07-11-05 vMINUTES
July 11, 2005
Mayor Pro Tem Richard Beaver City Manager Jim Hanson
Commissioner Paul B. Parsons City Clerk Donna L. Bussey
Commissioner Sylvia N. Simmons City Attorney Alan C. Jensen
Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters III
Mayor John Meserve (Excused)
Call to Order/Pledge Mayor Pro Tem Beaver called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The
Invocation, given by Commissioner Waters, was followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Approval of Minutes 1. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of June
27, 2005.
Motion: Approve minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of une
27, 2005.
Moved by Parsons, seconded by Waters
Aye: 4 -Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Beaver
Nay: 0
Courtesy of the Floor 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors
Steve Bagby, 1817 Selva Grande Drive, informed the Commission of the
prescription relief program that passed through Jacksonville's City Council
the previous week. He explained the purpose of the program is to help
provide prescriptions for low-income people who are not on Medicaid and
who have no insurance coverage for medications. Mr. Bagby noted that the
Mayor, the City Manager, and he have worked to create an informational
insert that will be distributed to Atlantic Beach residents with their utility
bills and newsletters. The program is scheduled to begin August 15, 2005.
Stephen Kuti, 1132 Linkside Drive, discussed the 35-foot height limit
being proposed by Commissioner Beaver. He spoke in favor of this
initiative and urged the Commission to support placing the referendum on
the ballot. Mr. Kuti recalled a similar request initiated by citizens two years
ago and advised the Commission to allow adequate time for following the
proper procedures needed to place the referendum on the ballot.
Pat Pillmore, 995 Camelia Street, expressed her surprise at the bypass
road created on Main Street through Marsh Oaks. She discussed traffic
control issues as they pertain to Orchid Street, Plaza, and the difficulties in
crossing Mayport Road. She indicated that more people walk or bike on
Orchid Street than on Main Street and suggested that Orchid Street would
be a more valuable and safer location for the ped path. Ms. Pillmore spoke
favorably of the Atlantic Beach Community Character workshops and
hoped that anything done on Johnston Island would reflect the same
decisions and processes discussed at the workshops.
Alan Potter, 374 2°d Street, expressed his opinions, as an Atlantic Beach
citizen, regarding the 35-foot height limit issue. He asked that the
Commission consider the different zoning categories in the City before
making any all-inclusive decision on height limits. He discussed the
shortage of land and parking space currently available for businesses and
their possible future needs for additions and modifications in these areas.
He did not believe that a 35-foot height limit would be best for the entire
"` J.P. Marchioli, 414 Sherry Drive, made the following comments:
1) Discussed the proposed changes to the City's tree ordinance and
suggested considering the lifespan of trees when deciding their value; 2)
Believed the Interlocal agreement for the Mayport medians and
improvements should be voted on by the citizens; 3) Asked how a 35-foot
height limit would affect the City's water tower or the Sea Turtle Inn; 4)
Discussed the reduction of water consumption in his home as a result of
installing efficient household fixtures and the credits issued by other cities
to encourage such installations; 5) Would like to see statistics on making
right turns onto Seminole Road and commented on the inconvenience of
waiting during heavy traffic in order to make right turns from Seminole
Road; 6) Expressed his concern with the speeding traffic on Sherry Drive.
Jamie Fletcher, 340 Garden Lane, agreed with Mr. Marchioli's point
regarding the importance of measuring the lifespan of trees. He supported
the idea of citizens having the opportunity to vote on a 35-foot building
height limit. He noted that he was pleased to see the proposed tree
ordinance changes being discussed on the agenda that evening.
A. Brad Armstrong -Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company
Nelson Van Liere, Director of Finance, introduced Brad Armstrong of
Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company to present the 2004 actuarial reports
"' for the City's pension funds. Mr. Armstrong gave a brief history and
definition of the actuarial reports provided by his company. He explained
that the City of Atlantic Beach has two retirement systems, one for police
officers and one for general employees. Mr. Armstrong proceeded to give a
summary of each report and was available for any questions or comments
from the Commission.
