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9-23-24 Speaker Forms and Handouts
WELCOME CQ F 0 To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: %/ Name: A4 rLS222l Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: Phone No.: E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) City: ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: %>< Agenda Item No. and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME �- To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: -� ���- Name: �� c ((� SC�- w ch Z Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: l g 51 1 � t_ r r i\� V& rc,(j, , r City: A Phone No.: 10 4 E-mail: Ct o r_°1 e E�acl\4k i . � rr PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident El -Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. (-i , D and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME Co t 3 To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: Z,t Z4 Name., Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: �� City: �J 11,E 1�� rG C;;Pfo �� nn Phone No.1A E-mail �I �(" �l�f►I •C!�'` PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident )� Atlantic Beach Property Owner ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------------------------------------------- I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. IQ and/or Ei Topic not on the agenda: I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. i I am in support of the above agenda item. Ei I am opposed to the above agenda item. I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item [-i I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME C or To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** a� SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: /Ia3 Name: ��/)M Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: (a a r7 kft City: A6 Phone No.: gJ1361-, � P_ " E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) QAtlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or o ,/Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Arl(U�Date: Name: �d Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACTINFORMATIONBELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: r>p' S�el City: Phone No.: ��`���d E-mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) 0 Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or 9 Topic not on the agenda: irenno ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item 7- 1 do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME 00r & To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: �3 I Name: t✓ i. �� itl �� Sf( �. L Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: Phone No.: E-mail: City: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ,k'Atlantic Beach Resident �lantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: �ish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or Topic not on the agenda:u`� ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME / \ To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM t-c� Date: "\' Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: j7Z6- &0-(� A-4 City: wI(WL 6(arL Phone No.: 16q 953a5q-7 E-mail: f(�Ifr�di7Vlfiir��G1c� y►1 ,C!/Y►^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: Lfll-wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or L�.j�opic not on the agenda: E I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. Ei I am in support of the above agenda item. Ei I am opposed to the above agenda item. I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME r D r (�) To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: f14 9 c� 1 Name: ' ala-,&- Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFOR MATION BELOW IS OPTI NAL: f - Address: 77 � V && City: d"Lt� wCJ�-j Phone No.: q -qJ31f-mail: -------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. an9pr .( ffJ Topic not on the agenda: �QiVL1(htl� I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. _- I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: 23 Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: " Address: H6\ 0 tuft PyIy'\k t/1 City: Phone No.: U6 E-mail: �� �Y1�� I� G� ��,(, G(V►1 PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ,\ I ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or /'r�`� ❑ Topic not on the agenda: 4ennfj- (� ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME CD I' Q 0 -) To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: Ci 2 l.. Name: T Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: 2 Address: `XJ City: Phone No.: I L1U MOK-mail: C�" ` AW O -r' & 1, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident p,--A'tlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: _- I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or o Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME co r / Z To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM �( t Date: �1.23 ❑ Name: � (� �y j( Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YQOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: 8SS- LAAPC, City: ao Phone No.:c�O'� ` 7S5 ` 6T -mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. y1iG�� and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME W r 3 To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: Name: Please Note: FIrida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOURi CONTT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: / Address: (0l �� City: — ✓� 7-7 Phone No.: / C y � N -mail: GC�GI,`t'� � Te ` PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: /wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or ;?-"-Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item September 23, 2024 To: Atlantic Beach City Council This is Stephen Curtiss and I reside at 613 Paradise Cove, Atlantic Beach. We are located off Main Street between Levy Road and Dutton Island Road. I am here to request the City of Atlantic Beach include the neighborhood of Paradise Cove in any future drainage projects. Our neighborhood consisting of 22 homes is located between Kestner Drive and Paradise Cove . The entire neighborhood is supposed to drain east onto Kestner Road which intersects Main Street. At Kestner and Main Street/water is supposed to drain South to a large drainage ditch on Levy Road heading East. Something is causing this drainage to be blocked, and we are suffering from considerable flooding especially during the heavy rain we had recently. If you go to the Internet and access Google Maps for 1570 Main Street - you will see a picture of the flooding on a dry day taken by Google on May 2024. On Google Maps if you run north on Main Street you will see minor flooding where Kestner meets Main. As mentioned, it appears our entire neighborhood is supposed to drain using the ditches on Kestner to the ditch on Main. If this is blocked or impaired our entire neighborhood will be flooded as was the case about a week ago. Please include us when you review the drainage issue. As Google Maps indicates this is a current problem. Please include our Paradise Cove neighborhood in plans to reduce flooding. Stephen Curtiss 613 Paradise Court 727-644-3839 steve.curtiss@gmail.com WELCOME Cb r 1 To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: 1 J �2J" d� _1 Name: 0,y�1 'l �\A le-dio Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: jj �_, Address: W d �J�JIl CJI CA -City: M G 1J Phone No.: `I E-mail: Wn!W Vlcow C � PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident 2' Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: %/I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or VTopic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME } , To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. LD iS *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: "' f Z 2� Name: e t. U 0A Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: 3 194A C"2 \ City: Phone No.: E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) EY Atlantic Beach Resident V/"Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑*I ish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. ��� ` ; [.(.