1177 Atlantic Blvd ROOF24-0072 PermitOWNER:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: HULIHAN TERRITORY INC 1177 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 COMPANY:ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:ZIP: REITER ROOFING 10555 CROTTY AVE HASTINGS FL 32145 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: REAL ESTATE NUMBER:ZONING:BUILDING USE GROUP:SUBDIVISION: 170708 0000 ATLANTIC BEACH SEC H JOB ADDRESS:PERMIT TYPE:DESCRIPTION: VALUE OF WORK: 1177 ATLANTIC BLVD ROOF NON SHINGLE METAL ROOF $40500.00 FEES LIST OF CONDITIONS Roll off container company must be on City approved list . Container cannot be placed on City right-of-way. 1 BUILDING NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT INFORMATIONAL Notes: No inspections may be scheduled until a copy a recorded Notice of Commencement has been submitted to the Building Department 2 BUILDING ROOF IN-PROGRESS INSPECTION REQUIRED INFORMATIONAL Notes: a. The roof sheathing for all new construction must remain uncovered until the Roof Sheathing Inspection is approved. All roofing projects require an In- Progress Inspection. Sheathing installation and replacement guidelines per APA. Underlayment must conform to FBC-R Table 905.1.1. Shingles must conform to ASTM D3161 G or H, or ASTM D7158 NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. MUST CALL INSPECTION PHONE LINE (904) 247-5814 BY 4 PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO THE CURRENT 6TH EDITION (2017) OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, NEC, IPMC, AND CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES . ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPLY, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. 1 of 2Issued Date: 11/8/2024 PERMIT NUMBER ROOF24-0072 ISSUED: 11/8/2024 EXPIRES: 5/7/2025 ROOF NON SHINGLE PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QUANTITY PAID AMOUNT BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $255.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $127.50 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $5.74 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $3.83 TOTAL: $392.07 2 of 2Issued Date: 11/8/2024 PERMIT NUMBER ROOF24-0072 ISSUED: 11/8/2024 EXPIRES: 5/7/2025 ROOF NON SHINGLE PERMIT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 Final Plumbing Final Electrical Final HVAC CC Final Final Building* Swimming Pool Steel Swimming Pool Safety Electrical Grounding & Bonding Swimming Pool Final (Bldg) Swimming Pool Final (PW) Formed Columns/ Beams* Masonry Cell Fill Structural Steel* OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: OTHER: Power Pole Silt Fence Piers/ Stem Walls Underground Plumbing Underground Electric Foundation/ Footing Slab** Retaining Wall Footing Driveway Sewer (Building Dept) Sewer Tap (Utilities Dept) Rough Electric* Rough Plumbing/ Top Out* Rough Mechanical* House Wrap Wall Sheathing Roof Sheathing Tie-down Framing Connections Rough Framing Roofing Dry-In Window/Door In-Progress Insulation Ceiling Insulation Wall Exterior Lath Stucco Scratch Coat Exterior Siding In -Progress Brick Flashing & Ties Early Power Gas Rough Gas Final* * When all rough electric, plumbing, mechanical are complete but before any work is covered up. * When all gas piping is complete and wallboard is installed but before gas is attached to any appliance. All outlets