(A copy of each actuarial report is kept on file in the City Clerk's office.)
Unfinished Business 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting
from Previous Meeting
A. City Manager's Follow-up Report
City Manager Jim Hanson summarized his written report, which is attached
and made part of this official record as Attachment A. His report
addressed the water bill complaint received from Jack Murphy at 1126
Main Street. He concluded that the history of the location's consumption
indicated that the three months of high water usage could be attributed to
watering newly installed grass. He noted that Mr. Murphy's water meter
was tested and results showed that it was accurate. City Manager Hanson
reported that staff did not feel that any adjustment to Mr. Murphy's bills
would be appropriate in this situation.
Commissioner Simmons discussed the issue of the City's graduated billing
rate. City Manager Hanson pointed out the City's policy that water leaks
""`' are charged at the lower rate, not the graduated rates.
Consent Agenda 4. Consent Agenda
A. Acknowledge receipt of Building Department Monthly Report,
Public Works and Utility Department Report and Report of
New Occupational Licenses issued in June (City Manager)
Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Item as presented.
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Waters
Aye: 4 -Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Beaver
Nay: 0
Committee Reports 5. Committee Reports
A. Community Development Board
Robert Frohwein, Chair of the Community Development Board, discussed
the Board's activity during the past year. He noted that they reviewed
seven variances, approved three of them, denied three of them, and one was
withdrawn. He reported that the Board gave favorable review to six Uses
by Exception that came before them and were passed on for approval by the
Commission. Mr. Frohwein thanked the board members for the fair and
thoughtful consideration they give to each case. Mr. Frohwein stated that
the Community Development Board attended numerous meetings and
community workshops that addressed growth issues within the City. He
spoke favorably of the citizens' involvement at the meetings and
commended the Commission for taking action and establishing a firm
stance on these issues.
Commissioner Waters asked if the Board currently had all positions filled
and if they expect any vacancies. Mr. Frohwein responded that they
currently have full membership but that he will be vacating his position as
Chair, beginning next month. He noted that he has been on the board for
seventeen years. Mr. Waters expressed regret that Mr. Frohwein would not
be continuing with the board and asked if there were any other anticipated
vacancies. Sonya Doerr, Community Development Director, pointed out
that terms for three of the members will end in December 2005, but they are
eligible for reappointment, if desired.
Mayor Pro Tem Beaver thanked Mr. Frohwein for his seventeen years of
community volunteer work for the City.
Action on Resolutions 6. Action on Resolutions
Action on Ordinances 7. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 20-OS-71, Public Hearing and Final Reading
Mayor Pro Tem Beaver opened the floor for the public hearing. There
being no public comments, the Mayor Pro Tem closed the public hearing.
There was no further discussion.
Motion: To approve Ordinance No. 20-05-71 on final reading
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Parsons
Aye: 4 -Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Beaver
Nay: 0
""'"' Miscellaneous Business 8. Miscellaneous Business
A. Modification to the approved Development Plan for the
Paradise Preserve PUD to revise recreation and park areas (City
City Manager explained the background of the proposed development plan
and noted that the developer is requesting approval of reconfigurations of
the original plan in order to accommodate changes in the storm water plans
and recreation space. City Manager Hanson referred to drawings of the
original and proposed plans and provided a description of the requested
amendment being presented.
Commissioner Parsons asked for clarification of the retention pond area
with the proposed gazebo. Paul Nichols, of Bestcon Homes of Jacksonville,
gave the history of the PUD and the proposed amendment to it. He
explained the changes needed for the storm water retention areas, and the
resulting decrease in the recreation space originally presented in the PUD.
Discussion ensued regarding the plans for the gazebo and the other
proposed community areas.
Commissioner Waters commended Mr. Nichols on a good job despite
Commissioner Waters' dislike for PUDs in general. Commissioner
Simmons also expressed her appreciation for Mr. Nichol's efforts on
designing an attractive PUD.
