1-21-23 Town Hall Adopted Miuntesri MINUTES
A Town Hall Meeting
Saturday, January 21, 2023 - 10:00 AM
Commission Chamber
Present: Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2
Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3
Curtis Ford, Mayor - Seat 1
Jessica Ring, Commissioner - Seat 5
Absent: Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4
Also Present: Shane Corbin, City Manager (CM)
Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk (DCC)
Amanda Askew, Planning & Community Development Director
Mayor Pro Tem Bole called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and explained the meeting format
and the absence of Mayor Ford.
Use of Rights -of -Way (ROW)
Planning & Community Development Director (PCCD) Askew presented this item as
detailed in the agenda packet.
Mayor Pro Tem Bole inquired as to whether or not the rule that the ROW be 17 ft. from
the center line of the street is valid. PCCD Askew explained that it depends on the size
of the road. On average, most streets are at least a typical 50 -ft ROW. If the road was in
the middle of the ROW, which often times it's not, each travel lane is generally 10 to 12
ft. wide. The Planning Department has maps and can assist the public with locating
ROWs on their surveys. PCCD Askew encouraged everyone to contact her if they are
curious to know more information.
Commissioner Waters spoke about prioritizing enforcement and staff time. He
recommended starting with the most dangerous prioritized areas to bikers, pedestrians
and sight line, because it takes staff time.
(Mayor Ford arrived at 10:11 a.m.)
Commissioner Ring shared that the issue is the public is unaware of some of the rules.
Secondly, they're not aware that they can't place parking pads in certain places. She
Town Hall
January 21, 2023
suggested placing something in the city newsletter and social media informing the public
of these rules and possibly holding informational meetings.
Commissioner Bole expressed his desire to hear from the public regarding this issue.
Commissioner Bole turned the meeting over to Mayor Ford.
Grace Neville expressed her concern about how staff is treated. PCCD Askew shared
that it depends, some are repeat offenders but overall, there are some that are nice and
some that are not. Ms. Neville suggested that there should be a protection of staff when
they go out.
Barbara Levine spoke about her current home on Beach Avenue. When she recently
moved into the home the yard was overgrown and the view at the corner was obstructed.
She removed the overgrowth and re -landscaped the area unaware of the setback. Her
new plantings were destroyed and she came to City Hall to report the issue and was told
that she did not own the land, she had a setback. The problem now is that the landscaping
contains only wood chips and is running into the drainage. She asked what she should
do. Mayor Ford stated this is probably city ROW and asked if it was a sewer drain. Ms.
Levine stated her sewer drain is in the middle of her driveway. Mayor Ford requested
that Public Works Director, Scott Williams take a look at the issue. Commissioner Bole
commented that it sounds like we want it both ways, we want the ROW, but don't want
to take care of it. Commissioner Waters ensured Ms. Levine that Scott Williams would
be out to look at the issue. Commissioner Ring thanked her for sharing and sympathized
with both the public for wanting to beautify their property and staff for ROW
Mike Diaz shared his concerns regarding how the city should move forward in helping
with ROWs, as well as, parking issues. He commented that any reconsideration of the
ROW has to take place with a comprehensive street -by -street parking plan. All of these
violations take place due to parking issues. To consider ROW proposals without the
impact of parking would be making these decisions in a vacuum resulting in an ongoing
conflict with residents and most important with enforcement. Commissioner Waters
responded that this is a challenging issue and will be worked on by the Commission and
staff together. He also shared that he wants tranquility, peace, quality of life and thanked
Mr. Diaz for speaking and that he will make this issue one of his priorities. Commissioner
Bole insured that issues brought to the Commission and every decision made is not taken
lightly. Commissioner Waters commented that people in this town don't want the same
thing. Commissioner Ring mentioned the parking committee established years ago that
allowed the multitude of differences across the districts. She encouraged the Commission
to think about the possibility of reinstating this committee. Commissioner Waters stated
that the Commission disbanded the committee due to lack of support.
CM Corbin disagreed on a couple of points that he heard regarding the lack of leadership
and staff not being transparent. Staff has spent a tremendous amount of time and
resources trying to balance the needs and wants of everyone and it's a no-win situation.
If we do anything quickly in city government, without airing everyone's differences and
hearing from everyone, then the city inevitably makes bad choices. This is one reason
Town Hall
January 21, 2023
we move slow. In 2017, there was language added to an ordinance that the Commission
at that time decided to draw a line in the sand and took the position that they were not
going to allow any landscaping in the ROW. The Commission also took the position that
everyone in Atlantic Beach has a right to park and go to the beach and therefore we are
going to prohibit people from further placing landscaping for the purpose of intentionally
limiting parking in the ROW. Since 2017, people have continued to landscape the ROW
and when presented with the ordinance, they fight the City.
Mayor Ford announced the priority setting meeting for January 30, 2023.
CM Corbin recommended to outsource a third party professional to develop a parking
plan, hold public meetings, if necessary, and present findings to the Commission. Mayor
Ford requested information regarding the cost involved and potential companies that
could be out -sourced.
Further discussion ensued regarding Mr. Diaz's comments.
Shelly Thole encouraged the beach cities to communicate more effectively because the
problems seem to overlap. Mayor Ford shared that this is also a concern of his.