must be capped and pipe pressurized at a minimum of 15 lbs. * For new living space: When all construction work including electrical, plumbing, mechanical, exterior finish, grading, required paving and landscaping is complete and the building is ready for occupancy, but before being occupied Additional inspections may apply to your project if your project contains these elements: INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMITS To verify compliance with building codes, inspections of the work authorized are required at various points of the construction. The following inspections are typically required for residential projects: Date: Initial: Date: Initial: _____________________________________________________ Permit Type ____________________________________________________ Permit No. __________________________________________________________ Job Address ____________________________________________________ Contractor POST THIS CARD WITH PERMITS AND PERMIT DOCUMENTATION IN FRONT OF BUILDING Construction Hours per City Code: 7am—7pm Weekdays; 9am—7pm Weekends Building Department - Phone: 904-247-5826 - Email: Building-Dept@coab.us Public Works/Utilities - Phone: 904-247-5834 Fire Department - Phone: 904-630-4789 * When forms and reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, sleeves and inserts, and all electrical, plumbing and mechanical work is in place, but before concrete is poured. * When all structural steel members are in place and all connections are complete, but before such work is covered or concealed. ** FORM BOARD ELEVATION CERTIFICATE MUST BE ON-SITE FOR SLAB INSPECTION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY PAID PermitTRAK $392.07 ROOF24-0072 Address: 1177 ATLANTIC BLVD APN: 170708 0000 $392.07 BUILDING $255.00 BUILDING PERMIT 455-0000-322-1000 0 $255.00 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW $127.50 BUILDING PLAN CHECK 455-0000-322-1001 0 $127.50 STATE SURCHARGES $9.57 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0700 0 $5.74 STATE DCA SURCHARGE 455-0000-208-0600 0 $3.83 TOTAL FEES PAID BY RECEIPT: R28983 $392.07 Printed: Friday, November 8, 2024 2:10 PM Date Paid: Friday, November 08, 2024 Paid By: REITER ROOFING Pay Method: CREDIT CARD 10355025087 1 of 1 Cashier: KW Cash Register Receipt City of Atlantic Beach Receipt Number R28983 OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION FOR AGENT City of Atlantic Beach . "Please submit form in person or to 1zuildng-dept@coab.us Community Development Department 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (P) 904-247-5800 OWNER INFORMATION NAME Scott Hulihan ADDRESS 11 n Atlantic Blvd PHONE # 904-545-4586 CELL# _______ _ CITY Atlantic Beach STATE Fl ZIP CODE ~32;:.::2;;;..;33;.._ _____ _ --- AGENT INFORMATION NAME Matthew Reiter ADDRESS 10555 Crotty Ave. PHONE# 90+599-7821 CELL# OTY Hastings STATE Fl ZIP CODE 32145 ---=~------- -------------is hereby authorized to act on behalf of __________ _ the owner(s) of those lands. described within the attached application and as described in the attached deed or other such proof of ownership as may be required, in applying to the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, for an application related to a Development Permit or other action pursuant to: 0 BUILDING PERMIT 0 TREE PERMIT 0 SIGN PERMIT 0 USE-BY-EXCEPTION □ ZONING VARIANCE 0 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT □ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 0 PLAT, REPLATOR LOT DIVISION 181 OTHER RE-Roof --------- I HEREBY Q~*:v AU INFORMATION PROVIDED IS CORREO: Signature of Property Owner(s) or Authorized Agent Scott Hulihan l V ?