07-27-24 Town Hall - Handout U.
Permeable Paver Post-Construction Services
All Stormwater Control Measures require maintenance
including permeable pavement systems. The Belgard
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Commercial Team is your partner to ensure the long-term
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aperformance of your permeable pavement.
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Services Available from Belgard
eV. 1 1 ❖ Project-specific O&M Manuals
r�::� W� ❖ ASTM C 1781 Surface Infiltration Testing
Eirua ❖ Routine PICP Maintenance Program
,► ' ••• Restorative PICP Maintenance
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Property Owner Benefits
o• Maintenance programs tailored to your needs and
resources r -�,' -.....4, ---
• Confirmation that your permeable pavement system 1' 1
is performing as designed f
• Routine and restorative maintenance performed by I
a Belgard-approved service provider will protect Illr
your investment by keeping your permeable I
pavement system functioning for decades
January 15,2020
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Permeable Paver Post-Construction Services
All stormwater control measures, require post-construction activities to ensure effective long-term
performance during its operational life. Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement (PICP), like all types of
permeable pavement, require site-specific cleaning procedures, periodic inspection and testing, and applicable
maintenance. The following post-construction services are available.
Project-specific O&M Manual - Belgard Commercial has developed O&M manual templates for commercial
and municipal PICP projects. Assistance with developing a project-specific O&M manual can be provided.
ASTM C 1781 Surface Infiltration Testing— Belgard Commercial can provide initial surface infiltration testing
along with a report documenting the methodology and results for municipal and commercial PICP projects.
Routine PICP Maintenance Program— Belgard Commercial can facilitate routine maintenance service
contracts for commercial and municipal PICP projects. The frequency and cost of this program will be quoted
on a project-specific basis. Typical maintenance programs will be based on 3-year contract periods. This
program does not include restorative maintenance, or any paver repair work. Belgard Commercial will ensure
that appropriate mechanical or regenerative air sweeper equipment will be operated by qualified and trained
contractors approved by Belgard Commercial. Maintenance or inspection programs may include ASTM C 1781
surface infiltration testing documenting post maintenance infiltration conditions with a report sent to owner
or facility management.
Restorative PICP Maintenance— Belgard Commercial can facilitate restorative maintenance services on an as-
needed basis. Belgard Commercial will ensure that appropriate vacuum equipment will be operated by
qualified and trained contractors approved by Belgard Commercial. Disposal of removed joint fill materials
and installation of the proper replacement joint infill aggregates will be included in the scope of work. The cost
of this program will be quoted on a project-specific basis. This program does not include routine maintenance
or any paver repair work. Projects that elect restorative maintenance will receive results of an ASTM C 1781
surface infiltration test upon completion of the scope of work.
When Would I need Restorative Maintenance?
Your permeable pavement may never need restorative maintenance. However, sometimes pavements
subjected to significant sediment loading or older installations not routinely maintained, can become clogged.
An indication that restorative maintenance may be needed is when rainwater ponds on permeable paver
surfaces, or surface infiltration rates fall below 100 in/hr. In addition, on some land development or phased
construction projects, permeable pavers are installed early in the project and often are subjected to significant
sediment loading prior to overall project completion or occupancy permit issuance. Project developers, HOAs,
and municipal inspectors typically require that the PICP system be restored to full surface infiltration capacity
for final acceptance and approval. On these projects subject to sediment loading, Belgard Commercial
recommends a restorative maintenance program be implemented to restore the PICP infiltration rate and
jointing material, and will include this service in the project quote upon request.
January 15,2020