 1011 (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) NOTE: This form must be on file with the filing officer before opening the campaign account. OFFICE USE ONLY 1. CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES): ❑ Initial Filing of Form I!a Re -filing to Change:Treasurer/Deputy ❑ Depository ❑ Office ❑ Party 2. Name of Candidate (in this order: First, Middle, Last): 3. Address (include PO Box or Street, City, State, Zip Code): (Please Print or Type Name) ,0,0-1 C2� 2wl ;� e,1c, t��'IZX%,- M+ P �K C9ha,R_'(tJ�uJ C� /wo. Tkc Rjwt lI Vl bv_\Dl� 31,L�3 4. Telephone: 5. Candidate's Voter Registration #: 6. Email Address: c q04) \0k3p 103166051 for M c ® (5�?Vt3OuJ�C� . CdM (not required qualifying purposes) 7. Office Sought (include district, circuit, group, or seat #): 8. If a candidate for a nonoartisan office, check the box ,1-W*%\MC_ g,?qC 4 if applicable: ❑ I intend to run as a Write -In Candidate. 9. If a candidate for partisan office, check the box and fill in the name of the party as applicable: I intend to run as a ❑ Write -In Candidate. ❑ No Party Affiliation Candidate. ❑ Party candidate. 10. 1 have appointed the following person to act as my: ❑ Campaign Treasurer �puty Treasurer 11. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer: 12. Telephone: 13. Email Address: M421- C"O�,z ,J d LiJ Ic1 (0104 ) (013 bcLo k /"4F_&AS PL dc��c�. & 14. Mailing Address: [0101C4��Q UACIL 11)0vn 15. City: A7_1 C- tAOC4 16. State: 'FC— 17. Zip Code: 32Z3 18. 1 have designated the following bank as my (check appropriate box): 2Primary Depository ❑ Secondary Depository 19. Name of Bank: 20. Address: Q T_40 1?Q AL Cit 4p rT, d v�%o L) LIt01 PR(.4 �Jrt C_ 300 U J *I� 21. City: 22. County: 23. State: 24. Zip Code: AT Ar kc 44Ct_� \)44c_ Z2 -1a UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING FORM FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF THE CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. 26. Signature o an idate: 25. Date: 27. Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment (fill in the blanks and the k !japp bo l AAW1 — `&AC�Wi,�OyJkCZ do hereby accept the appointment designated above as: (Pleasd Print or Type Name) ❑ Campaign Treasurer. 2-6eputy Treasurer. 29. Signatur of Campaign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer 28. Date: p\ v�7 \J v J` DS -DE 9 (Rev. 09/23) Rule 1S-2.0001, F.A.C.