-11.LJ --!.-.-~~~_,__ ___ ___,_.,,,......,~~----OATaE. 7 PRINT OR TYPE NAME SIGNATURE OF OWNER #2 PRINT OR TYPE NAME 3 rd Signed and sworn before me on this......;:::;. __ day of Alo V(,nhd: SLo±+-'Hul;ho--n. .toZJ-t by DATE State of FL.oR 4-D Ir: Countyof DlJ VAL- ldentificatlonverified: Per6on4 II:-/ ~w r--~ Oath Sworn: D Yes o __:(&~~---'~'!.......7'~_.:::~--------- •• ~~·,i~... CODY DUBIN Notary Signature "" (.~~'f:\ Notary Public • State of Flondl ~'\.\Ar.JI Commission I HH 523731 AA v 1 /1 .A. Z 8 --~o,r.,'if,-' My Comm. uplrts May 2, 2029 My Commission expires /rt A~ k t,,,(2 .......... Bond~ throu1h National Notary Assn. 11 OWNERS A.UTHORIZA TION - BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 FOR INTERNAL OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT# _______ _ Phone: (904) 247-5826 Email: Building-Dept@coab.us Job Address 1177 Atlantic Blvd. Atlantic, Beach Fl. 32233 **ALL information required to process RE# 170708-0000 Legal Description 18-34 18-2S-29E .187 ATLANTIC BEACH SEC H BLK 10 RECD 0/R 9686-291 Valuation of W~r~epl~ement Cost) 40,500 Heated/Cooled SF Non-Heated/Cooled SF t-t)Of' • Class of Wor : X New □Addition □Alteration □Repair OMove □Demo D Pool Owindow/Door • Use of existing/proposed structure(s): ~ Commercial □Residential • If existing structure, is a fire sprinkler system installed?:OYes D No • Will tree(s) be removed in association with proposed project? D Yes (Must submit separate Tree Removal Permit) ~ No Describe in detail the type of work to be performed: Tear roof off/ Install 26 Gauge PBR Galvalume 3ft Panels Florida Product Approval# FLPA#36968.1 (For multiple products use Product Approval Information Sheet) ___ .;.....;;.,;;; _________ _ Property Owner Information Name HULIHAN TERRITORY INC Phone ---------- Address 1177 Atlantic Blvd City Atlantic Beach State Fl Zip 32233 Email Owner or Agent (If Agent, Power of Attorney or Agency Letter Required) --------- Contractor Information Name of Company Reiter Roofing Inc. ------'-'------------Phone 904-599-7821 City Hastings State Fl Zip 32145 Address 10555 Crotty Ave Qualifying Agent Matthew Reiter ..;...;..;.;;....;_;;_;_.;,.;;...;..;....;..;.;:c:...:..::..;___ ________ _ State Certification/Registration# CCC1330104 -===-.::..::..::_;___ ______ _ Email reiterroofing@yahoo.com Worker's Compensation Insurer Architect's Name Job Site Contact Number 904-344-6097 ..::....:;.....;....:;....;__.;;....;;..c _________ _ ------------OR Exempt [8J Expiration Date 5/09/2025 -'---'--------- Email Phone Engineer's Name _______________ Email ___________ Phone ______ _ Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all the laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this city/county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. **WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOU PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE SITE OF THE IMPROVEMENT BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ~~EFORE RECORDING YOUR .N~~EMENT. isJi,iature of Owner or Agent) ., ,. ~ontractori,""'"'"""'"•~ 0 rr.~!-'W ,,,,~\.l~_RYb.a n to or affi d) before me thi 6. ,,11111~6 •,,,,,,,,,,. Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) befor 'e t_))J~.t:P('~: "' :f of ~ <Jl':.c.v.~·, ••••• : C,y~~.,.,. /'} ..1_ . I -1 •• O •· ~~ ____!i..::._.J...L.J,'..J.LJ,.L,Si:~ ~~°-J..1.--n-v 11 t~ rr11-& i-. ·······':9>V&T!J A e c , -=o<_:..µ'""'f-~ by . --.~ ~ -·~.,. ✓-. ~ SigE:tur: of Notary ~ ~Si&,~ature f Notary - ersonally Known roduce<f_slde.:"nfi ~YJ;QMM1ss10 ,., \ l_ rsonally Known • orE : : ~. 'fJ1"£ss-1 5 '' : ; i~-..~ 'O<B .: Typ of Identification: ~H~. d\ -2026 /Ty:; of Identification: ~To<~ ~ / f --------..-,~,-,;;i...J,,._,...,.._.""'~~~---b.. ... _ § t.,,,~·.J)F FLOR\\) :.-;.,~ l ,~~ ('\,,:-. """ ,,yt.1 •• •• 0..'-1 !It.'*' ~-~..:. •· OF FLO~"" ·:·~ro~ ~ ,,,,,,:~;;a· .E •• R. ~~ i~v,,,,,,~ .. ,,., u~ ·••• •• ••t\7. ~ ,,,,, ,,,,, nl"' ,,,,, ,,,,,, ~A"·.; ~s ··E· ~ ·'-\~ "',,,,,~ ,,,,,,,, ..... ""'''' ,,,,,; wu,v, (' t"\,,,,,v. """"'""""'" r.~~11i4'r. ~7 ., ... -. ' . . :;·:· < •• ·•··., '·. \ ~ • --~y'ot ' CONSTRUCTION SITE MANAGEMENT CHECKLIST City of Atlantic Beach Building Department 800 Seminole Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Phone: (904) 247-5826 Email: Building-Dept@coab.usWebsite:http://coab.us A construction site management plan conforming to the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances Sec. 6-18 must be included with every permit. An approved Construction Site Management Plan must be posted on the job site and available for review. The Construction Site Management Plan must include the following information: 1. Parking plan showing how the site will be accessed and all onsite and abutting street parking areas. 2. Location of construction trailers, loading/unloading area, and material storage area. 3. Location of chemical toilet area: Chemical toilets must be kept out of the City right-of-way and not further than 15 feet from structure and the door shall face the structure that is under construction. 4. Dumpsters are to have tarp covers or rigid covers on windy days. Dumpsters must be removed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion. 5. Traffic control plan showing access with dimensions, area to be stabilized, narrative on phasing of construction with adequate parking and delivery of materials. 6. Site cleanliness: Contractor must have the entire construction site cleaned by Friday of each week. This means removal of scrap lumber, concrete remnants, and other such construction debris including cans, metal, plastic, and paper. 7. Erosion and Sediment Control: Contractor must maintain all elements of the approved Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (silt fence, catch basin filters, etc.) until sod or other stabilization has been placed and approved by Public Works. 8. Other activities, where special conditions are identified by the Building Official. Failure to comply with the Construction Site Management Ordinance may result in a Stop Work Order being issued in accordance with City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances Sec. 6-17 (b)(3). Revised 03.30.2023 WOLTERS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING, DRAFTING, CONSULTING PRODUCT EVALUATION \. 