& c,;, and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME cer / 6 To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM -2--2c y� 1 Date:Z J Name: Zj Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: City: Phone No.: E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: �E] I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME („ W F To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: M' I Name: l ` ctic c Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: �% r� r City: Phone No.: ',U PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident 'E Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: E] wish to address the Commission dufing Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or Cl Topic not on the agenda: I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. am in support of the above agenda item. I am opposed to the above agenda item. r_ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME co r To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting r We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: ✓ 23 L Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACTFORMATIO BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: kcle- City: Phone No.: 90ZWE-mail: �� n 3Z-2 3-3 PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or J ❑ Topic not on the agenda: D � �3w- 41St/ rr o !1 ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item aft, -;1-010 WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting CDP Iq We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: Name: ;� �� C (Gj S�2e� Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: 2ylao e.��� hie, City: 56C,64— Phone No.: - % E-mail �-6Q C arnc n ei— PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) GVAtlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: U4wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. i lk , ORR2 16 and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting CAF (� �19 We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. -r� rrl Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: 91 � � Name: ��� �, � �. � t Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address Phone No.: E-mail: -------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) City.. ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOMEr 2 , �i r To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: .Z Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records LaJ Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: 1 f &;)`'�-- City: A-6 Phone No.: cM �Z'r� E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: `JI wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ^ ❑ Agenda Item No. ` — 4 L.� P and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting CSF 22 We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: Name:S« ,�4 AA 2, Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address:C� City: Phone No.: E-mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: VI wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: Agenda Item No. and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting CO r 2 3 We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: Name: AL Lq- Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: � i C>?V— C", I( City: (� ► Phone No.: 9 D E-mail: ce <—1 1 PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident tAtiantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. (, c�c���'��c 0 C,W' and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: �1 C.-Ibat, :2 ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUE7 FORM Date: �� 2 Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION ELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: 2 Z 3 S,,vvi ( b City: +' 635 -C) 4_0 E-mail: V l t� . �► L.�- nrlt/t C Gvl�c IAA Phon�pNo.: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident f; Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------------------------ ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or �( Topic not on the agenda: -�- r '1�) [,,- a-, ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. t I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** Date SPEAKER REQUEST FORM I Name: IP Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: City: /-tT tAnC. Phone No.: E-mail: to %ar )LI)CI Cr,m0�1� ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner 01 Atlantic — PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: Agenda Item No. and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: TIZaTOC61 � nl N LIZ of 'PLAY I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. am in support of the above agenda item. c_ I am opposed to the above agenda item. I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item - I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item eFA4rl WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting Hs &)AIDC1 -0 We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: Ji K City: 413 Phone No.: / PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ' Atlantic Beach Resident ;&, Atlantic Beach Property Owner ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ---------------------------------------------- wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: p O I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting cod lli F►-} qD We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: Z Z Name:-Adf 1 2 Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: 33( 74 y6 City: e"t � Phone No.: E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: 10, wt h to address t Cbmmissio4` ring CoL(rtesy of the Floor on: l❑ A je f4Tf No. _- and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: �*Ovish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. Cr ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. l ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item - I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** %J SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: q" 23. 1 L Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: 7'� City:kz Phone No.: E-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Iff Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: u I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: Agenda Item No. and/or ca Topic not on the agenda: I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. I am in support of the above agenda item. am opposed to the above agenda item. I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM t Date: Name: j� �1 ctrd A,14 u,-, 11-1/1 Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: I S S Sc I✓� M[�%� V o City: e a c Phone No.: 79 f -%1-7YjL( E-mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLE ESE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner I wish to address the Commission durinCourtesy of the Floor on: Agenda Item No. G o- a and/or U f ❑ Topic not on the agenda: i/ dI wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting PN �q D C We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM ffll Date: ��� V (^ a 3 �va e:eLv�\ . Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: d' 1 �City: Phone No.: E-mail: t- o ,2,� M Q --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 7Atlanfic �ECHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item 7 1 do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting Pty 6( D C We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM �Z 3, Date: � t � Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: ;& .� 6-14 � City: Phone No.: E-mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) b Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: n, i wish to address the Commission. during Courtesy of the Floor on: Agenda Item No. L/ r, � )q, and/or Ei Topic not on the agenda: I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. I am in support of the above agenda item. I am opposed to the above agenda item. L: I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME P44 qD 0 To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: S ZU ` ,Q f tQY]�,c1 ' �' City: Phone No.: E-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident � Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: 1 wish to address the Commission,dur' Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. �l and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: I wish to address the Commission duringthe Public Hearin for Agenda Item No. 491 g g ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME W q D 0 To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: ` 3�Z Name: Giles ©, 7? Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: (-�� !'lOn��%� City: f4� Phone No.: C��T X23' ?mail: fZ° cuer! /� 1 @ IGL,f(L - PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: , wish to address the Commission during Courtesyof the Floor on: /' ❑ Agenda Item No. 4 G 0-2q"Z53 and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item COAB COMMISSION MEETING September 23, 2024 Good evening! My Name is Greg Powell. I live at 1871 Selva Marina Drive. I'm here to discuss proposed changes to the Chapter 24 stormwater regulations. 1. Definition of Impervious Surface (Section 24-17): a. The beginning of the second sentence should read "Common impervious surfaces include ..." If the word "may" is not inserted, the definition excludes material made of concrete, asphalt, brick or plastic, including permeable, pervious and porous pavers -- and artificial turf. This definition, as written, is inconsistent with other parts of Chapter 24 and could cause problems. b. The inserted phrase at the end of this definition "... with a minimum of seven (7) inch freeboard." Is unjustified and incorrect. Chapter 24 and the SWMP are based on controlling "EXCESS RUNOFF", which requires only 4.3 inches of freeboard. So, the proposed compromise language increases the pervious credit from 50% to 75%, but then turns -around and increases the freeboard requirement. This language gives with one hand and takes away with the other. Someone is playing word games! 2. Definition of Artificial Turf (Section 24-17): What is the basis of the requirement for an infiltration rate of 200 inches/hour? This value is 50 times the 100 -year rainfall intensity! After accounting for plugging that may occur with aging, this value is at least twice reasonable. 3. Definition of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers (Section 24-17): While I have no problem with this specific design, or the use of permeable pavers, I want to point out that studies have shown that porous pavers (turf blocks), pervious concrete and pervious pavers can infiltrate water at rates greater than for permeable pavers. Test data* for pervious concrete and pervious pavers show infiltration rates of 10 to 90 times that for permeable pavers. Consequently, the definition should not be limited to just permeable interlocking pavers. But should include all permeable, porous, or pervious pavers. 4. On-site Storage Volume [Section 24-89(c)(7)]: This calculation has not changed. The volume specified is still more than twice the volume required to meet the SWMP objective. The SWMP modeling uses the Curve Number method. I used the same method to demonstrate this fact. I see no legitimate reason to wait to correct this error. We need to stop studying things and start engineering and funding the necessary solutions! * Porous paver - Stormwater Report want to thank the City Commission for their hard work to correct the short falls in Chapter 24 stormwater regulations. I am here tonight to ask that you VOTE based on what you know to be right -- and not what may be politically expedient. Thank You. * Porous Daver - Stormwater Report (waton) WELCOME fl.{_. ✓ : To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from,putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: Name:`'���'/ Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: ��D27 f�G� City: Phone No.: ' V/ `�m ail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ® Atlantic Beach Resident M Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. m I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item W3 WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting PN qD6 We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: 1/2 3 Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: City: Phone No.: a'i=t I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) �tlanticBeach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. ('JI �1 � and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: / �3 �U 2 I Name: rcoL ai'l Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: r Address: )q3o e,�a; City: qa?-zY 60 Phone No.: E-mail PLEAS CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) antic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner fT� --------------------------- ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------------------------------------------- PLEA�E COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: �A/wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. 2 p and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item C? WELCOME C a 2� To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting P+4 1,W1 We will conuct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST/ FORM Date: �-� b Name: �L. �E�Z /��i��Ej� Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: ✓? S� OSS S� City: Phone No.: E-mail: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) ❑ Atlantic Beach Resident ❑ Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: Tg,I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: X Agenda Item No. ? D and/or ❑ Topic not on the agenda: ❑ I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME Pq of T)C/2 To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: %�-2y�.� f Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address: e en'z ��G� City: ��� Phone No.: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident 2 -Atlantic Beach Property Owner PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: Agenda Item No. 94, and/or i Topic not on the agenda: I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ❑ I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting Pit 9P (13, We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM 1 / Date: Name: Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address Phone No.: E-mail: City: PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) 0 Atlantic Beach Resident a Atlantic Beach Property Owner ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: 1p Atlantic Beach Business Owner ---------------------------------------------- [ i I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: ❑ Agenda Item No. and/or Q ❑ Topic not on the agenda: I -4 1 wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. -( I I am in support of the above agenda item. ❑ I am opposed to the above agenda item. ❑ I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item WELCOME -/,D TO P_&qu To the Atlantic Beach City Commission Meeting We will conduct meetings of the City Commission with a level of civility and respect that the democratic process deserves. This allows for better public input and supports making the best decisions for the citizens who we are here to serve. We ask that everyone in the meeting practice the following principles of Respect for each other. RESPECT Refrain from putdowns, criticism and personal attacks. Encourage others to state their views. Support each other, even if you don't agree. Practice active listening. Express yourself assertively, not aggressively, not submissively. Collaborate, do not compete or collude. (S-0 Trust each other, unless and until such trust is violated. *************************************************************************************************************************** SPEAKER REQUEST FORM Date: 3I 20 W Name: esST c C- �OCV_,'I-A Please Note: Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written and recorded communications to or from State and Local Officials and agencies regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. PROVIDING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION BELOW IS OPTIONAL: Address Phone No 6A S L-4 yLl Gck L_ (ten . _72A 3 i �L A:� St E-mail: City: ge6a Imo_, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: (OPTIONAL) Atlantic Beach Resident Atlantic Beach Property Owner ❑ Atlantic Beach Business Owner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE COMPLETE AND CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ii I wish to address the Commission during Courtesy of the Floor on: Agenda Item No. and/or ii Topic not on the agenda: I wish to address the Commission during the Public Hearing for Agenda Item No. ri I am in support