8-29-24 Budget Workshop Adopted Minutes,1 MINUTES � Budget Workshop Meeting Thursday, August 29, 2024 - 5:30 PM City Hall, Commission Chamber 800 Seminole Road, FL 32233 ATTENDANCE: Present: Curtis Ford, Mayor - Seat Bruce Bole, Commissioner - Seat 2 (District 1308) Michael Waters, Commissioner - Seat 3 (District 1307) Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 (District 1306) Jessica Ring, Commissioner - Seat 5 (District 1312) Also Present: William B. Killingsworth, City Manager (CM) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ford called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. City Clerk Bartle called roll. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Ford opened the floor for public comments. The following person spoke: Buddy Bass expressed concerns about the pickleball hours. 2. TOPICS A. Budget Workshop #4 Presentation City Manager Killingsworth presented a revised slideshow (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A), and answered questions from the Commission. 8-29-24 - Attachment A B. Proposed FY 2024-25 Annual Operating Budget CM Killingsworth requested the Commission's decision on which enhancements they want in the budget. Discussion ensued and questions were answered. There was consensus to add Enhancements 1 through 4, Retirees COLA (Police Officers) at 50,772, and Retirees COLA (General Employees) at $81,140, which are listed on slide 14 of Attachment A, and draw down the excess reserves to fifty percent (50%). Budget Workshop August 29, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT (SECOND ROUND ADDED) Mitch Reeves commended the city manager for his presentation and spoke about stormwater fees, debt associated with Selva Preserve, and reserves. Sarah Boren commended the city manager for his presentation and requested funding for Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) priorities. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Date Approved: l J /w Curtis Ford, MJyor Budget Workshop August 29, 2024 City Of Atlantic Beach Attachment A to 8-29-24 Minutes Items to Consider Current Millage Rate: 2.8410 $8,001,838 Rolled Back Rate: 2.6121 ($644,710) Ad Valorem Majority Vote Maximum Millage: 2.8392 ($5,070) Taxes Two Thirds Vote Maximum Millage: 3.1035 $739,346 Two Thirds Vote Is Based On Full Membership of Body, Not On Members Present. 19.5000 19.0000 18.5000 18.0000 17.8650 17.5000 17.4153 17.0000 16.5000 Atlantic Beach City of Jacksonville 17.9399 19.0741 Neptune Beach Town of Baldwin 18.5690 Jax Beach General Fund $18,696,633 $19,441,072 3.98% Special Revenue Funds Water Funds $9,686,392 $8,880,291 $8,780,549 $9,958,063 (9.35)% 12.14% Sewer Funds $9,831,649 $11,417,759 16.13% Sanitation Fund $2,547,302 $2,491,200 (2.20)% Building Code Fund $720,609 $728,329 1.21% Stormwater Fund $5,489,097 $4,463,552 (18.68)% Pension Funds $3,294,322 $2,888,107 (12.33)% Total $59,146,295 $60,168,632 1.73% Attachment A to 8-29-24 Minutes Department-*---., Commission T 1 1-1:472025 $67,971 'ice - ' " $69,366 2.05% City Manager $642,821 $629,636 (2.05%) City Clerk $394,745 $404,624 2.50% Finance $1,373,024 $1,469,373 7.02% Human Resources $282,141 $409,542 45.16% Planning & Zoning $634,395 $620,046 (2.26%) Information Technology $914,811 $995,806 8.85% Public Safety $8,367,199 $8,005,152 (4.33)% Public Works $4,462,815 $4,502,965 0.90% Cultural Arts & Recreation $538,387 $506,443 (5.93%) Local Option Gas Tax Fund (1.3%) Pension Trust Fund -Police (1.50/b) Better ]ax 1/2 Ct Sale American Rescue Plan Act (A- Pension : Pension Trust Fd -General (3.4 Sanitation Fund (4.3% Capital Projects Fund (4.8%) Storm Water Drainage Fund (7.6%) Water Fum General Fund (33.3%) Sewer Fund (19.6%) Local Option Gas Tax Fund (1.30/6) Pension Trust Fund -Police (1.5%) Better lax 1/2 C` r__ American Rescue