Motion: To approve modifications revising the recreation and nark
areas of the original approved Development Plan for the Paradise
Preserve PUD, subiect to finding that the proposed revisions are
consistent with the PUD and that adequate recreation, open space, and
recreational amenities to serve the proiect will be provided
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Waters
Aye: 4 -Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Beaver
Nay: 0
B. Change order #2 from C.C. Borden Construction (City
City Manager Hanson stated that the change order pertains to additional
work needed during the construction of the new city hall building. He
explained there were revisions needed for the air conditioning units in the
old building in order to connect with the newly constructed area. He noted
that the change order is not for work being redone, but rather is for
necessary changes that were not discovered until after the ceilings and walls
in the old area were exposed during the construction process.
Commissioner Parsons inquired about the change order being dated May
16, 2005. Don Ford, City Building Official, provided an explanation of the
work that has been done since that date and discussed the process of how
the current change order has evolved into its present state.
Motion: To approve the Change Order #2 from C C Borden
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Parsons
Aye: 4 -Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Beaver
Nay: 0
C. Award the contract to Surface Management for City Street
sweeping and extend the contract for FDOT monthly sweeping
for a total of $20,736.00 (City Manager)
City Manager Hanson asked Rick Carper, Director of Public Works, to
present the information regarding this issue. Mr. Carper discussed the two
separate types of street sweeping performed in Atlantic Beach. He
explained that, for financial reasons, the company that provided sweeping
for the city streets did not desire to continue its contract with the City. He
reported that Surface Management, the contractor performing street
sweeping for the City's FDOT roads, has agreed to take over the city streets
at the price they presented in their original bid.
Motion: To award the contract to Surface Management for Citv Street
sweeping and extend the contract for FDOT monthly sweeping for a
total of $20,736.00
Moved by Waters, seconded by Simmons
Aye: 4 -Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Beaver
Nay: 0
D. Request for Authorization to Enter into Interlocal Agreement
with the City of Jacksonville for Construction of the Mayport
Road Median and Landscape Improvements (City Manager)
City Manager Hanson noted that this project has been worked on for four
years due to the fact that it involves areas of Mayport Road that are not
within Atlantic Beach's city limits and thus involves coordination with the
FDOT and the City of Jacksonville. Rick Carper, Director of Public Works,
reviewed the project's timetable that was distributed to the Commission and
is made part of this official document as Attachment B. Mr. Carper stated
that the City of Atlantic Beach will contract with GAI Consultants for
designing the project area within Atlantic Beach city limits and then the
COJ will piggyback on that contract and use GAI Consultants as a sole
source for the design of the improvements for the entire Mayport Road
corridor. He reported that the City of Jacksonville has agreed to be the
overall project manager and will eventually combine the agreements into
one contract for GAI to provide the services for the entire project. Mr.
Carper anticipated approval of the City's contract with GAI at the first
Commission meeting in August and then the conceptual design process
would take about three more months before being presented for community
comments and feedback. He noted that the final design should be
completed by July 2006, when the DOT funds for the project will also
become available. He anticipated that actual construction will begin in
January 2007.
Commissioner Parsons inquired if the design included the infrastructure
necessary for the project. Rick Carper confirmed that the majority of the
project actually consists of providing the necessary infrastructure and
discussed the specific improvements intended for the Atlantic Beach portion
of the road. Commissioner Parsons asked if any of the Town Center
money is being used for this project. Mr. Carper clarified that the Town
Center money mentioned is from the City of Jacksonville's funds, not the
beaches' Town Center funds.
Commissioner Waters inquired about the location of the utilities for the
project. Discussion ensued regarding the costs and effects of utility cables
being placed above or below ground level.
Mayor Pro Tem Beaver stressed the importance of communicating with the
affected commercial district regarding the timing of the project and any
community hearings held on the subject. Mr. Carper agreed and noted that
all public hearings pertaining to the project will be held in Atlantic Beach.