of the above agenda item. am opposed to the above agenda item. I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am in support of agenda item �e5 I do not wish to address the Commission, but I am opposed to agenda item "ate 5w� c l c%of r" 1 ff1 c,,41e_ :ln i r�j�e v v 0 yrl CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Renewal of Liability and Workers' Compensation Insurance SUBMITTED BY: Cathy Varian, Director of Human Resources GV TODAY'S DATE: September 23, 2024 MEETING DATE: September 23, 2024 BACKGROUND: This year, Gallagher, our insurance broker, received a renewal proposal from Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust- PGIT (incumbent carrier for Property/Crime/General Liability/Law Enforcement Liability/Public Officials & Employment Practices Liability/Auto, as well as Workers Compensation) for all lines of coverage handled by the Trust. The quote for Fiduciary Liability has been received verbally, but not yet been received in writing. Flood and Pollution, which do not renew until 11/1, have not yet been received. We anticipated a tough renewal process, due mainly to increased property values and an overall tightening of the market. In addition, we had increases in our payroll, number of volunteers, and insured property values in several categories. We anticipated anywhere from a 10-25% increase, budgeted for 15% and came in at an overall .05% increase. The City would like to move forward with PGIT for all lines. A summary of the key PGIT advantages are as follows: ➢ The City has enjoyed great working relationship with PGIT claims and loss control resources; ➢ Satisfactory Workers' Compensation insurance administration; ➢ PGIT program now provides $1,000,000 of Deadly Weapons Protection including sub -limits of coverage for Crisis Management, Counseling Services, Funeral Expenses. ➢ They provide a Cyber Liability coverage that includes excellent training and customer service. BUDGET: Current annual premiums of $1,007,097.14 with a budgeted increase of 15%. Renewal premiums are $1,011,731.60, which represents a .05% increase ($4,634.50). RECOMMENDATION: Approve renewal of all liability insurances and workers' compensation insurance with Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust for 2042-2025 and authorize the City Manager to sign all related renewal documents. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 24-51 Proposal of Insurance REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: RESOLUTION NO. 24-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING RENEWAL OF ALL LIABILITY INSURANCES AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE WITH PREFERRED GOVERNMENTAL INSURANCE TRUST FOR 2024-2025, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE RELEVANT DOCUMENTS. WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach currently has a contract in place with the Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust (PGIT) for general liability and workers' compensation insurances; and WHEREAS, the City's insurance broker, received an outstanding renewal proposal from PGIT; and WHEREAS, the option provided by PGIT for all lines is preferable to the City for several reasons, including the rate quotes, the positive on-going working relationship, the fact that PGIT provides full prior acts coverage for Public Officials and Employment Practices Liability coverage and the PGIT program now provides $1,000,000 of Deadly Weapons Protection including sub - limits of coverage for Crisis Management, Counseling Services and Funeral Expenses; WHEREAS, this option represents a .05% increase ($4,634.50) in premiums from the expiring policies, for a total premium of $1,011,731.60; WHEREAS, the pending City budget proposal includes a 15% increase in these premiums. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach as follows: SECTION 1. The City Commission hereby approves renewal of all lines of liability insurances and workers' compensation insurance with Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust; SECTION 2. The City Commission hereby authorizes the City Manager to sign all related renewal document. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Atlantic Beach, this 23rd day of September, 2024. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Cutis Ford, Mayor Approved as to form and correctness: Jason Gabriel, City Attorney a 4 - Proposal of Insurance City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach FL, 32233 Shaun Woleshin, Area Senior Vice President 501 Riverside Avenue, Suite 1000 Jacksonville, FL, 32202 904 548 2302 Shaun Woleshin(cDaig.com Presentation Date: September 13, 2024 City of Atlantic Beach Table of Contents Tableof Contents...............................................................................................................................................2 ProposalSummary .............................................................................................................................................3 Premium& Exposure Summary ........................................................................................................................4 Property& Inland Marine............................................................................................................................4 Crime...........................................................................................................................................................5 General Liability & Employee Benefits Liability ............................................................................................5 LawEnforcement Liability ............................................................................................................................5 DeadlyWeapon Protection..........................................................................................................................6 Public Officials & Employment Practices Liability ........................................................................................6 CyberLiability ..............................................................................................................................................7 Auto.............................................................................................................................................................7 Workers' Compensation...............................................................................................................................7 Statutory Benefits: Accidental Death & Dismemberment............................................................................8 FiduciaryLiability .........................................................................................................................................8 Flood............................................................................................................................................................ 8 YourGallagher Team.......................................................................................................................................11 ClaimsReporting By Policy.............................................................................................................................12 ProposalDisclosures.......................................................................................................................................13 Bindable Quotations & Compensation Disclosure Schedule.......................................................................16 Client Signature Requirements.......................................................................................................................17 Client Authorization to Bind Coverage.......................................................................................................17 City of Atlantic Beach Proposal Summary We appreciate the opportunity to quote your business insurance. This proposal is a summary of policy terms and conditions. We have been able to achieve renewal goals by negotiating your renewal with the incumbent carrier. This proposal provides coverage highlights along with the attached carrier quotations for the following coverages: • Package o Property o Inland