15211 97th Road N West Palm Beach, FL 33412 Ph/Fx: (561) 225-1982 PRODUCT: 1sr COAST 26 GA. GALVALUME PBR ROOF PANEL, 36" WIDE (FLPA# 36968.1) MANUFACTURER: 1 sr COAST METAL ROOFING SUPPLY 186 STATE ROAD 207 EAST PALATKA, FL 32131 To all concerned, The 1st Coast 26 Ga. 36" Wide Galvalume PBR Roof Panel, manufactured by 1st Coast Metal Supply, is a non-structural galvalurne coated Fluropon painted steel roof panel (50 ksi rnin) that meets the requirements of Section 1507A of the 8th Edition (2023) Florida Building Cod,e. The panel has been tested perTAS 1001 TAS 125, and TAS 201 by lntertek, with results shown in test reports L4914.06-450-18, L4914.07-450-18, and L4914.08-450- 18. It has also been tested per T AS 110 by PRI Construction Materials Technologies, with results shown irt test reports VLS-004-02-01 and VLS-005-02-01. I have reviewed the T AS 100 testing above and it rs equivalent to TAS 100-23-. Technical Documentation: 1. Drawing "1 CPBR0 dated 10/9/23 (Rev. 1.), signed and sealed by Scott Wolters, PE. 2. Test Reports listed above by lntertek, signed and sealed by Vinu Abraham, PE. 3. Test Reports listed above by PRI Construction Materials, T echnologiesi sign·ed and sealed by Zachary R Priest, PE. 4. Supplemental Calculations to support "1 CPBR'\ '.Signed and sealed by Scott Wolters, PE. l have reviewed this submittal per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61G20-3.005 (4). ,Based on the limitations listed below and those provided in the documents above, this product meets all the requirements of the 8th EdiUon (2023} Florida Building Code generally, and chapter 15 specifically, for use outside of the HVHZ. Limitations: This panel is approved for use outside of the HVHZ. Overall limitations: Maximum Panel Width: Minimum Rib Height: Min. Slope: Max. Purlin Spacing: Min. Purlin Thickness: 36"- 11/8" ½"/12" 60"O.C .. 16Ga. SPeCIPUZINu IN MIAMH?AJ:?e 1\Nt? flORlt?A PRODOC-r APPRO\/,Al,5 rOR ROOflNCA & ClAZiNa PROl?l)CPS Re-Roofing: Note: - Field Perimeter & Corner Installation Installation Max. Design Pressure: -62.5 psf -130 psf Panel Fasteners: #1 0x1 1 /2" Hilo HWH Screws #10x11/2" Hilo HWH Screws Fastener Spacing 12" Max. O.C. 5"-7"-5" Pattern (Across Panel) Beside Each Rib Each Side of Ribs Seam Fasteners #1 0x3/4" Hilo HWH Screws #1 0x3/4" Hilo HWH Screws and Sealant: 12" Max. O.C, with Butyl Tape 12" Max. O.C, with Butyl Tape. Fasteners at Panel #1 0x1 1 /2" Hilo HWH Screws #10x11/2" Hilo HWH Screws Butt-Joints 3" Max. a.cl with Butyl Tape 3" Max. O.C, with Butyl Tape (Panels are lapped 2") (Panels are lapped 2") Minimum Substrate: 16 Ga. Steel Purlins, spaced 60'' max. O.C. Other Limitations: 1. Roof slope must meet requirements of FBC Sections 1507.4.2. 2. Fire classification is not a part of this evaluation. Refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 3. Design of substrate is by others and is not a part of this evaluation. 4. Rational analysis, provided by a Florida licensed Architect/Engineer per FAS 61G20.3.005(e), may be used for project specific approval by the local authorities having jurisdiction. The 36" Wide PBR Series 26 Ga. Galvalume Roof Panel may be installed over a single layer of existing PBR Panels, provided the existing roof meets the requirements of Section 1511 of the Florida Building Code. If installed over existing panels, the existing screws and any debris must be removed from The existing roof. Any corrosion in the existing roof must be treated per FBC 1521.8. If you have any questions or need more information concerning this approval, please contact me. ' 1ST COAST 26 Ga. STEEL PBR ROOF PANEL 36-""RIBBED ROOF PANEL INSTALLEO DIRECTl Y OVER STEEL PURLIHS OR INSTALLED OVER EXISTING PBR-PANEL OVER STEEL PURUNS -.f10x3/4"' 1il.o tfMi ~EW Ve'ITH YtlEATH~-SEAl WASHER, AT 01\'ER.;;;LAPl'IRd PANEL S£AMS. 1.2" O.C-J6~ PANEL W!OlH FlELD lNSTALLATION A-A 7 /IHM 1/2. Hi.o HWH SCREW -V..lH M'.A ll-lER-S€AL WA~. ' , f'10x1 1/2• Hilo H'Mi SCREW· Mlli \EA ll-fER-SEAL WASH£R, 1.2• O.C. 12'" fASJENER SPACING (SE:E NOTE f3 BELOW) ·#tOJl.3/4• Hilo HWH SCREW \'4TH '11E:ATH~-SEAL WAStfER AT 01,'ER-.