Commissioner Bole commented that paid parking is one of the shared issues amongst
the cities. Mayor Ford shared his thoughts on paid parking in AB and how he believes
AB citizens should never have to pay for parking. He offered that a future cure could be
to add more paid parking. Commissioner Waters shared that he had to call the police last
night for the first time in a month and that paid parking is indeed working. CM Corbin
commented that the required spaces for beach renourishment does not allow the City the
ability to provide residents free parking and that is how the Commission came up with
the current paid parking. He also shared that the Commission does not take any issue
lightly. Mayor Ford apologized for being late as he was attending a ceremony for the
newly -established Gulliford Hall.
Kelly Diaz expressed her concerns regarding a newly -reworded ordinance that could
affect the grandfathering in of plants and inquired about how the Commission will
address these issues. She also shared concerns about ROWs and her hopes for what the
current Commission could do.
Franchise Requirements for Dumpster/Roll-Off Container Providers
PCCD Askew reported on this item as detailed in the agenda packet and reported her
intention to bring an ordinance back after receiving input from the Commission and
CM Corbin explained that he initiated this as a part of a broader plan to make the
development and permitting process easier.
Suzanne Shaughnessy inquired about the reasoning for having a franchise agreement
and CM Corbin responded that there isn't a lot of historical context but staff believes that
there were a series of issues that someone decided to address.
Town Hall
January 21, 2023
Mayor Ford asked if companies are required to be licensed and insured and PCCD
Askew answered yes, per the franchise agreement. PCCD Askew stated that general
liability has to be provided by the companies. Commissioner Bole encouraged penalizing
those who didn't follow this rule. Mayor Ford asked if this could still be written up to
allow for stop work orders for violations. PCCD answered yes that they could still go to
the Code Enforcement Board.
PCCD Askew shared that an ordinance is being drafted and will be placed on the agenda
after the City Attorney has reviewed.
Proposed Changes to the Floodplain Management ordinance
PCCD Askew presented this item as detailed in a PowerPoint presentation (which is
attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A).
Commissioner Waters inquired if this conversation impacts the ROW issues. PCCD
Askew confirmed that this issue probably would not affect the ROW.
Commissioner Bole asked if this ordinance would save money to the residents and PCCD
Askew answered that this would allow the City to maintain their Community Rating
System (CRS) rating. PCCD Askew estimated that the Commission will see the
ordinance within a month.
Commissioner Ring inquired about the location of the floodplain situation and PCCD
Askew answered that it's anywhere that backs into a waterway. Commissioner Ring also
asked if the homes that are right on the marsh are the one's PCCD Askew was referring
to and PCCD Askew answered yes and no. She explained that areas with limited wave
action and the building code elevation requirements protect the homes so that the waves
don't wash the homes away.
1-21-23 Attachment A
The meeting was adjourned at 11: 26 a.m.
Ladayija Nichols, Deputy City Clerk
Date Approved: 312-r? 1202 3
Curtis F r , May r
Town Hall
January 21, 2023
Attachment A to
1-21-23 Minutes
Floodplain Ordinance
• Created in 1977
— Updated periodically to comply with FEMA and/or state requirements
• Reduce vulnerability to flood risk
• Required for residents & businesses to purchase Federal flood insurance
• Regulations are in coordination with the FL Building Code & Federal Code
— Cities may adopt stricter standards
Attachment A to
1.21.23 Minutes
tth St Dulluo, p.,a
(Yellow area) .2% = 500 -year floodplain.
This means in nay given year, there is a .2%
chance of flooding in this area
Zone VE: An area
inundated by 1%
flooding with
velocity hazard
(wave action) for
which BFEs have
been determined
Zone AE is subject to 'D
flooding by the base
or 1% annual chance �„�
(100 -year) flood, and ?
waves less than 3
feet high, (formerly
Zones Al -A30). Zone��
VE is where wave
he,Xts are expected
to be 3 feet or more
(Yellow area) .2% = 500 -year floodplain.
This means in nay given year, there is a .2%
chance of flooding in this area
Zone VE: An area
inundated by 1%
flooding with
velocity hazard
(wave action) for
which BFEs have
been determined
Attachment A to
1-21-23 Minutes
Community Rating System (CRS)
• Cities with floodplain ordinance may participate in FEMA CRS
• Higher standards = flood insurance discounts for property owners
• AB improved rating in 2020 to class 6 (20% reduction)
CRS Credit Points, Classes and Premium Discounts
Premium Reduction
Premium Reduction
Credit Points
4,000 4,499
3.500 3,999
3,000 - 3,499
2,500 -2,999
�.000 2.499
1,5OU 1.999
1,000 1,499
500 999
Attachment A to
1-21.23 Minutes
Floodplain Ordinance
Proposed Changes:
1. Require manufactured homes to meet same elevation as other homes (CRS
Relaxed regulations for accessory structures (FEMA policy)
— Won't impact CRS score
Community Development Board hear variances & appeals instead of Commission
Clarify when certain forms are required (needed for CRS)
Don't allow stem walls when subject to wave heights 1.5' to 3' tall
— FEMA recommendation
— More prone to failure than open foundations (pier or pile)
Prohibit use of fill to elevate homes within floodplain
— Protect neighbors no Can Advermly Affect Fictociplain Functions
Stem walls iers etc. allowed for elevation Ficociplalns are supposed to store floodwater, if storage space is blocked by fill material,
r p r future flooding may be worsened Fill may change drainage and adversely affect odjacent
pro rties. Fill can alter valuable floodplain functions, including wildlife hohilat, wetlands.
[ a'cr.
d ppoundwokr infiltration. Communities may apply the same restrictions to fill in the
Iloodwoy fringe as those applied in floodwoys
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