07-27-24 Oldcastle APG Presentation - Attachment BOldcastle APG ACRHCOMPANY OLDCASTLEAPGITY UNIVERS PICP Design & Construction (1 LU/HSW) Oldcastle APG ACRHCOMPANY PICP Design & Construction COOldcastle APO A I 11COP190511Pe Chris Bettinger— Oldcastle APG Architectural Specification Manager • chris.bettinger@oldcastle.com • Cell: 321.302.4505 CO Oldcastle APG ACRH COMPANY Ethan Henninger— Oldcastle APG Sales Representative • ethan.henninger@oldcastle.com • Cell: 904.855.5406 PICP System Design and Construction BELGARD PAVES THE WAY Florida Department of Business Professional Regulation • This course (PICP System Design and Construction) has been evaluated and approved through the Florida Department of Professional Regulation through the CE Board of Landscape Architecture • Approved Course Code: 0010819 C_ Department of Business & Professional Regulation Department of Environmental Protection Florida DFP is responsible for the adrninistratior} of the water resources at the state level. DEP oversees the state's five water management districts (WMDs), which are responsible water resources at the regional level. n 4grthYY. L • {' ' Florida Su -punnet. 4itir i k-An4 Kiver snirrhyesx Florida SD Florida The four core mission areas of the WMIDs are: 1. Water supply 2. Waterquality 3 Flood protection and floodplain manogement 4. Naturol systems. Conventional Site Design The 3 C's Paradigm • Collect • Convey • Centralize Mel It COMA triow 0.HIDPMI11 PATUXENT RIDING n:+u vLE r.r Gutters, Pipes, and Ponds to collect and treat runoff Low Impact Development (LID) The 3 D's Paradigm • Disconnect • Distribute • Decentralize Street Trees PICP Parking Lot f! Compost amended i soils Green Roof Tree conservation Rain Barrel PICP and Parking Strip Vegetated Swale Rain Garden Tree Box PICP Patio PICP Sidewalk Typical PICP cross section Water Quantity & Quality Objectives • Water Quantity • Retain/infiltrate runoff volumes & peak flows • Imitate pre -development conditions • Control amount of impervious cover • Stormwater utility fee requirements • Water Quality • Capture percentage of storms • Control TSS, specific nutrients, metals Porous/Pervious/Permeable Paving T O R M W A T E CONCRETE PAVER Generic permeable pavement cross-section Source: ©VHB Permeable pavement/surface layer Typically asphalt, concrete or pavers Open -graded base and subbases Structural and storage layers typically include a choker course and a reservoir course Uncompacted soil subgrade Full Infiltration 13.ectextle cut flush with tap of pavoi — Sur ace Vater Flown t - rough the Na. B. 690r nasi in alac* comets curb per g sone jointing malarial betweer the pavers local slandar&s, @ wide mikinurn. Belgard Perrrieraale Pavera 316E11(80mm) thins Base Layer. r ASTM RP, 57 5 7118 '.n 6' _ _ 1 4 'Subbase extends beyond curb to provide working ir\L'4111111111. platform for inetalletm. :"•\. /.\\ • -r Nirr mail WATER TALE ::::/\::/:*...;, V'' 4*/#\,/ 1414•/\ 464 - / 4 / IIrIIn 24- /> f Used on Type A and B soils infiltration rate > 0.52 inches / hour Bedding Layer_ 2'ASTAi No, B done 6#Se Layir, 4' ATM NO. 57 SIOr+e SubbeEre Layer, Minimum G' ASTM Na. 2 Stone GeoIax11Ie FIir?uIprr FVgr.` bot1 n ?IN $Ide6 Cir 'Nan graile4 Whse it teguiiJ tj the 43%01 erigmleg. rade, Prepare according lo recornrnendsllone In geotechnicel report, PICP Section Jur-lace Vater Flows through the No. 8. 89 or 9 stone jointing material between the pavers } r i ,*,'.