Grant - Notification of petition requirement being met - 8-16-24From: Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service <mas@barracuda.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 12:24 PM To: Bartle, Donna Subject: Fwd: FW: Nomination Petitions for AB Candidate Thomas Grant - Please verify Attachments: Thomas Grant Nomination Petition Verification .pdf From: "Nichols, Ladayija" <lnichols@coab.us> Sent: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 15:24:04 +0000 To: "Thomas Grant (tcgtmg3@hotmail.com)" <tcgtmg3@hotmail.com> CC: 'Bartle, Donna" <dbartle@coab.us> Subject: FW: Nomination Petitions for AB Candidate Thomas Grant - Please verify Good Morning, Thomas, Your petitions have been verified and you have met the petition requirement. Ladayija Nichols, MPA Deputy City Clerk City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247-5821 From: Byles, Brenda - SERE <BByles@duvalelections.gov> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 11:16 AM To: Nichols, Ladayija <Inichols@coab.us>; Fackler, Cierra - SERE <CFackler@coj.net> Cc: Bartle, Donna <dbartle@coab.us> Subject: RE: Nomination Petitions for AB Candidate Thomas Grant - Please verify Hi Ladayija, Thomas Grant has met the 25 -nominating petition requirement. See attached. Have a great day, ,Iktenda flkeeis Elections Aide Candidate Department Assistant Ph (904) 255-3416 Fax (904) 255-3433 Duval County Supervisor of Elections Office 105 E. Monroe Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 bbvles@coi.net www. duvalelections. aov UPCOMING ELECTION DATES Primary Election August 20, 2024 General Election November 5, 2024 From: Nichols, Ladayija <Inichols@coab.us> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 9:28 AM To: Fackler, Cierra - SERE <CFackler@coi.net>; Byles, Brenda - SERE <BByles@duvalelections.gov> Cc: Bartle, Donna <dbartle@coab.us> Subject: Nomination Petitions for AB Candidate Thomas Grant - Please verify EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email originated from a non-COJ email address. Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe. Good Morning, Please verify the attached nomination petitions for Thomas Grant. Reminders: 1. They only need 25 signatures of registered Atlantic Beach electors qualified to vote. 2. I must notify the candidates within two days of filing their petitions about whether or not they passed the verification process. Ladayija Nichols, MPA Deputy City Clerk City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247-5821 NOMINATION PETITION 1 We, the undersigned electors of the City of Atlantic Beach, hereby nominate i <. '"7 (h - whose residence is 19 Kt ctiviA 41fr4 - ',PL32 .3Atlantic Beach. Florida, for the office of Commissioner -Seat 3. to be voted for at the election to be held on the 5th day of November. 2024. A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the rolls of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for election to the Atlantic Beach City Commission. 1?) ri5krVovk PRINTED NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH SIGNATURE 11":: 147/7A) tk14.eA0ftt/-Dr-iN 1, 3401 40/1/1' Ye) / / r o(1Aqc /810 heJr. i . � '` 1 i'?‹. l SZ Sal v kvt 1 ' ,- a. � 03-k% \. 77.. --."'" 71 2 2o2,. DATE (\wa,r(4! C40 co 4111R‘ 1 l ft11 �I flip✓ dl -' Al- ��' r3 7' $ CCC0749- 7‘ _ 4/1„-n 34 3 ?ni kt) 0'1 (6) -Th 0&T. 1Yt L,-,„6,1542,lfir~ r i .lia (,renPk, * * * * Signatures must be verified * * * * STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR e/.21-1 7/a a' -7/2z:/2/ The undersigned is the rculator of the foregoing paper containing L7 signatures. Each signature appended hereto was rnrade in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. SIGNATURE OF CIRCOIVR. CIAAA ADDRESS: 19 oct cavr tthw l i...G, ° affil! C .611 FL ? 72 ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION 1 hereby accept the nomination for Commissioner -Seat 3 on the City Commission. 1 have been a full time resident of the City of Atlantic Beach for at least two years prior to qualifying and am qualified to be a candidate for this ofe. st . 1: RE: HOME PHONE: I -GI (-'3 BUSINESS PHONE: AUG 16 2024 DU .RL COUNTY ELEC. RECEIVES 1 AUG 16 2024 g NOMINATION PETITION We, the undersigned electors of the City of Atlantic Beach, hereby nominate 1 61111-t whose residence is rioct ,tib vp o'-61441.1)611-0, F1,321-3, Atlantic Beach. Florida. for the office of (7 Commissioner—Seat 3, to be voted for at the election to be held on the 5th day of November. 2024. A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the rolls of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for election to the Atlantic Beach City Commission. Sc4-Nictiokov, PRINTED NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH ATURE DATE 1179 (-MICO c G . 3 -l'1 1-.7(.7)1 ///irda 0607 .59go-k62/e Roe :3.