~PPINC PANEL SEAMS, 12• O.C. ·STEa PUfM-lS (l~ Go, SO -'$11 ~IN) SPACED 60-" MAX. O.C. SECTION A-A A-_A / { /SU. 0. VERl.Af> i)£TAI( --< ON SHEU"-• .. -~ ~,o 112~ ;I ~ ti ,1 ti ,1 ti-I 1lci ~ i (:') u.~j o~· ~ • ,..,Q";;:,. . ,_. .. ..... _,_,·O -c=r, -~ • ~ ,,-.c -:. 0 . (1j ~--•· .. ., 1.,') • ~., ""',... •-... .. ... • G ".-; a ·••·H•••• c;~ • ,,,, ~ p'f\i ~ ... "" '"•111~~ ii 1P;i r=l ,.. :{111 ,_ ...._ _ _,,. §£ ~!:;j ~ ff..: ... . -, ·Sl!El PURUNS (t6 Ga. 50 ks! MIN} SPACED SO-MAX. 0.C. -MAX UPLIFT PRESSURE 62,5 Psf GENfBAL NQJESr 1. PBR P~El. MAY Bt INST~ QIRECllY TO STEa PURC.INS. OR INSTAL.l.£D OVER. EXISTINC PBR PANELS. 2. IF' INST~ 0~ EXISJlNG PANas, 1HE EXISTING SCREWS ANO-ANY DE&RiS MUST 8E REMO.VED_ fRQM 'THE EXISTING. ROOF'. ANY-·c6RIWSION • IN' lHE Ej(JSTIN'G ROOF f;WST 8£ TtttA TED WITtt ,A RU$T ltffilSITOR PER tee 1521.8. 3. AT P;~El !3\JTT JQlN~ PANELS ARE OVERLAPPED 2•, SEALEO wmf BUT'tl TAPE. AND FAS1ENEO WITH: f101e1 ,;-r HLo HWH SCREWS 3" O.C, 4. ROOF SLOPE ·,s LIMITED PER 1HE REQUIREMENT$ OF Fae SECllON. 1507:+.2. 5. f'LASl-ii~C, -ANO lRIM TO 8E INSTALLEO PER lHE MANUFACTURER'S STNIOAAO INSTAUAllON D£1'All.S. TO ~E£t THE .RE:QUl~ENTS QF Fl3C SE~TION 1503. ~ a. a.. :::, CJ'J (!) -~ LL 0 0 0:: ....J ~ :E' t-(/') ~ u t; ~ ~8 ,-.. u °'· t! H .:r ... a.·i ~ .... m-" ,-..N 0 ffl. N_, ~~ o. <I: ac: -~ ~~ :£~ ~~ ~ ..... lCPBR 1/3 1ST COAST 26 Ga. STEEL PBR ~OOF PANEL 36" RIBBED ROOF PANEL INSTALLED DIRECTLY OVER ma PU~UNS OR INSTALLED OVER EXISTING PBR PANEL OVER STEEL PURUNS PERlMEJER & CORNER INSTALLAilON 10x3/•• Hill>-~ ~ l'T}i WEATI-IER-SEAL Wl<SHER. AT OVER--l>.PPlNG P.ANEL SE~ 12." O.C. /,,OlC1 1/2· ltl.o H'Mt SCREW Willi M:A~-SEAL WAStO. ~-f10x1 1/2• HLo tlwtf SCR 'M"Oi WEATHER-SEAL ·WASMER, 12• O.C, 36" P>iJ_IIEL WIOlH 7• (SEE NOiE f3 BELOW) ·110lu/4" Hi.o tiWti SCREW wr1'H ¥/EA n-tER-SEAl WASHER AT OVER-w>Pm P~EL SEAMS. 11• o.c. ,TEEL pURUNS (18 !Ja, 50 ~ MIN) ~.ACE) 60" MAX. O.C. SECTIQ~A A-A 7 I A--_A ,, ... ·"· .. l:Ji]''', .··••••••••••• .I+,' ,._ .. , ~; /~~OET~ "' s .... ~·<t> i< ut>, ~\ ~,-· ~ ~ci' ~o . ~1.,,1.,. ~..... .. ·~ .. -· ,, .. -· ( ·,, ·~···.f i~«= si'"I~~\., \ ·STEa PIJRUNS (18 Go, &l kst MIN) SPACEO oo• MAX. O.C, M"AX UPLIFT PRESS\JRE 130 Psf GENERAL NOJES: 1. PBR PANEL. MAY BE INSTALLEO OIREClLY TO S1EEL PURUNS, OR INSTAU.ED OVER EXISTING PBR PANELS 2. It INST~ OVER EXIS't\NG PANELS, lH.£ EXISTING SCREWS AND ANY l>EBRJS ... UST BE: REMOVED FROM THE EXISTING ROOF. ANY CORROSION IN 11-1£ £}(JSllNG ROOF' MUST BE TaEA TEO Willi A RUST INHIBIT~ PER FBC 1~21.8. 3. ~T PANEL BUTT JOINTS, PANELS ARE O~V,PP(D 2•. stALEO 'MlH sum TAPE, ANO FASTENEO "'1TH ft0x1 1/2" Hilo HWH SCREWS '$' O.C, 4. ROOF SLoPE IS UMITEO PER THE REQ\HREMENTS Of FBC &CTION t,507.4.2, 5. FLASHING ~O lRIM TO BE INSTALLED ~ 11-lE MANUfAClURER'S STANDARD IN.STAU.ATION OE'tAILS. 