Marine o Crime o General Liability o Automobile Liability o Deadly Weapon o Public Officials and Employment Practices Liability o Law Enforcement Liability o Cyber Liability Workers Compensation It is recommended that you consider purchasing coverage for the following, which are not included in your insurance program: • Cyber Liability We are not aware of any changes in your exposures to loss, nor are we aware of any changes in your business operations that would necessitate additional coverage options. Please notify us immediately if you are planning any new business operations. The values and schedules are per the expiring policy or the information you have previously provided. It is your responsibility to notify us of all necessary changes to your schedules. Information contained in this proposal is intended to provide a brief overview of coverages. It should be used for reference purposes only. It is not intended to provide a full list of policy exclusions. limitations, and conditions. The provided quotes should be reviewed for further details. Coverage afforded to you is subject to all terms, conditions, and exclusions of the bound and issued policies. To Bind Coverage: Please refer to the attachment document titled. "Client Authorization to Bind Coverage": • Note any changes you desire to be made. • Place a check mark next to the coverage(s) you wish to accept. • Date and Sign • Return prior to the effective date of coverage. Thank you for allowing Gallagher to service your insurance needs. We appreciate your business and look forward to collaborating with you in the coming year. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Corey Markle Client Service Manager G Gallagher Insurance Risk Management � Consultmg City of Atlantic Beach Premium & Exposure Summary A.M. Best Rating Admitted or Non Admitted Buildings & Contents Total Insured Value Inland Marine Total Insured Value Total Insured Value Equipment Breakdown Named Windstorm Per Occurrence All Other Perils Deductible: Per Occurrence Buildings & Contents and Extensions of Coverage Inland Marine Deductible - per occurrence Inland Marine Deductible - Named Storm N/A N/A 48, 029, 300 2,944,736 50,974,036 48, 029, 300 5% TIV Per Occurrence/Per Location for Named Storm subject to 35,000 minimum $10,000 $5,000 5% Per Occurrence/ Per Item, 35k min. N/A N/A 49,344,170 2,960,589 52,304,759 49,344,170 5% TIV Per Occurrence/Per Location for Named Storm subject to 35,000 minimum $10,000 $5,000 5% Per Occurrence/ Per Item, 35k min. 2.7% 0.5% 2.6% Flood Limit - Excess of NFIP, whether $3,000,000 Per Occurrence & $3,000,000 Per Occurrence & purchased or not Aggregate Aggregate Excess of NFIP for Flood Zones Excess of NFIP for Flood Flood Deductible A&V; $10,000 All Other Zones Zones A&V; $10,000 All Other Zones $5,000,000 Per Occurrence & $5,000,000 Per Occurrence & Earth Movement Aggregate Aggregate Earth Movement Deductible $10,000 $10,000 $5,000,000 Per Occurrence & $5,000,000 Per Occurrence & Terrorism Aggregate Aggregate Terrorism Deductible $10,000 $10,000 Property Premium $411,713.00 $414,002.00 0.6% Inland Marine Premium $5,531.00 $5,565.00 0.6% Total Equipment Breakdown Premium Included in Property Included in Property Total Property & IM Premium $417,244.00 $419,567.00 0.6% Minimum Earned Premium 25% 25% The Preferred Property program is a shared limit. The limits purchased are a per occurrence limit and in the event an occurrence exhausts the limit purchased by Preferred on behalf of the members, payment to you for a covered loss will be reduced pro -rata based on the amounts of covered loss by all members affected by the occurrence. 4 City of Atlantic Beach Employee Dishonesty, per loss $250,000 $250.000 Deductible - any one occurrence $1,000 $1,000 Forgery or Alteration $250,000 $250.000 Deductible - any one occurrence $1,000 $1,000 Theft, Disappearance or Destruction - Money $250.000 $250.000 and Securities Only $500.000 $500,000 Deductible - any one occurrence $1,000 $1,000 Computer Fraud including Funds Transfer $250,000 $250,000 Fraud $34,375.00 $29,899.00 -13.0% Deductible - any one occurrence $1,000 $1,000 Total Crime Premium $1,305.00 $1,304.00 -0.1% Bodily Injury & Property Damage Limit $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Combined Single Limit $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury Included Included Products & Completed Operations Limit Included Included Employee Benefits Liability Limit - Per Person $2,786,675 $2,926,009 5.0% Unmanned Aircraft - Per $500.000 $500,000 Occurrence/Aggregate 1 1 Deductible - Per Occurrence $10,000 $10,000 Bodily Injury & Property Damage Combined $34,375.00 $29,899.00 -13.0% Exposure Payroll (excluding Police) $6,648,208 $6,980,616 5.0% Total General & EBL Premium $50,240.00 $45,185.00 -10.1% Per Person $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Per Occurrence $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Deductible - Per Occurrence $10,000 $10,000 Exposures Payroll (Policy only) $2,786,675 $2,926,009 5.0% # of Full Time Officers 34 34 # of Part Time Officers 1 1 # of Volunteer Officers 23 0 Total LEL Premium $34,375.00 $29,899.00 -13.0% City of Atlantic Beach Third Party Liability Coverage $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Crisis Management Services Included Included Counseling Services - Sublimit $250,000 $250,000 Funeral Expenses - Sublimit $250.000 $250.000 Deductible $0 $0 Retroactive Date 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 Limit of Liability - Per Claim/Occurrence $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Limit of Liability - Aggregate Not Applicable Not Applicable Deductible - Each Claim $10,000 $10,000 Limit of Liability - Per Claim/Occurrence $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Limit of Liability - Aggregate Not Applicable Not Applicable Deductible - Each Claim $10,000 $10,000 Exposures # of Full Time Employees 156 156 # of Part Time Employees 55 55 # of Volunteer Employees 75 23 -69.3% Total Employees 286 234 Payroll $9,434,883 $9,906,625 5.0% Total PO & EPL Premium $137,877.00 $127,828.00 -7.3% City of Atlantic Beach Policy Limit - Annual Aggregate Third Party Liability Coverage Privacy & Security Liability Media Content Services Liability PCI DSS Deductible (Third Party Coverage) First Parry Liability Coverage Cyber Extortion & Ransomware Data Breach & Crisis Management Data Recovery Business Interruption / Extra Expense Cyber Crime (Aggregate) Utility Fraud (Aggregate) Bricking Coverage System Failure - BI/EE Dependent Business Interruption BI/EE System Failure Deductible (First Party Coverage) Retroactive Date Cyber Liabilitv Premium Bodily Injury & Property Damage Combined Single Limit - Total Any One Accident Personal Injury Protection Comprehensive/Collision Deductibles Hired/Borrowed Auto Liability Non -Owned Auto Liability (Excess Only) Hired Physical Damage Exposure Number of Autos Auto Value Total Auto Premium $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $25,000 $500,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $250,000 $100,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Included in above sublimit $1,000,000 $25,000 (12 Hr Waiting Period) 10/1/2011 $5,811.00 $2,000,000 Statutory $1,000 / $1,000 Included Included $35,000 Limit $1,000 Deductible 138 4,315,211 $98,848.00 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $25,000 $500,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $350,000 $350,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Included in above sublimit $2,000,000 $25,000 (12 Hr Waiting Period) 10/1/2011 $6,388.00 $2,000,000 Statutory $1,000 / $1,000 Included Included $35,000 Limit $1,000 Deductible 143 3.6% 4,850,115 12.4% $114,842.00 16.2% Employer Liability Limits $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 / $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Gross Payroll $9,434,883 $9,906,625 Experience Mod 1.17 0.89 Pay In Premium $187,843.00 $190,516.00 7 5.0% -23.9% 1.4% City of Atlantic Beach Accidental Death Benefit - Unlawful & Intentional Death & Dismemberment Accidental Death Benefit - in fresh pursuit Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit In the line of duty Funeral and Burial Expense benefit Accident Total Disability Benefit Total Statutory Benefits Premium (2 -year $225,000 $150,000 $75,000 $1,000 Eligible for 100% of Benefits (above) $3.709.00 $225,000 $150,000 $75,000 $1,000 Eligible for 100% of Benefits (above) $3.709.00 0.0% Pending or Prior Proceeding Date 10/1/2011 10/1/2011 City Hall None None Continuity Date Full Prior Acts Coverage Full Prior Acts Coverage Aggregate Limit for all losses 2,000,000 2,000,000 Deductible - Each Claim 5,000 5,000 Policy Premium $6,479.00 $6,802.95 Surcharges $110.14 $115.65 Total Fiduciary Liability Premium' $6,589.14 $6,918.60 Total Premium for Fiduciary Liability Renewal is only an ESTIMATE currently due to not receiving carrier quoted premium yet. Estimate is based on current marketing and insured experience. 