Commissioner Waters pointed out a scrivener's error on page four, line two
of the document. He noted that the language should read "within" Atlantic
Beach city limits, rather than "with". He also pointed out that there was no
ordinance number specified on page five. Mr. Carper responded that that
information would be filled in once it is determined.
Motion: To authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement
between COAB and CO.T providing design and funding responsibilities
for the proposed Mavport Road median and landscape improvements
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Parsons
""'"' Aye: 4 -Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Beaver
Nay: 0
E. Authorize Staff to negotiate and the City Manager to sign a
Contract Addendum authorizing a monthly fuel surcharge (or
credit) for services provided by Waste Services of Florida (City
City Manager Hanson provided the background on the request from Waste
Services of Florida to consider a fuel surcharge increase to their contract.
He reported that, since that initial request, most of the concerns and
questions from the Commission have been researched and clarified by Staff.
Rick Carper, Director of Public Works, gave examples of how the City of
Jacksonville and other cities have approached similar situations. Mayor Pro
Tem Beaver inquired if Atlantic Beach could piggyback on COJ's process
of buying the fuel and providing the fuel to their waste haulers. Mr. Carper
responded that he would look into it and report his findings.
The City Manager recognized and commended Steve Wright, General
Manager for Waste Services of Florida, for providing excellent service after
the hurricane storms this past season. City Manager Hanson reported that
staff feels the project addendum is fair, due to unanticipated excessive fuel
costs since the original contract was negotiated.
""" Motion: Authorize Staff to negotiate and the City Manager to sign a
Contract Addendum authorizing a monthly fuel surcharge (or credit)
for services urovided by Waste Services of Florida
Commissioner Waters asked how long the contract addendum would last.
City Manager noted that the current contract expires in May 2006 and the
City has the option for renewing the contract and the addendum every five
years thereafter.
Moved by Simmons, seconded by Waters
Aye: 4 -Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Beaver
Nay: 0
F. Proposed Changes to the Tree Ordinance by the Tree
Conservation Board (City Manager)
It was noted that this item was on the agenda for the purpose of discussion
only and that no action was necessary at this time. City Manager Hanson
presented the background on the creation of the recommended changes to
the Tree Ordinance as presented by the Tree Conservation Board.
Commissioner Simmons suggested reviewing the ordinance in a workshop
forum and looking at other city ordinances for comparison. Commissioner
Waters agreed and suggested scheduling the workshop to be held after the
Community Character meetings in August. Commissioner Parsons
Mayor Pro Tem Beaver suggested gathering information from the Tree
Board and from Winters and Company to bring to the workshops. He
thanked Don Ford, City Building Official, and the Tree Board for their
work on the proposed ordinance changes.
Commissioner Simmons mentioned that the proposed ordinance changes
could affect budget issues in the Building Department and the Planning and
Zoning Department. Examples cited included costs involved in monitoring
any new regulations and in adding any new permitting processes.
G. Discussion on height requirements (Commissioner Beaver)
Mayor Pro Tem Beaver noted that since the Community Character
workshops there have been numerous discussions regarding height limits
within the City. He recounted that last year many citizens were concerned
with the proposed Johnston Island project that would have allowed extreme
height limits. He noted that, as a result, the Commission changed the City's
Comprehensive Plan in order to seta 35-foot height limit that could not be
changed without an additional change to the Comp Plan. Mayor Pro Tem
Beaver expressed his concern that, in the future, a different Commission
could change the currently set height limit by amending the Comprehensive
Plan again. Therefore, he was suggesting a referendum be placed on the
local election ballot in October in order to amend the City's charter by
adding the 35-foot height limit. He discussed the process for placing a
referendum on the ballot and asked the Commission if they would like to
proceed with the idea.
Commissioner Parsons expressed concern with setting a precedent of using
a referendum to permanently change the City's height limit. He believed
that the current 35-foot height limit is securely set and it would be a
difficult process for future Commissions to change it by amending the
Comp Plan.