10 .MEET lH~ R~~)REM£.NTS OF f8C S'ECllON 1503. a1 5:ft i~ ll;ii . ~ .. , >--I a.. a.. :::, en (!) z u: 0 ~ _J .!: w -~ ~ ~ ~ !I ·ti ii x~ ~1 " ~ ,-.N octi ii ~-1 .... Q, j§ - 1ST C.OAST 26 Ga. STEEL PBR ROOF·PANEL 36• RIBBED ROOF PANEL INSTALLED DIRECTLY OVER STEEL PURUffS. OR INSTAUEO OVER EXISTING PBR PANEL OVER STEEL PURUNS 26 Ga. STEEL (50 ksl MIN) C CX) .......... .-~ .. 12" ~, OVERLAP DETAIL (1 RIB) ~ -sum TAPE AT PANEL SEAMS. G I 4t -1 "i ,~, ,~ fl .. -~ .;;· •. 20. IQ 0 ~. V ~2• ::3;: • ~~ ~c, .. ~~ ...,~; ,:.0 'il'J ~ •• ',, i) . ...-· ,"r· ✓ .. , 1 ············1·~~ ,, .. p~ ,," ,;'''t=~i Vii 1;:fi t:i 1i! ~ §~ f1~ ; ~ a. a. => en (!) z U::: 0 ~ ...J ~. ~ ~ ~ (.) ti T"" i8 ~~ QI s ~8 ~~ .. :i if I yoj en ~ 2~ ~ ~ ..... ~~ ~i !~ Doc# 2024232206, OR BK 21238 Page 1421, Number Pages: 1, Recorded 10/25/2024 12:09 PM, JODY PHILLIPS CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING $10.00 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT (PREPARE t,/ Dl.R.ICATEJ Permit No. TIX Follo No. 170708-0000 County of DINII COUnly Stitt of Aolt-:-:•~--------- To whom It may concern: The undersigned hereby Inform, you that lmprovemenls wlll be made lo certain ml property, and In accordance with S.Ctlon 713 of the l'lorfda 8t1tut•, the followlng tnformallon Is stated In this NOTICE! 01' COMMENCl!MENT. Logel description or property being improved: 18-34 l 8-2S-29E .I 87 2ATIANilC BEA.Qi SEC H PT BU< IO RECD O/R 9686-291 Addressofpropertybelngtmproved: 1177 A'ILANTICBLVD Atlantic Beach FL 32233 General descrfpllon ot Improvements: .!Rem~~o~v!:.el!m~e~tal~ins~t~al!!.I .!.!m~e~tal~----------- 0wner HlJIJHAN 'IBRRITORY INC Address 177 A'n.ANnC BL VD ATLANTIC BEAOi, FL 32233 C>Nner's Interest In slle Of tho Improvement __________________ _ Fee Simple Tttleholder (If 0th« then owner) __________________ _ Name ____________________________ _ Address __________________________ _ ContradDr Reiter Rooftng INC Matthew Reiter Address 10555 Oouy ave Hastings A 32145 Phone No. 9~7 Fax No. ____________ _ Surety (If any) __________________________ _ Address _______________ -'Amountofbond$, ______ _ PhoneNo. ___________ FaxNo. ____________ _ Name ind eddress of 1111y person making a loan for the constnic:tion of the Improvements. N1me ____________________________ _ Address __________________________ _ Phono No. ___________ FM No. ____________ _ Neme d person within tho State of Florid•. olher thlf'I hlmaelf or herself, designated by owner upon whom notices or other ciocumenrs may be served: Name ____________________________ _ Address __________________________ _ PhoneNo. ___________ Fax No .. ____________ _ 1n eddltk>n to himself or herd, owner design•~• the following person to receive • oopy of tho llenor's Notice as provided In Secllon 713,06 (2) (b), Florida statutes. (FIi in et Owner's option). Name ____________________________ _ Address __________________________ _ Phone No. __________ Fax No. _____________ _ Expiration date cf Notice of Commencoment (lhe explnlllon date Is one (1) year from the date of recordi'lg unless a diferentdete Is spedfled): ___________ ~--r------------ THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY • ..,_ ~/4/Uho --P'P, ~ OATE/17-/~.,,z_l,/ llebernelhll_cayo, _________ ri11e C-ly ol Dwll. Sin of JIIDllda. hltpt,ICNly ..,.._ :==:::,.1111m,11a1a1, G.-:'.ij"~t·-CDDVDUIIM ,~--_~-... Mowy Public· SCltt of ,1or1c1t • Conwltlloll ' HM sm>, I ti/'/ CDIIIIII, ~ _.., 2. 2011 • loldM ttlrqll IIMtONI Noury Alln.