+ { •7,",x ''w�f 4'41' .114,7 . .P Ys"r wrki•'t; ,r ...1r1L. N. k"Y . :-.0; 4 r r r r r re r r r r r r r r r r r r r BeIg.rc1 Permeable Pers 3 1 f8%80mrri) thick \ .K \ //7, /, /7/, / // W. V\ k /\/) f‘ t Bedding Layer, 2" ATI No. 8 Stone Base Layer, 4" ASTM No. 57 Stone Subbase Layer, Minimum 6" ASTM No. 2 Stone Geotextile Filtration Fabric on bottom and sides of open graded base if required by the design engineer. Subgrade. Prepare according to recommendations in geotechnical report. PICP Section Geotextile cut flush with top of pavers — Cast in place concrete curb per - local standards. 611 wide m.iriim u rn. I 2 x #- Reb it Rase Layer. Min. " ASTM I ci . 57 Stone 1 Min 6' i 1> Subbase extends beyond curb to provide working platforrrr for installation. rr Aggregate Gradations Sub -Base No. 2 Base No. 57 Bedding/Joints No. 8 Traffic Loading Need to determine amount and type of traffic over design life 1 WHEEL lQASI} 7 f *AVT - a " - - ....111111111111111 THICK BASE C#TJRSt PRE55iJRE DISTRIMETEDNI SU5GRADE 7HFN RASE COURSE • a 1 • f 1 arr or ty Mushroom Co • # an 'i Beach H&I Olt Demonstration Area Construction Construction \.\iin mat itti (1) 03 • 0 r7 U0p.311.4SUOD Construction Construction co cu L_ c 0 a--) ro L_ a--) () c 0 E W o Construction Construction co cu L_ c 0 roL a--) c 0 E W 0 a ,• Mr cu L_ c 0 ro L_ v) c O E W 0 Demonstration Area Construction Vertical Dimensions — TOP to BOTTOM • 80 MM Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers (PICP) • 2" Leveling Bed — Washed #8 #9 or #89 Stone • 4" Filter Layer—Washed #57 Stone • 6" Storage Layer — Washed #2 or #4 Stone How much storage is there? 16' X 30' Demo Area • Storage Layer - Width X Height X Depth • Storage Layer - 16' X 30' X 6" = 240 Cubic Feet • 1/3 of volume is open... 240/3 = 80 Cubic Feet of Storage • IF NECESSARY - Filter Layer can hold 52 Cubic Feet of Storage ASTM C 1781 -Surface Infiltration Testing Designation: 781 781 L1-114 Standard Test Method for Surface Infiltration Rate of Permeable Unit Pavement Systems` 111.•.1.1.=.1 a iec t.e01(1114L'IMIra MIL Erma, 1.w W.P1Y Y.. Y. in 14 t.a 'ewer!. is 11. or MI n•ww.01wlu Y r.nanYW .f1s. Y )✓ • 1 a runprY.11 gewnwmeY• IJ..i ars r.:- 'Yw11 w 01 w w�.w wrwpw'Y I. I.l That Int m9laoi:mess Me &tenni mom11f LE Mkt rubor rmRItralnn rate of 41 Pere rpinralk un¢ pr rmrm ].41.014 sonrn114101 sand nrlortl1L4 Lowe.vpal lnE umb. 01rcreir End I4anp EEL." or 11.1 pa.'Inp lrrk. 1 2 nD Y91Ir 5!11[9 111 411]11 51 1J1114 of I11cn.7.91110 411(1 Ye 10 be 111gg1N lep313*01y E genie.. I he r slue..19114 CY'g SY14,01 INY 11111 lm Yl>1 9411'ekmc�; V.tlel ao. •v:M1 1yclenl .17411 h u 14 iMlgvMVL* of 1G 1111.. Cmn49m15 1.141, fi.ml Iry I9.. IY 1EIM, 1114 511111 N not .o14Ynanee 1111* 140 0311404 1.3 TEEL, of Vlil Leg n.nh.9191.9.nem Exc. Illi re..139 e+(111401 n nu 11.1 114 nwp .hull dug be mm1 101 11y91rcmm11 of [fir ler 01011011. 14 Thu R.I.' ernes 4511 puipon 111 nfdnu 111 Yf Mr ftry nNrru. 1/ we ¢.01141104 war 1111 Yu. 111 a 145 nIpY11011m' 1 f n4e any nJ Me1414.44110 1' nu1MiN apple, pane solery ma 0.1014 (151.1x111 raw! dee.INi,c' 1ne oppeo. *,'fix nfmdrr11 11 fn 11151151 prx11m 1.r. 1 RRernncrd oxwnl.as 21 niirM 152,.1ads' 040; i * 111 4alpn 1l. 1099101 awl 1.14411041:131144 RIm4 (TO 'ipeolr.alrf for 119rn13114101111 :.*10111 414*, Speak aim 141/14(11411id11 i411(ek[11n4 131144 1111115 41!5! Tammalogt' al 459fonn ("121: Sp1111. 