5.0% Total Insured Value $2,558,000 $2,558,000 City Hall $940,000 $940,000 739 Renault Drive Lift Station $500,000 $500,000 Concession Building $329,000 $329,000 Commission Chambers $289,000 $289,000 Police Building $500,000 $500,000 Deductible - Each location; Applied $5,000 $5,000 separately to Building & Contents Total Flood Premium $18,266.00 $20,575.00 12.7% City of Atlantic Beach Named Insured City of Atlantic Beach X X City of Atlantic Beach General x Employees Retirement System City of Atlantic Beach Police Officers x Retirement System Note: Any entity not named in this proposal may not be an insured entity. This may include affiliates, subsidiaries, LLCs, partnerships, and joint ventures. City of Atlantic Beach Market Review We approached the following carriers to provide the most comprehensive and cost effective insurance program. Package I Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust I Quoted n/a Workers Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust Quoted n/a Compensation Fiduciary Liability Hudson Insurance Company (A+ XV) Quoted Admitted .If shown as an indication, the actual premium and acceptance of the coverage requested will be determined by the market after a thorough review of the completed application. **Gallagher companies use AM Best rated insurers and the rating listed above was verified on the date the proposal document was created. Best's Credit RatingsTm reproduced herein appear under license from AM Best and do not constitute, either expressly or impliedly, an endorsement of Gallagher's service or its recommendations. AM Best is not responsible for transcription errors made in presenting Best's Credit Ratings TM. Best's Credit Ratings T"" are proprietary and may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of AM Best. A Best's Financial Strength Rating is an independent opinion of an insurer's financial strength and ability to meet its ongoing insurance policy and contract obligations. It is not a warranty of a company's financial strength and ability to meet its obligations to policyholders. Best's Credit Ratings TM are under continuous review and subject to change and/or affirmation. For the latest Best's Credit RatingsTm and Guide to Best's Credit Ratings, visit the AM Best website at httr)://www.ambest.com/ratings. ***If coverage placed with a non -admitted carrier, it is doing business in the state as a surplus lines or non -admitted carrier and is neither subject to the same regulations as an admitted carrier nor do they participate in any state insurance guarantee fund. Gallagher companies make no representations and warranties concerning the solvency of any carrier, nor does it make any representation or warranty concerning the rating of the carrier which may change. City of Atlantic Beach Your Gallagher Team Your Gallagher team is a true partner. We have the expertise to understand your business and we're here to service and stay alongside you, every step of the way. Shaun Woleshin, ARM -P, AAI -M, CRIS ! Producer Area Senior Vice President (904) 548-2304 (p) Gary Smid, ARM, RPLU Client Service Client Service Executive Executive Corey Markle Client Service Client Service Manager Manager Chandra Waters Claims Advocate Claims Advocate Shaun_Woleshin@ajg.com _Woleshin @a 19 (904) 548-2302 (p) Gary_Smid@ajg.com (904) 548-2304 (p) corey_markle@ajg.com (904) 421-4320 (p) Chandra—Waters@ajg.com _Waters @a 19 (904) 421-5352 (p) City of Atlantic Beach Claims Reporting By Policy Immediately report all claims. Each insurer requires notice of certain types of claims depending on the potential exposure or injury types. It is important to thoroughly review your policy to ensure you are reporting incidents and claims, based upon the insurer's policy requirements. If you are using a third party administrator ("TPA"), your TPA may or may not report claims to an insurer on your behalf. Although we will assist you were requested, it is important that you understand whether your TPA will be completing this notification. Reporting Direct to Carrier [Only When Applicable] Insurer: Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust Policy Term: 10/01/2024 — 10/01/2025 Insurer: Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust Policy Term: 10/01/2024 — 10/01/2025 Insurer: Hudson Insurance Company Policy Number: Policy Term: 10/01/2024 to 10/01/2025 Reporting to Gallagher or Assistance in Reporting Policy Term: Multiple 12 Insurer/TPA Name: PGIT (Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust) Phone: 800-237-6617 (24/7 claim reporting) Fax: 321-832-1448 Hurricane Claims Email: Hurricane(&Pgcs-tpa.com All other Claims Email: Liabilitvclaimsai)gcs-tpa.com Web: www.pgcs-tpa.com (registration required) Insurer/TPA Name: PGIT (Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust) Phone: 800-237-6617 (24/7 claim reporting) Fax: 321-832-1448 Email: WCclaims(&pgcs-tpa.com Web: www.pqcs-tt)a.com (registration required) Insurer/TPA Name: Hudson Insurance Company Phone: 866-546-3971 Fax: Email: HudsonClaims300 c0hudsoninsgroup.com Web: https://hudsoninsgroup.com/claims/ Phone: 855-497-0578 Fax: 225-663-3224 Email: ggb.nrcclaimscenter aaaig.com City of Atlantic Beach Proposal Disclosures The following disclosures are hereby made a part of this proposal. Please review these disclosures prior to signing the Client Authorization to Bind or e-mail confirmation. Proposal Disclaimer IMPORTANT: The proposal and/or any executive summaries outline certain terms and conditions of the insurance proposed by the insurers. based on the information provided by your company. The insurance policies themselves must be read to fully understand the terms, coverages. Exclusions including but not limited to limitations and/or conditions of the actual policy contract of insurance. Policy forms will be made available upon request. We make no warranties with respect to policy limits or coverage considerations of the carrier. Compensation Disclosure 1. Gallagher Companies are primarily compensated from the usual and customary commissions, fees or, where permitted, a combination of both, for brokerage and servicing of insurance policies, annuity contracts, guarantee contracts and surety bonds (collectively "insurance coverages") handled for a client's account, which may vary based on market conditions and the insurance product placed for the client. 