Commissioner Simmons agreed that the height limit issue should be
reviewed and discussed but expressed the opinion that it would not be
threatened by the current or next Commission members and therefore is not
necessarily a high priority item for this year's ballot. She indicated that
currently the City has other issues that are more pressing and require more
immediate discussions and decision-making. She stated that she would
prefer more time to study and answer questions regarding the proposed
referendum before making a decision on it. She also believed that the
height limit issue would be better discussed when a full Commission is
present. Commissioner Simmons suggested the possibility of placing the
referendum on anon-municipal election year ballot so that the issue would
not be politicized.
City Attorney Alan Jensen responded that a referendum can be placed on
the ballot for the next general election for the municipality or at a special
election called specifically for that purpose.
Commissioner Simmons asked Sonya Doerr, Director of Planning and
Zoning, to describe the process that a developer would currently need to
follow in order to exceed the height limit. Ms. Doerr noted that it would
require a large scale amendment that would require full review by other
agencies. She noted that the current language is very specific regarding
what type of projects could be pursued or approved. Discussion ensued
regarding density issues and height limit waivers. Ms. Doerr noted that
zoning regulations state that all height waivers must come before the
Commission for approval.
Commissioner Simmons discussed the Sea Turtle Inn and situations in her
neighborhood where variances were granted to exceed the 35-foot height
limit. She commented on the need for the City to have flexibility and
options for the future. Commissioner Simmons stressed the importance of
not making a rushed decision on the issue.
Commissioner Waters agreed that the Commission should take some sort of
action regarding the height limit within the next year, but that the
appropriate time may not be right now. He stressed the importance of
carefully crafting any decision made and discussed the need to balance the
City's problems with the possible solutions. He agreed with the need for
the Commission to further discuss and workshop the issue. Discussion
ensued regarding height waivers and how the City's policies are applied to
PUDs and residential areas.
Mayor Pro Tem Beaver reiterated the need for the Commission to continue
discussions on this issue and expressed his concern for the height limit to
remain intact 10-15 years in the future.
City Manager 9. City Manager
A. City Manager's Report
Community Character Workshops
The City Manager reported that the second set of the workshops is currently
scheduled for August 17 and 18. It was noted that one Commissioner will
be out of town for those dates and that the City staff will be attending a
number of budget workshops during the same time period. Therefore, he
asked the Commission for their thoughts on rescheduling the Community
Character workshops until late September, October, or early November.
Commissioner Parsons asked if the consultant, Winters and Company,
would be able to reschedule also. City Manager Hanson reported that they
were booked until mid-September. Commissioner Parsons saw no problem
with moving the workshops to September and Mayor Pro Tem Beaver
agreed it was important to have all the Commissioners able to attend the
meetings. It was the consensus that the City Manager would bring back
some possible rescheduling dates for the Commission to consider.
Prescription Relief Program
The City Manager noted that Mayor Meserve has been working with the
City of Jacksonville to encourage and support the Prescription Relief
program for low-income people. He distributed a memo from the Mayor ,
which is made part of this official record as Attachment C, and corrected a
scrivener's error, stating that the Jacksonville City Council approved the bill
on June 28, not July 28. He noted that COJ is asking Atlantic Beach to
support the project by mailing information sheets with the City utility bills
and by allowing applications for the program to be available at City Hall.
Commissioner Parsons asked about the nature of Mr. Bagby's company.
The City Manager explained that those types of companies assist the
program applicants with determining and verifying their eligibility and
prescription needs. Commissioner Parsons reported that someone at the
Northeast Florida Regional Council wanted to donate money to the
program. City Manager Hanson noted that the cost for the City is very
ABET Sponsorship
City Manager Hanson reported that ABET was asking the City to assist
them in collecting used children's books for a project to support literacy.