1151 For (1011', 1. ANDES 1121145111110 01119 51.9. IlLmun Id Loan. Grad rule$ 1111411 1.15111 14111111141 for 111114111111 11011 4 11117 4111 r VI[WL CO me 11.. du: -4 dad 1.S1Y Ca. CISs WNW... Yo^•! 4441 rtl e h 41411 -Ko.airy el fl4al.r L In.w•w 1 tiaw ediw .PwO §N. r, yu M...Y War.* ro!f Pue weuwV ARM . 14.4 41dk 41111111 Lw.rxa 4.sxlVN L' rss•bsw.v�wc�ww.as ea.w 0.44. rusnal rzYa 11+++11. ? +PPM SIOILIZI 'a foknl R1."IL-a1m A-10.1110 ITT-P.IS10-p1Plom*ng 1111ure Sr11114 Cmpound 3" TH.`ml6dnt' 11,1 rhJneh.W...i1c Wins L.911 N W. 141 U..0 Y[ •I.aim,1 In T mingnpy 111111 4. timseu r of Llk11 3lalhod 4./ AR 11M1hf11N11 nog IS lefreYallfy Waled lu 1111 suf.0 fd a 5Cf114141111 111111 or.vrt111 5)i4m. 'Mese rawneYa 1s01411Y 111411,0 05 sAIL1 YY11rr. (11411111 gnus Lunldmn41n tip .Yaevwn S79%, 90E199 �4?.) 111.115 nnL,er.vorLude$ SpLt18011310 CI! 19, dr dd.). (101115 Owl 1111 1nn4 m sp 1141151141_4111'i'.1411.•Pa1a11nua1Lwr4ail.gr temg1 /414 IN5N. 4111 Wit, Ir l40l b Nm1 115141 h 111Igl d1144Ivme.111110.InlRlafJlp=111(- 1111(1 i1W IEp L1ns lily r1w14 111 11111 11.1 141 014 14 1011 114410101* 411401,1 nn 411 cmnpl,Cd In Ila• Vdn4 Tea kie.4 (11111 1111 p111011.114 .w1*141 01114 I41 -14111i11 1111 114 lttairtt• 9 51.111 m1Y1d 1111* 1nIrdw-rd Ildn Pic ring and Ihr Isar la I4r .111y I. hn11n1r Ihr p1.Ylnrnl is recorded rnr mhlha4n tale is Ca1[uhkV In rwn5ln a 14'110'1 I. d. 1IJ arm.. W the 5, I Ills Lal IMGd on he um! rd 41441149111 of 11(1;Y il(Illhlien 111 nrl. ll[i11LMk 111E (11114141 ty'dere, s &1111.4x111 d 1611 same]*4410 arm a 4114 yeaa..anyh.1ed4.a4x arcdawnMlrldn!.Ylaalrld Nr mrdwahle wince. 111 o4y idrglfnng dN 0[x00 for anI dial mxlrrnalnCe Inlenl 11 In annras5Me InliltralM, sale. so predentos 15.511. 33 Thr lnh1umbn late rdlaulyd 41' 4111 mahod Is .aid pity fon the mcalia+l arca ar 1111 (14111111 Owe 4111 I(fl Is *04441414. To detername 114' swim WWII.. Mr 11 104 4Nire prlma4le (114.10x11 011101(110 . at ms 01411 M 1:11104 add 14111!11411 Arendt. ..nYL11L 1.w.111414*.... 11 a• laps p+4 1111X1 4 s 1, e1.Y1.n 1.I 1411 144& 1111 1v111.1w1114/1 ww 1.01.41 wlc lir l.Yro... wl.ern...L..re.r n11w.r uw.Yr. c9$ 171104 11.1(14 11 knll uov4Ys9sa4! IIrwY.ila.raill u11• ren' dawn r.,...e.ltl...�was.es.lw.r+w.r...1 PICP Industry Recommendations C1781 acceptance testing Min. 100 in./hr. n■ Iii�■IMMENIMMEM PERMEABLE INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Design • Specifications • Construction • Maintenance David R. Smith Fifth Ed it ion F icpi Lac ASTM C1781—Ponding & Infiltration Seconds to infiltrate 40 lbs water Minutes to Drain Approximate Surface Infiltration Rate inches/hr 60 360 900 0.5 1 1.7 3.3 6 7.5 15 30 60 1000 Adir 600 i OKAY 360 180 ,17 100 Z\ Clean Before 80 It Clogs 40 20 10 Clean NOW Sediment Capture Research 2009 Morton Arboretum Workshop Dr. Hunt-NCSU 2009 Most Sediment travel limited to upper top 1-2" r T 685 Other Pavement Cleaners Walk behind & larger street models available Ditch Witch FX20 Mod —Vacuum Extractor E CD a--) c/) U coQ El2 cn cn E 0 _c to t • • . _ ,< \ _ « \ -� �'2� , _ . ' '.1' ; 1 - * - Al, \ 1, V'''' 1 4 . , . _ -�_ .¥-��1_�.® \�_ _,,� ..L r-�\1.1 --\ �__� ��' �'¥/_3 \ _ _1 f � _ � � _ 1 / -ir_� •1 - Ar � � ..1' '�\ ` � - ....1. -. - . - \ _ - , 'r_ .•I. .4 A. � E. ®' � • • • II a 1 f Maintenance Resources Ki�..kaute C.1141r ic. orn..eaGe Inleri. . rcidle Parvmmh mITT mn T PIOT TN, droT T..T_�,� !T.T ,�,...4 mi TY. ,ITTTT -- Tom, J.. —.-.--.+-------..