Grant - Nomination Petitions filed 8-16-24NOMINATION r'ETITION We, the undersigned electors of the City of Atlantic Beach, hereby nominate 4 0-7 (4 w+ whose residence is 19 3, Atlantic Beach. Florida. for the office of Commissioner -Seat 3, to be voted for at the election to be held on the 5th day of November, 2024. A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the roils of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for election to the Atlantic Beach City Commission. '75 kAk%+ l r'54'OA PRINTED NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH M DATE U,�i6lo 1J 1�t�rr• k. T14/ lC 52� cit -� Z &)Z2 r KATFlk CA (A 1-f o 4 /�l b'-1 It 3 �TM �t n3 �b �a�ati lCIT �la�/a✓t 0 (5- �k* I S- q � L,%, Cr, I n t- C\i h- h 6 �;� X4 * * * * Signatures must be verified * * * * STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR The undersigned is the �mmlator of the foregoing paper containing signatures. Each signature appended here'7) eves made in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. i SIGNATURE OF CIRCULATOk ADDRESS: [9fq Se -6, N v , z,, 0, ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION 2,-2,-, hereby accept the nomination for Commissioner -Seat 3 on the City Commission. I have been a full time resident of the City of Atlantic Beach for at least two years prior to qualifying and am qualified to be a candidate for this office. -V StONONURE: / ...-A� � HOME PHONE: �-Cpl �- �3 S /RECEIVED 1 AUG 16 2024 BUSINESS PHONE: &N 0[-- n " NOMINATION PETITION We, the undersigned electors of the City of Atlantic Beach, hereby nominate QYVI/n 5 1(A'' whose residence is �14�1 Sc�U, i11 FL3ZZ-? jAtlantic Beach, Florida for the office of Commissioner—Seat 3 to be voted for at the election to be held on the 5th day of November, 2024. A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the rolls of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for election to the Atlantic Beach City Commission. '�CA-NIC615oh PRINTED NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH N� l�i Qyk )& GA l !alt( ke CQ r C\1 VW`e- /t * * * * Signatures must be verified * * * * STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR DATE -'7v I'll .20 The undersigned is the circulator of the foregoing paper containing signatures. Each signature appended hereto was made in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. t6 SIGNATURE OF CIRCULATOW ` ADDRESS: C, 0c,� ,,-k V G' ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION _""7.��3/ I hereby accept the nomination for Commissioner -Seat 3 on the City Commission. I have been a full time resident of the City of Atlantic Beach for at least two years prior to qualifying and am qualified to be a candidate for this off e. SIGNATURE: x" - - -- - -- - - HOME PHONE: 604 RECEIVED 6 �� S BUSINESS PHONE: AUG 161074 NOMINATION PETITION We, the undersigned eort of th&City of Atlantic Beach, hereby nominatel"S`=-1 4__, whose residence �MPAtlantic Beach, Florida, for the office of Commissioner—Seat 3 to be voted for at the election to be held on the 5th day of November. 2024. A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the rolls of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for electioh to the Atlantic Beach City Commission. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH SIGNATURE DATE �1-163 5L -6p" Alf, * * * * Signatures must be verified * * * * STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR a� 7/abla y acvft)-f To undersigned is the circulator of the foregoing paper containing signatures. Each signature ap ided hereto was made in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it pu r �s to be. Jr- ,TURE OF CIRCULATOR: r --- t �A/ ADDRESS: �q bb 50AW tiiriv— C Re4C�1 P1, 322-35 ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION 1 hereby '% pt the nomination for Commis�,inner-Seat 3 on the City Commission. 1 have been a full time resident ," ^dam City of Atlantic Beach far' st two years prior to qualifying and am qualified to be a candidete x offs "'-JRE: LOA _ _ _ / RECEIVED 4 -1E PHONE: q 04' col(e AUG 16 2014 BUSINEb,% RHONE: L-., 4,6 &�V, A NOMINATION PETITION We, the undersigned electors of th City of Atlantic Beach, hereby nominate whose residence is i w4'Yz , 6j �' �2 tlantic Beach, Florida, for the office of Commissioner -Seat 3. to be voted for at the election to be held on the 5th day of November. 2024. A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the rolls of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for election to the Atlantic Beach City Commission. -T,"' XJef""', PRINTED NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH SIGNATURE DATE Sh-e 5fA a 1 -7 g 1 tj 10 Aga Ir Sit 6 Ma r � �i►ti+e Qz ?J(', , * * * * Signatures must be verified * * * * ��j.cr"�Soh STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR The undersigned is the circulator of the foregoing paper containing signatures. Each signature apoJnded hereto was made in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it pu , arts to be. SIGNATURE OF CIRCULAT R: ADDRESS: 'mull 54, '&4\'1 F -V 3'� � ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION I hereby a-ept the nomination for Commissioner -Seat 3 on the City Commission. I have been a full time resident of the City of Atlantic Beach for at least two years prior to qualifying and am qualified to be a candidate for this offica.. ,URE: r - /RECEIVED 1 i( -,'ME PHONE: rLb �- �� �` BUSINEVE PHONE: AUG 16 W Or\t tel'- (q lel NOMINATION PETITION We, the undersigned electors of the City of Atlantic Beach, hereby nominate '1�b114145- �`' (11 Y4 whose residence isI � �� �`�� i�� ��- >~3 �y����flantic Beach,. Florida, for the office of Commissioner—Seat 3, to be voted for at the election to be held on the 5th day of November. 2024. A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the rolls of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for election to the Atlantic Beach City Commission. � P`R�INTED NAME ADDRESS % DATE OF BIRTJH/� SIGN A RE lnDATE 6�w --11�i Vla � - C cs - � 4 Pq �X) Va lua�LIX • Ohl q <s11:51;-,'4 �rrw, VJIC4A -) 5" S I ki /7' L-." Ge < G✓7 5 140' * * * * Signatures must be verified * * STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR V Th undersigned is the circulator of the foregoing paper containing signatures. Each signature aponded hereto was made in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it pui _:. irts to be. V'� SIGNATURE OF CIRCULATOR: 1, ADDRESS: rlu�, L..,Iv, N cv-w, C ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION 3Zz- 3-3 hereby adept the nomination for Commissioner -Seat 3 on the City Commission. I have been a full time resident of the City of Atlantic Beach for at least two years prior to qualifying and am qualified to be a can'ildate fur this offic . ` "ARE: '�` 'v _ _ - - � RECE►VED 1 "--ME PHONE: ot04-(0�c0- AUG 1 6 BUSINF_:�� PHONE: '� 2U24 -lN 9 , 11 01