-33 ✓ 7-r. ,vti v 166-7 SCh at MitaI:L:) ./ . SS \ 06:S.4. ly\ oi-tr42_D •333 9--21-2/ ‘-{zdil vs -Bo Pz Cl arte 5460Y\ l 6 `fq F+(a rh'c 'e" !i) 7 1 6411( 23 32 „vits es-rue_r RI, * * * * Signatures must be verified * * * * STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR � - 7/P G is Lj -014 The undersigned is the circulator of the foregoing paper containing signatures. Each signature appended hereto was made in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. SIGNATURE OF CIRCULATOR:' ADDRESS: A OC1. c- AtiG. Gt f i �,r-► 1 )cB e� 2 3 ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION I hereby accept the nomination for Commissioner -Seat 3 on the City Commission. I have been a full time resident of the City of Atlantic Beach for at least two years prior to qualifying and am qualified to be a candidate for this offs SIGNATURE: HOME PHONE: tC)4 -io I i A - BUSINESS PHONE: i RECEIVED 4 AUG 16 2024 1'.r7 Ivo NOMINATION PETITION We, the undersigned electors of the City of Atlantic Beach, hereby nominate whose residence 1 56\1/4- I ° Uv';,L, rx, ifL31F - )1 - Atlantic Beach, Florida, for the office of Commissioner—Seat 3, to be voted for at the election to be held on the 5th day of November. 2024. A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the rolls of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for electic t to the Atlantic Beach City Commissk f. PRINTED NAME iilf 1 -gin 2-31-7 « T ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH / /A 5 6.) -)--7 �$3 5L''` `j hit, 7 -d.41-01 � ttrtb G(/Q/73 SIGNATURE 1, - "'h 5g-6 1 rcn p,v e - 14-0 1c1(24,skatbibit ekr S16 (fi f --M10 1,24 9595 DATE 7/1.)(1/ VI/ c.C1 7/ab/ay jyrf(2-4' ( a IRS -7/ascnfaf -//711 7-zb-z� (016 J44)- * * * * Signatures must be verified * * * * STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR a The undersigned is the circulator of the foregoing paper containing C signatures. Each signature appended hereto was made in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purPOrta to be. r TURF OF CIRCULATOR: ADDRESS: .CN1 �'1 r, , � filc gek cl►,j PL 3 2 2-3 5 ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION hereby.accept the nomination for Commissioner -Seat 3 on the City Commission. I have been a full time residentthe City of Atlantic Beach for at least two years prior to qualifying and am qualified to be a Candidate for tlIs offl� 0 . SIGNATURE: Am ► RECEIVED 4 AUG 16 7074 HOME PHONE: 04' foCe " 3 54 BUSINESS PHONE: -` .. ofi NOMINATION PETITION We, the undersigned electors of th City of Atlantic Beach, hereby nominate a,/n ‹"1 el• w , whose residence is 19.'0'=1V� v. v iX, 1 222-21tlantic Beach. Florida, for the office of Commissioner—Seat 3. to be voted for at the election to be held on the 5th day of November. 2024, A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the rolls of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candid to for election to the Atlantic Beach City Commission. i,veil PRINTED NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH SIGNATURE zh-eeuy) gao ad Vit. i a l n qI J �d �SI^Rir. eflAk Q81/6/17 DATE t Of) l' -i A6V001( N) 14 C- --7-All* k,41-12- I ?� N,A1,9eiv N 9(0,L/i ff A eld NAV Z -12 -ii S /D4t.e11 3 'on ?0 41---' Cf)p 1 10 5 /t1;) 7 1t /4 ' ; I 15�'i6 1,44r1 i42 Pr 5/I5/' 2, irls F. vel ��� Tvv\yINIr\ * * * * Signatures must be verified * * * * STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR sy/oi 74ei el‘ /0 ()V *61—et ag-- 15-4 g/K/7_, r-zY The undersigned is the circulator of the foregoing paper containing 7 signatures. Each signature appended hereto was made in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. SIGNATURE OF CIRCULATOR: ADDRESS: Icoci'e\v1" (,' [�iivIL-, v/ At ZL Ill - r 7l/ 3? ? ? ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION 1 hereby ate pt the nomination for Commissioner -Seat 3 on the City Commission. I have been a full time resident of the City of Atlantic Beach for at least two years prior to qualifying and am qualified to be a candidate for this offi SIGNATURE HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PHONE: PArk( ) RECEIVED 4 AUG 1 6 2074 NOMINATION PETITION}(� We, the undersigned electors of the , 't, City of Atlantic Beach, hereby nominate1116144145- —' A 4 whose residence is V I7 1 S?Qk,k6ia61 Vr. J1'f)1FL-32 A ntic Beach. Florida. for the office of Commissioner—Seat 3, to be voted for at the election to be held on the 5th day of November. 2024. A.D., and we individually certify that our names appear on the rolls of registered voters, and that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for election to the Atlantic Beach City Commission. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH Tho f (rrovr[: __ 19 154 Manny or, Saab ino, 141 _ a-ro, 0)- I a.i 5e,1 gra KR 4-1,. pc .#�-- Plato L.Grii- rr 1gp4 S( /v4. tin ityikjr. t/IVDi/ r11 4 v- 00 r11 0111 CV 'cA t Coo to Z 1 n - t - 6 rt fist. L.a /ti—gr/4-3 OtA14 .-41-1~11I"1�1�1 Uv& Da Lir, o5jDs Jarne/54,'1)n 1141 Live, 11 L 1,n 01)- 19111 * * * * Signatures must be verified * STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR The undersigned is the circulator of the foregoing paper containing 9 signatures. Each signature appended hereto was made in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. riarl �6yi &JI ave 6641 DATE 841/21 511- rIZ�F �/t%r yam,/` or-tele-r- 0ii6h4 SIGNATURE OF CIRCULATOR: ADDRESS: iIP Selvin Mt (svhDr.,A-T(410-hc P.nr� 1fi/ 3u133 / • ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION I hereby accept the nomination for Commissioner -Seat 3 on the City Commission. I have been a full time resident of the City of Atlantic Beach for at least two years prior to qualifying and am qualified to be a candidate for this offs rt I NATURE: t AAN`- Ut 14QME PHONE: 'IAA"101 (9 LI ')4 BUSINESS PHONE: RECEIVED 4 AUG 162024