02-04-05 Emergency Meeting Minutes vMINUTES
FEBRUARY 4, 2005
Mayor John Meserve City Manager Jim Hanson
Mayor Pro Tem Richard Beaver City Clerk Donna L. Bussey
Commissioner Paul B. Parsons City Attorney Alan C. Jensen
Commissioner Sylvia N. Simmons
Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters III
Call to Order Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 8:30am and stated that, due to
the timing of the issue to be discussed, any decision needed to be made by
the Commission could not wait until a regular Commission meeting with
due notice given to the public. The Mayor asked for a motion to declare
this an emergency meeting of the Commission under Florida Statute
120.525 and to hold this as an emergency meeting.
There was no discussion.
Motion• To declare an emerSency meeting of the Commission under
Florida Statute 120.525 and hold such emerEency meeting.
Moved by Beaver, seconded by Simmons
Aye: 4-Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Meserve
Nay: 0
Business to Discuss Super Bowl event at the Atlantic Theatre, 751 Atlantic Boulevard.
Mayor Meserve noted that the one issue they were there to discuss involved
the events occurring at the Atlantic Theatre. He noted that the owner of the
establishment and the producer of the event were both present at the
meeting. Mayor Meserve called on City Manager Hanson to begin
City Manager Hanson asked for reports from Chief Thompson, Director of
Public Safety and from Sonya Doerr, Director of Planning and Zoning,
relating to the issues.
~` Chief Thompson began by stating that the City had some concerns
regarding the event at the Atlantic Theatre adhering to City codes. These
concerns involved closing time, licensing, type of entertainment, security,
parking, and noise. Chief Thompson stated he met with the event's staff
~/~- the day before and provided them with copies of the City's codes dealing
with alcoholic beverages, closing times, noise, and nudity/exposure. He
noted that the event staff were providing their own security at the venue and
also had hired police officers from the City of Jacksonville to assist with
security issues at the club. He stated the event staff was managing the
parking situation and offering valet parking. Chief Thompson also stated
that officers from Atlantic Beach's police and fire departments had been
sent to the location to review the situation.
Commissioner Parsons inquired about the atmosphere of the event the
previous evening. Chief Thompson stated that it was quiet, there were no
problems reported and that officers were there to ensure the event closed at
2:00 a.m. Commissioner Parsons asked if the headline act last night began
at 1:00 a.m. Chief Thompson could not yet confirm that information.
Mayor Meserve called Sonya Doerr, Director of Planning and Zoning, to
update the Commission on the licensing status of the location and the event
producers. Sonya Doerr reported that she was contacted by the event staff
and met with them last week regarding use of the theater for their event.
She advised the owner and staff that according to City code, they were not
licensed to have a public event and that the event would have to be a private
party. Ms. Doerr stated that the event staff possessed the appropriate
~- traveling liquor and catering licenses for the event. She noted that she gave
the owner a list of issues which the City needed to have addressed. Ms.
Doerr stated the City needed to have information on the parking, security,
nature of event, type of event, and celebrities attending. Ms. Doerr stated
she was informed by the owner that there were no issues for concern but
that, at the time, he was not certain of the specific acts performing at the
City Manager Hanson asked for confirmation that it was stated the event
was to be private and that tickets were not to be sold at the door. Ms. Doerr
responded that after reviewing the event's licenses, the City was aware that
they would be selling tickets to individuals who received private invitations,
but not to the general public. City Manager Hanson asked what type of
approval would be required if the event was open to the general public. Ms.
Doerr responded that any type of live entertainment within the City would
require approval of a Use by Exception.
City Manager Hanson also inquired if there was approval for the use of
trailers with people sleeping overnight in them at the event location. Ms.
Doerr responded that City regulations had never permitted trailers and RVs
to be parked and used as a residence in any zoning district.
Mayor Meserve noted that the City's concerns were the following: 1) that
~'' the event was advertised to the general public as beginning at 1:00 a.m. and
ending at 5:00 a.m., and 2) the advertising for the specific event on Sunday
indicated a degree of activity with which the City was uncomfortable.