They inquired if the City of Atlantic Beach could be listed as a cosponsor
on their advertisements, place notice in the City newsletter, and allow book
bins to be placed at Adele Grage and at City Hall. He noted possible
concerns about setting a precedent for other organizations to make similar
requests from the City and asked the Commission for their feedback. There
was no objection to allowing ABET to place the bins in City Hall and Adele
Grage and to print the City of Atlantic Beach as a sponsor on their project's
Fourth of July report
Chief David Thompson, Director of Public Safety, noted that despite the
beach being crowded, there were no incidents to report. He stated that no
arrests were made, though the officers did seize a number of fireworks. He
commented that the public was polite and courteous and traffic was light
leaving the beach, compared to previous years.
~' Beach Renourishment Report
Rick Carper, Director of Public Works, presented an update on the project.
He noted that weather from Hurricane Dennis delayed the project in
Jacksonville Beach by one and a half days. He reported that the contractors
are scheduled to begin pumping sand onto Atlantic Beach at 12`h Street,
` beginning Sunday. He stated that the project will continue south for
approximately 23 days and reiterated that the operations run 24 hours, 7
days a week, averaging 300 feet per day. He pointed out that the 7`h Street
beach access will be the location for fuel storage, generators, and the
equipment needed on the beach during the project. It was reported that
weekly progress meetings will be held at 8:00 a.m. in the City Hall
Chambers, starting next Wednesday and continuing for three weeks.
Discussion followed regarding the quality and cost of the sand being used
for the renourishment.
Reports/Requests 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City
City Commissioners Attorney
City Attorney
City Attorney Jensen
• Stated that he has spoken with City Manager Hanson and Sonya
Doerr, Planning and Zoning Director, regarding the sign ordinance
decision recently made in Neptune Beach. City Attorney Jensen had
some suggestions for minor changes to Atlantic Beach's own sign
ordinance, in order to keep it constitutional. He asked the
Commission for their permission for him to prepare his suggestions
and bring them back for their approval. The Commission strongly
Commissioner Waters
• Asked for clarification of the Paradise Preserve motion. Sonya
Doerr, Community Development Director, explained that she was
ensuring that the recommendations concerning the findings in her
staff report be included in the motion.
• Inquired about materials that will be used to construct the gazebo.
Expressed his concern that the structure be built to last. Sonya
Doerr responded that the materials are reviewed during the
permitting process in order to ensure proper quality.
Adjournment There being no further discussior~ >V~ayor Pro Tem Beaver declared the
meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. I~~ ~
~~Ovw~ a
John erve~ ~Viavor/Presidin~ Officer
Donna L. Bussey
City Clerk
July 5, 2005
TO: The Honorable Mayor
and Members of the City Commission
FROM: Jim Hanso
SUBJECT: Follow-up eport
Water Complaint from Jack Murahv; 1126 Main Street; Jack Murphy came to the last City
Commission Meeting to complain about the high water bills that had been received for his rental
unit at 1126 Main Street. After three months of high consumption, Mr. Murphy requested that
the city have the meter tested. City crews removed the meter to be tested and installed a new
meter. Consumption over the next couple of months was lower. This, according to Mr. Murphy,
was proof that the city's original meter readings were in error and that he should receive a refund
for his water bills.
Following is a chart of the monthly water consumption at 1126 Main Street:
Month Gallons (x1,000) Customer Paying Water Bill
May 2004 2 Builder
June 2004 10 Builder
July 2004 235 Builder
August 2004 1 Landlord (Jack Murphy)
September 2004 5 Landlord (Jack Murphy)
October 2004 (7 days) 6 Tenant
November 2004 66 Tenant
December 2004 52 Tenant
January 2005 28 Tenant
February 2005 4 Tenant
March 2005 3 Tenant
The meter was tested at Mr. Murphy's request. in January of 2005 and the first bill using readings
from the new meter was in February of 2005 for 4,000 gallons.
First, water meters do not "speed up". They are very simple mechanical devices. They can
sometimes become clogged with grit and slow down, but there is no physical way for them to
"speed up". The City has a policy of testing water meters at the customer's request. This is
,,, more of a "feel good" policy for the customers benefit because no meter tested has ever been
found to run significantly fast (above the normal tolerance of about +/- 1%).