Plan Pension Trust Fd-Gener Sanitation Fund Capital Projects Fund Storm Water Drainage Fund ( Wati General Fund (33.30/6) Sewer Fund (19.6%) Attachment A to 8-29-24 Minutes Stormwater Fund Subsidy From General Fund: $579,528 Current Monthly Rate: $8.39 Stormwater Utility Fees Have Not Increased Since 2012 Proposed Budget Includes Stormwater Rate Increase of 28.80 New Monthly Rate: $10.81 Recommendation To Increase Rate Annually By CPI Prospectively Attachment A to 8-29-24 Minutes City Manager Recommendation Implement a one-time Cost of Living Adjustment for current retirees of 3% for every 5 full years elapsed since the date of benefit commencement City contribution would increase $81,140 Board of Trustees Recommendation • Implement a one- time Cost of Living Adjustment for current retirees of i% for every full year elapsed since the date of benefit commencement City contribution would increase $199459 Attachment A to 8-29-24 Minutes City Manager Recommendation Implement a one-time Cost of Living Adjustment for current retirees of 3% for every 5 full years elapsed since the date of benefit commencement • City contribution would increase $50,772 Board of Trustees Recommendation Implement a one- time Cost of Living Adjustment for current retirees of i% for every full year elapsed since the date of benefit commencement, and an annual COLA of 1% prospectively for current and future retirees. City contribution would increase $3o6,82z Total Increase to Annual Salaries: $315,700 Public Safety Salary Increase1 % Increase in Multiplier Increase Proposal I to City Contribution: $100,000 Estimated Increase in Future City Pension Contribution: $100,000 Attachment A to 8-29-24 Minutes Capital Projects ® Tide Views Preserve Walkway Restoration $io,000* Beaches Veterans Memorials Park Project $25,000* Oak Circle Drainage Improvements Milling and Paving* Sidewalks Needed Throughout City $125,000* Dune Walkover Maintenance & Repairs $2222,180* Ahern Street Drainage Improvements Flood Enhancement $250,000 * Rollover • ERP System $525,700* • East Coast Atlantic Blvd. to Ahern Street Drainage Improvements $500,000 • Ahern Street East Coast - Sherry $650,000 Ahern Street/Ocean to Each Coast Multi -use Path $550,000 * Milling and Paving $550,180* Purchase of Dora Drive $1,ioo,000* Enhancements Stormwater Masterplan $200,000 Public Safety Salary Increase $361,700 (Sworn $315,70o/ECOs $46,000) New Dune Walkover - Ahern Street $130,000 Turtle Crawl $25,000 Landscaping that Hides Public Property $io,000 52" Zero Turner Mower $ii,000 Tide Views Preserve Restroom Upgrades $17,000 Donner Park Pickleball Restroom Upgrades $17,000 Seminole/Atlantic Beautification $25,000 Atlantic Blvd. Smart Irrigation $25,000 Tide Views Preserve Kayak Launch Replacement $40,000 Replace P65 2oii Ford Ranger $43,000 New Truck to Replace #59 or #P3 $43,000 Ashby Park Upgrade Playground Equipment $45000 Scorpion ii Trailer Attenuator With Mobile Traffic /Signal Board $50,000 Two New Picnic Cabanas at Donner Splash Pad $50,000 Adele Grage Roof Replacement $50,000 Retirees COLA (Police Officers) $50,772/$3o6,822 Rose Park Playground Equipment $6o,000 Jordan Park Roof Replacement $65,000 Patrol Vehicle 3% Price Increase $75,000 Retirees COLA (General) $81,140/$199,459 Two New Street Division Trucks $86,000 Enhancements Dog Park Bulkhead in Pond $9o,000 W. 91h Street Drainage Pipe $ioo,000 Building Improvements to Baker and Jordan Centers $ioo,000 Rebuild Last Tide Views Preserve Deck & North Kayak Ramp $125,000 Upgrade Russell Park Playground Equipment $150,000 Tennis and Basketball Court Surfaces $150,000 Replacement of 6 Bay Barn With Metal 6 Bay Building $300,000 16th Street Walkover $650,000 Dutton Island Replacement/ Rehab Causeway Bridge Sheetpiling $900,000 Pay off bond debt service $1,200,28o