Mayor Meserve called the owner of the establishment to address these
Mr. Chris Hionides, of 47 Eleventh Street, Atlantic Beach, gave some
background information regarding the planning of the event. He stated that
he was originally contacted by the group planning the event for the Super
Bowl. Mr. Hionides stated that, after seeing the establishment, the event
staff wanted to pursue using the location for their event. Mr. Hionides
stated that, upon learning that the event staff intended to serve liquor, he
contacted the City to activate the liquor license he had acquired for the
establishment. Mr. Hionides stated that Ms. Doerr informed him he would
also need a Use by Exception to serve alcohol with live entertainment and
that the next meeting for that to be discussed would be February 22, 2005.
Mr. Hionides stated that he told the event group that they would be unable
to sell liquor since he did not have a Use by Exception. He stated that the
event producers informed him later that day that they had a traveling liquor
license and a catering license appropriate for holding the event. Mr.
Hionides said the individual with the traveling license contacted the City
and was told to produce the licenses and a letter stating their plan to handle
security and parking. Mr Hionides stated that, after presenting the
requested items to the City, and reiterating that they would be selling tickets
for the event, they received approval to proceed with the event.
Mr. Hionides reported that he attended the event last night and stated that
the flyer distributed was not an accurate representation of the actual event.
He stated that the parking was handled well with signs and roped areas and
that there was no interference with the neighborhood shopping center. Mr.
Hionides stated that the staff had hired three police officers from the City of
Jacksonville because the City of Atlantic Beach could not provide their own
officers. Mr. Hionides stated that he went inside the event and that there
was no type of nudity seen. Mr. Hionides said that the event staff fully
intended to comply with what had been submitted to the City.
Mr. Hionides stated that the concerns regarding the event on Sunday were
brought to his attention the previous day. He stated that the purpose of the
event on Sunday was to promote a specific brand name of jeans. Regarding
the issue of closing at 2:00 a.m., Mr. Hionides stated that normally the event
staff stops serving alcohol at 1:45 a.m. and still allows people an additional
30 minutes to an hour for consumption. Mr. Hionides stated that he
reiterated to the event producers that the club had to close at 2:00 a.m. and
that the producers responded that they would do their best to comply. Mr.
Hionides discussed the noise issue and stated that, while at the event last
night, he did not hear any noise from outside the theater. Mr. Hionides
concluded by stating that the event staff had been doing a good job at
following the guidelines established by himself and the City.
Commissioner Parsons asked about the type of security provided. Mr.
Hionides responded that the security company was named Universal
Soldiers and provided 15 security guards. Commissioner Parsons asked if
~- the security guards were licensed to carry concealed weapons. The event
producer responded that some are and some are not. Commissioner Parsons
asked for a list of the names and number of individuals who carry concealed
weapons. The event producer stated that he did not have the names with
him at the meeting but stated that he could provide such a list.
Mayor Meserve called the event producer to the floor and asked him to give
his name and address. Mr. Robert Denmon ,representing Visionaries
Marketing, 778 Decatur Industrial Way, Atlanta GA, came to the floor.
Commissioner Parsons confirmed with Mr. Denmon that, in addition to
their 15 security guards, they also had three officers from the City of
Jacksonville at the event. Commissioner Parsons expressed that his main
concern was with individuals other than police officers carrying weapons.
He stated that he went by the event's venue the night before and thought
that the event was very well run. He felt the security guards took their job
seriously and the parking was well-managed. Commissioner Parsons
questioned the need for security personnel to carry concealed weapons.
Chief Thompson responded that carrying concealed weapons is legal and
cannot be changed by the City as long as the people are appropriately
licensed and permitted to carry such weapons. Mr. Denmon guaranteed
that no one at the event would be carrying a weapon if not licensed to do so.
Commissioner Parsons asked for a copy of the letter written by Mr.
Hionides to the City, regarding the event. Ms. Doerr provided the letter for
the Commissioners to review. Commissioner Parsons enquired about the
timeline for drafting the letter. Mr. Hionides responded that it was
composed after multiple times of contacting and speaking with Ms. Doerr
for at least four days.