2. In placing, renewing, consulting on, or servicing your insurance coverages, Gallagher companies may participate in contingent and supplemental commission arrangements with intermediaries and insurance companies that provide for additional compensation if certain underwriting, profitability, volume, or retention goals are achieved. Such goals are typically based on the total amount of certain insurance coverages placed by Gallagher with the insurance company, not on an individual policy basis. As a result. Gallagher may be considered to have an incentive to place your insurance coverages with a particular insurance company. If you do not wish to have your commercial insurance placement included in consideration for additional compensation, contact your producer or service team for an Opt -out form. 3. Gallagher Companies may receive investment income on fiduciary funds temporarily held by them, or from obtaining or generating premium finance quotes. unless prohibited by law. 4. Gallagher Companies may also access or have an ownership interest in other facilities, including wholesalers, reinsurance intermediaries, captive managers, underwriting managers, and others that act as intermediaries for both Gallagher and other brokers in the insurance marketplace some of which may earn and retain customary brokerage commission and fees for their work. If you have specific questions about any compensation received by Gallagher and its affiliates in relation to your insurance placements, please contact your Gallagher representative for more details. TRIA/TRIPRA Disclaimer If this proposal contains options to purchase TRIA/TRIPRA coverage, the proposed TRIA/TRIPRA program may not cover all terrorism losses. While the amendments to TRIA eliminated the distinction between foreign and domestic acts of terrorism, a number of lines of coverage excluded under the amendments passed in 2005 remain excluded including commercial automobile, burglary and theft insurance: surety insurance, farm owners multiple perils and professional liability (although directors and officers liability is specifically included). If such excluded coverages are required. we recommend that you consider purchasing a separate terrorism policy. Please note that a separate terrorism policy for these excluded coverages may be necessary to satisfy loan covenants or other contractual obligations. TRIPRA includes a $100 billion cap on insurers' aggregate liability. TRIPRA is set to expire on December 31, 2027. There is no certainty of extension. thus the coverage provided by your insurers may or may not extend beyond December 31. 2027. In the event you have loan covenants or other contractual obligations requiring that TRIA/TRIPRA be maintained throughout the duration of your policy period, we recommend that a separate ""Stand Alone"" terrorism policy be purchased to satisfy those obligations. Property Estimator Disclaimer These property values were obtained using a desktop Property Estimator software operated by non -appraisal professionals. These property values represent general estimates which are not to be considered a certified appraisal. These property values include generalities and assumptions that may produce inaccurate values for specific structures. City of Atlantic Beach Terms and Conditions It is important that we clearly outline the nature of our mutual relationship. The following terms and conditions (these "Terms") govern your relationship with Gallagher unless you have separately entered into a written services agreement with Gallagher relative to the policies and services outlined in this Proposal, in which case that services agreement will govern and control with respect to any conflicts with these Terms. These Terms will become effective upon your execution of the Client Authorization to Bind Coverage (the "CAB") included in this Proposal and shall survive for the duration of your relationship with Gallagher relative to the policies placed pursuant to the CAB or otherwise at your request. Services Gallagher will represent and assist you in all discussions and transactions with insurance companies relating to the lines of insurance coverage set forth in the CAB and any other lines of insurance coverage with which you request Gallagher's assistance. Gallagher will consult with you regarding any matters involving these or other coverages for which you have engaged Gallagher. You have the sole discretion for approving any insurance policies placed, as well as all other material decisions involving your risk management, risk transfer and/or loss prevention needs. Although you are responsible for notifying applicable insurance companies directly in connection with any claims, demands, suits, notices of potential claims or any other matters as required by the terms and conditions of your policies, Gallagher will assist you in determining applicable claim reporting requirements. Treatment of Information Gallagher understands the need to protect the confidentiality and security of your confidential and sensitive information and strives to comply with applicable data privacy and security laws. Your confidential and sensitive information will be protected by Gallagher and only used to perform services for you; provided that Gallagher may disclose and transfer your information to our affiliates, agents or vendors that have a need to know such information in connection with the provision of such services (including insurance markets, as necessary, for marketing, quoting, placing and/or servicing insurance coverages). We may also disclose such information as required by applicable data protection laws or the order of any court ortribunal, subject to our providing you with prior notice as permitted by law. We will (i) implement appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect personal information; (ii) timely report security incidents involving personal information to affected parties and/or regulatory bodies; (iii) create and maintain required policies and procedures; and (iv) comply with data subjects' rights, as applicable. To the extent applicable under associated data protection laws, you are a "business" or "controller," and Gallagher is a "service provider" or "data processor." You will ensure that any information provided to Gallagher has been provided with any required notices and that you have obtained all required consents, if any and where required, or are otherwise authorized to transfer all information to Gallagher and enable Gallagher to process the information for the purposes described in this Proposal and as set forth in Gallaher's Privacy Policy located at https://www.a6g.com/privacy-policy/. Gallagher may update its Privacy Policy from time to time and any updates will be posted to such site. Dispute Resolution Gallagher does not expect that it will ever have a formal dispute with any of its clients. However, in the event that one should arise, we should each strive to achieve a fair, expedient and efficient resolution and we'd like to clearly outline the resolution process. A. If the parties have a dispute regarding Gallagher's services or the relationship governed by this Proposal ("Dispute"), each party agrees to resolve that Dispute by mediation. If mediation fails to resolve the Dispute, you and Gallagher agree to binding arbitration. Each party waives all rights to commence litigation in court to resolve a Dispute, and specifically waives all rights to pursue relief by class action or mass action in court or through arbitration. However, the parties do not waive the ability to seek a court order of injunction in aid of the mediation and arbitration required by these Terms. B. The party asserting a Dispute must provide a written notice ("Notice") of the claim to the other party and to the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures. All Dispute resolutions will take place in Chicago, IL, unless you and Gallagher agree to another location. The parties will equally divide all costs of the mediation and arbitration proceedings and will each pay their own attomeys' fees. All matters will be before a neutral, impartial, and disinterested mediator or arbitrator(s) that have at least 20 years' experience in commercial and insurance coverage disputes. C. Mediation will occur within sixty (60) days of filing the Notice with the AAA. Mediation results will be reduced to a memorandum of understanding signed by you, Gallagher, and the mediator. A Dispute that is not resolved in mediation 14 City of Atlantic Beach will commence to binding arbitration. For Disputes in excess of $500,000, either party may elect to have the Dispute heard by a panel of three (3) arbitrators. The award of the arbitrator(s) must be accompanied by a reasoned opinion prepared and signed by the arbitrator(s). Except as may be required by law. neither you, Gallagher. nor a mediator or arbitrator may disclose the existence, content or results of any Dispute or its dispute resolution proceeding without the prior written consent of both you and Gallagher. Electronic Delivery In lieu of receiving documents in paper format, you agree, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to accept electronic delivery of any documents that Gallagher may be required to deliver to you (including, but not limited to, insurance policies and endorsements, account statements