-, EmT TT -la OPEIATION Er MAINTENANCE GUIDE FOR BELGARD PERMEABLE INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PAVEMENT SYSTEMS 1 PERMEABLE INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PAVEMENTS Dario R. sanm �/ ICpi Permeable Paver Maintenance Advantages 1. You can easily observe when it needs maintenance 2. You can quantify surface infiltration rates very well 3. Sediment near -surface is easy to access and remove/replace joint infill 4. No confined spaces or access issues PICP and ADA Compliance Section 302.3 Openings. Openings in floor or ground surfaces shall not allow passage of a sphere more than 1/2 inch (13 mm) in diameter. —H14—upto%" • Firm, stable and slip -resistant •Change in level — max %" *Slopes for ramps, landings • Detectable warnings — truncated domes 1 FYOirr6 3Q7,2 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design MONO N■■ M■M■ Depar taneut of Justice September 15, 2010 Reference Tools r Eelprdf®mtnaal-RCP Gude Specdr0ue 1520117 jashncnoas are rated tort and should 130 deleted when the rpecntcafioo n mmpkte [Bracketed tett Radical. where project spemc decisions are required and should he restored owl edited to meet the pr jece regaieemeots, and eR Medea should he roomedfrom wished docu- ment.' This wide specification mamba edited for project-spaoffic regmremeoO. It should be mimed ht qualified rna or geotechnical a ear, arckied, orb dscapearclited&0iarsillthevhcoa- 4i4eu. Supplemental goehly amfrol IMO:gnu lap project aadgoalrtr assaaace regmraem6 for mechanical installation isnot eddresvd u t0 guide. Rammer, additioaat ons hating re- goiremeats for pavers and aggregates areoonmeaded for large commode' • roadway prjeds In .040110,15.05400 heere-tbar dnraigtie testing is not required in womme Cher amain and shodd be edited or removed based co 534 eft I;:arias r.;dlide 2.1.134j. CommitaBelgad Coo- madal SelesReproemal" --ecnrecommendodoa: SEL91ON32 N 1314 -PET I.EXSLS :7'E3=3:.K 3 CONCRETEPSLLMETT PART 1 - GENERAL 11 S4O12fARY ,L Se0on2cludo: I. Wok oorsis6 of iamshmg and is (P1CP1 S}s em to amai : tv,th & e ]inex gn4o, dor, and damn 2. Inaallalim work Lucid. a Verifying eobyzde e]ecanw mOltmSon rate, &miry, i h 11/401.1•arc gn hcrmdal epipi mum, edge t nt, co¢c conformance to Mahre and B Relied Requome. 1. Season 3120 W Earthling 2. [Section 31451913 Gemedia 3. [Sedio131851116 Gememb 4. Seam 32 1123 Aggregate 0. Seaon321613 Cabs mit 4. (Seddon 3217 k0 Paring Speck Sam4MTK Sr 7. Seam 334614.19 Pa:el-Wm PERMEARLE1NTER.LOCEING CONCRETE BELGARD PERMEABLE INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION CHECKLIST PRE•CONSTRIKTION MEE1105 Meeting should be conducted with the owner, engineer, general contractor and paver Installer. ❑ Verify site layout conforms to Site Plan_ ❑ Determine when pavement Is scheduled In theconstructlon sequence. ❑ Verify what level of subgrade soil compaction is acceptable (If any), and what measures will he rend Ired should over compaction occur [e g. scarifying}. I=1Verify that everyone understands preventing and diverting sediment from entering the 000regates and pavement surtace Is of the highest priority. GootexSIo out flush with lop of pavers — Surface Water Flows through the No. 8. 89 or Cast in place concrete curb per 9 stone jointing material between the pavers local standards. 6" wide minimum. 