Gabrynowicz - DSDE 12, 13, 14 - Treasurers Report - 2024-Q3 - 8-21-24CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT SUMMARY (1) Mark Gabrynowicz OFFICE USE ONLY Name (2) 1907 North Sherry Drive / RECEIVED Address (number and street) AUG 111024 ---N Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 City, State, Zip Code ❑ Check here if address has changed (3) ID Number: N/A (4) Check appropriate box(es): ❑✓ Candidate Office Sought: City of Atlantic Beach Commissioner Seat 3 ❑ Political Committee (PC) ❑ Electioneering Communications Org. (ECO) ❑ Check here if PC or ECO has disbanded ❑ Party Executive Committee (PTY) ❑ Check here if PTY has disbanded ❑ Independent Expenditure (IE) (also covers an ❑ Check here if no other IE or EC reports will be filed individual making electioneering communications) (5) Report Identifiers Cover Period: From 07 /01 / 2024 To 08 / 15 / 2024 Report Type: ✓❑ Original ❑ Amendment ❑ Special Election Report (6) Contributions This Report (7) Expenditures This Report Monetary Cash & Checks $ , ) pQ Expenditures $ , 5 % �I Loans $�� C) Transfers to Office Account $ Q . Total Monetary $ , , GCs Total Monetary $ In -Kind $ (8) Other Distributions $ (9) TOTAL Monetary Contributions To Date (10) TOTAL Monetary Expenditures To Date $ (11) Certification It is a first degree misdemeanor for any person to falsify a public record (ss. 839.13, F.S.) I certify that I have examined this report and it is true, correct, and complete: (Type name) William Robert Grawe (Type name) Mark Gabrynowicz ❑ Individual (only for IE ❑� Treasurer ❑ Deputy Treasurer El Candidate ❑ Chairperson (only for PC and PTY) or electioneering comm.) X "an lluGa'�-- & x Signature Signatu e DS -DE 12 (Rev. 11/13) "SEE REVElF6LeFOR INSTRUCTIONS Agenda Item #6C. 05 Nov 2024 CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT — ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (1) Name Mj1 Q ' r_.g jggW0 N\C %.. (2) I.D. Number (3) Cover Period _-:1 / I_ / � through h / 1 � 12-02L( (4) Page L_ of _ (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Date Full Name (Last, Suffix, First, Middle) (6) Sequence Street Address & Contributor Contribution In-kind Number City, State, Zip Code Tvpe Occupation Type Description Amendment Amount l l �, � � S� 12'Z � 12`c� Ck— � Q,-3 Atz-7 llb2z3a _(64 v a� cJ�Lt J r tow ;�kL% Pr a7 Q-3 - -P7-erCsAri3d �j Rtltso*�N l `� /Qwt �t6�, ���t�+' C, CN i�0,3d � 01 3 _ 11 �-- , � � t- ti lC '340<�C� C�'?�-7 � ��-(►fit � �� 1 IJ,(�t� C DS -DE 13 (Rev. 11/13) n - SEEgEVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES . SPI PP Page 83 of 101 lk -9N CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT — ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (1) Name MN(Z 'C GN9 (Z4 hJ0 W 1 C Z. (2) I.D. Number (10) In-kind Description (11) Amendment (12) Amount (3) Cover Period -7 / / 2Ci2 through / _ / :�i� .� j (4) Page of 2 (5) Date (7) Full Name (Last, Suffix, First, Middle) Street Address & City, State, Zip Code (8) Contributor Type occu ation (9) Contribution Type (10) In-kind Description (11) Amendment (12) Amount (6) Sequence Number FnV 2R'rc�2 A CAS 50, CCS I I 32233 I I I I I I I I I I DS -DE 13 (Rev. 11113) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES IV CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S REPORT - ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (1) Name MAQ.f-C ISAIlkjNoLUIC-2 (2) I.D. Number (3) Cover Period —1/ / 2� through / 1 S / `R (4) Page_ of (5) Date (7) Full Name (Last, Suffix, First, Middle) Street Address & City, State, Zip Code (8) Purpose (add office sought if contribution to a candidate) (9) Expenditure Type (10) Amendment (11) Amount (6) Sequence Number O"q PAL / 'TNC, 2211 N ISS'' S�. Ma N 0-LiLt �- 3 - �► sA N �osF , ca q 5 � 31 I I . Com 10 9 20 (kGG4 eatuL ez % sia;2-rr CRN 232-.46 ORvvotd , FL 3z ( 2�i w i CQYYN 500 -r'I`Riti A FRAWOis UES ssaVAcfrs C AN 111.00 u S $ O wd . sv;-ke 600 SAW ani A 9 VSf A mv' zo N 9 q -TE- ITY IWS N S-10"ni'e r Vj 3F 10q 2�► Rio �Q',v�rLc ?330 AEC-r"Z Nvi 41Or i>Q;�)Y PAME a C z 2y L S'EWM 1 U01 t`AhY PORT Rdl, PW s�(s �i�r1 60,gt h't�At�-t1 c. GEk9 j V1 32223 DS -DE 14 (Rev. 11/13) SEE REVERSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CODE VALUES