and all other agreements, forms and communications) in connection with services provided by Gallagher. Electronic delivery of a document to you may be made via electronic mail or by other electronic means, including posting documents to a secure website. Miscellaneous Terms Gallagher is engaged to perform services as an independent contractor and not as your employee or agent, and Gallagher will not be operating in a fiduciary capacity. Where applicable, insurance coverage placements and other services may require the payment of federal excise taxes, surplus lines taxes. stamping or other fees to the Internal Revenue Service, various State(s) departments of revenue, state regulators, boards, or associations. In such cases. you will be responsible for the payment of the taxes and/or fees, which Gallagher will separately identify on related invoices. The Proposal and these Terms are governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, without regard to its conflict of law rules. If an arbitrator/court of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision of these Terms is void or unenforceable, that provision will be severed, and the arbitrator/court will replace it with a valid and enforceable provision that most closely approximates the original intent, and the remainder of these Terms will remain in effect. Except to the extent in conflict with a services agreement that you may enter into with Gallagher, these Terms and the remainder of the Proposal constitute the entire agreement between you and Gallagher with respect to the subject matter of the Proposal, and supersede all prior negotiations, agreements and understandings as to such matters. City of Atlantic Beach Bindable Quotations & Compensation Disclosure Schedule Client Name: City of Atlantic Beach Package - Property - Inland Marine - Crime - General Liability - Automobile Liability - Deadly Weapon - Public Officials and Employment Practices Liability - Law Enforcement Liability - Cyber Liability Workers Compensation Fiduciary Liability Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust Hudson Insurance Company (Fairfax Financial (USA) - - —1- --- --. Group) N/A N/A CRC Wholesale Group $414,002.00 $5,565.00 $1,304.00 $45,185.00 $114,842.00 $0.00 $127,828.00 $29,899.00 $6,388.00 0.00% $190,516.00 1 0.00% N/A N/A TBD 1 $0.00 1 N/A 1 We were able to obtain more advantageous terms and conditions for you through an intermediary/ wholesaler. 2 If the premium is shown as an indication: The premium indicated is an estimate provided by the market. The actual premium and acceptance of the coverage requested will be determined by the market after a thorough review of the completed application. ' A verbal quotation was received from this carrier. We are awaiting a quotation in writing. 3 The commission rate is a percentage of annual premium excluding taxes & fees. ' Gallagher is receiving _% commission on this policy. The fee due Gallagher will be reduced by the amount of the commissions received. 16 City of Atlantic Beach Client Authorization to Bind Coverayu After careful consideration of Gallagher's proposal dated 9/13/2024, we accept the following coverage(s). Please check the desired coverage(s) and note any coverage amendments below: "For this coverage, TRIA cannot be rejected Additional Recommended Coverages Gallagher recommends that you purchase the following additional coverages for which you have exposure. By checking the box(es) below, you are requesting that Gallagher provide you with a Proposal for this coverage. By not requesting a Proposal for this coverage, you assume the risk of any uncovered loss. ❑ Cyber Liability The above coverage(s) does not necessarily represent the entirety of available insurance products. If you are interested in pursuing additional coverages other than those listed in the Additional Recommended Coverages, please list below: Other Services to Consider ❑ Yes ❑ No - CORE360TIl STEP ❑ Yes ❑ No — eRiskHub Exposures and Values You confirm the payroll, values, schedules, and any other information pertaining to your operations, and submitted to the underwriters, were compiled from information provided by you. If no updates were provided to Gallagher. the values, exposures, and operations used were based on the expiring policies. You acknowledge it is your responsibility to notify Gallagher of any material change in your operations or exposures. Additional Terms and Disclosures Gallagher is not an expert in all aspects of your business. Gallagher's Proposals for insurance are based upon the information concerning your business that was provided to Gallagher by you. Gallagher expects the information you provide is true, correct, and complete in all material respects. Gallagher assumes no responsibility to independently 17 Package (Property, Inland Marine, Crime, ❑ Accept Cyber, Auto, GL, POL, LEL) ❑ Accept $745,013.00 El Reject Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust ❑Reject TRIA: Included Workers Compensation" ❑ Accept Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust $190,516.00 TRIA: Included ❑ Reject "For this coverage, TRIA cannot be rejected Additional Recommended Coverages Gallagher recommends that you purchase the following additional coverages for which you have exposure. By checking the box(es) below, you are requesting that Gallagher provide you with a Proposal for this coverage. By not requesting a Proposal for this coverage, you assume the risk of any uncovered loss. ❑ Cyber Liability The above coverage(s) does not necessarily represent the entirety of available insurance products. If you are interested in pursuing additional coverages other than those listed in the Additional Recommended Coverages, please list below: Other Services to Consider ❑ Yes ❑ No - CORE360TIl STEP ❑ Yes ❑ No — eRiskHub Exposures and Values You confirm the payroll, values, schedules, and any other information pertaining to your operations, and submitted to the underwriters, were compiled from information provided by you. If no updates were provided to Gallagher. the values, exposures, and operations used were based on the expiring policies. You acknowledge it is your responsibility to notify Gallagher of any material change in your operations or exposures. Additional Terms and Disclosures Gallagher is not an expert in all aspects of your business. Gallagher's Proposals for insurance are based upon the information concerning your business that was provided to Gallagher by you. Gallagher expects the information you provide is true, correct, and complete in all material respects. Gallagher assumes no responsibility to independently 17 City of Atlantic Beach investigate the risks that may be facing your business, but rather have relied upon the information you provide to Gallagher in making our insurance Proposals. Gallagher's liability to you arising from any of Gallagher's acts or omissions will not exceed $20 million in the aggregate. The parties each will only be liable for actual damages incurred by the other party, and will not be liable for any indirect, special, exemplary, consequential, reliance or punitive damages. No claim or cause of action, regardless of form (tort, contract, statutory, or otherwise), arising out of, relating to or in any way connected with the Proposal, any of Gallagher's services or your relationship with Gallagher may be brought by either party any later than two (2) years after the accrual of the claim or cause of action. Gallagher has established security controls to protect Client confidential information from unauthorized use or disclosure. For additional information, please review Gallagher's Privacy Policy located at https:/Iwww.a*g.com/privacy-policy/. You have read, understand, and agree that the information contained in the Proposal and all documents attached to and incorporated into the Proposal, is correct and has been disclosed to you prior to authorizing Gallagher to bind coverage and/or provide services to you. By signing below, or authorizing Gallagher to bind your insurance coverage through email when allowed, you acknowledge you have reviewed and agree with terms, conditions and disclosures contained in the Proposal. By: Print Name (Specify Title) Company Signature Date: 18