2 x #4 Rebar Belger6 Permeable Pavere 3 1!8"(88mmj thick Base Layer, Min. 3" ASTM NO.57 Stone Min 6' t ifiktItOi&fMf%titi`iifiF ++ ala. 711•4141111115/11,4- 44-117:444-4-44:44M4. a m4.4Mae: !i\\ \\/i\i\i\i i\ iii\ /\\ Suhb extends heyPnd ✓\\\/�/\\./\ `\r / , Curb to provide working / \�plallorm ivrinstallation, 61941 WATER TABLE Bedding Layer, 2" ASTM No. 6 Stone Base Layer, 4" ASTM No. 57 Slane Subbase Layer, Minimum 6" ASTM No. 2 Stone Geotextile Filtration Fabric on bottom and sides of open graded base if required by the design engineer. Subgra 10. Prepare according to recommendations in geotechnical report. Design Notes: 1. Depth of subbase subject to site specific hydraulic and structural requirements. Contact Belgard Commercial for design assistance. 2. Paver dimensions subject to aspect and plan ratio requirements based on traffic loading. 3. Geotechnical engineer needs to balance structural stability and soil Infiltration when recommending subgrade conditions. 4. Where the 011ration gestemile i3 u9ed. verifywnb the manufacturer That the material is not Subject to clogging and meets requirements of AASHTO 59-288. 5. ASTM No. 2 stone maybe substituted with No.3 or No. 4 stone. 6. Strictly pedestrian applications may substitute base/subbase layers with ore 6" base layer of ASTM No. 57 stone. D EIELGARO beitatocanmenaal.ccm 871-235-6273 dermiNbelear4men puposel RA. For afrithan f.ahre of ergireer Belgard Permeable Paving Detail PICP Pavement rNT6_ r5rrrla ural measures will he adequate_ d be using the area once pavement installation .ed to protect the system forthe duration of the that remedial maintenance will be required at :their cost. 0o the permeable pavement will be stabilized re removed. miry access mules and delivery truck unloading dI and verify written approval. g borders and colors, match approved mock-up. nbering concrete unit bundles delivered to the 4400). verify written approval. 2024 By: Ely: 0y: BY R5. Ry: 1 Reference Tools 9ELGAF+i7 OPERATION Ear MAINTENANCE GUIDE for Belgard Permeable Interlocking Cancreth Pavement Systems Permeable Paver Post -Construction Services Property Owner Benefits In ■ B ELGARD All Stormwater Control Measures require maintenance including permeable pavement systems. The Belgard Commercial Team k your partner to ensure the long-term performance of your permeable pavement. or Maintenance programs tailored to your needs and resp urces O. Confirmation that your permeable pavement system is performing as designed or Routine and restorative maintenance performed by a Belgard-approved service provider will protect your Investment by keeping your permeable pavement system functioning for d eca des Services Available from Beleard ♦4 Prof ect-specifleO&M Manuals { ASTM C 1781 Surface Infiltration Testing O Routine PICP Maintenance Program O Restorative PICP Maintenance hrgmryl$, 2020 ca c roZ)C ^W roE X W ro ro 0 f r• • t • 1 • -7.440,Prt; • :•.%; 41% , . . . . III ~ .. . *.- — .......,•; . .. : - , • - •.l.. ...I. la..._ IIIIIIP' . • ,— . • :,' .....:1L. :,..r....' (1,:.'.11'''111 . ....:v...•.lir '.1•'.:.1... :jii "10 • ..' . . .... 1 !.../t...... i , , ' • '. ... 1i-IP:).11 I rill .11"1: le... . 11:' • '''''.1-k-L7.1iii'L'rr.l. P- ...1.. 1:j ! :Y: . — ..) 1 .. ..-, . I ,'.:::- I .11 ..,- .---0 •;, • . L..., . ' ii .. 7.. ...-I' i [-LI : .. . .• :11 !..: ' : . h t ' ;'"1.1: . 1 ...... :...:<.': ..."e'-' .)..±;:: '- I•. - .;.:.:! .'H -I ,...'.-.11'ii 1 . .- I 1Vidi11111 1111 . .1. i : . 1 1 I 1 1 11 L : I • . I . 1 I • !.. - -r• l' • 1 . :I._ ." 1'.1.11.l 1:1; 16 1:111i11-11 '' . • 1., 1 . :A111'11 71•01'iT---i-i — . 1 _. -1.1 .....J.H...,_ i ii •i -1_.1,--1-- 1 1 1 1 -f -ii -1-70_ Ir-111-i-fi, ,---,,,,_ , 1