Gabrynowicz - 2023 Financial Disclosure Form - 8-26-242023 Form 1 - Statement of Financial Interests General Information Name: Mark Gabrynowicz Address: 1907 SHERRY DR N, ATLANTIC BCH, FL 32233 County: Duval Organization Suborganization N/A CANDIDATE FOR Position City, Town or Village (Commission or Council), Governing Board - Form 1 (Effective 6/10/2024) Disclosure Period Agency Name City Commission, City of Atlantic Beach, Florida ► RECEIVED AUG 2 61014 Title Position sought or held City Commissioner Seat 3 THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS YOUR FINANCIAL INTERESTS FOR CALENDAR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2023. Printed from the Florida EFDMS System Page 1 of 4 2023 Form 1- Statement of Financial Interests Primary Sources of Income PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME (Over $2,500) (Major sources of income to the reporting person) (If you have nothing to report, write "none" or "n/a") Name of Source of Income Source's Address Description of the Source's Principal Business Principal Business Activity BNY Mellon Disbursement Agent P.O. Box 5261 Cherry Hill, NJ 080345261 Pension Benefit Disbursement RTX Pension P.O. Box 5261 Cherry Hill NJ 08034 Pension Service CTR Prudential Tax Services Empower 30 Scranton Office Park, Scranton PA pension 18507 Defense Finance and Accounting 8899 E 65th St Indianapolis IN 46249 Military Retirement Pay Services U.S. Military Retired Pay The Northern Trust Company Excels INC Benefit Payment Services WB -38, 50 pension LaSalle St, Chicago. ill, 60603 Social Security Administration 1100 West Department of the Treasury High Rise, 6401 Security Blvd, Baltimore Social Security Benefit MD 21235 Social Security Administration 1100 West Department of the Treasury High Rise, 6401 Security Blvd, Baltimore Social Security Benefit Spouse MD 21235 Secondary Sources of Income SECONDARY SOURCES OF INCOME (Major customers, clients, and other sources of income to businesses owned by the reporting person) (If you have nothing to report, write "none" or 'Wal Name of Business Entity Name of Major Sources of Address of Source Principal Business Business' Income Activity of Source N/A Printed from the Florida EFDMS System Page 2 of 4 2023 Form 1- Statement of Financial Interests Real Property REAL PROPERTY (Land, buildings owned by the reporting person) (If you have nothing to report, write "none" or "n/a") Location/Description N/A Intangible Personal Property INTANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY (Stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, etc. over $10,000) (If you have nothing to report, write "none" or "n/a") Type of Intangible Business Entity to Which the Property Relates N/A Liabilities LIABILITIES (Major debts valued over $10,000): (If you have nothing to report, write "none" or "n/a") Name of Creditor Address of Creditor N/A Printed from the Florida EFDMS System Page 3 of 4 2023 Form 1- Statement of Financial Interests Interests in Specified Businesses INTERESTS IN SPECIFIED BUSINESSES (Ownership or positions in certain types of businesses) (If you have nothing to report, write "none" or "n/a") Business Entity # 1 N/A Signature of Filer Mark Gabrynowicz Digitally signed: 08/21/2024 Printed from the Florida EFDMS System Page 4 of 4