JULY 11, 2005
When high consumption complaints are received, the staffusually works with the customer to try
and find if there was a leak or what else may have caused for the higher than normal
consumption. In Mr. Murphy's case, several members of our staff spoke with Mr. Murphy and
others on numerous occasions in recent months. The periods of high water use appear to result
from watering of newly installed sod. The July of 2004 bill resulted from the watering of new
sod installed by the builder just before the house was sold, and that charge was not disputed.
Apparently, little or no watering of the sod occurred during August or September while the bill
was in Mr. Murphy's name. During this time, we have been told that he complained about the
dead grass both to the builder and the real estate agent that handled his closing. The real estate
agent replaced the sod in the rear yard in September of 2004. It appears that the resulting water
use, which showed up on the November, December and January bills, was a result of irrigation,
although this is disputed by Mr. Murphy.
Atlantic Beach has approximately 7,500 water customers. We receive about one excessive use
complaint per month. Many of these are found to be leaks on the customer's side of the meter.
In some cases, no apparent reason for the high water use is found. Similar situations are
common with virtually every water supplier in the country. The only objective and fair way to
handle these cases is to use the meter readings as a basis for billings.
Mayport Rl~ad Medlan~~lrn~provements
Description 'Duration Begin End
- /Days Dates Dates
COAB/C0~1%FDOTfAgreements , 7/2005
. ~ ~. ,
Concept Design'(~ediar~plantingsiP.r~blic 100 08 / i 11 /
involvement) '' 't
s 2005 2005
Final Design 265 11 / 07 /
`2005 2006
Contractor `Selection%' Procurement/ 120 08 / 12 /
NTP (CO) Contracting Procedures) 2006 2006
Construction ~ 300 "1 / 12 /
~`~" , ' 2007 2007
Mavgort Road Med.ia~n Improvements
COAB - $622,000 OO~Medians)
Design ~,~6,000.00 (GAI Consultants previously
selected) ti~ ~ ~ ~ -
G~nstructaon="$'566.,000 (includes CEI) - $250,000
from C`~J Landscaping..Grant
COJ -Town Center Ft~nd~.._
Design - $150,000.00
Coristructian - $850,000
FDOT - $6,1,..62,000.00 (Resurfacing and Signals)
Design (200/2005) -,;.$600,000.00
Right-of-Way for Signals (20D5/.06) - $360,000.00
Construction (2006/07)- $`5,202,000.00
Atlantic Beach Commissioners
Over the past 8 months I have mentioned a program I have been working on with
Councilwoman Elaine Brown of the Jacksonville City Council, called "Prescription
Byway of background, over a year ago I was approached by several of our citizen's who
had dropped through the cracks on getting prescription drugs. They were working low
income folks who did not have a prescription program through their workplace, but were
also above the income cut-off level to be covered under MEDICAID. I tracked down the
fact that the drug companies have programs to support such individuals, but with over
140 drug manufacturers, getting through the paperwork is difficult if not impossible. I
next found a company out of Ohio, Prescription~elief that essentially does case
management for such individuals for a cost of $7/prescription/month.
Following completion of a one-page application, Prescription Relief does all the rest,
including information verification, checking the availability of the needed drugs, dealing
with the local doctor's office and being the contact with the appropriate drug
~* June.
At the ~ 28~' meeting of the Jacksonville City Council they passed a bill authorizing
$75,000 in start up funds and a contract with Prescription Relief to provide service to all
low to moderate income people in Duval County. Clay County is already in the system
and I believe others will follow. It is estimated that some 75,000 families of the 260,000
families in Duval County meet the income levels for this program.
I would ask the Commission to authorize the City Manager to advertise the availability of
the "Prescription Relief' program in Atlantic Beach (through our utility billing program
and aided by a direct mail campaign done by Prescription Relief) with information and
applications posted at the utility payment desk in City Hall.
I believe this I a program that can assist many of our low to moderate income people and
would ask for your support.
John Meserve