Commissioner Beaver stated that he had to leave the meeting early and
wished to express his concerns and suggestions before leaving. He stated
that he felt the City was entitled to have a list of the security members
carrying weapons. Commissioner Beaver expressed concern that the event
would not be able to adhere to the 2:00 a.m. closing time if their performers
were beginning at 1:00 a.m. Mr. Denmon responded that he had the
understanding that some exceptions would be made for the Super Bowl time
period, as in other communities. Commissioner Beaver asked for
clarification on the code for closing at 2:00 a.m. Chief Thompson
responded that the code did not state when an establishment had to stop
serving alcohol, just that the business had to close at 2:00 a.m.
Commissioner Beaver suggested the Commission could consider allowing
the premises to remain open past 2:00 a.m. but require them to stop serving
alcohol at 2:00 a.m. He stated that he had also gone by the premises the
night before and thought the event was being run very orderly.
~' Commissioner Beaver expressed that his main concern was with the events
planned for Sunday evening. He stated that he felt the intentions of the
event were good but that the $10,000 award could lead to situations which
break the City's codes. Mr. Denmon responded that the Sunday evening
event was sponsored by a jeans company which would not allow their
product to be on anything concerning nudity. Commissioner Beaver
strongly suggested that the event producers exert control during the
activities on Sunday. He reiterated that if the situation got out of control,
with so many people involved, it could become very difficult to shut down
the event.
Commissioner Simmons addressed the azeas concerning the Commission,
which included the closing time, ticket sales at the door, trailers in the
parking lot, type of entertainment, and licenses to carry weapons. She also
expressed that the decision made by the Commission should not set a
precedent for the future business being established in the location after the
Super Bowl event until the Commission could consider that situation
Mayor Meserve stated the Commission was there to discuss aone-time
event. He reiterated the concerns regarding the event being open unti15:00
a.m., the type of promotions used to market the event, and the issue of the
event being private or public. Mayor Meserve proposed making a motion to
give a Use by Exception for the event for the days specified through
Sunday. He expressed concern with extending the closing time past 2:00
a.m. for just the one venue without other businesses in the City being
~- allowed the same condition.
Motion• To grant a Use by Exception to allow use of the facility at the
Atlantic Theater only for the event and days specified, with the
establishment closing at 2:00 a.m.
Moved by Beaver, seconded by Simmons.
Commissioner Pazsons discussed the option of allowing the event to remain
open past 2:00 a.m. as long as alcohol was not served past 2:00 a.m. Chief
Thompson stated that, if approved, the public safety department would also
have to enforce the same policy for all the other businesses in the City. Mr.
Denmon discussed the issue of allowing people to remain in the venue past
the hour of discontinuing alcohol sales. Mr. Denmon felt this option was
better than sending people home immediately following the cut-off time for
alcohol. City Attorney Alan Jensen commented that traveling liquor
licenses are very rare and very expensive and most people who possess such
a license would not risk losing it due to non-compliance with the City's
codes. Commissioner Simmons expressed concerns with the resulting
situation if all businesses in the City were granted the same extension time
for closing.
Mayor Meserve asked for further discussion on the motion as presented.
~/''' Commissioner Parsons discussed possibilities of offering leniency by
extending the closing time past 2:00 a.m. Discussion ensued to include an
exception to the rules regazding businesses' closing time during the Super
Motion• To amend original motion by allowing an exception to City
code for the days specified which would prohibit liquor sales past 2:00
a m but would permit people to stay at establishments in a non-
drinkin~ capacity unti13:00 a.m.
Moved by Parsons, seconded by Beaver
Aye: 4 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Meserve
Nay: 0
Motion• To approve motion as amended.
Moved by Parsons, seconded by Beaver
Aye: 4 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Meserve
Nay: 0
Chief Thompson asked for confirmation that the motion applied uniformly
to everyone who sells alcohol in Atlantic Beach. Mayor Meserve
responded affirmatively.
Adjournment There being no further discussi Mayor declared the meeting
adjourned at 9:16 a.m. ~
Mayor/Presiding Officer
QtYd7?~~? Q
Donna L. Bussey
City Clerk